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Liaoning suddenly broken, there's only 6 J-15 ever done !!!

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Its just a maintenance over haul
why to make such a big deal about it
even Vikramaditya is scheduled to go in for its first Maintenance in 2017.
The reason we know this is because Indian Ministry of Defence is pretty transparent

Just because PLAN didnot announce the over haul 2 yrs before it was suposed to happen, doesnt mean that their is something wrong with the ship

USN only has 6 Aircraft carriers operational at any point of time

Mentione that Liaoning commissioned in 9/2012
Except, few short operation time, we realize that almost time Liaoning inactive, then suddenly after 1 year of "operation", it must be repaired for long-straight 6 months ... is that normal ?

Prototype 557


the 2nd prototype that uses WS-10A(Taihang)engines。:enjoy:

You said 20, means that mass production ...
But prototype 557, means that there's no mass production ...
Excitement !!

Why not ??

It feels good that every multi billion dollar weapon program of China is a cheap imitation or from stolen technology of either western designs or Russians.

I wish Chinese do that and be in that trap.

Just like your Multi Billion Dollar investments of Ghost cities that too are a cheap imitations of Western cities like Paris ....... :lol:

Chinese are pathetic in conversations ...... !!

This Mega Troll who has been repeating every comment with the same context everytime he logs in is ignored! :stop:
I think the arrestor system was not provided by Russia, so china made system by themselves is fake, so accident could happen in any time. other than a steel materials made in China don't have same tech specification with carrier materials. when the temperature could changed, so lead to to damage.
I was unaware they had actually started practice-landings outside a few publicity stunts....that would actually make them farther than I expected.

It is just a regular maintenance overhaul, even the USS George Bush a 2009 supercarrier has done that back in 2012.

Got a question about the new Gerald R. Ford aircraft carrier? - Daily Press

Liaoning/ex-Varyag is actually much older than CVN-77, so a scheduled overhaul is expected.
Those overhauls are after vigorous operation. But it is expected that a "new" ship will undergo many overhauls. I know the ship isn't new per se, but AC's are new to the Chinese Navy. Been doing some research on Japanese ships of WW2...when tactics are in flux....a ship can be practically re-built several times in a decade or two. Probably going to re-build a bit....do some more testing....re-build again etc.
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that troll as you correctly called it is the first correct comment. He is as indian as yourself
Of course we are a Glorious People
Liaoning has been working very well since the day it was launched


credit: jeffhead

I think yes and Hagel has his balls burnt into charcoals
Cant you see he was limping all the way to the PLA canteen?
Why, thanks, @shuttler....haven't been called an Indian, Pakistani, Chinese, etc. for awhile. Thought I was losing my edge. Ask the Indian guys what nationality I am....at least if we traded fun in the post about their "diplomat". And of course it worked when the Ukrainians launched it...now is what we wonder....
This film is dedicated to the numerous Silent Heroes who are involved with the building of our Aircraft Carriers

you are just appearing more silly by saying that troll
if Russians are not doing nothing why should the cheerleaders be excited about this?
Trying to score points for your working visas or to ask the Russians for more hi-tech imports to your low-tech counrty?
So, you support Ukraine? Sweet! (the builders of your AC)
Lol.....fun with google translate....
It's not true, that Vietnam has thousand of 3rd generation interceptors over 40 years ago ... If your J-7 is gen 3rd

this isn't news man, ask anybody, I mean other than yourself. Everybody knows dude. It's not a secret.

J-10 is fourth gen if using the American standard, and third if Chinese. Interceptors cannot be fourth gen, interceptors are third at best by American standards.

You count by photo ? all as assume.
There's actually only 6 ... and they stop the production of J-15

Wow, if you say so, though there's tons of evidence that suggest closer to 20.

BTW, if not photos what do you use? Does PLAN sent you a memo?

You may know that Vietnam never facing 1 vs 1 to American aircrafts during Vietnam War, .. while we had no way to handle their aircraft carriers ( always two AC at the same time ) in SCS at that time.
Let 1 vs 1 we have no final victory ... because their aircrafts outnumbered us all the time.

If Liaoning doesn't dare to enter SCS, then it's useless ... If it enter SCS, it must be very risky for it ... as others have 18 ways to sink it ...

Not vietnam war again. We out number you too dude, 700+ this year, will be closer to 800 by years end, While you guys have about 50, if that. Also J-20 will enter service sometime 2017-2019. But let's not count that.

