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Lieutenant General, who led Operation Blue Star, attacked in London

As a human being I regret this action, as a Sikh I can understand what motivated this and one should know that if you anger the Sikhs you're going to be looking over your shoulder for the rest of your life-this is the code that has allowed Sikhs to survive to this day and not be exterminated.

This quote, although not related to Sikhs, always reminds me of Sikhs:

"I come in peace, I didn't bring artillery. But I am pleading with you with tears in my eyes: If you f**k with me, I'll kill you all."

I Am not surprised this was in UK- a lot of Sikhs with slightly more extreme ,shall we say, views in the UK and Canada. And I suspect the General has much tighter security in India-UK police isn't worth $hit.
I dont agree with you that sikhs were demanding khalistan.Even bhindrawalle never favored khalistan.Once he asked that will u favor it? he said no...

But indira created whole mess and got the bullets inside her a$$..and m proud on it...

and later on groups of sikhs were declared terrorist who were created by indira earlier to sort out political mess..

i dont agree on khalistan etc and m indian first...but the justice india gave to sikhs is more than wound which will never get healed..and it has raised the voice of separate country inside india and outside india..

Our media dont show the rallies take place in west agaisnt indian govt and ppl dont get to know abt it too...and still those who killed sikhs are roaming free and many among us like manmoron singh n others are licking the a## of gandhis..

and when UN asked india abt the murders of sikhs and india sent the manmoron singh to save its a##....

but still after all this my sikh friends still say they will vote for congress :hitwall:
These things are never easily forgettable. Whole Sikh generations have been affected by the atrocities they had to suffer at the hands of Indian security forces. Not only that their holiest Shrine was destroyed, people like Gills and Brars became holier than thou and committed atrocious human rights violations against their brethren.

More than 3000 Sikh men women and children were indiscriminately killed only in Delhi alone. The kids who saw their parents, brothers and sisters killed in cold blood will probably take much longer to heal even after they grew up.

Some of my friends are Canadian Sikhs and a few from UK, whose families managed to migrate to these countries to escape the torture. Their stories are heart-wrenching indeed.

Try to retain your heart unwrenched and learn what the terrorists did. You are conflating several phases into one.

If you are commenting as an individual, it might help you to arrive at a balanced stand and find out what went on at the time, rather than depend on anecdotal evidence.

If you are speaking as a Pakistani, let me share with you my own perception that my country took hard choices, perhaps later than it should have, but take them it did. If yours does not, even now, there is a worse storm than anything you have seen in our country coming your way.
I dont agree with you that sikhs were demanding khalistan.Even bhindrawalle never favored khalistan.Once he asked that will u favor it? he said no...

But indira created whole mess and got the bullets inside her a$$..and m proud on it...

and later on groups of sikhs were declared terrorist who were created by indira earlier to sort out political mess..

Bhindrawala was a scum bag fanatic ..No body has rights to interfere with other peoples way of living and what religion they should follow .Read about how DIG AS atwal was shot in the back inside golden temple ,because one of the bhindrawala's hit man was killed by punjab police . every few days there used to be new dead bodies found around sewers surrounding golden temple..how he got punjab kesari editor jagat narian killed because the editor said something in the newspaper that he did not like.....
I would be interested to know what you believe went wrong, whether with the police or otherwise.

Second, for which incidents are you seeking an apology? I couldn't care less about who was offended. There has been enough of this crap about people feeling hurt and rushing to break the law.

"Suffering irreparable harm for something you have seen, read or heard is a choice. Your choice."

Somethings really went wrong in that operation.

People like Gobind Ram did things which should have never been done.

On one hand we try to make a lot of efforts for muslims who i am sorry to say are not as much part of the nation building as the Sikhs and on the other hand we dont even care about what happened in 84..culprits were not punished.

