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Liberal TV presenter humiliates young entrepreneur seeking to produce phones locally


Dec 29, 2019
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of

The show is supposed to promote national industries and domestic production, in line with the Supreme Leader's directives. Yet, its unnerving brat of a presenter literally humiliates his guest, a young business owner striving to launch local production of phones. The dismissiveness he exhibits towards domestically produced goods and towards his guests sincere efforts is properly disgusting.

Goes to show, by the way, how much of a "dictatorship" Iran is... not. When the Supreme Leader's recommendations are ignored in such a way by national TV no less, one easily understands that Iran is anything but a "dictatorship". However, perhaps it is precisely time for the Iranian political system to take a more authoritarian direction, sidelining quasi-secularist liberal reformists and centrists, to ensure superior pace of development, increased coherence in governance and increased security vis a vis existential threats.

Actually the presenter perfectly embodies the mindset of Iranian globalist liberals (reformists + centrists). If these people had their way Iran would most probably suffer the kind of thorough deindustrialization and methodic national sell-out that Russia experienced under drunkard Yeltsin, it would moreover lose any self-sufficiency in agriculture and food industries and would thus become totally dependent on the (non-existing) goodwill of global oligarchic banksters / corporations and imperial foreign powers.

The show is supposed to promote national industries and domestic production, in line with the Supreme Leader's directives. Yet, its unnerving brat of a presenter literally humiliates his guest, a young business owner striving to launch local production of phones. The dismissiveness he exhibits towards domestically produced goods and towards his guests sincere efforts is properly disgusting.

Goes to show, by the way, how much of a "dictatorship" Iran is... not. When the Supreme Leader's recommendations are ignored in such a way by national TV no less, one easily understands that Iran is anything but a "dictatorship". However, perhaps it is precisely time for the Iranian political system to take a more authoritarian direction, sidelining quasi-secularist liberal reformists and centrists, to ensure superior pace of development, increased coherence in governance and increased security vis a vis existential threats.

Actually the presenter perfectly embodies the mindset of Iranian globalist liberals (reformists + centrists). If these people had their way Iran would most probably suffer the kind of thorough deindustrialization and methodic national sell-out that Russia experienced under drunkard Yeltsin, it would moreover lose any self-sufficiency in agriculture and food industries and would thus become totally dependent on the (non-existing) goodwill of global oligarchic banksters / corporations and imperial foreign powers.
Media in Iran has always been in hands of anti-nationalist gangs. Economy (was) in hands of Jewish Asgaroladi family.

Asgaroladi increased his wealth dramatically in the 90's when there were two official exchange rates for the US dollar. Those with trade license could obtain the lower exchange rate of 1750 rials but the market value of US dollars was at 8000 rials. During this period his brother Habibollah Asgaroladi was the commerce minister responsible for handing out trade licenses to obtain the lower exchange rate. He used his connections to obtain large quantities of US dollars at low exchange rate and resold them at the market value price for a profit of more than 300%


Habibollah Asgaroladi was a senior member of Iran's Expediency Council. He spent many years at the forefront of the Iranian cabinet, serving as both Secretary of State for Social Security, Minister for Economy, Trade and Commerce as well as heading up the Homeland Security Agency and intelligence services in Iran. He ran in the 1981 and 1985 Presidential elections.

Asgaroladi was a prominent member of Khomeini's inner circle and returned to Iran from Neuphle-le-Chateau with Araghi & Beheshti. Since the Islamic Revolution of 1979, he was chosen by Khomeini to be the founding father of the Khomeini Relief Foundation, the largest social welfare branch of the government in Iran. Some unofficial reports include him among the wealthiest individuals in Iran with a net worth of several billion dollars.

Asgaroladi published his autobiography in 2012 and was presented with an award by Ali Larijani, speaker of the Iranian Parliament. He died on 5 November 2013 in Tehran's Dey Hospital after was hospitalized for more than two months. His funeral was attended by the Supreme Leader Khamenei, President Hassan Rouhani, Mohsen Rafiqdoost, Ali Larijani and many other senior government officials.


