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Let's build PDF into a proper think tank.

I had recommended you for TT—-when I was a think tank member—-but i guess as i recommended you—you never got the title. Puny little beings.

You would gave done good.

my apologies for suggesting your name.

Fatman and araz were both against you.

I don't know you are praising me or insulting but I shall take it as blessing in disguise for not being made think tank.
I don't know you are praising me or insulting but I shall take it as blessing in disguise for not being made think tank.


For once you have to jump into the waters---swim with the sharks to find out your true self---it never hurts---makes you stronger---.
It's a great idea. I would be happy to help. I used to be part of Imran Khan's Insaf Research Wing (IRW) where we published white papers back in 2012. It was very frustrating at times as it was hard for us to get through, but I am glad today we see small elements of those ideas coming through (like a unified education system and removal of British O/A levels).

Here are some general directions that need serious exploration from a military POV:

1. Reforming the PA to include volunteer / conscript forces that can act as a reserve backup force for the highly professional PA units. (75% of the defense budget goes to salaries. Any battle against india will need a larger army and this is only possible via a volunteer / conscription force to support the present PA units)

2. Massive amounts of funds are being wasted by half-baked research and production establishments of the various armed forces (Navy, Army, AF, Strategic). These funds and resources can be better utilized by re-organizing them. Removal of semi-retired generals and having them run on merit and on a professional basis. What a waste endless ToTs have been becomes of this. This sham has to stop.

3. Foresight / Future studies. As we understand, war is changing and old concepts are still hiding in the armed forces. These old concepts and those that guard them need to be assaulted in every way. Endless frigates to guard supply lines when no ship will ever supply Pak during war anyways. Just dumb. Serious rethinking of military strategy and tactics to be employed. A doctrine of war that builds on real industrial capability and unique circumstances of Pakistan rather than monkey versions of Western tactics copy pasted from Sandhurst or some other gora brainwashing institution.

A lot of work is there to be done but no serious people there to do. I was part recently of the Insaf Research Team (IRT) but was sorely disappointed. Just dumb empire builders trying to varnish their egos and build a political career. Really, so many PhDs and Masters degree holders but so little brain in the third world that can think --- its really quite amazing how Lord Macauley's policies truly turned a great nation into dumb nitwits.
Were u removed as a TTA?

I resigned---

It's a great idea. I would be happy to help. I used to be part of Imran Khan's Insaf Research Wing (IRW) where we published white papers back in 2012. It was very frustrating at times as it was hard for us to get through, but I am glad today we see small elements of those ideas coming through (like a unified education system and removal of British O/A levels).

Here are some general directions that need serious exploration from a military POV:

1. Reforming the PA to include volunteer / conscript forces that can act as a reserve backup force for the highly professional PA units. (75% of the defense budget goes to salaries. Any battle against india will need a larger army and this is only possible via a volunteer / conscription force to support the present PA units)

2. Massive amounts of funds are being wasted by half-baked research and production establishments of the various armed forces (Navy, Army, AF, Strategic). These funds and resources can be better utilized by re-organizing them. Removal of semi-retired generals and having them run on merit and on a professional basis. What a waste endless ToTs have been becomes of this. This sham has to stop.

3. Foresight / Future studies. As we understand, war is changing and old concepts are still hiding in the armed forces. These old concepts and those that guard them need to be assaulted in every way. Endless frigates to guard supply lines when no ship will ever supply Pak during war anyways. Just dumb. Serious rethinking of military strategy and tactics to be employed. A doctrine of war that builds on real industrial capability and unique circumstances of Pakistan rather than monkey versions of Western tactics copy pasted from Sandhurst or some other gora brainwashing institution.

A lot of work is there to be done but no serious people there to do. I was part recently of the Insaf Research Team (IRT) but was sorely disappointed. Just dumb empire builders trying to varnish their egos and build a political career. Really, so many PhDs and Masters degree holders but so little brain in the third world that can think --- its really quite amazing how Lord Macauley's policies truly turned a great nation into dumb nitwits.


For that very reason and many other reasons as well---Getting into Yemen conflict would have changed the fate of pakistan to a stronger and powerful nation---.
It's a great idea. I would be happy to help. I used to be part of Imran Khan's Insaf Research Wing (IRW) where we published white papers back in 2012. It was very frustrating at times as it was hard for us to get through, but I am glad today we see small elements of those ideas coming through (like a unified education system and removal of British O/A levels).

Here are some general directions that need serious exploration from a military POV:

1. Reforming the PA to include volunteer / conscript forces that can act as a reserve backup force for the highly professional PA units. (75% of the defense budget goes to salaries. Any battle against india will need a larger army and this is only possible via a volunteer / conscription force to support the present PA units)

2. Massive amounts of funds are being wasted by half-baked research and production establishments of the various armed forces (Navy, Army, AF, Strategic). These funds and resources can be better utilized by re-organizing them. Removal of semi-retired generals and having them run on merit and on a professional basis. What a waste endless ToTs have been becomes of this. This sham has to stop.

3. Foresight / Future studies. As we understand, war is changing and old concepts are still hiding in the armed forces. These old concepts and those that guard them need to be assaulted in every way. Endless frigates to guard supply lines when no ship will ever supply Pak during war anyways. Just dumb. Serious rethinking of military strategy and tactics to be employed. A doctrine of war that builds on real industrial capability and unique circumstances of Pakistan rather than monkey versions of Western tactics copy pasted from Sandhurst or some other gora brainwashing institution.

A lot of work is there to be done but no serious people there to do. I was part recently of the Insaf Research Team (IRT) but was sorely disappointed. Just dumb empire builders trying to varnish their egos and build a political career. Really, so many PhDs and Masters degree holders but so little brain in the third world that can think --- its really quite amazing how Lord Macauley's policies truly turned a great nation into dumb nitwits.
Does Pakistan have government sponsored think tanks or decisions take place behind closed doors?
Does Pakistan have government sponsored think tanks or decisions take place behind closed doors?

Think Tanks in Pakistan are mostly foreign sponsored propaganda outlets, or one man retirement hobbies. Government has a civil service which you can consider as a form of think tank that provides reports and does research, etc.

What I was talking about was IRW and now IRT which were / are PTI think tanks. The first of any political party in Pakistan. Didn't really pan out as such but at least an attempt was there.
Think Tanks in Pakistan are mostly foreign sponsored propaganda outlets, or one man retirement hobbies. Government has a civil service which you can consider as a form of think tank that provides reports and does research, etc.

What I was talking about was IRW and now IRT which were / are PTI think tanks. The first of any political party in Pakistan. Didn't really pan out as such but at least an attempt was there.
I was thinking more on the lines of:
The Emirates Center for Strategic Studies & Research
Abu Dhabi, The United Arab Emirates.


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