We need to set our priorities right...Had we done even 1% of what we are doing for Kashmiris we would have earned a lot more brothers and sisters loving their country and working for its success.
I dont know the name of the village in punjab.In that village since 25 yrs,no marriage took place.


coz all males were killed and few days back i heard that few of them got married who were childrens in 84 and even many of the babies got killed.

and dont forget,how sikh women were raped just to convert them to hindus..its called as operation shudikaran...

so leave congress or leave bjp...every body took part in this operation... :) ..

many of us are not informed about the whole incident and we call many of innocents as terrorist just due to brainwashing by our country..
These things are never easily forgettable. Whole Sikh generations have been affected by the atrocities they had to suffer at the hands of Indian security forces. Not only that their holiest Shrine was destroyed, people like Gills and Brars became holier than thou and committed atrocious human rights violations against their brethren.

More than 3000 Sikh men women and children were indiscriminately killed only in Delhi alone. The kids who saw their parents, brothers and sisters killed in cold blood will probably take much longer to heal even after they grew up.

Some of my friends are Canadian Sikhs and a few from UK, whose families managed to migrate to these countries to escape the torture. Their stories are heart-wrenching indeed.

this thread is about india,general barar and sikh holocaust of 1984....not about Pakistan.

general barar was the architect of operation shudi karan 1984.....i.e(raping of sikh women to alter their genetics)

I can vouch for the fact that many many Sikhs in the UK, America and Canada hate the indian state and armed forces with a passion.

Pakistanis at it again I see!

This is fitting I'd say:

We were deployed on the Line of Control those days. Soon after the news of
disaffection among a small section of Sikh troops was broadcast on the BBC,
Pakistani troops deployed opposite the Sikh battalion yelled across to
express their ’solidarity’ with the Sikhs.

The Sikh havildar shouted back that the Pakistanis had better not harbour
any wrong notions. “If you dare move towards this post, we will mow you

kashmir diary - Broadcasting my thoughts

Divide and conquer is what you guys are trying to do and we can see how well that has worked in your own country, why don't you stop trolling.
I am sorry but when we ourselves speak without balance and a total view, we invite comments of a particular kind.

I speak from a neutral perspective after knowing what happened.My comments are for sane people specially Sikhs who are still hurt over than incident and not for some oppurtunistic pakistani uttering bs in every thread...He better concentrate on the pathetic state of affairs in his country.

I dont know the name of the village in punjab.In that village since 25 yrs,no marriage took place.


coz all males were killed and few days back i heard that few of them got married who were childrens in 84 and even many of the babies got killed.

and dont forget,how sikh women were raped just to convert them to hindus..its called as operation shudikaran...

so leave congress or leave bjp...every body took part in this operation... :) ..

many of us are not informed about the whole incident and we call many of innocents as terrorist just due to brainwashing by our country..

I feel sorry for that brother.I wish it had never happened.
Bhindrawala was a scum bag fanatic ..No body has rights to interfere with other peoples way of living and what religion they should follow .Read about how DIG AS atwal was shot in the back inside golden temple ,because one of the bhindrawala's hit man was killed by punjab police . every few days there used to be new dead bodies found around sewers surrounding golden temple..how he got punjab kesari editor jagat narian killed because the editor said something in the newspaper that he did not like.....

i dont support bhindrawalle but i m saying that he never had urge for khalistan...but he planted a seed which is grown as separatism demand.
this thread is about india,general barar and sikh holocaust of 1984....not about Pakistan.

general barar was the architect of operation shudi karan 1984.....i.e(raping of sikh women to alter their genetics)

Complete and utter nonsense. I am amazed that your feeling of inferiority and incapacity against an enemy that you thought an easy mark and found to be difficult to overcome finds expression in such vile ways. As long as you wallow in such *****, no wonder you continue to be dogged by one bad move after another. It is bound to happen when you do not think rationally.
I speak from a neutral perspective after knowing what happened.My comments are for sane people specially Sikhs who are still hurt over than incident and not for some oppurtunistic pakistani uttering bs in every thread...He better concentrate on the pathetic state of affairs in his country.

Your kin do much of the same for most of the day, let's not make this solely our fault and if you don't start talking with some consideration, there will be consequences. You may hate us and may be free to show it in your country but this forum is Pakistani and you are our guest, some respect although not demanded, will go a long way in maintaining a healthy atmosphere.
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