The show is supposed to promote national industries and domestic production, in line with the Supreme Leader's directives. Yet, its unnerving brat of a presenter literally humiliates his guest, a young business owner striving to launch local production of phones. The dismissiveness he exhibits towards domestically produced goods and towards his guests sincere efforts is properly disgusting.

Goes to show, by the way, how much of a "dictatorship" Iran is... not. When the Supreme Leader's recommendations are ignored in such a way by national TV no less, one easily understands that Iran is anything but a "dictatorship". However, perhaps it is precisely time for the Iranian political system to take a more authoritarian direction, sidelining quasi-secularist liberal reformists and centrists, to ensure superior pace of development, increased coherence in governance and increased security vis a vis existential threats.

Actually the presenter perfectly embodies the mindset of Iranian globalist liberals (reformists + centrists). If these people had their way Iran would most probably suffer the kind of thorough deindustrialization and methodic national sell-out that Russia experienced under drunkard Yeltsin, it would moreover lose any self-sufficiency in agriculture and food industries and would thus become totally dependent on the (non-existing) goodwill of global oligarchic banksters / corporations and imperial foreign powers.

The attitude of this presenter is identical to those Pakistani journalists/presenters of the dawn group or those who are "liberal" anti-Muslims...........:disagree:

The show is supposed to promote national industries and domestic production, in line with the Supreme Leader's directives. Yet, its unnerving brat of a presenter literally humiliates his guest, a young business owner striving to launch local production of phones. The dismissiveness he exhibits towards domestically produced goods and towards his guests sincere efforts is properly disgusting.

Goes to show, by the way, how much of a "dictatorship" Iran is... not. When the Supreme Leader's recommendations are ignored in such a way by national TV no less, one easily understands that Iran is anything but a "dictatorship". However, perhaps it is precisely time for the Iranian political system to take a more authoritarian direction, sidelining quasi-secularist liberal reformists and centrists, to ensure superior pace of development, increased coherence in governance and increased security vis a vis existential threats.

Actually the presenter perfectly embodies the mindset of Iranian globalist liberals (reformists + centrists). If these people had their way Iran would most probably suffer the kind of thorough deindustrialization and methodic national sell-out that Russia experienced under drunkard Yeltsin, it would moreover lose any self-sufficiency in agriculture and food industries and would thus become totally dependent on the (non-existing) goodwill of global oligarchic banksters / corporations and imperial foreign powers.

Absolutely disgusting. Its a shame that we both have the same last name.
The interviewer sounds aggressive and condescending many times during the interview. You can clearly see double standards in his words with the guy that is producing cellphones. First he asks the guy "what percentage of your products are produced locally?" to reduce the value of his work by saying that you don't produce everything inside Iran and then just a few minutes later when the guy says that their new model will be produced inside in Iran completely he again puts the guy down by saying: "but as you know that is not necessarily a good thing."

I wish the guy the best though. His company is based in Sanandaj, one of the least developed parts of Iran; a Kurdish city that has suffered a lot both under the Pahlavis and the Islamic Republic. Although one can argue that Kurds are the ones to be blamed for many things, but it remains a fact that Kurdistan is not as developed as it should be. Yet in a not very developed region of Iran, you can see how Iran is moving towards a knowledge economy with young talented people like him. And I think he has chosen the right strategy to focus on producing cheap cell phones. We know that GLX (another Iranian brand) produces smart phones in Iran but their market share in Iran has always remained below 2% and much lower than foreign brands like Samsung, iPhone, LG, Nokia, etc. because people who can pay for a new GLX phone can afford better phones too.
Media in Iran has always been in hands of anti-nationalist gangs. Economy (was) in hands of Jewish Asgaroladi family.

