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List of weapons recovered by Indian Army in Kashmir (31,000 AKs, 2800 RPGs etc etc)

Call them whatever you want ,the whole world calls them terrorists,maybe Pakistani viewpoint is a bit different

Look man i have had enough of this

Why dont you call Kashmir a major hub of Islamic Terrorism and invite the world powers in Kashmir to root them out and we will see what happens.

You are trying to portray a separatist movement borne out of a territorial dispute as Islamic Terrorism.

If you think you can play that game and win. Be my guest

Try !!
It means there "were" 50,000 terrorists
700,000 army and paramilitary troops for nearly 30 years and this was all you could capture? Pathetic...local peshawar police caught more weapons from the ttp in less than 6 months! :laugh: That means there were 50000 indian soldiers who either surrendered or sold their weapons for food. That means there are hundreds of thousands more that you haven't been able to catch since thugs list is frohu 6 5 re7 4 3 trotted re btt m 1990. 8-)
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TTP had better guns than these.

And still they failed. Poor investment by the banya. :(
Not really ,they had the same stupid aks,
Maybe you don't know the whole story of Taliban ,who exactly armed them in the first place ? Who financed them ?who made them occupy afghanistan?
I was banned for quoting it for seven days ,if you like I can unravel this great mystery which you so eagerly deny and turn a blind eye

Look man i have had enough of this

Why dont you call Kashmir a major hub of Islamic Terrorism and invite the world powers in Kashmir to root them out and we will see what happens.

You are trying to portray a separatist movement borne out of a territorial dispute as Islamic Terrorism.

If you think you can play that game and win. Be my guest

Try !!
My friend you do not know the true nature of Kashmiri terrorism
First they forced almost all of kashmiri Hindus out of their own land ,they clearly committed genocide against pandits
They wanted to create an Islamic emirate in Kashmir just like Taliban
There are three kinds of people in Kashmir those who want Kashmir to merge with Pakistan ,those who want an independent Islamic emirate and those who find it beneficial for their community to remain with India as a special state
The insurgency areas we the areas where wahabism was prevalent and spread in the 80's ,kashmiri culture and it's soul is Sufism ,their women never used to wear burkas and other Islamic clothing,after the spread of religious extremism these thing came into being
When we talk about Kashmiri its nothing but a insurgency kept alive by Pakistan and it's not state actors , Pakistan failed to acquire it militarily and instead started insurgency just like afghanistan to force India out of it
Pakistan has tried it just before 1965 war but it wasn't successful

Why dont you call Kashmir a major hub of Islamic Terrorism and invite the world powers in Kashmir to root them out and we will see what happens.
Kashmir is not exactly the major hub ,truth is that it's your country which is a major hub ,you may not belive it but that's how the world sees it

700,000 army and paramilitary troops for nearly 30 years and this was all you could capture? Pathetic...local peshawar police caught more weapons from the ttp in less than 6 months! :laugh: That means there were 50000 indian soldiers who either surrendered or sold their weapons for food. That means there are hundreds of thousands more that you haven't been able to catch since thugs list is frohu 6 5 re7 4 3 trotted re btt m 1990. 8-)
If what you are saying is true than I am sorry about the state of your country .and god have mercy on you guys
And please try using a language which I understand

India lost major investment by doing so and still, crying over damages in dark corners of some offices.
Last time I answered it you banned me for seven days ,I don't understand why you guys believe so much in conspiracy theories
This Indian hand in ttp is really funny
@Panzerfaust 3,
They wanted to create an Islamic emirate in Kashmir just like Taliban
Not your problem. It's their land, their decision. And as you can see, merely calling it one of your states doesn't really mean anything. The same goes for afghanistan...if the most of the afghans end up siding with the taliban (as it seems to be the case) in creating an Islamic emirates then it is no one's bee's wax to tell them otherwise.

There are three kinds of people in Kashmir those who want Kashmir to merge with Pakistan ,those who want an independent Islamic emirate and those who find it beneficial for their community to remain with India as a special state
Given the number of Pakistan flags I see going up all over the indian held kashmir, it looks like those who want to merge with Pakistan are becoming the majority.

