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Little Africa in The Middle of Java, Indonesia

Not Only In Indonesia Sist, But Also In The world... :D

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List of islands by population - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Java, it seems , is similar to Honshu in that it is the main island. Honshu Island of Japan has nearly 110 million population. The three other major islands of Shikoku, Kyushu and Hokkaido (that's where i'm from) are not that much populated. For Indonesia, Java Island has seemed to have been the center of power and culture for most of its history.

I do wonder if people from Java have a 'superiority' attitude against Indonesians who came from other parts of the country. such as those who come from Sumatra, Sulawesi, Celebes, Borneo, and Papua. I know that as a Northern Japanese, when i speak i speak with a Hokkaido accent, and folks from Tokyo can tell me from my accent and demeanor. Folks from Honshu do carry an elitist attitude to them.
I do wonder if people from Java have a 'superiority' attitude against Indonesians who came from other parts of the country. such as those who come from Sumatra, Sulawesi, Celebes, Borneo, and Papua. I know that as a Northern Japanese, when i speak i speak with a Hokkaido accent, and folks from Tokyo can tell me from my accent and demeanor. Folks from Honshu do carry an elitist attitude to them.

Javanese are a polite people, particularly Central Java very polite and soft. And I admire that some Javanese has a good charisma (higher caste- Javanese people even has two different language, the higher caste Javanese use polite and higher Javanese). Their women is softer. And dont forget that large part of Java is also inherited by Sundanese (West Java)

People from Sumatra that is actually quite aggressive, particularly Bataknese ......( this can be seen that many lawyers are from this ethnic-outspoken people ) :D. The center of power is in Jakarta, and Jakarta native people is more considered as Malay since their language is part of Malay family. Betawi ethnic (native Jakarta) itself is like a mix of many native people from other ethnic plus Chinese and Arabic. Jakarta has become united Indonesia, Betawi itself is only 30 % of the population. The highest concentration of Chinese ethnic is also in Jakarta.

Regardless of that, we are truly united. Mix married between different ethnic is common.
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Java, it seems , is similar to Honshu in that it is the main island. Honshu Island of Japan has nearly 110 million population. The three other major islands of Shikoku, Kyushu and Hokkaido (that's where i'm from) are not that much populated. For Indonesia, Java Island has seemed to have been the center of power and culture for most of its history.

I do wonder if people from Java have a 'superiority' attitude against Indonesians who came from other parts of the country. such as those who come from Sumatra, Sulawesi, Celebes, Borneo, and Papua. I know that as a Northern Japanese, when i speak i speak with a Hokkaido accent, and folks from Tokyo can tell me from my accent and demeanor. Folks from Honshu do carry an elitist attitude to them.

Javanese and Sundanese is been known as kind of polite and humble people, they tend to accept the culture and law where ever the place they are living at. And there is not much culture clash between other ethnics against Javanese and Sundanese people, the most serious clash ever happened is in Aceh and Papua but it is the result of political clash and economics parity between newcomers (javanese) and local.

Javanese are a polite people, particularly Central Java very polite and soft. And I admire that some Javanese has a good charisma (higher caste- Javanese people even has two different language, the higher caste Javanese use polite and higher Javanese). Their women is softer. And dont forget that large part of Java is also inherited by Sundanese (West Java)

People from Sumatra that is actually quite aggressive, particularly Bataknese ......:D. The center of power is in Jakarta, and Jakarta native people is more considered as Malay since their language is part of Malay family. Betawi ethnic (native Jakarta) itself is like a mix of many native people from other ethnic plus Chinese and Arabic.

Regardless of that, we are truly united. Mix married between different ethnic is common.

Although Bataknese has some quite "accent" they are kind honest, funny, and loyal friend, and so far there is no serious issue regarding Bataknese diaspora in Nusantara.

Eastern Javanese has a more aggressive attitude compared to the more "seemed" passive Central Java, but one thing must be noted, it was people from Central Java who is in control for military and political scene in Indonesia not the Eastern Javanese ones. The reason is, attitude and traits of Central Javanese people.
Eastern Javanese has a more aggressive attitude compared to the more "seemed" passive Central Java, but one thing must be noted, it was people from Central Java who is in control for military and political scene in Indonesia not the Eastern Javanese ones. The reason is, attitude and traits of Central Javanese people.

Yup, in politics this kind of attitude is very effective to bring people to support us. Calm but can be deathly also ( look Soeharto ).
I do wonder if people from Java have a 'superiority' attitude against Indonesians who came from other parts of the country. such as those who come from Sumatra, Sulawesi, Celebes, Borneo, and Papua. I know that as a Northern Japanese, when i speak i speak with a Hokkaido accent, and folks from Tokyo can tell me from my accent and demeanor. Folks from Honshu do carry an elitist attitude to them.
if you mean javanese and sundanese (2 largest native ethnic group in java), then the answer is no, but Jakartan tend to have that kind of attitude (jakartan, regardless their ethnicity), I am javanized chinese indonesian, my accent pretty much javanese, and Jakarta people laugh at me whenever I talk to them in Bahasa Indonesia with javanese accent :/ but of course not all jakartan behave like that
by the way, the main language in Jakarta is Bahasa Indonesia with local Betawi/Batavian accent, it is completely different language compared to neighboring West Java (sundanese) and Central-East Java (javanese)
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you will be surprised, those scene actually taking place at the most populous island in Indonesia "Java"
OMG! :what: I don't know how an island with 120,794 km2 (3 times less than VN) and 142 million people (1,5 time more than VN) can have this large park? You guys had even forgotten the biggest Buddhism temple in the center of the Java island for a long time. :o:
OMG! :what: I don't know how an island with 120,794 km2 (3 times less than VN) and 142 million people (1,5 time more than VN) can have this large park? You guys had even forgotten the biggest Buddhism temple in the center of the Java island for a long time. :o:

