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Libya: Qaddhafi Violates Ceasefire, Foreign Forces Mount Attack

One qq.. Was there ever a situation where NATO and USA did not agree with each other..??
Libya 'to halt military action'

Libya's government is declaring an immediate ceasefire "to protect civilians" in acordance with the UN Security Council resolution, Libya's foreign minister says.

The UN resolution, passed late on Thursday, backed "all necessary measures" to protect civilians, short of an occupation.

BBC News - Libya 'to halt military action'
Lol...looks like Qaddafi is wetting his pants. :lol:
You got this news flash up on this site very fast. This news only
came out here in the US on cable news live coverage about 15 minutes ago.
Thanks for your post.
Libya declares ceasefire after U.N. resolution

TRIPOLI | Fri Mar 18, 2011 8:56am EDT

(Reuters) - Libya declared a ceasefire in the country to protect civilians and comply with a United Nations resolution passed overnight, Libyan Foreign Minister Moussa Koussa said Friday.

"We decided on an immediate ceasefire and on an immediate stop to all military operations," he told reporters.

"(Libya) takes great interest in protecting civilians," he said, adding that the country would also protect all foreigners and foreign assets in Libya.

(Reporting by Maria Golovnina and Michael Georgy)

UK fighter jets deployed to Libya

RAF Tornado and Typhoon fighters will start heading to the Mediterranean to join international operations to protect the Libyan people from Colonel Muammar Gaddafi's forces, David Cameron has said.

The Prime Minister told the House of Commons on Friday that preparations to deploy the aircraft were already under way and they would begin moving out to air bases in the region "in the coming hours".

The move follows Thursday night's resolution by the United Nations Security Council authorising "all measures necessary" short of sending in ground troops to protect the Libyan population.

"The Defence Secretary and I have now instructed the Chief of the Defence Staff to work urgently with our allies to put in place the appropriate military measures to enforce the resolution - including a no-fly zone," said the PM.

Mr Cameron told the House that the operation would initially be a joint British, US and French mission with Arab support. He said that he would be travelling on Saturday to Paris to discuss the situation with French president Nicolas Sarkozy.

"Any decision to put the men and women of our armed forces into harm's way should only be taken when absolutely necessary," he said.

"But I believe that we cannot stand back and let a dictator whose people have rejected him kill his people indiscriminately. To do so would send a chilling signal to others."

Mr Cameron said MPs would have a chance next week to vote on the military operation in a Commons debate on a substantive Government motion and Attorney General Dominic Grieve had been consulted on the legality of the action. He said: "The Government is satisfied that there is a clear and unequivocal legal basis for the deployment of UK forces and military assets."

Labour leader Ed Miliband said he supported "Britain playing its full part in the international action that is planned".

Anti-war activists said the Prime Minister had been "itching" to bomb Libya, accusing him of not learning the lessons of the "disastrous" wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. A spokesman for the Stop The War Coalition said: "Air attacks on Libya will not help end the civil war but will escalate it and could be the prelude to a much wider war.

"They will not help bring the downfall of Gaddafi. He is already portraying the United Nations' decision as an act of Western colonisation and himself as the defender of Libyan sovereignty. Air strikes by the US and Britain will strengthen, not weaken, his position."

The Press Association: UK fighter jets deployed to Libya
Britain is taking the situation to take revenge on gaddafi who had helped IRA n 80 .
look the blood thirsty qaddafi is pissed off after 10 minutes of un resolution . huh bloody leaders of muslim nations .
Who gave them the right to do so, After all its some counter internal affair???????????????
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