The insurgency areas we the areas where wahabism was prevalent and spread in the 80's ,kashmiri culture and it's soul is Sufism ,their women never used to wear burkas and other Islamic clothing,after the spread of religious extremism these thing came into being
You fail to make your point. ideologies change over time so if the ideology of the kashmiri people eventually switched from sufism to wahabism (no such thing by the way, the right term is salafism) then so be it. it is not your place to decide which religious ideology is right for them.

When we talk about Kashmiri its nothing but a insurgency kept alive by Pakistan and it's not state actors , Pakistan failed to acquire it militarily and instead started insurgency just like afghanistan to force India out of it
Pakistan has tried it just before 1965 war but it wasn't successful
every insurgency fizzles out IF it does not have the backing of the locals. it is an easy excuse to say "Pakistan is keeping the insurgency alive" but at the end of the day, it is JUST an self delusional excuse to make yourself feel better and it does not change the reality on the ground one bit. And the reality on the ground is that the insurgency has massive support from within the KASHMIRIS MASSES on your side of the loc. And as you can see, it is only growing. The same can be said about afghanistan. nearly 20 years into it and the supposedly mightiest power on the face of this earth and history has failed to take out the afghan taliban...why? Because they enjoy the support of the afghan masses. A good example of how insurgencies fizzle out due to NO support from the local masses is...well, what india tried in balochistan and fata. Those were insurgencies that fizzled out despite the best efforts of india (and the u.s. for that matter) because it just did not have the massive support from the local populous.

Kashmir is not exactly the major hub ,truth is that it's your country which is a major hub ,you may not belive it but that's how the world sees it
you do realize when you say the "world", the rest of the world sees it as limited to the indian media...cuz the rest of the world actually considers us as the cutting edge against terrorism and the only nation that has actually succeeded in crushing it.

If what you are saying is true than I am sorry about the state of your country .and god have mercy on you guys
And please try using a language which I understand
WE crushed indian supported insurgencies while you are miserably failing at it and WE hare some how in a "sorry state"? :laugh: WOW...what a definition of a "sorry state". And it looks like God HAS had mercy on us, that's why we suceeded where you failed and continue to fail. 8-)
This may be the reason why Indian Army is not bothered about buying small arms as they keep getting these for free without any interruption from across the border.
Call them whatever you want ,the whole world calls them terrorists,maybe Pakistani viewpoint is a bit different
Pakistan's views and definitions of terrorism were always a bit different from the rest of the world. Why do you think they have one foot in international terror sponsor's lists?
Pakistan's views and definitions of terrorism were always a bit different from the rest of the world. Why do you think they have one foot in international terror sponsor's lists?
Yeah ,good terrorists and bad terrorists,
Call them whatever you want ,the whole world calls them terrorists,maybe Pakistani viewpoint is a bit different
you illegally occupied someone land like IOK and called yourselves DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF SH!T INDIA, this is your world biggest Sh!t democracy, Does India know that WHAT IS THE MEANING OF DEMOCRACY @Panzerfaust 3 :blah::blah::blah::blah::blah:
Not really ,they had the same stupid aks,
Maybe you don't know the whole story of Taliban ,who exactly armed them in the first place ? Who financed them ?who made them occupy afghanistan?
I was banned for quoting it for seven days ,if you like I can unravel this great mystery which you so eagerly deny and turn a blind eye

My friend you do not know the true nature of Kashmiri terrorism
First they forced almost all of kashmiri Hindus out of their own land ,they clearly committed genocide against pandits
They wanted to create an Islamic emirate in Kashmir just like Taliban
There are three kinds of people in Kashmir those who want Kashmir to merge with Pakistan ,those who want an independent Islamic emirate and those who find it beneficial for their community to remain with India as a special state
The insurgency areas we the areas where wahabism was prevalent and spread in the 80's ,kashmiri culture and it's soul is Sufism ,their women never used to wear burkas and other Islamic clothing,after the spread of religious extremism these thing came into being
When we talk about Kashmiri its nothing but a insurgency kept alive by Pakistan and it's not state actors , Pakistan failed to acquire it militarily and instead started insurgency just like afghanistan to force India out of it
Pakistan has tried it just before 1965 war but it wasn't successful

