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If Iran didnt fight in Syria then someone like Saddam took over ISIS. Do you Know that ISIS name include Syria and Iraq? And what happened if they ruled both countries? Why did Saddam attack Iran? Would ISIS in Iraq and Sham have attacked Iran? Why did Israel treat ISIS wounded militants? You answer is among these questions.
Irrelevant, the problem is some Islamist care about Syria and Lebanon more than iran . and the talk was not about Isis . it was stated if USA and Israel attack Syria or Lebanon (again I don't knew exactly which) and iran at the same time it's more important to defend Syria than iran.

I pointy to the time in Iraq-iran war Israel attacked Lebanon and some people wanted iran to intervene there I urge you to go and look up what imam told to them
Irrelevant, the problem is some Islamist care about Syria and Lebanon more than iran . and the talk was not about Isis . it was stated if USA and Israel attack Syria or Lebanon (again I don't knew exactly which) and iran at the same time it's more important to defend Syria than iran.

I pointy to the time in Iraq-iran war Israel attacked Lebanon and some people wanted iran to intervene there I urge you to go and look up what imam told to them
حرف اول ایران رو بزرگ بنویس. این کارت توهین هست
Irrelevant, the problem is some Islamist care about Syria and Lebanon more than iran . and the talk was not about Isis . it was stated if USA and Israel attack Syria or Lebanon (again I don't knew exactly which) and iran at the same time it's more important to defend Syria than iran.

I pointy to the time in Iraq-iran war Israel attacked Lebanon and some people wanted iran to intervene there I urge you to go and look up what imam told to them
Syria civil war has cost Iran 30 billion in almost 10 years war. Lets say/guess Iraq, Yemen, Lebanon together cost us 20 billion each 10 years. That means 5 billion dollars a year to prevent war coming into our own country. It's perfectly fine to me, however what I want to see and what is really important is that victories are combined with trade and export of Iranian goods and services to our allied countries.
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Syria civil war has cost Iran 30 billion in almost years war. Lets say/guess Iraq, Yemen, Lebanon together cost us 20 billion each 10 years. That means 5 billion dollars a year to prevent war coming into our own country. It's perfectly fine to me, however what I want to see and what is really important is that victories are combined with trade and export of Iranian goods and services to our allied countries.

It didn't even cost that much either. They are including credit lines and oil transfers which have to be payed back, it's more like half that spread over a decade.
Regarding Israel, That place is Al-Arz Al-Albaqiya "الأَرْض الباقیه" it means its here to stay forever, Every devoted Muslim should repeat this 5 times a day after each salah. Israel have nukes, It is not going anywhere, We don't have nukes, Our Islamists say it's haram to have nukes.

Israel is a dead country the moment U.S. loses favor among zionists, which is on track to happen within 2-4 decades at most. US is imploding from within, and its easy to see U.S. will balkanize within this century.

Zio lobby is desperately hanging onto power by keeping leftists and conservatives at each other's throats while Democrats and Republicans come together to pass pro-war bills and economic sanctions against Israel's enemies (basically Iran and friends) in the background, but they're losing their grip. Evangelicals who are the most powerful voting bloc and brainwashed to serve Israel are the boomer generation and are dying. The Millenials are not fond of Zionists.

Iran just needs to play the waiting game..and get nukes..God only helps those who help themselves. I don't mean to offend Iranians but Pakistan is the only Muslim majority country the US can never even dare to invade, and that is only because they have a nuke.
In old days, your islamist-semitic-abrahamic bias againt Iran would have more fans, but now Iran is changed and even the media is mentioning Iranshahri terms such as the dangers from "hebrew-arabic-western" triangle.

Let's not take shelter behind a facade of outwardly judeo-scepticism in order to take shots at Islamic governance. I amply exposed the subject's Isra"el"-apologetic statements as well as their ill advised defence of Netanyahu. They are acting in the tradition of Balfur, Bannon and M-R. Pahlavi: closet, facade judeo-phobes but actual promoters of policies directly benefitting the zionist entity.

We're moving from a purely islamist ideology towards a new hybrid ideology which brings nationalism and islamism together, a new glue/backbone is needed to keep the country strong and that's indeed Nationalism, even islamists have come to that conclusion.

Does the subject truly believe Islamic Republic authorities are unaware of the "Iranshahri" stratagem of influence devised by Tel Aviv and the global oligarchy to have Iran progressively slide towards a less and less pronounced anti-zionist stance under the pretense of "nationalism"? Ha ha ha, they are getting their hopes way too high and underestimating the awareness and intelligence of the Islamic Republic's strategic decision makers.

Fathom this: the Islamic Republic is allowing some conditional breathing space for peripheral nationalist discourse but only out of tactical reasons, namely to rally behind it and against zionism the mass of semi-cultured subjects brainwashed by decades of pro-western, "baastangera" anti-IR propaganda beamed into Iran from L.A. and elsewhere.

