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Lets Fight Against Poverty - Narendra Modi's Message to Pakistan

Let's fight poverty together...this is a good message to Pakistan, in the same breath Modi said Pakistan is exporting terrorism and India software. This is clear hypocrisy, double standards and falsehood.

1- Blaming Pakistan within minutes of any incidence shows they were planned in advance, along with the coordinated media attacks. Why is it that each government controlled media is giving the same message, war mongering, blaming Pakistan, clearly they were asked to do so by the Indian government.

2- Modi can never be trusted, as it is said know your enemy and friends. In Bangladesh a year ago he boasted about India's role in creation of Bangladesh, how Indian army supported the rebels and fought with them, a clear disregard to Bangladesh perspective who believes this was an internal struggle. Gives more weight to Agartala conspiracy in 1971.

3- India, I started to believe this, earlier thrashing this concept...that India actually believes in the Hindutva, Hindu Rakhsha, a greater Hindu India that includes the current Pakistan. This is also the RSS ideology, with subjugation of minorities in the agenda, India is a Hindu nation ideologue, and Modi is from RSS as well as his 80% or more cabinet and ministers. He cannot move from his RSS indoctrination.

4- Modi government gives the performance report of his government to none other than Mohan Bhagwat, the current RSS head. Can be verified by Google search.

5- And Modi and RSS believes in the CHANAKYA state craft, don't know how many people have heard about him, can be Google searched. He CHANAKYA has come up with many state crafts, clever tactics, theories about using, abusing the power, how to manipulate, coerce people and nations through deception, shrewdness and cunning crafts.

- One of the idea is to kill your own people in the wake of any upheaval and blame it on neighbors to gain sympathy, just as in Uri, Pathankot.

- The other is if you have got a strong enemy as a neighbor, makes the neighbors neighbor his enemy and support him, just as it is said, an enemy's enemy is your friend, like using Afghanistan here, there are many more crafts in CHANAKYA bagful of tricks.

Well I didn't think de-escalation would come down to this level....................and this quickly as well!!
I Demand psychological checkup of all PM's before they elected pls
Yesterday was a close call when Indian UAVs came within 10 miles of Pakistani airspace. FOBs are active. JF17s lock and loaded are guarding the skies. Even their UAVs are being tracked.

DO NOT for once take this sh!thole words serious. We need to be on constant vigil. They have brought their best on our borders. This is as serious as it can get.
eh, what's this ?
3- India, I started to believe this, earlier thrashing this concept...that India actually believes in the Hindutva, Hindu Rakhsha, a greater Hindu India that includes the current Pakistan. This is also the RSS ideology, with subjugation of minorities in the agenda, India is a Hindu nation ideologue, and Modi is from RSS as well as his 80% or more cabinet and ministers. He cannot move from his RSS indoctrination.

THIS!!!! I have encountered some video and speeches by the RSS leadership, and let me say it was eye opening, these land worshippers hate the idea of Pakistan so deeply that it will use propaganda to belittle the idea of Pakistan by their distorted and biased history so that once the idea is considered false, everything else becomes insignificant
Let's fight poverty together...this is a good message to Pakistan, in the same breath Modi said Pakistan is exporting terrorism and India software. This is clear hypocrisy, double standards and falsehood.

1- Blaming Pakistan within minutes of any incidence shows they were planned in advance, along with the coordinated media attacks. Why is it that each government controlled media is giving the same message, war mongering, blaming Pakistan, clearly they were asked to do so by the Indian government.

2- Modi can never be trusted, as it is said know your enemy and friends. In Bangladesh a year ago he boasted about India's role in creation of Bangladesh, how Indian army supported the rebels and fought with them, a clear disregard to Bangladesh perspective who believes this was an internal struggle. Gives more weight to Agartala conspiracy in 1971.

3- India, I started to believe this, earlier thrashing this concept...that India actually believes in the Hindutva, Hindu Rakhsha, a greater Hindu India that includes the current Pakistan. This is also the RSS ideology, with subjugation of minorities in the agenda, India is a Hindu nation ideologue, and Modi is from RSS as well as his 80% or more cabinet and ministers. He cannot move from his RSS indoctrination.

4- Modi government gives the performance report of his government to none other than Mohan Bhagwat, the current RSS head. Can be verified by Google search.

5- And Modi and RSS believes in the CHANAKYA state craft, don't know how many people have heard about him, can be Google searched. He CHANAKYA has come up with many state crafts, clever tactics, theories about using, abusing the power, how to manipulate, coerce people and nations through deception, shrewdness and cunning crafts.

- One of the idea is to kill your own people in the wake of any upheaval and blame it on neighbors to gain sympathy, just as in Uri, Pathankot.

- The other is if you have got a strong enemy as a neighbor, makes the neighbors neighbor his enemy and support him, just as it is said, an enemy's enemy is your friend, like using Afghanistan here, there are many more crafts in CHANAKYA bagful of tricks.
Excelent Post! Unfortunately the wazifa khor on indian Rs in Pakistan will use this to praise Moohdhi ji painting him a patron saint of humanity.
If true then I would go ahead and applaud Modi.The brave-hearts of Pakistan and Indian armies do not deserve this loathsome war that we always seem to be in. Pakistan should take strict action against any non-state actors brewing trouble in the valley. That sort of activity is neither in Pakistan's interest nor does it help the Kashmiri people. There is plenty of water, land and Kashmir for both sides.
Brilliant speech from Modi ji. Peaceniks got their mature PM (Barkha and Rajdeep are already going gaga), jingoistic Arnab and his ilk got their bits to portray him as a strong PM who can give Pakistan a tough message and most of the clueless masses will hail it as the best speech ever. Modi did what he does best- PR.
Brilliant speech from Modi ji. Peaceniks got their mature PM (Barkha and Rajdeep are already going gaga), jingoistic Arnab and his ilk got their bits to portray him as a strong PM who can give Pakistan a tough message and most of the clueless masses will hail it as the best speech ever. Modi did what he does best- PR.

Sure dude he wont publish his birthday message next time happy now?

Modi realized this in first 6 months they can't have a war with Pakistan no matter How much he wants it to happen. This was not what Modi wanted himself or came to conclusion but his Armed Forces told him that it's not their auqat anymore to start a war.
So what auqat you have to start a war ?
Exactly...Indian economy is so juicy target for Pakistan that we need only one opportunity to be provided by India...A war...As we all know, Everything is fair in love and war...;)....

Pakistan will love to make Indian economy extinct....The same Indian economy who helps Indian army to wage war on Pakistan....
Uff, that you can't do, sorry to say that. Only way for you to do that is if you want your own country to go extinct. Small border skirmishes or a short war or even a war limited to conventional weapons, may slow down but will not stop Indian economy. Only suicidal nuclear war will do that. Now if Pakistan is brave enough to do that then yes, be our guest.
If true then I would go ahead and applaud Modi.The brave-hearts of Pakistan and Indian armies do not deserve this loathsome war that we always seem to be in. Pakistan should take strict action against any non-state actors brewing trouble in the valley. That sort of activity is neither in Pakistan's interest nor does it help the Kashmiri people. There is plenty of water, land and Kashmir for both sides.
You should be prime minister of Pakistan. And teach tuition to Indian leader too.
Didn't take long. According to times now #PMreturnsUriFire :lol:

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