Asgaroladi increased his wealth dramatically in the 90's when there were two official exchange rates for the US dollar. Those with trade license could obtain the lower exchange rate of 1750 rials but the market value of US dollars was at 8000 rials. During this period his brother Habibollah Asgaroladi was the commerce minister responsible for handing out trade licenses to obtain the lower exchange rate. He used his connections to obtain large quantities of US dollars at low exchange rate and resold them at the market value price for a profit of more than 300%


Habibollah Asgaroladi was a senior member of Iran's Expediency Council. He spent many years at the forefront of the Iranian cabinet, serving as both Secretary of State for Social Security, Minister for Economy, Trade and Commerce as well as heading up the Homeland Security Agency and intelligence services in Iran. He ran in the 1981 and 1985 Presidential elections.

Asgaroladi was a prominent member of Khomeini's inner circle and returned to Iran from Neuphle-le-Chateau with Araghi & Beheshti. Since the Islamic Revolution of 1979, he was chosen by Khomeini to be the founding father of the Khomeini Relief Foundation, the largest social welfare branch of the government in Iran. Some unofficial reports include him among the wealthiest individuals in Iran with a net worth of several billion dollars.

Asgaroladi published his autobiography in 2012 and was presented with an award by Ali Larijani, speaker of the Iranian Parliament. He died on 5 November 2013 in Tehran's Dey Hospital after was hospitalized for more than two months. His funeral was attended by the Supreme Leader Khamenei, President Hassan Rouhani, Mohsen Rafiqdoost, Ali Larijani and many other senior government officials.


I don't know about Asgarolaadi, given that trusted and sincere sources i. e. those researching and unveiling the identities of anoosi influence networks in Iran (Dr. Raefipoor, Dr. Pour-Masood, Hossein Shariatmadari etc) to my knowledge have not implicated him so far. I have zero doubt they would if there was a good reason to do so. It is also true that one can be Jewish and a sincere convert to Islam, I'm such cases have also existed. What have the Asgarolaadis done in terms of anti-national, traitorous actions helpful to international zionism? I'd be genuinely interested to learn.

Hope that particular wiki excerpt was not chosen to cast doubt on Imam Khomeini and the revolutionary Hezbollahi camp, the one that is actually busy trying to uproot any and all sorts of covert traitorous and zionist elements,, the overt ones having been chased away / shot dead in 1979-1980 already.
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I don't know about Asgarolaadi, given that trusted and sincere sources i. e. those researching and unveiling the identities of anoosi influence networks in Iran (Dr. Raefipoor, Dr. Pour-Masood etc) to my knowledge have not implicated him so far. I have zero doubt they would if there was a good reason to do so.

Could it be that you posted that particular wiki excerpt so as to implicate Imam Khomeini and cast doubt on the revolutionary Hezbollahi camp, the one that is actually busy trying to uproot any and all sorts of traitorous and zionist elements? One can be Jewish and a sincere convert to Islam, mind you.

That said, even if the jury might still be out on Asgarolaadi, we will leave Imam Khomeini and Supreme Leader Khamenei as well as the Islamic Revolution out of this: there is no shred of a doubt that they all aimed and aim at cutting off the hands of traitors and zionists from Iran.

They are crypto.
Crypto-Judaism is the secret adherence to Judaism while publicly professing to be of another faith; practitioners are referred to as "crypto-Jews" (origin from Greek kryptos – κρυπτός, 'hidden').

In Iran, a large community of Crypto-Jews lived in Mashhad, near Khorassan, where they were known as "Jedid al-Islam"; they were mass-converted to Islam around 1839 after the Allahdad events. Most of this community left for Israel in 1946. Some converted to Islam and remained in Iran. They fooled simple people like khamenei and Khomeini. If we had no simple people, natanz would not happen, killing of Suleimani would not happen, killing of our nuclear scientists would not happen. The cancer is from within. In Iran we have separatists in Parliament, because they say Bismillah and Allah Akbar, they are allowed infiltrate us by simple guardian council.