Yardstick for tolerance of nationalist discourse by the Islamic Republic is the muting of anti-Islam drivel that usually accompanies British freemason-influenced 1920's style "baastangera" discourse. Which actually might end up reforming Iranian nationalism by pulling it away from its islamophobic tendencies, giving rise to a form of Turkish-style Islamo-nationalism in the years to come, which will function as a secondary, auxiliary current of opinion rallying citizens who would otherwise come under the influence of the enemy's propaganda. But it will never replace or modify the IR's Islamic ideological foundation.

Now of course, some nofoozis are trying to take advantage of this in hopes of using this as a conduit for neutralizing the anti-zionist and/or the illiberal direction of Iranian policy, but I can tell right now that this is nothing but a hollow dream.

They engineer and engineer but so will Hezbollahis, and Allah subhaanaa wa taa'laa remains the best of plotters.

However you're not at the level to start a discussion with

We can see that. That's why the subject keeps responding to my counters.

The timing of their sudden return raises further questions. As soon as I set out to systematically denounce zionism for what it is and to commend Tehran for putting up anti-zionist resistance more than any other government and more than any nationalist group or regime in Iran ever did or will, here comes the quoted subject to point fingers at the Islamic Republic for supposedly not being judeo-phobic enough, while they themselves openly advocate recognition of Isra"el" and applaud Netanyahu.

This is not essentially about islamism vs nationalism, it's about subjects sporting a nationalist outer facade, complete with occasional judeo-phobic outbursts, only to effectively push an agenda which directly serves the interests of the zionist regime and aims at having Iran recognize Isra"el" and cease resisting Tel Aviv's global reign of terror.

because you don't understand the simple basic differences between zionism and liberalism (mentioning fags like jorjani) at one side and Iranian nationalism at the opposite. Yes we nationalism have a fetish for pre-islamic Iran, unlike arabs in that time who were against Iran and had fetish for Romans (christians) and now for jews (moses, solomon, jesus etc).

See, here the subject is only confirming what I exposed in my previous post: they hide behind pretend judeo-scepticism and rejection of semitic religious figures only to end up advocating recognition of Isra"el" while applauding Netanyahu. Nobody will fall for such self-contradicting discursive tactics.

As for liberalism, he is the one with a seemingly imperfect grasp of the concept. Since him, not Hezbollahis, are on record for advocating a "democratic" form of governance inspired by the principles of the profoundly liberal French revolution, principles that are masonic and para-kabbalistic in their very essence. Actually, the subject is walking hand-in-hand with Abdolkarim Soroosh and Islamic liberal reformists when it comes to this aspect.

The subject ought to go and read up on the history of Christianity and Christian principalities of Europe prior to his beloved Renaissance and "Enlightenement" movement, and then come spin tales about traditional Christian "fetish" for "Jews".

And they should never forget to look into the mirror: from numerous Iranian emperors enamored with their Jewess spouses, from Jewish influence on the Sassanian empire's monetary and financial system, right up to the western "Enlightenment" they defend, from the French revolution's kabbalistic-masonic roots to the shaah regime's total subservience to international zionism, their own references are far more judeo-centric than the beliefs of anti-zionist Islamic activists.

We never were pro-west, also not in past, the sassanids fought romans and cursed alexander. We never were pro-jews like muslims and we were never anti-china/anti-east like muslims. Sassanid dynasty and Iran always had friendly ties with China.

Emperor Cyrus is considered in the Hebraic Bible as the patron and deliverer of Jews, streets in Occupied Palestine are named after him. One hardly ever sees the subject and his type challenge zionists on that. Wonder why that is.


Then, several Sassanid emperors took Jewish wives and thus gave birth to Jewish offspring. The Sassanid empire's financial system was inspired by the practices of the Jewish community they allowed to stay in Iran. Simple historic facts, sorry for having to remind them, but they started it by seeking to question the IR leadership's pristine anti-zionist credentials.

And by the way, there is nothing wrong with the west as long as it is not subservient to zionism, masonry and similar deviations, such as Templar esoterism and banking, "Enlightenment", Venetian Renaissance and Medicis regime, Cromwellian and French revolutions, all things that Iranian "baastangera" nationalists usually have no particularl qualms with and oftentimes actively advocate.

The problem is people like you would even have no religion today without your Juhudic master moses and without Cyrus the great saving your proto-examples from being captives (strategic mistake?). 80% of what you have is from jews (including your religion). Islamist kids are the last ones of accusing sassanids or Iranian nationalists being jews lol.

The subject is only conducting these rants to undermine the one political current in Iran which is putting up spirited resistance against zionism. This is while they themselves made it clear they wish to see Iran recognize Isra"el" and water down its resistance against zionism.