well the population is not spread, but centered around some area
OMG! :what: I don't know how an island with 120,794 km2 (3 times less than VN) and 142 million people (1,5 time more than VN) can have this large park? You guys had even forgotten the biggest Buddhism temple in the center of the Java island for a long time. :o:

yes, one of my favorite place in java Island..


Hindus temple In Jogjakarta.. (Central Java), Prambanan temple..


Ramayana Dance performance held in Prambanan Temple


Even this is the first time I know that there is an exotic place like that in Java after seeing my friend picture on her Facebook...... :p:

There are many to explore like Komodo Island ( already famous) that in my opinion is quite unique as well

Komodo Islands




Wonderful place! Any more details for the location, tour info etc?
Wonderful place! Any more details for the location, tour info etc?

Maybe you just can call them

This park is a forest preservation area that covers about 25,000 hectares of the north coast of East Java. The park offers some great scenery and has organised safari activities. Safari is a much misused term in Asian travel circles but in this case it is appropriate - there is something very African about the savannah grasslands of Baluran. Of the three large national parks in East Java, this is the easiest reached and by far the easiest to travel around.

The value and unique nature of Baluran was first recorded in 1928 by Dutch botanist AH Loedeboer. Official national park status was granted in 1984 since which time the tourism potential of the park has slowly been realised.

The dominant feature of the park is 1,247 m high Mount Baluran, a dormant volcano. The park is mostly savannah grass and acacia scrub inland and monsoon forest with mangroves on the coast. 15 km from the main entrance there is beautiful white sand beach called Bama Beach with fringing mangroves and a healthy offshore coral reef. Some 40 km of the north coast of Java are within the boundaries of the park and include some areas with excellent, healthy coral reefs close to shore.

Bama Beach, Baluran National Park

Flora and fauna

Mammals present include leopard cat, wild pig, Java rusa deer, three species of monkeys and the endangered java banteng (buffalo).

Birdlife is diverse despite enormous trapping pressures for the cagebird trade before the national park was formed. Some poaching still occurs.

Aside from Madura, this is the driest corner of Java and from April to October it is very dry. The best time to visit is the latter half of the dry season (June to October) when the grazing animals are at their most visible as they congegate the well known waterholes. Outside of the dry season, the weather is very much like the rest of Java. It rains especially heavily in January and Febuary and during those months many areas of the park will be impassable due to flooding.

National Park Office

Baluran National Park Office, Jl Jenderal A Yani No108, Banyuwangi. Tel: +62 333 24119.

Get in
The nearest proper town to the park is Wonorejo on the north coast road between Banyuwangi and Probolinggo. The park entrance is no more than 30 minutes from the Banyuwangi ferry terminal by car or bus (take a Wonorejo-bound bus).

Rp 150,000 during the week, 225,000 during the week-end per person payble at the park office on the main road near Wonorejo or in advance from:
  • Baluran National Park Office, Jl Jenderal A Yani No108, Banyuwangi. Tel: +62 333 24119.
Get around
This is a large area with a lot of access roads leading through the park. Therefore if you are travelling independently, a hire car is a good idea. Visitors arrive here having driven from Surabaya, Malang and Bali - all very feasible.

Ojeks will take you from the main park office/entrance area and from Bekol to Bama Beach.

  • Bekol Savannah, (12 km inside the park. Ask for free map from the main park office). This is the main viewing point for the herds that gather to drink at the water hole. You really will believe you are in Africa here gazing across dry savannah against the backdrop of Mount Baluran. There is a also a tower which allows panoramic views of the whole area. edit
  • Bama Beach, (3 km from Bekol). Nice white sand beach with good live coral close offshore. Decent snorkelling spot. There is some basic accommodation here. There are usually ojek riders waiting at Bekol to ferry visitors across the Bama Beach. edit
  • Climb Mount Baluran. Not a high peak by Javanese standards but the views from the top are excellent in all directions including across the ocean to Madura. You can see Bali on a clear day.
Eat and Drink

There are simple shops selling drinks at both Bekol and Bama.

Bring in your own food with you. If you are camping or staying at the simple lodges, you can stock up with food in Banyuwangi (recommended) or at the simple stores in Wonorejo.

If you have booked the park lodges in advance, they will offer to cook meals for you.