Don't you see devil/satan in this face?


Just look at the weird devilish body:


or look at this face:

They are crypto.
Crypto-Judaism is the secret adherence to Judaism while publicly professing to be of another faith; practitioners are referred to as "crypto-Jews" (origin from Greek kryptos – κρυπτός, 'hidden').

Of course I know what a crypto / maranos, anoosi in Persian is. I discussed it in my temporarily locked thread dealing with zionist domination in pre-Revolution Iran. I also mentioned shaahi traitor Parviz Saabeti's filthy SAVAKi-Mossad stay-behind network, which is trying to covertly sabotage the Islamic Republic from within.

I'd recommend to listen to Dr. Poor-Masood's delightful conference I linked to in that thread.

So, no other evidence than their looks?

If we had no simple people, natanz would not happen, killing of Suleimani would not happen, killing of our nuclear scientists would not happen.

Nor would the murder of ayatollah Beheshti and his companions from the Islamic Republic Party, nor the murders of President Rajaai, Morteza Motahari, ayatollah Qoddusi, nor probably the dastardly bombing that ripped ayatollah Khamenei's hand...

So many Hezbollahis giving their blood to uproot zionism. Sardaar Soleimani was another person forged to a hundred percent by Velaayat, not by secular nationalism. So were Iran's nuclear scientists, since none of them was a secularist, none advocated US or European style liberal democracy (which is entirely based on freemasonic i. e. kabbalistic principles by the way).

Never heard of any other political current in Iranian history that opposes zionism as staunchly as the khomeinists do and that has actually sacrificed as much as they did on this noble path. Compare their list of martyrs in the fight against zionism to the leftists or to secular nationalists who dream of introducing masonic-rooted forms of governance (inspired by the French, American or British zio-masonic "revolutions") in Iran.

Since you seem to be knowledgeable about zionism, tell us something about the connections between Iranian monarchists, fake outwardly "nationalists" and judeo-zionism. Any info to share about Iranian "national"-zionism, particularly its latest avatars? Would be amazing.

In Iran we have separatists in Parliament, because they say Bismillah and Allah Akbar, they are allowed infiltrate us by simple guardian council.

When it comes to the reasons why they were allowed to run, it's a bit more complicated and far reaching than the simple fact that they say besmellah. I mean, so did MKO members and Rigi as well, didn't do them any good, did it?

It has more to do with the sheer political and economic weight of those who are behind these traitors. Most of these backers belong to the liberal (reformist + centrist) fifth column, with a token amount of traitors to be found among "pragmatic" i. e. moderate principlists. The clean camp is clearly the classic Hezbollahi one, which has staid loyal to the principles of the 1979 Revolution. Some sincere revolutionaries are still to be found n the reformist and centrist side, though not that many.

But when these deeply entrenched liberal fifth-columnists threaten to provoke a repeat of 2009 mass protests as soon as they feel the heat, well meaning authorities are forced to proceed carefully and will find it hard to outlaw them outright.

Good news here is that the Guardian Council barred traitor Ghazipoor from participating in the recent Majles election. Hope this trend will be kept up. Traitors have to be uprooted gradually but relentlessly. The rise of hajj Raisi is another source of great optimism.
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Let's inform our readers about "nationalist" Iranian shabbos goys, since @Shapur Zol Aktaf does not seem all too motivated. About Iranian "national"-zionism. I think it's a great topic (of particular interest to judeo-sceptics like him).

Because those with an overblown fetish for pre-Islamic Iran, with deep seated islamophobic and anti-Arab racialist views more often than not also exhibit an... unsatiable urge to lick zionist boots, for some strange but unfortunate reason.

In fact, I think I just inadvertently defined the core beliefs of the bulk of contemporary Iranian "nationalists", baastangera and "Iranshahri" folk. Some of them, like globalist Rohani's adviser Tabaatabaaii, are outspoken liberal democrats on top of it (go figure!).

