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Liaoning suddenly broken, there's only 6 J-15 ever done !!!

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How could you know there is more than 6 ??
Where is your 700+ Gen 4 fighters ?
Don't tell me that J10 is your gen 4 fighters, those are gen 3rd

You spent so much time on here and you came to the conclusion that J-10 is 3rd gen? 3rd generation is J-7. Come on man, J-10B is 4+ generation now, which according to the latest should have at least 20 by now.

You do know the Chinese and American classification is not the same right? So our 3rd gen is their fourth gen, since we skipped a generation, being that we started much later.

Also I know it's not six because from just the current pictures available it's not 6. There's 3 on the carrier maybe more, and there's at least 4 on the ground and 6-10 more in the factory. Of course this is way old info, like half a year if not more, so the exact number now is not known to me. But it's closer to 20 than to 6.

China's first aircraft carrier, the Liaoning, returned to Dalian Shipyard dock to undergo its first interim service on April, 17, 2014.

Experts predicted that the service will last for six months;

The Liaoning formally entered into service with the Chinese navy in September 2012.

The liaoning is our first carrier, it will undergo certain upgrades based on these two years of service and experience. Our carrier is not a finished product, we do this all the time with our other equipments, it's just that it gets less attention.

Even the location of closets could provide faster readiness, so anything and everything is not set, and we are learning and building at the same time.

noting related to jealousy, just don't open big mouth with such fake toy to threat us..

Vietnam is right next to us, the only reason to use a carrier in this scenario would be a multi prong attack. Which is a good idea, since 24-30 fourth gen heavy fighters is potent against a country with about that number for the entire armed forces.

Vietnam can't match China militarily, that's not news or surprise, you are a much smaller country than us, if we both do things the right way, you can't match us. If every Chinese donate a dollar, it'll still be more than if every Vietnamese donate 10 dollars. So, it's natural.

I think the arrestor system was not provided by Russia, so china made system by themselves is fake, so accident could happen in any time. other than a steel materials made in China don't have same tech specification with carrier materials. when the temperature could changed, so lead to to damage.

It was provided by Ukraine and we are making our own too. Accidents happen period, you know how often American carriers have accidents? These things happen, you are trying to land a plane on a moving and small platform. Things are going to happen.
Any time this guy talks, you just laugh because of his low IQ logic. LOL
You spent so much time on here and you came to the conclusion that J-10 is 3rd gen? 3rd generation is J-7. Come on man, J-10B is 4+ generation now, which according to the latest should have at least 20 by now.

You do know the Chinese and American classification is not the same right? So our 3rd gen is their fourth gen, since we skipped a generation, being that we started much later.
It's not true, that Vietnam has thousand of 3rd generation interceptors over 40 years ago ... If your J-7 is gen 3rd

Also I know it's not six because from just the current pictures available it's not 6. There's 3 on the carrier maybe more, and there's at least 4 on the ground and 6-10 more in the factory. Of course this is way old info, like half a year if not more, so the exact number now is not known to me. But it's closer to 20 than to 6.
You count by photo ? all as assume.
There's actually only 6 ... and they stop the production of J-15

Vietnam is right next to us, the only reason to use a carrier in this scenario would be a multi prong attack. Which is a good idea, since 24-30 fourth gen heavy fighters is potent against a country with about that number for the entire armed forces.


You may know that Vietnam never facing 1 vs 1 to American aircrafts during Vietnam War, .. while we had no way to handle their aircraft carriers ( always two AC at the same time ) in SCS at that time.
Let 1 vs 1 we have no final victory ... because their aircrafts outnumbered us all the time.

If Liaoning doesn't dare to enter SCS, then it's useless ... If it enter SCS, it must be very risky for it ... as others have 18 ways to sink it ...
Its just a maintenance over haul
why to make such a big deal about it
even Vikramaditya is scheduled to go in for its first Maintenance in 2017.
The reason we know this is because Indian Ministry of Defence is pretty transparent

Just because PLAN didnot announce the over haul 2 yrs before it was suposed to happen, doesnt mean that their is something wrong with the ship

USN only has 6 Aircraft carriers operational at any point of time
Where's the source?

The source resides in the mind of the OP。:D

By the way,over 20 units of the single-seat J-15 have been produced so far:


plus a couple of twin-seat J-15Ss:



That's right you Vietnamese troll! For the glorious people's carrier to have broken...it had to have worked in the first place!

that troll as you correctly called it is the first correct comment. He is as indian as yourself
Of course we are a Glorious People
Liaoning has been working very well since the day it was launched


credit: jeffhead

Hagel testing a pocket sized EMP device.

I think yes and Hagel has his balls burnt into charcoals
Cant you see he was limping all the way to the PLA canteen?
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Flanker Copies :D

Gross patent violations ..... :lol:

The source resides in the mind of the OP。:D

By the way,over 20 units of the single-seat J-15 have been produced so far:


plus a couple of twin-seat J-15Ss:



Flanker Copies :D

Gross patent violations ..... :lol:

Only the delusional, the ignorant and the very jealous keep on saying that
you cant distinguish an apple from an orange
Go to court and sue us for your accusations troll
Only the delusional and the very jealous keep on saying that
Go to court and sue us for your accusations troll

Why would I do that on behalf of Russia?? ..... Continue building those cheap copies we also want you to do the same ..... :lol:

At the end of the day Chinese are violating every rule from UNCLOS to IP.
Prototype 557


the 2nd prototype that uses WS-10A(Taihang)engines。:enjoy:
This film is dedicated to the numerous Silent Heroes who are involved with the building of our Aircraft Carriers

Why would I do that on behalf of Russia?? ..... Continue building those cheap copies we also want you to do the same ..... :lol:

At the end of the day Chinese are violating every rule from UNCLOS to IP.

you are just appearing more silly by saying that troll
if Russians are not doing nothing why should the cheerleaders be excited about this?
Trying to score points for your working visas or to ask the Russians for more hi-tech imports to your low-tech counrty?
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you are just appearing more silly by saying that troll
if Russians are not doing nothing why should the cheerleaders be excited about this?
Trying to score points for your working visas or to ask the Russians for more hi-tech imports to your low-tech counrty?

Excitement !!

Why not ??

It feels good that every multi billion dollar weapon program of China is a cheap imitation or from stolen technology of either western designs or Russians.

I wish Chinese do that and be in that trap.

Just like your Multi Billion Dollar investments of Ghost cities that too are a cheap imitations of Western cities like Paris ....... :lol:

Chinese are pathetic in conversations ...... !!
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