There are about 16 simple rooms available at the Bekol savannah watchpoint. These are rarely full but you might want to make advance reservations via the park office in Banyuwangi.

  • Rosa's Eco Lodge, Dusun Sidomulyo, Sumberwaru, Banyuputih, Situbondo 68734, East Java, ☎ +62 338 453005 (bineka@telkom.net), [1]. A self-styled safari tour operator which owns decent local cottages. They aim to have you participate in their safaris and the accommodation is part of that. However, they will allow you to book their accommodation subject to availability after their safari package guests are taken care of. edit
Camping facilities are available in the park at Bekol.

Stay safe

There is limited, if at all, mobile phone coverage so be prepared to stay disconnected. After all, your main purpose of visit would be to enjoy the wilderness.

Baluran National Park travel guide - Wikitravel

So close with Bali island

Red Island in Banyuwangi is booming with tourist just some days ago

Banyuwangi`s Red Island beach becomes favorite tourist destination - ANTARA News

Jakarta (ANTARA News) - The unique and innate character of the surrounding hills of Red Island beach has made Banyuwangi in East Java one of the favorite tourist destinations.

Situated at Sumber Agung village in Pesanggaran district, some 60 kilometers south of Banyuwangi city center, the Red Island beach has become one of the leading destinations after it has been promoted through the international surfing competition on a regular basis since 2012.

The Red Island beach, stretching three kilometers long with golden sand and spectacular waves, is an ideal location in Banyuwangi for visitors to engage in activities, such as snorkeling and surfing.

The Banyuwangi district government held the International Surfing Competition at the Red Island beach on September 24-27, 2015.

Acting Head of the Youth and Sports Department Wawan Yadmadi stated in Banyuwangi that the three-day International Surfing Competition was the fourth edition of the event since it was first held in 2012 at the Red Island beach, which derived its name from a rocky hill having reddish soil.

Yadmadi noted that as many as 80 surfers from some 20 countries, including Venezuela, Switzerland, Germany, the United States, South Korea, Hungary, France, Thailand, and Indonesia participated in the event.

Yadmadi said he had initially estimated that only few participants would attend the event as a similar competition was also being held in Maldives.

"A surfer from Venezuela came directly to Banyuwangi for the event after taking part in an event in Australia," he revealed.

This is the fourth annual event to be held at the beach this year and offers waves ideal for surfing, with a coastline stretching up to 400 meters.

According to Yadmadi, the Red Island beach is fast becoming the newest tourist destination and highly sought-after surfing location in Indonesia.

Banyuwangi District Head Abdullah Azar Anas, who inaugurated the event, remarked that Red Island has become popular, which is reflected by the growing number of tourists visiting the region.

Anas further vowed to continue developing sports tourism in the region.

The International Surfing Competition, which lasted for three days, was held as part of the Banyuwangi Festival 2015 to showcase some sports events to promote tourism in the district.

Banyuwangi District Head Abdulllah Azwar Anas remarked that Banyuwangi Festival 2015 comprised 38 different events, including the International Tour de Banyuwangi Ijen, Beach Jazz Festival, Gandrung Sewu Festival, International Surfing Competition, Batik Festival, and Banyuwangi Ethno Carnival.

"The Banyuwangi Festival is held to promote tourism to maximize the districts potential and to motivate residents to develop their district," Azwar affirmed.

He noted that some other events, such as the Green and Recycle Fashion Week, Local Fruit Festival, Sego Tempong Culinary Festival, Childrens Traditional Games Festival, Kite Festival, Percussion and Lare-lare Orchestra Festival, and Wind Surf Competition could become regular tourist attractions in Banyuwangi.

In addition, the innate character of the mountains and beaches has made Banyuwangi one of the favorite tourist destinations in East Java.

Several foreign tourists visit Banyuwangi before they cross to the Indonesian island resort of Bali from Ketapang Port.

Banyuwangi is located in the easternmost tip of the island of Java, directly adjacent to Situbondo in the north, the strait of Bali in the East, and the Indian Ocean in the south.

The charm of Banyuwangis tourism not only lies in its natural beauty but also the variety of culinary and cultural attractions that continue to lure both domestic and foreign tourists to visit the district.

Favorite tourist attractions in Banyuwangi are the Red Island beach, Ijen crater located at an altitude of 2,443 meters above sea level with a depth of 200 meters, Teluk Hijau or Green Bay, and Tabuhan Island, among others.

The island is an ideal location for people who want to go scuba diving as the water is very clear.

The Lider Banyuwangi waterfall in Watu Dodol, Plengkung Beach, is another tourist attraction.

To be able to reach the Lider waterfall, the visitors must travel 45 kilometers from the city of Banyuwangi.

Watu Dodol is located in the Ketapang village, not far from Ketapang port, and close to the main road leading to Baluran National Park.

The visitors can enjoy the scenic Watu Dodol to witness the coastal area along the road, with hills on both sides.

The Plengkung Beach, which is ideal for surfing, is another renowned tourist attraction besides the Red Island beach in Banyuwangi

The best time for surfing at Plengkung Beach is between May and mid-October.(*)




the place also near G Island and Kawah Ijen



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