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Let's get the facts straight about Iran's space monkey


Dec 9, 2011
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
Iran, Islamic Republic Of
Media reports have cast doubt on whether the Iranian space monkey returned alive, but Tehran might yet be vindicated

Was Iran engaging in monkey business when it claimed on Monday to have successfully fired a primate into space and brought it back alive? Despite several media reports in recent days casting doubts on the Iranian claim, it appears that the monkey has indeed returned from its suborbital flight intact.

Based on a photo inconsistency, conspiracy theorists took to the internet within hours of the news breaking, saying that the authorities had lied when they claimed the launch was successful and that the monkey has probably died on its way back to Earth. In a few days, the online allegations were picked up by newspaper websites in the UK and other parts of the world, and Iran was accused of covering up its failure by displaying another monkey.

The confusion stemmed from two contradictory pictures. In the first hours after the story was published by Iranian news agencies, many websites published photos of a monkey with a red spot (or a mole) on its head alongside their articles. That picture was perceived to be recent and was largely used by foreign media. But in the after-launch pictures transmitted later that day, another monkey, with no mole and a different appearance, was depicted.

But, let's get the facts straight. The initial picture was merely an archive photo, taken of a monkey during a failed attempt in 2011. The Iranian student news agency (ISNA) had published the photo of the monkey with the red spot back two years ago. It is not unusual of Iranian agencies to publish archive pictures for current news and not provide a caption, leading to confusion among readers.

The Associated Press on Saturday published a report explaining the mix-up.

"The monkey with the mole was the one launched in 2011 that died. The rocket failed. It did not get into space," Jonathan McDowell, a Harvard astronomer, told the AP. "They just mixed that footage with the footage of the 2013 successful launch."

Iranian authorities have also stepped forward to clarify the situation. "I say this with certainty, that the monkey is in good health and the space flight didn't have any physical effect on Pishgam," Mohammad Ebrahimi, a senior Iranian space official told the AP. "Some of the photos released by one of the news agencies were not related to the time of flight. They were archive photos."

Iranian officials have never confirmed that the 2011 launch failed, but Raja News, a news website close to the elite Revolutionary Guards, said in a report on Saturday that the initial photo was from the "failed" attempt in 2011. Isna also published both pictures on Sunday.

you want western sources ?

Let's get the facts straight about Iran's space monkey

haters gonna hate !!! :)

Images of the monkey Iran said it sent into space, before saying one of the photos of was of a different animal: at left, the original “before” launch image, and in the center, the “after” launch photo. (Image source: The Telegraph)

Following Iran’s announcement of its landmark achievement speculation swirled about the veracity of the claim. Space Israel, a nonprofit Israeli organization, pointed out that the image of the monkey after it supposedly returned from flight was markedly different from the image of the monkey before it went up.

“It looks like a very different monkey, the nose, the features, everything is different,” Space Israel founder and CEO Yariv Bash told the Telegraph. “This means that either the original monkey died from a heart attack after the rocket landed or that the experiment didn’t go that well.”

Ebrahimi said the monkey, “Pishgam,” or “pioneer” in Farsi, did successfully travel in space for a brief trip.

Iran’s Monkey Mystery: Photo Showed the Wrong Animal, Official Admits | TheBlaze.com

I wonder what the truth is?
I dont think they would make such a silly mistake....If they want to fake monkey then they can record video of `after` first...or there are many many other ways....
It is not even a big achievement. Most countries didn't even report this "big achievement" of Iranians.
but did anyone ask the monkeys how they felt about the whole issue????
Here is a paragraph from an article on NPR regarding picture discrepancy:
Jonathan McDowell, a Harvard astronomer who tracks rocket launchings and space activity, also said this week's monkey space flight was real, but he had a slightly different explanation for the photo mix-up. He claimed the light gray monkey with the mole died during a failed space mission in 2011.
"The monkey with the mole was the one launched in 2011 that died. The rocket failed. It did not get into space," McDowell said. "They just mixed that footage with the footage of the 2013 successful launch."
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