What "juhudic" this and that? Trying to deviate readers' attention away from their own pro-zionist positions again? Like the shaah, who let zionist oligarchs control and milk Iran to the bone but then gave one or two judeo-sceptic interviews, hollow words designed to cover up what actually counts, i. e. actions not empty words?

Won't work this time, for people aren't blind.

These rants about history they desperately develop are totally irrelevant at the end of the day, the only thing that counts is what each and everyone's position towards the global zionist / masonic / bankster-corporate oligarchy and towards the Tel Aviv terror regime is. They made theirs clear, and so did Iranian Hezbollahis.


Unlike you, I never recycled my ID (ten times) here and never deleted my past comments.

And now the time has come at long last for the ad hominems (I was starting to wonder why so late), brilliant. Are we feeling somewhat cornered alright? These mighty pretend judeo-sceptic warriors taking fallacious, gratuitious shots at supposedly "juhudic semitic religions" (as if Islam or Christianity were ethno-religions not open to anyone) and simultaneously advocating recognition of Isra"el" and a decrease in anti-zionist policies... What a spectacle!

Nice, so go ahead, what are those "ten IDs" I have purportedly used in the past? What indications are there (writing style, other hints) to substantiate the claim? Let's see how creative the subject is.

And what "past comments" am I exactly supposed to have deleted, except one where I was asking member Ugudawa how many "chosen ones" there are in Sri Lanka? I deleted it after second thoughts that it might hurt or unsettle him too much.

Show some evidence or at least argue your point or back off.

The truth is that this is my only account, never had any other and never made a post here before.

I keep my word: Israel will remain (real baqiya unlike their ISIS partners) because they're a nuclear power and will use nukes if they see they're losing any war completely. They have nukes on submarines and will fire them even after.If Israel gets annihilated.

Yeah, just like the USSR "remained" despite its far more extensive nuclear arsenal. Just like the apartheid regime in South Africa made it to this day thanks to its nukes.

Such erroneous defeatist assertions will hardly demoralize revolutionary Iranians from upholding their resistance against the apartheid terror entity.

The only way to keep israel in check is by a combination of military, diplomatic, economical pressure, forcing them to give back lands and to agree on borders (to stop their expansion forever).

That will not just keep the zionist regime in check, it will cause its downright collapse much like its fellow apartheid state of South Africa and much like the USSR ended up collapsing.

I notice how all of a sudden, they're no longer advocating diplomatic recognition of Isra"el". Nice flip flopping.

Even the "solution" of islamic republic towards Israel might be softer than what I'm mentioning.

Ayatollah Khamenei: Referendum is solution to Palestine issue

No, it's not.

And above all, it doesn't involve recognizing the apartheid regime, as this would effectively mark the end of any meaningful resistance against zionism.

Secondly I was using sarcastic language when I mentioned Cyrus the great as Zionist because of wild islamist named Abbasi (so called strategist) mentioned him as zionist, comparing geo-political situation of those days with now. Those posts are jokes and humor between me and @Cthulhu in this forum (see his post)

Funny, because that's just what the subject himself was doing above: trying to negate the unquestionable anti-zionist credentials of Islamic activists with irrelevant, inaccurate suggestions about History stretching back hundreds of years, under the pretext that since Islam was brought to us by an Arab and thus semitic person, it would follow that Hezbollahis "can't" be proper anti-zionists, which of course is a total logical and factual fallacy.

User Cthulu has a record of blasting IR figures and journalists for denouncing freemasonry, zionism and Haifaite Baahaaism, he expressed support for liberals in Iranian elections and none of these comments he made seem to have been meant in a sarcastic way. That user has issues with the IR's anti-zionist / anti-oligarchy stance.

And in my last post I mentioned that netanyahu is less worse than saddam which I confirm even today:
Saddam gassed Iranian military, civilians and also kurdish civilians by mass and caused hunderd of thousands of deaths and 8 years of war and invasion against Iran. Netanyahu will never reach saddams level of agression and crimes.

Ridiculous assertion meant to make Iranians believe zionism is not actually the major and main threat at the root of every other secondary threat they are facing. This sort of discourse directly serves zionist interests, because it helps to progressively lower the position of the zionist regime in people's threat perception, which prepares the ground for them gradually ceasing to consider Tel Aviv a threat at all. Step by step is how the enemy proceed.

The exact same stratagem is at play with both anti-Shia takfiri "jihadism" (ISIS and so on) on the one hand, and with the Shirazi / Hojjatieh type of Shia sectarianism on the other hand: both these currents are backed by western and zionist intelligence agencies, because both shift the focus of Muslims towards each other, inciting hostilities amongst them instead of encouraging unity against the superior common threat that is zionism.