"In the spirit of Cyrus the Great", they wave zionist flags!


Proponents of Iranian nationalism are usually akin to Jason Reza Jorjani from the Iranian Renaissance movement and co-founder of the zio-trumpist "Alt Right".


But then again, to Jorjani, leading representative of "Iranianism", odes to Cyrus and Shapoor and pre-Islamic revivalism get along well with open zionist allegiance, it would seem.


The cover of this book here by Jorjani, who has an interest in mysticism / esoterism reminds us of... the masonic "all-seeing eye" of Horus.


Still looking for that interview where he says he's been in touch with the Mossad. And that he's never had any issues with the Jewish community, having grown up in Manhattan. Care to help me find it?

The more you dig into Iranian nationalism, the more you'll unearth this sort of material.

Afterall, just look at the ideologically "nationalist" shah regime, what a desperate cesspit of zionist overlordship that was.

By the way, how many ancient Iranian princes and emperors were Jews again? The son of Xerxes is a well known example, what about those Sassanian kings who took Jewish wives (several of them did in fact)?
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@Shapur Zol Aktaf

That you below by any chance, or is it...?


How about this one...?


Or perhaps should we settle on the "golden" words right below?


See, there's this recurring and slightly annoying little problem with shaahis and secular nationalist Iranians: at times they will don that misleading super judeo-phobic outer mantle they keep in their closets for special encounters with actual, genuine anti-zionists - but, with the sole aim of employing it as a cover under which to take shelter so they can comfortably find fault with the glorious Islamic Republic, which happened to have mightily kicked the zionist / masonic / Haifaite Baahaai / Rothschild-Sassoon bankster scourge in their behinds and out of Iran, and whose anti-zionist credentials and whose historical record of resistance at all levels against the usurpatory apartheid entity are not only top notch but have, ever since the illegal establishment of the nefarious settler entity occupying our beloved Palestine, actually far exceeded and outshined everyone else's.

Brothers need to keep in mind that judeo-phobia by itself has never been a guarantee for genuine anti-zionism given that subjects like "Lord" Balfur himself, the infamous Britisher known for having laid the ground for the establishment of the terrorist occupation regime upon the ruins of the Ottoman empire or, to cite a more contemporary example, zio-Trump's former adviser Steve Bannon, all have undeniable judeo-phobic leanings yet proved to be some of the most prolific and enthusiastic shabbos goys at the service of international zionism.

Of course the Sheldon Adelson-funded Trump, father in-law to one Jared Kushner, as well as his hoaxing Alt Right lieutenants, have sported this hollow judeo-phobic facade so as to have the foolish, not-too-smart elements among the judeo-phobic crowd join hands with Evangelical zionist ultras in casting their vote for this retarded orange deep-state fraud.

The ousted shaah of Iran was not too different, except that in M-R. Pahlavi's sad case, we were dealing with a closet type of judeo-phobe (with the exception of one or two instances only), since his zionist / Baahaai / freemason overlords would have replaced him with some other shabbo' from his (or from Farah Dibaa's) entourage in the blink of an eye, had the slave dared say out loud what he thought of his masters deep, deep, deep down within.

So, I would give it a rest. We know who is who in world politics, we also know who is truly fighting the fight that pretenders sometimes dream of fighting.


@zectech : What's your view on pretend judeo-phobic zionists à la Balfour, Bannon, Alt Right and...? What's your view on the above pasted apologetic quotes with regards to Netanyahu and the zionist regime? Kosher much?
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Let's inform our readers about "nationalist" Iranian shabbos goys, since @Shapur Zol Aktaf does not seem all too motivated. About Iranian "national"-zionism. I think it's a great topic (of particular interest to judeo-sceptics like him).

Because those with an overblown fetish for pre-Islamic Iran, with deep seated islamophobic and anti-Arab racialist views more often than not also exhibit an... unsatiable urge to lick zionist boots, for some strange but unfortunate reason.

