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Lies of IAF in 1965 Indo-Pak War

From PAF historian Kaiser Tufail's book:

No of aircraft destroyed on ground by air raids during 1965 war:
IAF: 35
PAF: 1

But how the tables turned in 1971;
No of aircraft destroyed on ground by air raids during 1971 war:

PAF: 8 plus 1 Mi-8 in East Pak.
IAF: 2

In addition PAF was forced to abandon 11 F-86Es & 2 T-33As at Tejgaon airbase after IAF damaged the runway beyond repair
So, the IAF admitted to losing 35 aircraft on the ground in the first two days of the war alone and here you are blabbering the same figure during the entire war, 8 pass Charlie is still haunting the IAF minds and PAF was visiting Srinagar like it's own backyard...
Yea how the table turned in 1971 that Ten IAF squadrons in Eastern sector couldn't destroy even one of the eleven grounded Sabres and this is how the Korean era F-86 Sabre was roasting your Agni Pankh Patils flying in the MiG-21s which was then considered best fighter of the day.

So, the IAF admitted to losing 35 aircraft on the ground in the first two days of the war alone and here you are blabbering the same figure during the entire war, 8 pass Charlie is still haunting the IAF minds and PAF was visiting Srinagar like it's own backyard...
Yea how the table turned in 1971 that Ten IAF squadrons in Eastern sector couldn't destroy even one of the eleven grounded Sabres and this is how the Korean era F-86 Sabre was roasting your Agni Pankh Patils flying in the MiG-21s which was then considered best fighter of the day.

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Lol, I read about 8-Pass Charlie long ago it refreshing for someone to bring it up again. :D
So, the IAF admitted to losing 35 aircraft on the ground in the first two days of the war alone and here you are blabbering the same figure during the entire wa
IAF lost 19 aircraft on first 2 days (10 in Pathankot, 7 in kalaikunda, 1 in Srinagar).
During the whole war it is 35.
All the B57s raids on Adampur incl 8 pass managed to destroy only 2 Mysteres & 1 F-13.
Yea how the table turned in 1971 that Ten IAF squadrons in Eastern sector couldn't destroy even one of the eleven grounded Sabres
There was no destroy any of them as IAF had actually sealed their fate by destroying the runway in just 2 days.

Also only 1 MiG-21 was lost in A2A combat in 1971 war with Kaiser Tufail himself admitting in his 2017-18 book that no MiG 21 shot down in air combat in east and no proof of any Mig 21 being shot down by F6.
After 50 years, IAF finally admitted losing 35 aircraft in the first two days of war alone....the attack on Pathankot was conducted by none other than Sqn leader Sajjad Haider and his squadron.

''It was the first air battle between India and Pakistan. The Indian Air Force was numerically superior, with 28 combat squadrons to PAF’s 11, but it was saddled with technologically inferior fighters And, caught off-guard by the PAF offensive, India had lost 35 of its aircraft on the ground during pre-emptive strikes — one on Pathankot on September 6 and then on Kalaikunda, a day later.''

Read more at:

India has accepted loss of 60 planes. India never lied. India however, conquered more territory in Pakistan than what Pakistan could do. Moreover, India occupied important territroy in Sindh, Punjab etc whereas Pakistan only could capture desert areas of India.
Lie One:

Squadron Leader Keelor was awarded a morale boosting Vir Chakra for downing a PAF Sabre - when in reality, IAF knew the plane had made it back.

Ajai Shukla wrote:

“After a quiet September 2, the IAF claimed its first kill on September 3, when Squadron Leader Trevor Keelor, flying a Gnat fighter, hit a PAF Sabre. The IAF, in need of something to celebrate, announced a “kill” and awarded the pilot a Vir Chakra. In fact the IAF knows that the Pakistani pilot, Flight Lieutenant Yusuf Ali Khan, nursed his damaged Sabre back to Sargodha air base.”