Liaoning has already entered south China sea, once or twice I think, it's still testing its capabilities and carrier operations in general.

But our surface ships far outnumber you and are far superior in technology. While our subs, no contest dude.

You have exactly 0 ways to attack Liaoning, non of your weapons can get close.
Hey at least we send our ships for maintenance, not blow them up like the Indians :D
Not vietnam war again. We out number you too dude, 700+ this year, will be closer to 800 by years end, While you guys have about 50, if that. Also J-20 will enter service sometime 2017-2019. But let's not count that.
Liaoning has already entered south China sea, once or twice I think, it's still testing its capabilities and carrier operations in general.

Okay no matter what generation you want to call your own aircrafts,
for your under 80 Su 27, under 80 Su30, some lower grade of J10 ... count 6-12 of J15 on Liaoning ...
tell me how many aircrafts could join the air combat in Spratlys islands ? Don't forget, you are not friend of Japan, Russia, Taiwan, India ... all major big military surrounding you

See the location of Vietnam airport, you see we could push all of our Su 27 ( 12 ), Su30 MK2 ( 36 ), Su 22 ( 38 ) to protect the islands ... and hundreds battery of AA missiles with state-of-art technology radars system ...


But our surface ships far outnumber you and are far superior in technology. While our subs, no contest dude.

You have exactly 0 ways to attack Liaoning, non of your weapons can get close.

You could test our ambush ability,
test antiship missiles launched from Kilo 636, Su30MK2,
550km range coastal defense missiles,
or 300km range no-missed Bastion K300-P with Yakhont missiles ( genuine Russian made of Brahmos missiles ) ;
or large quantity of our domestic 300km range KH35EV missiles from surface combatants, aircrafts or coastal / island defense battery ...

Keep staying away from our EEZ or sinking yourself ...
suddenly broken

suddenly broken
suddenly broken
suddenly broken
suddenly broken

suddenly broken
suddenly broken

suddenly broken
suddenly broken
suddenly broken
suddenly broken

suddenly broken

what is Chinese illusion now aday, you should have idiot illusion here, just it is going on. You hva enough things to do here before you can take a hegemony in region. idiot Chinese.

USA will come here, let you kiss *** of uSA if you want like in 1979.
Aircraft carrier broke? Jeeez! It's alive and kicking. Read on.....

[url=http://www.strategypage.com/htmw/htnavai/articles/20140427.aspx]Chinese Carrier Out Of Action For The Rest Of 2014[/URL]

April 27, 2014: After nearly two years of frequent trips to sea for training and testing, China’s first aircraft carrier (the Liaoning) has entered the shipyard for at least six months of maintenance and modifications. All this time at sea apparently produced a long list of things needing to be fixed, modified or replaced. Thus the long trip to the shipyard.

Liaoning completed its sea trials on January 1st after it returned to base with its escort group after 37 days at sea. This came 16 months after Liaoning was commissioned (accepted into service by the navy) in September 2012. At that time China announced that there would be more sea trials before Liaoning was ready for regular service.

Before commissioning Liaoning had performed well during over a year of pre-commissioning sea trials. During that time Liaoning went to sea ten times. The longest trip was two weeks. All this was mainly to see if the ship was able to function reliably at sea. After commissioning Liaoning carried out months of additional trials and preparations for the first flight operations, which took place in late 2012.

In 2011 China confirmed that the Liaoning will primarily be a training carrier. The Chinese apparently plan to station up to 24 jet fighters and 26 helicopters on the Liaoning. But the carrier will also be used to train Chinese officers and sailors to operate as a carrier task force as the Americans and some other Western navies have been doing for over 80 years.

That led to the formation of the first Chinese carrier task force in late 2013. This was essential because a carrier needs escorts. For Liaoning this consisted of two Type 051C destroyers and two Type 054A frigates plus a supply ship. All this is similar to what the U.S. has long used, which is currently 3-4 destroyers, 1-2 frigates, an SSN (nuclear submarine), and a supply ship.
its just overhaul,nothing unusual.but as you know,Liaoning is a Russian carrier.the way Admiral Kuznetsov is giving service,one will definitely say that these Carriers are repair intensive.so,we'll barely expect anything apart from it from Liaoning.though both carriers will operate in different working condition,but even then,we'll see this kind of news more often.even I suspect,our new Carrier INS Vikramaditya will probably face similar situations.
I mean there's something broken in Liaoning ...
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