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List of weapons recovered by Indian Army in Kashmir (31,000 AKs, 2800 RPGs etc etc)

Bhai maaf kardo bhot badi Galti ho gyi humse
Not really ,they had the same stupid aks,
Maybe you don't know the whole story of Taliban ,who exactly armed them in the first place ? Who financed them ?who made them occupy afghanistan?
I was banned for quoting it for seven days ,if you like I can unravel this great mystery which you so eagerly deny and turn a blind eye

TTP had enough weapon and explosives that they could wage war against Pakistan for decade to come. Yeah they failed despite investment by Pakistan's enemies but facts would remain facts.

As for who are Taliban and how they occupied Afghanistan. I don't need another delusional bharati to tell me that. I know it perfectly. Thanks but no thanks.

I hope you are banned again since nobody is interested in your "unraveling of mysteries" by you. Not me at least.
UNI News Desk

Jammu: Nearly three decades of insurgency in Jammu and Kashmir have seen security forces recover more than 50,000 weapons, including 31,453 AK series assault rifles, according to a recent report on militancy compiled by the state Home Ministry.

The list of 51,000 weapons recovered from 1990 onwards till April-end also includes 11,628 pistols and revolvers along with 1,069 universal machine guns, 86 carbines, 2,289 rocket-propelled grenade launchers, 230 light machine guns, 310 .303 rifles, 398 sniper rifles, 80 general purpose machine guns and 2,870 rocket-propelled grenade rounds.

In addition security forces recovered 32 tonnes of explosives including 5.1 tonnes of RDX as well as 10,036 IEDs/land mines including 498 anti-tank mines, 54,109 hand grenades, 50,339 detonators.
Accessories recovered include 18 km length of cordex cables and 557 binoculars as well as 836 satellite phones.

The AK rifles recovered include those of the 47, 56, 74 series.

Surprisingly also mentioned in the list are two Anti-tank guided missiles and four Anti-Aircraft missiles along with 7 heavy-caliber machine guns.

I think more weapons are there and here its like this equipment is for 1.5 Division of Pakistan Military who are being armed by different defense equipment manufacturers.

31,453 AK series assault rifles means these could be of Chinese/Russian/German/Romanian/Bulgarian/Ukrainian/ Venezuelan/Iraqi/Iranian manufactured semi automatic guns.

AKK (Bulgarian AK-47)
AKKS (Bulgarian AKS-47)
AKKMS (Bulgarian AKMS)
Misr (Egyptian AKM)
AK-55 (Hungarian AK-47)
KLS (Iranian AK-47)
KLF (Iranian AKS-47)
KLT (Iranian AKMS)
Type 58A (North Korean AK-47)
Type 58B (North Korean AKS-47)
Type 68A (North Korean AKM)
Type 68B (North Korean AKMS)
kbk AK (Polish AK-47)
kbk AKM (Polish AKM)
kbk AKMS (Polish AKMS)

Licenced production:
Albania - (Type 56 family)
China - (Type 56 family)
East Germany - (MPi K family)
Hungary - (AK-63 family)
Iraq - (M70 family)
Pakistan - (Type 56 family)
North Korea
Sudan - (Type 56 family)
Vietnam - (Type 56 family)
Yugoslavia - (M70 family)

In 2012, Chavez announced the start of production at the first first AK-47 factory in the Western Hemisphere in his country.

AK-47 was first seen by Westerners in 1956, when Soviet troops used them to suppress the revolution in Hungary — resulting in the deaths of hundreds of civilians.

IS, in 2004 and 2005, more than 350,000 AK-47 rifles and similar weapons were taken out of Bosnia and Serbia to be used in Iraq .

2,289 rocket-propelled grenade launchers again the same from which country's production unit
Two infantry divisions.

But in reality these are outdated equipment in which even the AK series bullets are being busted because of heat.

TTP had enough weapon and explosives that they could wage war against Pakistan for decade to come. Yeah they failed despite investment by Pakistan's enemies but facts would remain facts.

As for who are Taliban and how they occupied Afghanistan. I don't need another delusional bharati to tell me that. I know it perfectly. Thanks but no thanks.

I hope you are banned again since nobody is interested in your "unraveling of mysteries" by you. Not me at least.