In fact, I think I just inadvertently defined the core beliefs of the bulk of contemporary Iranian "nationalists", baastangera and "Iranshahri" folk. Some of them, like globalist Rohani's adviser Tabaatabaaii, are outspoken liberal democrats on top of it (go figure!).

"In the spirit of Cyrus the Great", they wave zionist flags!


Proponents of Iranian nationalism are usually akin to Jason Reza Jorjani from the Iranian Renaissance movement and co-founder of the zio-trumpist "Alt Right".

View attachment 651176

But then again, to Jorjani, leading representative of "Iranianism", odes to Cyrus and Shapoor and pre-Islamic revivalism get along well with open zionist allegiance, it would seem.

View attachment 651180

The cover of this book here by Jorjani, who has an interest in mysticism / esoterism reminds us of... the masonic "all-seeing eye" of Horus.


Still looking for that interview where he says he's been in touch with the Mossad. And that he's never had any issues with the Jewish community, having grown up in Manhattan. Care to help me find it?

The more you dig into Iranian nationalism, the more you'll unearth this sort of material.

Afterall, just look at the ideologically "nationalist" shah regime, what a desperate cesspit of zionist overlordship that was.

By the way, how many ancient Iranian princes and emperors were Jews again? The son of Xerxes is a well known example, what about those Sassanian kings who took Jewish wives (several of them did in fact)?
when you look into Iranian Islamism don't you find if enemy attack , iran and sryria or Iran and Lebanon at the same time (don't recall which one) its more important to go defend syria and lebanon than defend Iran ?
when you look into Iranian Islamism don't you find if enemy attack , iran and sryria or Iran and Lebanon at the same time (don't recall which one) its more important to go defend syria and lebanon than defend Iran ?
If Iran didnt fight in Syria then someone like Saddam took over ISIS. Do you Know that ISIS name include Syria and Iraq? And what happened if they ruled both countries? Why did Saddam attack Iran? Would ISIS in Iraq and Sham have attacked Iran? Why did Israel treat ISIS wounded militants? You answer is among these questions.
Let's inform our readers about "nationalist" Iranian shabbos goys, since @Shapur Zol Aktaf does not seem all too motivated. About Iranian "national"-zionism. I think it's a great topic (of particular interest to judeo-sceptics like him).

Because those with an overblown fetish for pre-Islamic Iran, with deep seated islamophobic and anti-Arab racialist views more often than not also exhibit an... unsatiable urge to lick zionist boots, for some strange but unfortunate reason.

In fact, I think I just inadvertently defined the core beliefs of the bulk of contemporary Iranian "nationalists", baastangera and "Iranshahri" folk. Some of them, like globalist Rohani's adviser Tabaatabaaii, are outspoken liberal democrats on top of it (go figure!).

"In the spirit of Cyrus the Great", they wave zionist flags!

Proponents of Iranian nationalism are usually akin to Jason Reza Jorjani from the Iranian Renaissance movement and co-founder of the zio-trumpist "Alt Right".

View attachment 651176

But then again, to Jorjani, leading representative of "Iranianism", odes to Cyrus and Shapoor and pre-Islamic revivalism get along well with open zionist allegiance, it would seem.

View attachment 651180

The cover of this book here by Jorjani, who has an interest in mysticism / esoterism reminds us of... the masonic "all-seeing eye" of Horus.

Still looking for that interview where he says he's been in touch with the Mossad. And that he's never had any issues with the Jewish community, having grown up in Manhattan. Care to help me find it?

The more you dig into Iranian nationalism, the more you'll unearth this sort of material.

Afterall, just look at the ideologically "nationalist" shah regime, what a desperate cesspit of zionist overlordship that was.

By the way, how many ancient Iranian princes and emperors were Jews again? The son of Xerxes is a well known example, what about those Sassanian kings who took Jewish wives (several of them did in fact)?
In old days, your islamist-semitic-abrahamic bias againt Iran would have more fans, but now Iran is changed and even the media is mentioning Iranshahri terms such as the dangers from "hebrew-arabic-western" triangle.

