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Literacy in Pakistan 1947-2014

https://www.dawn.com/news/1452740 58% by end of 2018.......heart breaking numbers.... Can't believe PMNL and PPP have neglected the people like this.... IMRAN hasn't made any substantial changes despite wowing war on illiteracy.

Yah this was the last update I read on it too.I was thinking there was hopefully a survey/study from 2019 or early this year etc for bit more recent data hopefully from PMIK policy to correct it etc.

Education is very sad spectacle in region at large and Pakistan seems to have an especially bad strain of it.

The answers are all there and I know of some very capable brilliant Pakistani minds in education sector, one of them @Moonlight brought to my attention recently. They all need to be put in right places and lot of good execution of the objectives etc.... it is so key.
Ban Pubg - that will have everyone literate in two weeks.
https://www.dawn.com/news/1452740 58% by end of 2018.......heart breaking numbers.... Can't believe PMNL and PPP have neglected the people like this.... IMRAN hasn't made any substantial changes despite wowing war on illiteracy.

But, at least, this government is working on “one syllabus” for all. If this is properly executed on ground levels and Madressas, government schools, and private schools follow the same curriculum, I think it will be a great step towards bringing down the literacy rate in Pakistan. This will require to induct competent teachers. Hence, work on fixing the government schools and make it friendly and accessible for unprivileged class.
Ban Pubg - that will have everyone literate in two weeks.

Woah Pakistani twitter went crazy and started a trend to unban PUBG. Lol
And mostly were the young lot that is supposed to bring the change in country according to our current PM. Lol

Any more recent figures for 2015 (official ones from Pakistan Bureau of statistics) to see if this trend has been arrested?

Otherwise its really bad news for Pakistan.

You South Asian should looking toward how ASEAN countries prevail over this issue and managing to get high literacy rates and propel our universal education system into something like the other developed countries had in century before, as even Vietnam and Indonesia had a very low base in 1950 (with little than 10 percent of population is capable to read and writing) and achieve more than 90 percentage rates of today. And in case you said Pakistan and India had many wars and conflict, we ASEAN countries too had many conflicts and bloody episodes and even Vietnam literally being bombed by the US into stone ages during their great struggle and they can prevail while educated their whole population.
You South Asian should looking toward how ASEAN countries prevail over this issue and managing to get high literacy rates and propel our universal education system into something like the other developed countries had in century before

A fair number of examples in India to learn from like Kerala (93% gold mark in 2011), the south in general, maharashtra, gujarat west bengal, north east etc... (using 75%+ literacy rate in 2011 census as the rough mark of lot better than average).

Actually I am eagerly awaiting 2021 census for India, it will have the largest macro scale recent data for it.

The heartening thing to see is big population strides that are most behind were making the most progress from 2001 to 2011 census. UP increased literacy rate from 56% to 70% and Bihar from 47% to 64%.....10 year time.
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