Estimates place the total number of Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) operatives are between 30,000 and 35,000. Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) are closely linked to Al Qaeda, the Haqqani Network allegedly provides groups within the Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) with tens of thousands of soldiers. The TTP also relies on the Haqqani network for access into Afghanistan.The pro-Pakistan Army Haqqanis, also target them in Kunar and Nangarhar in adjoining Afghanistan;
Not your problem. It's their land, their decision. And as you can see, merely calling it one of your states doesn't really mean anything. The same goes for afghanistan...if the most of the afghans end up siding with the taliban (as it seems to be the case) in creating an Islamic emirates then it is no one's bee's wax to tell them otherwise.
That's the whole bloody problem ,this land belongs to us it's the land of our forefathers,land of our sacred temples ,land of sage kashyap and the place of Brahmins
Kashmiri Hindus have been forcefully converted and facing a genocide since 13th century ,most of them have been converted forcefully or accepted Islam to save their skins
And in the 80's same thing happened when Kashmiri pandits and other Hindus were forced out of kashmir,and islamisIs wanted to create a Islamic emirate how can we allow all this??

Given the number of Pakistan flags I see going up all over the indian held kashmir, it looks like those who want to merge with Pakistan are becoming the majority.
Don't be so sure buddy most Kashmiris know they are better off without pakistan, they are studying in our universities and they are being employed by international firms and the ones you see pelting stones are paid some money to do it
Al.ost whole of Kashmiri police is made up of kashmiri youngsters ,they are eager to join paramilitary forces as well j&k light infantry

You fail to make your point. ideologies change over time so if the ideology of the kashmiri people eventually switched from sufism to wahabism (no such thing by the way, the right term is salafism) then so be it. it is not your place to decide which religious ideology is right for them.
I mentioned ideology because it's the major cause of sepratist movement
Kashmiris had no problem with us until the 80's an it was a peaceful state with thriving trade and tourism

you do realize when you say the "world", the rest of the world sees it as limited to the indian media...cuz the rest of the world actually considers us as the cutting edge against terrorism and the only nation that has actually succeeded in crushing it.
I am sorry but the truth is far from it .the rest of the world also considers Pakistan a major terrorist hub ,you need to update your knowledge
Just look as the recent events

WE crushed indian supported insurgencies while you are miserably failing at it and WE hare some how in a "sorry state"? :laugh: WOW...what a definition of a "sorry state". And it looks like God HAS had mercy on us, that's why we suceeded where you failed and continue to fail. 8-)
Truth is that you guys basically invented taliban to gain control over Afghanistan and to limit influence of other countries
After 9/11 USA forced you guys to join their campaign,you people basically fought a war for them
Its a saying in India that pilotless aircrafts and brainless countries are fighting for USA in Afghanistan
The moment you started operations against Taliban they turned against you and started biting you back
USA organised DAILY drone raids inside your airspace ,they basically used you ,you guys lost your integrity, economy and whatnot
Tell me what was the human and economic loss during operations in Taliban infested regions?
@Panzerfaust 3,
That's the whole bloody problem ,this land belongs to us it's the land of our forefathers,land of our sacred temples ,land of sage kashyap and the place of Brahmins
Kashmiri Hindus have been forcefully converted and facing a genocide since 13th century ,most of them have been converted forcefully or accepted Islam to save their skins
And in the 80's same thing happened when Kashmiri pandits and other Hindus were forced out of kashmir,and islamisIs wanted to create a Islamic emirate how can we allow all this??
your apparently living in the pre-bc era and are very much not in touch with the harsh ground realities which are that the decedents of all those you claim were "forcefully" converted to Islam could care less about your version of history, claim that land as their own and have unanimously decided to part ways with anything even remotely hindu. you are not in a position to dictate anything to them given that its been over 30 years and your so called indian army has miserably failed to crush them. The movement for independence in kashmir has grown stronger and stronger over time with no end in sight. and wiping them off is not an option either so as long as WE are there breathing down your necks. but, you can feel free to lick your historical wounds about how it was your land and was taken away from you and blah bidy blah, no one in kashmir and elsewhere in the world is listening.

Don't be so sure buddy most Kashmiris know they are better off without pakistan, they are studying in our universities and they are being employed by international firms and the ones you see pelting stones are paid some money to do it
first off, I ain't your buddy, quite the opposite, someone like you would NOT wanna run into someone like ME in a dark alley. so much for "buddy". And secondly, I personally know kashmiris from indian held kashmir through our local Mosques who graduated from indian universities and work in the u.s. on work visas...each and every one of them have huge PAKISTAN flags pinned in their living rooms and refuse to call themselves "indians". I have yet to meet one who says that "he's from india". They ALL answer that they are from "KASHMIR", not india. And if you think that your temporary economic spike has convinced them that they are better of without Pakistan then understand that you are dead wrong because they see their Pakistani collegues who also graduated from Pakistani universities and are working in senior engineering positions comparable to their own in big companies like Oracle, SAP, Amazon, beoing, google and microsoft AND on top of that, they also see how influential the Pakistani kashmiris are in Pakistan when they see a kashmiri Chief of Army Staff Raheel Sharif and a kashmiri prime minister nawaz sharif. Never mind the crimes of lying under oath and money laundering nawaz sharif had committed, it still makes it abundantly clear to the kashmiris from iok that they are far better off in Pakistan than india sheerly because of the immense they enjoy in Pakistan. And :laugh: :omghaha: at the "pelting stones are paid some money to do it". If that is the case then hands down, Pakistan is the richest country in the world, the world might as well start doing commerce in PKR instead of usd because we are OBVIOUSLY rich and powerful enough to by an entire population of the state of india and force them to through stones and the occupation forces. What type of bhaang have you been drinking, it is some potent crap. But feel free to believe all you want that we are "paying" them to throw stones, your obviously orbiting the rock called pluto. :lol:

Al.ost whole of Kashmiri police is made up of kashmiri youngsters ,they are eager to join paramilitary forces as well j&k light infantry
hmm, well that explains where the freedom fighters are getting their weapons now doesn't it? 8-) funny how you claim that they are oh so eager to join the police and paramilitary forces and yet, all of your dead along the loc are hindus with names that predominantly non-kashmiris. but, as I said, enjoy your orbit against the rock pluto, how does planet earth appear all the way from out there? :laugh:

I mentioned ideology because it's the major cause of sepratist movement
Kashmiris had no problem with us until the 80's an it was a peaceful state with thriving trade and tourism
you are sadly mistaken (as usual) if you think they were peaceful state. your own hindu brahminist superiority complex is the key to your own demise. your bigotry and over the proceeding decades, they got to see first hand the sheer discrimination they received from each and every corner of the brahmin dominated india and finally, the pressure of hatred and disgust towards the hinduistic indian culture that was building up finally exploded and the lava spewed has only increased. and I'm not saying this, kashmiris themselves are saying this, I've heard it with my own two ears from the kashmiris that I know. The hatred in their hearts is so bad that even at work, they refuse to speak in the urdu to an indian and would stick with english. When asked if they speak hindi, they respond with they speak either URDU or koshuur. But they have no problem in speaking urdu with me.

I am sorry but the truth is far from it .the rest of the world also considers Pakistan a major terrorist hub ,you need to update your knowledge
Just look as the recent events
China, middle east and Russia have given you a shut up call on your Pakistani terrorism rant. america is crooked but is painted into a corner thanks to the supply route and gives you a cold shoulder as well. That is most of the influential world right there. Oh wait, if you are talking about two bit banana republics like bhutan, tanzania and afghanistan as "most" of the world then I'd get my money back from your geography teacher if I was you... :rofl:

Truth is that you guys basically invented taliban to gain control over Afghanistan and to limit influence of other countries
you can't "invent" a phenomenon like the taliban. they were already there and finally took the form of an organization. but then again, what else could you expect from a nation where the reality of the world is created in the studios of bollywood. :crazy:

After 9/11 USA forced you guys to join their campaign,you people basically fought a war for them
Its a saying in India that pilotless aircrafts and brainless countries are fighting for USA in Afghanistan
The moment you started operations against Taliban they turned against you and started biting you back
USA organised DAILY drone raids inside your airspace ,they basically used you ,you guys lost your integrity, economy and whatnot
are you even familiar what what "fight is a war" is all about? Because for you to make a claim that WE are somehow fighting america's war means that we are actually inside afghanistan. After all, that IS where the war is now isn't it? check your door darshan samachar and make sure. 8-) so yes, the u.s. did force us into it, but given the miserable position the u.s. is in today in afghanistan dictates that it was the best forced decision Pakistan has ever made. And the ones who supposedly bit us back was called the ttp, not the mainstream afghan taliban. Can you even SPELL "logic"? Because we crushed the ttp and their cronies like ants, they are no where to be found inside Pakistan WHILE the afghan taliban are not only growing stronger, they are in fact, winning the war against the u.s./nato/ana. How is that possible if WE were fighting america's war and if the ttp was biting us? what type of hash are you smoking?

Tell me what was the human and economic loss during operations in Taliban infested regions?
that is a very irrelevant question since every military expedition carries its cost. But given that soon after crushing the taliban, we bounced back to an economic growth rate of 6% and projected to break 7% shows that whatever losses we incurred by conducting operations against the ttp were a small price to pay which WE as a NATION gladly would pay. does the indian nation have that resolve? Given the widespread insurgencies india is infested with going from kashmir to nagaland to punjab to the maoists and nexalites, the picture of the indian people's resolves looks very bleak.

Imphal, May 22

A large quantity of arms and ammunition was recovered by Assam Rifles (AR) on Tuesday while those were being transported in a vehicle from Ukhrul to Imphal in Manipur, an AR release said.

The recovery is a major success on the part of Assam Rifles to thwart nefarious designs of the underground groups, it said. PTI
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