Source: http://ajaishukla.blogspot.com/2014/09/the-day-nothing-happened.html?m=1

“Radio that the IAF’s Squadron Leader Keelor had been awarded a gallantly medal for destroying Yusuf’s Sabre – which, in fact, was getting a new elevator in a repair shop for the next day’s flight.” - taken from the book “Vigil in the Sky”

Lie Two:

In 1965 IAF claimed that it had shot down an entire squadron of PAF planes led by Squadron leader Sajjad Haider. A BBC TV team went looking for the truth and found Haider and his men alive and kicking. Their planes were intact.

Are there any more examples?
At the end of the day, India has accepted that the loss of Indian planes were higher than Pakistani. India may have done mistakes here and there but never lied in general picture.
India has accepted loss of 60 planes. India never lied. India however, conquered more territory in Pakistan than what Pakistan could do. Moreover, India occupied important territroy in Sindh, Punjab etc whereas Pakistan only could capture desert areas of India.

At the end of the day, India has accepted that the loss of Indian planes were higher than Pakistani. India may have done mistakes here and there but never lied in general picture.

Conquered ?? lolz india didn't conquer jack.
IAF lost 19 aircraft on first 2 days (10 in Pathankot, 7 in kalaikunda, 1 in Srinagar).
During the whole war it is 35.
All the B57s raids on Adampur incl 8 pass managed to destroy only 2 Mysteres & 1 F-13.
You should slow poison yourself as this is your own IAF which after 50 years finally admitted the truth by rewriting its own history...whatever is F-13....have you seen burning Dakotas and other aircraft at Srinagar.

There was no destroy any of them as IAF had actually sealed their fate by destroying the runway in just 2 days.
Really, is that why IAF carried out continuous day and night attack on the base for the rest of the war losing 17 aircraft to Pak gunners in addition to 11 lost in aerial engagements with PAF.
Also only 1 MiG-21 was lost in A2A combat in 1971 war with Kaiser Tufail himself admitting in his 2017-18 book that no MiG 21 shot down in air combat in east and no proof of any Mig 21 being shot down by F6.
So Kaiser Tufail becomes credible when it suits you...else it's what IAF puts out puts wind in your sails....IAF lost 3 MiG-21s in aerial combat....Two in western theatre and one in East....two of them to obsolete F-86 Sabres.
India has accepted loss of 60 planes. India never lied. India however, conquered more territory in Pakistan than what Pakistan could do. Moreover, India occupied important territroy in Sindh, Punjab etc whereas Pakistan only could capture desert areas of India.

At the end of the day, India has accepted that the loss of Indian planes were higher than Pakistani. India may have done mistakes here and there but never lied in general picture.

okay so if India occupied more Pakistani territory then why would it run to Tashkent for a treaty and poison its own leader?
You should slow poison yourself as this is your own IAF which after 50 years finally admitted the truth by rewriting its own history...whatever is F-13....have you seen burning Dakotas and other aircraft at Srinagar.
Ther is no mention of any such thing in the book quoted.
I have read the boom and it clearly mentions total of 35 destroyed in ground in the entire war. Even Kaiser Tufail gives same figure in his book. Rajat Pandit is not a military historian.
O Pajee,

I am trying to develop an Indian Perspective after the mind opening vidoez from The American Vlogger!

Coming back to the topic... the Indians gave many Chakraz to valiant Indians for their heroic achievements and conquest in 1965 ...

However, they just gave a vir chakra to sweet Abhi..who deserved the highest chakra... It is because of Dimmensional Difference!

All I can say... Well done Indians, Well done!


I am happy that you see the Shakti of Indians ... it is because of Lingum SpackeRocket Technology... for further education please a dedicated thread on this mindblowing thread in members section.

We must not disrepect a valiant, brave enemy like India!

If Lingam is the core reality; then they should have named their gallantry awards, also, as Vir Lingam, Maha Vir Lingam and Param Vir Lingam.:lol:
Ther is no mention of any such thing in the book quoted.
I have read the boom and it clearly mentions total of 35 destroyed in ground in the entire war. Even Kaiser Tufail gives same figure in his book. Rajat Pandit is not a military historian.

Kaiser Tufail only claims 100% confirmed kills with evidence. And we all know India is an expert at hiding evidence of losses.
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