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(Live) Chandrayaan-2: India's historic moon mission lost its communication-Mission Failed

So India just dumped a whole lot of mess and hazardous waste all over the surface of the moon? Are they trying to turn it into another filthy dump like Delhi? Clean up your mess India!
ISPR ki nappak sajjish...

Full marks to Ganguz for trying to reach the moon!

But that chest thumping, that ShooperPauer maddness .... got the better of them...hence the response from PakPosters/Tweetterz....

Ministers/PakStateOfficial must refrain from trolling ganguz... truly, unbecoming, regardless, of this ShooperPauerCrzaed nation's tantrumz...
No sir not ISPR ki sajjish but ISI KI SAJJISH
Old is gold...


Another B'wood flick coming...its a huge success now.

ISRO when did MANNED MISSION in the outer space since in the 70s, you do have any proofs/links on that @Hindustani78 o_O:what:

By manned mission he must mean a Monkey is sent to space or a Rat...

was reading Modi prepared a speech for the Moon mission success, has to cancel it.

Modi is taking back its new Jumla invented for the Chandriyaan-2 mission speech...aborted the Jumla...

It was like:

That's one small step for a Sanghi

One giant leap for the Sangh Parivar.....
By manned mission he must mean a Monkey is sent to space or a Rat...
but monkey or Rat is not human these are animal @Hindustani78 clearly stated it they are developing MANNED mission since 70s and how that possible that they have tech to develop MANNED mission since 70s and didn't sent a single Indian astronaut to the orbit, its really a weird things for me bro
Do you want to troll... give me a chance too then...

The words "communication lost" is the keyword for India in regard to three historical failures in 2019.

  • Lost communication with Abhinandan, he ended up with Pakistan.
  • Kashmir lost communication with the world, Modi ended up in hall of shame by the world.
  • This chandrayaan lost communication, India failed moon mission despite all the chest thumping.

Want to go more.. India is the first thing when we talk about covering shame of failures & divert attention by provocation.

Failure... that's too in science... is when we stop learning FROM LAST UNSUCCESSFUL ATTEMPT...

But again... you guys can talk about our...
1. Launch of Rocket
2. Placing chandrayan 2 in moon's orbit
3. Failed landing of vikram lander and pragyan rover

Because you guys are pioneer of modern space program... and have successfully completed SUCH SMALL space missions...

Your minister (science and technology) type satellite as... take a look at this... you guys should be proud of such great scientific minds...
They are more precious than humans...they are Gods..was being sarcastic
yeah thats a point you have a good one:lol::enjoy:

Failure... that's too in science... is when we stop learning FROM LAST UNSUCCESSFUL ATTEMPT...

But again... you guys can talk about our...
1. Launch of Rocket
2. Placing chandrayan 2 in moon's orbit
3. Failed landing of vikram lander and pragyan rover

Because you guys are pioneer of modern space program... and have successfully completed SUCH SMALL space missions...

Your minister (science and technology) type satellite as... take a look at this... you guys should be proud of such great scientific minds...
View attachment 578273
look/eliminate poverty from India then takes such step, USA/Russia first eliminated poverty to their countries and focuses education system, development of the their countries, then starts investing on their space program
Failure... that's too in science... is when we stop learning FROM LAST UNSUCCESSFUL ATTEMPT...

But again... you guys can talk about our...
1. Launch of Rocket
2. Placing chandrayan 2 in moon's orbit
3. Failed landing of vikram lander and pragyan rover

Because you guys are pioneer of modern space program... and have successfully completed SUCH SMALL space missions...

Your minister (science and technology) type satellite as... take a look at this... you guys should be proud of such great scientific minds...
View attachment 578273

We said that failure is the part of every journey & success next to it. As usual, just you guys can't get over the failures in fear of loss of falsified superiority; you have to come with taunts & act big. This is all one Modi got to do on every topic. If Indians (Only Modi Sanghis) concentrated on mission instead of taunting Pakistan; may be there were chances to succeed but the reaction as such proves that all the planned chest thumping & superiority dreams shattered like that lander.
We said that failure is the part of every journey & success next to it. As usual, just you guys can't get over the failures in fear of loss of falsified superiority; you have to come with taunts & act big. This is all one Modi got to do on every topic. If Indians (Only Modi Sanghis) concentrated on mission instead of taunting Pakistan; may be there were chances to succeed but the reaction as such proves that all the planned chest thumping & superiority dreams shattered like that lander.
Precisely, before the landing period. All sort of bragging and the Sivan brag about how ISRO is not far off from CSA, claiming that after this with manned mission. ISRO will be on par with CSA. Even ISRO achieved these 2. There are still plenty of things ISRO need to accomplish to match CSA, space docking? Space module? Space walk? Space station? There are still so many ISRO need to meet to claim as on par with CSA.
Thankfully, this failure brought this guy back to reality. Stop bragging and make absurd comment. Concentrate on your own mission first.

Typical Indian behaviour, they will brag and put every other rival down. And when things don't go went and failed. They try to put on a brave front , act rational and claim failure as path to success, totally 180 degrees turn from previous arrogant. These Indian don't deserve encouragement. They are still full of themselves.
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Self comfort, great! A failure is a failure. So much excuses. Its beyond ISRO capability. India space agency shall go step by step. Get a successful manned mission before talking about some soft landing on moon.

US, Russia and China all do it this way. India is no excuse too.
I don't think there's a particular order to do space missions. Depends on objectives and priorities of each space agency.
I think the Indians have done fairly well, considering they have had a limited space rocket payload capacity this past 2 decades. They even sent a mars probe, despite having a smaller payload launch capacity than China for a long time now. Seems they are willing to take more risks than the Chinese though.
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