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Leio's PLA military photos (kinds of military equipments)

New year PLAAF J-10A flight ... J-10A is a sensitive fighter :victory:



This CCTV capture confirms that at least one of the three Ukrainian IL-78 Midas air refueling tankers is operational. Still, the overall PLAAF tanker fleet is fairly small, consists of an additional 12 H-6U (H-6 mod). This small fleet is capable of supporting a limited set of air operations but not a sustained campaign.
This CCTV capture confirms that at least one of the three Ukrainian IL-78 Midas air refueling tankers is operational. Still, the overall PLAAF tanker fleet is fairly small, consists of an additional 12 H-6U (H-6 mod). This small fleet is capable of supporting a limited set of air operations but not a sustained campaign.
The poor China, bought many 2nd-hand IL-76 from Russia and IL-78 from Ukraine to increase PLAAF's tanker fleet ... the only solution is building more Y-20 in China

A new Y-20 take off
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