Kashmir is not exactly the major hub ,truth is that it's your country which is a major hub ,you may not belive it but that's how the world sees it

If what you are saying is true than I am sorry about the state of your country .and god have mercy on you guys
And please try using a language which I understand

Last time I answered it you banned me for seven days ,I don't understand why you guys believe so much in conspiracy theories
This Indian hand in ttp is really funny

As i said try

No point in exchanging long posts.

Try your luck when Pakistan goes into the fatf list. Just try
you illegally occupied someone land like IOK and called yourselves DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF SH!T INDIA, this is your world biggest Sh!t democracy, Does India know that WHAT IS THE MEANING OF DEMOCRACY @Panzerfaust 3 :blah::blah::blah::blah::blah:
Bhai maaf kardo bhot badi Galti ho gyi humse

@Panzerfaust 3,
They wanted to create an Islamic emirate in Kashmir just like Taliban
Not your problem. It's their land, their decision. And as you can see, merely calling it one of your states doesn't really mean anything. The same goes for afghanistan...if the most of the afghans end up siding with the taliban (as it seems to be the case) in creating an Islamic emirates then it is no one's bee's wax to tell them otherwise.

There are three kinds of people in Kashmir those who want Kashmir to merge with Pakistan ,those who want an independent Islamic emirate and those who find it beneficial for their community to remain with India as a special state
Given the number of Pakistan flags I see going up all over the indian held kashmir, it looks like those who want to merge with Pakistan are becoming the majority.

The insurgency areas we the areas where wahabism was prevalent and spread in the 80's ,kashmiri culture and it's soul is Sufism ,their women never used to wear burkas and other Islamic clothing,after the spread of religious extremism these thing came into being
You fail to make your point. ideologies change over time so if the ideology of the kashmiri people eventually switched from sufism to wahabism (no such thing by the way, the right term is salafism) then so be it. it is not your place to decide which religious ideology is right for them.

When we talk about Kashmiri its nothing but a insurgency kept alive by Pakistan and it's not state actors , Pakistan failed to acquire it militarily and instead started insurgency just like afghanistan to force India out of it
Pakistan has tried it just before 1965 war but it wasn't successful
every insurgency fizzles out IF it does not have the backing of the locals. it is an easy excuse to say "Pakistan is keeping the insurgency alive" but at the end of the day, it is JUST an self delusional excuse to make yourself feel better and it does not change the reality on the ground one bit. And the reality on the ground is that the insurgency has massive support from within the KASHMIRIS MASSES on your side of the loc. And as you can see, it is only growing. The same can be said about afghanistan. nearly 20 years into it and the supposedly mightiest power on the face of this earth and history has failed to take out the afghan taliban...why? Because they enjoy the support of the afghan masses. A good example of how insurgencies fizzle out due to NO support from the local masses is...well, what india tried in balochistan and fata. Those were insurgencies that fizzled out despite the best efforts of india (and the u.s. for that matter) because it just did not have the massive support from the local populous.

Kashmir is not exactly the major hub ,truth is that it's your country which is a major hub ,you may not belive it but that's how the world sees it
you do realize when you say the "world", the rest of the world sees it as limited to the indian media...cuz the rest of the world actually considers us as the cutting edge against terrorism and the only nation that has actually succeeded in crushing it.

If what you are saying is true than I am sorry about the state of your country .and god have mercy on you guys
And please try using a language which I understand
WE crushed indian supported insurgencies while you are miserably failing at it and WE hare some how in a "sorry state"? :laugh: WOW...what a definition of a "sorry state". And it looks like God HAS had mercy on us, that's why we suceeded where you failed and continue to fail. 8-)
Damn !! That's a long post!!!
I will reply you tomorrow

As i said try

No point in exchanging long posts.

Try your luck when Pakistan goes into the fatf list. Just try
I am no policy maker my friend ,
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