And of course, both ISIS and the Shirazis claim to be opposed to "Jews", while concentrating all their efforts on provoking hatred for Muslims from the other sect in addition to taking aim at the Islamic Republic of Iran, champion of the anti-zionist struggle.

The reason these Mossad / CIA / MI6 lackeys keep adding to their discourse the occasional verbal attack against "Jews" is because public opinion in the Muslim world is still largely sensitive to the issue of Palestine, so unless and until this changes, hostile agencies will proceed in a sneaky manner and have their goons claim "people, we empathize with you, yes, "Jews" are bad, but the bigger, more pressing issue right now are the rafidha / are the nasibis, they did more harm to the Ummah than Jews did in recent times, they always facilitated the work of the Jews, bla bla bla".

That's classical discursive infiltration, theorized and mastered by you know who.

Now to the quoted subject's contention about Saddam compared to Isra"el", it's pretty simple, really: who empowered Saddam in his war against Iran? What regime gave Saddam the green light, what regimes bankrolled his war effort, and who allowed him to produce WMD with which to gas Iranians by applying lax export controls and vetoing UNSC resolutions in condemnation of said WMD use?

And then, what entity and oligarchy are these regimes (US, France, UK, Germany, GCC states) ultimately subservient to? That's right, they are subservient to Tel Aviv and to the international oligarchy of zionists / banksters / corporate mafias / freemasons.

Any and all attempts, whether due to ignorance or by design, at making people lose sight of the pyramid of global power distribution's actual composition and to concentrate rebellious or resistance efforts primarily on some intermediate or lower level of the pyramid, directly serves the interests of that power structure's overlords, that is international zionism, masonry and bankster mafias.

Besides, Netanyahu is working to destroy and balkanize Iran right now as we speak, whilst Saddam is dead and gone. And Netanyahu is infinitely more resourceful than the useful idiot Saddam. So to go on about how Saddam and "Arabs" are supposedly "worse" instead of inviting Iranians to focus on the main threat they are faced with is simply disingenious to say the least.

But daeshi minded persons do not understand the dynamic field of diplomacy.

Ha ha ha ha, yeah, I'm "Daeshi-minded" for systematically denouncing Daesh and their zionist patrons.

The subject's weak attempt at amalgamating anything Muslim and Islamic with ISIS will blatantly fall flat here. The subject should try some zionist or Jewish-supremacist forum for that.

By the way, I'm no "baastaan setiz" and not advocate to blow up the ruins of Persepolis. But when a nationalist who is full of praise for Netanyahu tries to question the IR's anti-zionist credentials, misleadingly amalgames Islam and Judaism and contrasts these with pre-Islamic Iran, then I will respond by calling their bluff. They should not have started this only to come complaining later when the extensive Jewish connections (and sometimes, outright Jewishness "by blood") of their pre-Islamic kings and princes are exposed.

Regarding Israel, That place is Al-Arz Al-Albaqiya "الأَرْض الباقیه" it means its here to stay forever, Every devoted Muslim should repeat this 5 times a day after each salah. Israel have nukes, It is not going anywhere, We don't have nukes, Our Islamists say it's haram to have nukes.

What a joke from another zionist apologist with outspoken shaahi and liberal sympathies. Evil, evil islamists. They are so blind that they cannot see how the USSR is still standing strong and how South Africa is still ruled by the apartheid regime thanks to the nuclear weapons.

Irrelevant, the problem is some Islamist care about Syria and Lebanon more than iran .

No they don't. They care about two things:

1) Preserving the IR, the fate of which happens to be intertwined with Iran's own survival due to prevailing circumstances, whether one likes it or not. Which will be seriously compromised if Iran were to lose one of its principal tools of deterrence vis a vis Tel Aviv, that is Lebanese Hezbollah and Palestinian resistance groups receiving aid from Iran.

2) Haqq. I. e. not a particular nation-state, be it Iran, Syria or Lebanon, but the fight against the wicked global oligarchy made of zionist, bankster, corporate and masonic secret society elites, one of whose cardinal geopolitical incarnations of power is the usurpatory zionist apartheid regime occupying Al-Quds and Palestine.

Is it not telling how in a discussion between a self-defined illiberal nationalist and a pro-Islamic person, liberals will support the nationalist side. Shows you how much the IR and its noble Hezbollahi forces have antagonized liberals and liberalism since the well-inspired ouster of Mehdi Bazargaan, the suppression of the 2009 fitna etc.

Israel is a dead country the moment U.S. loses favor among zionists, which is on track to happen within 2-4 decades at most. US is imploding from within, and its easy to see U.S. will balkanize within this century.

Shaahis as well as secularist, liberal, islamophobic, pretend judeo-phobic and other assorted anti-IR Iranians can't see that. Too strong is their pro-zionist bias.
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