We're moving from a purely islamist ideology towards a new hybrid ideology which brings nationalism and islamism together, a new glue/backbone is needed to keep the country strong and that's indeed Nationalism, even islamists have come to that conclusion.

However you're not at the level to start a discussion with because you don't understand the simple basic differences between zionism and liberalism (mentioning fags like jorjani) at one side and Iranian nationalism at the opposite. Yes we nationalism have a fetish for pre-islamic Iran, unlike arabs in that time who were against Iran and had fetish for Romans (christians) and now for jews (moses, solomon, jesus etc).

We never were pro-west, also not in past, the sassanids fought romans and cursed alexander. We never were pro-jews like muslims and we were never anti-china/anti-east like muslims. Sassanid dynasty and Iran always had friendly ties with China.

The problem is people like you would even have no religion today without your Juhudic master moses and without Cyrus the great saving your proto-examples from being captives (strategic mistake?). 80% of what you have is from jews (including your religion). Islamist kids are the last ones of accusing sassanids or Iranian nationalists being jews lol.
@Shapur Zol Aktaf

That you below by any chance, or is it...?

View attachment 651193

How about this one...?

View attachment 651194

Or perhaps should we settle on the "golden" words right below?

View attachment 651195


@zectech : What's your view on pretend judeo-phobic zionists à la Balfour, Bannon, Alt Right and...? What's your view on the above pasted apologetic quotes with regards to Netanyahu and the zionist regime? Kosher much?

Unlike you, I never recycled my ID (ten times) here and never deleted my past comments.

I keep my word: Israel will remain (real baqiya unlike their ISIS partners) because they're a nuclear power and will use nukes if they see they're losing any war completely. They have nukes on submarines and will fire them even after.If Israel gets annihilated. The only way to keep israel in check is by a combination of military, diplomatic, economical pressure, forcing them to give back lands and to agree on borders (to stop their expansion forever).

That's why I mentioned in one of the posts which you made printscreen of to put Israel under diplomatic and economic pressure (how can I be pro-Israel?). However due to their increasing aggression nowadays I also want to see them being put under military pressure and causing military casualty among them.

Even the "solution" of islamic republic towards Israel might be softer than what I'm mentioning.

Ayatollah Khamenei: Referendum is solution to Palestine issue

Secondly I was using sarcastic language when I mentioned Cyrus the great as Zionist because of wild islamist named Abbasi (so called strategist) mentioned him as zionist, comparing geo-political situation of those days with now. Those posts are jokes and humor between me and @Cthulhu in this forum (see his post).

And in my last post I mentioned that netanyahu is less worse than saddam which I confirm even today:
Saddam gassed Iranian military, civilians and also kurdish civilians by mass and caused hunderd of thousands of deaths and 8 years of war and invasion against Iran. Netanyahu will never reach saddams level of agression and crimes.

And I still wish India and Pakistan the best (as mentioned in my comment above) and both to become strong because I'm pro-Asia totally. Both India and Pakistan are near Iran have the potential to increase their trade with Iran in the future. I've also mentioned before that Iran should be only mediator because war between these countries is not in interest of Iran, neither a war between China and India. Both India and Pakistan are members of SCO.
Also about Eurasian Economic Union, In 2016, Putin calls on Eurasian Economic Union, China, India, Pakistan, Iran and the CIS to join "Greater Eurasian Partnership".

But daeshi minded persons do not understand the dynamic field of diplomacy.
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Regarding Israel, That place is Al-Arz Al-Albaqiya "الأَرْض الباقیه" it means its here to stay forever, Every devoted Muslim should repeat this 5 times a day after each salah. Israel have nukes, It is not going anywhere, We don't have nukes, Our Islamists say it's haram to have nukes.
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