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Legend Indian Muslim artist doesnt trust India

I grew up in Jamshedpur, which saw some really bad Hindu Muslim riots in the 70s and 80s. As a kid, I lived in the company bungalows in Dhatkidih, a muslim dominated area. Adjoining were hard core Hindu dominated areas. Perfect recipe for a flashpoint ..... something the younger Indians here would only have seen in movies.

A favorite mutually employed modus operandi to trigger whole scale riots where the whole city burned was for Hindu's to slaughter a pig and leave it on the doorstep of the large local mosque, while muslims would leave the carcass of a cow on the steps the large local Hindu mandir.

"Freedom of expression" in a free country which allows you to eat anything and move anywhere?

The carcasses of the pig and cow respectively qualifying for "artistic licence" (early experiments with animal snuff)?

But thousands of men, women, and children died as a result, and the scars took years to heal.

Somehow I do not see how what the old fart did was in any way different to these inciters of communal violence. The fact that communal tensions at the time did not escalate into violence is a testament to the growing maturity and secularity of the Indian public to be able to see through openly inflammatory actions like this and dismiss them for the rantings of a troubled soul, and not representative of the community unfortunately burdened by his ownership.

Please do not lecture on freedom of expression and artistic licence if you have never lived through a communal riot while your family lies huddled in fear in a dark room while army vehicles with loudspeakers move up and down on deserted roads outside in your curfew locked-down town.

Cheers, Doc
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Actually, I ma amazed when Pakistanis run yelling about freedom of expression in India.

Whenever Pakistan was under control of dictators, the newspapers...... wait! Do I really have to go on? :azn:
I grew up in Jamshedpur, which saw some really bad Hindu Muslim riots in the 70s and 80s. As a kid, I lived in the company bungalows in Dhatkidih, a muslim dominated area. Adjoining were hard core Hindu dominated areas. Perfect recipe for a flashpoint ..... something the younger Indians here would only have seen in movies.

A favorite mutually employed modus operandi to trigger whole scale riots where the whole city burned was for Hindu's to slaughter a pig and leave it on the doorstep of the large local mosque, while muslims would leave the carcass of a cow on the steps the large local Hindu mandir.

"Freedom of expression" in a free country which allows you to eat anything and move anywhere?

The carcasses of the pig and cow respectively qualifying for "artistic licence" (early experiments with animal snuff)?

But thousands of men, women, and children died as a result, and the scars took years to heal.

Please do not lecture on freedom of expression and artistic licence if you have never lived through a communal riot while your family lies huddled in fear in a dark room while army vehicles with loudspeakers move up and down on deserted roads outside in your curfew locked-down town.

Cheers, Doc

sir I have a question regarding jamshedpur...Why didn't jamshedpur work as a pole of development for jharkhand and bihar.It was highly
developed before independence before even the steel plants in south
developed.but bihar and jharkhand remained backward where as south is developing at high speed
sir I have a question regarding jamshedpur...Why didn't jamshedpur work as a pole of development for jharkhand and bihar.It was highly
developed before independence before even the steel plants in south
developed.but bihar and jharkhand remained backward where as south is developing at high speed

One word answer would be ..... POLITICS.

Which would be further defined as:

1) Huge Corruption in State Leadership
2) Mafia (Coal, Ore, Manganese, Slag)
3) Tribal Belt South Bihar (present day Naxals - Jharkhand) vs Upper Caste North Biharis

The TATAs managed to keep Bihar out of Jamshedpur by a tacit agreement between them and the polity that they do not interfere in Jamshedpur ..... for over a century now! They were unable to extend that line of control to their mines and installations elsewhere in the state.

And the biggest reason for that is the business ethic and the unflinching honesty of the TATAs ...... where the official doctrine has always been to NEVER buckle under political pressure and pay a bribe.

You all saw what happened in the stand-off between the TATAs and Mamta in Singur .......

Cheers, Doc
by painting living things, he has violated even islamic rules so he is a sinner according to islam (approx 20% of indian population)


by painting hindu gods in nude and hurting hindu sentiments, he has sinned according to hindu religious rules (approx 80% of population)

Also he became a sinner in Islam,as Islam prohibits muslims to ridicule or insult other people's religion.We are told to respect all religion.Unfortunately the so called muslims like Talibans are not even aware of it.

by painting things that have potential to incite communal riots, he has sinned according to indian constitution (followed by 100% of indians)

Also by instigating trouble in the society,he also broke Islamic laws.

so he better feel "insecure" in India - he has to feel as insecure as any person who has committed a crime.


Freedom does not mean you can hurt others.
Balance: "What the hell this has to do with M F Hussain?"

Does the fact that MF Hussain is Muslim have anything to do with threats against him? Who is threatening him and why?

Aren't Sikhs and Muslims both minorities that have suffered at the hands of angry Hindu mobs in India?

Haq's Musings: Radical Hindu Government in Israeli Exile?
R u that Riaz Haq from that blog who is to obessed
d with India than his own country:what:
Balance: "What the hell this has to do with M F Hussain?"

Does the fact that MF Hussain is Muslim have anything to do with threats against him? Who is threatening him and why?

Aren't Sikhs and Muslims both minorities that have suffered at the hands of angry Hindu mobs in India?

Haq's Musings: Radical Hindu Government in Israeli Exile?

Oh c'mon... stop taunting Hindus. Muslims do not have any authority to taunt Hindus when it comes to tolerance towards minorities.

8 Christians were burned alive in Pakistan two months back for allegedly burning a Quran.

Taslima Nasrin was openly threatened by Muslim fundamentals for highlighting the plight of Bangladeshi Hindus and Bangladesh government did nothing to protect her. Iran's Khomeini issued a fatwa against Salman Rushdie calling his followers to kill Rushdie for criticizing Islam. His followers did manage to kill a close associate of Rushdie in Japan.

I'm not saying that two wrongs make a right, but stupid fundamentalists are found in every religion. What annoys me the most is when people tend to generalize an entire community because of the actions of few.
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I am in no way supporting painting any Hindu god/ess in nude.
in Hinduism these things are part of your religion

Dear HINDUISM expert Ms. Jana,

1. Nudism is not part Hinduism

2. How many modern artists painted Hindu deities naked?

This is the way to paint Saraswati..

by Ravi Varma (1848-1906)

3. If Hussain is a Legend Indian Muslim artist, he should be more careful when painting Gods of other religions, shouldn't he?
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Freedom of hypocrisy :

Husain pulls Meenaxi out of theatres

Shiv Kumar
Tribune News Service ,
Mumbai, April 16,2004

Painter Maqbool Fida Husain has pulled out his movie, Meenaxi — A Tale of Three Cities, out of movie theatres a day after some Muslim organisations here raised objections to one of the songs in it.

“I have told my sole distributor Yash Chopra to withdraw the film from public shows with immediate effect,” Husain said in a statement today. Husain who was visibily upset, however, refused to provide any reasons for his action to reporters. “I have not made the film to make money, nor have I sold it to anyone. Therefore, I need not give any reason for the withdrawal of the screening of the film to public,” Husain said.

Yesterday, the All-India Ulema Council kicked up a row by terming the qawwali number in the film, ‘Noor-un-Ala-Noor’ as blasphemous. The council claimed that the song featuring the film’s main protagonist, Tabu, contained words directly lifted from the Quran. The council’s statement was supported by Muslim organisations like the Milli Council, All-India Muslim Council, Raza Academy, Jamiat-ul-Ulema-e-Hind and Jamat-e-Islami.
The organisations had demanded that Husain change the words of the song. The organisations had even filed a complaint with the Mumbai Police Commissioner A.N. Roy.

“For us, the term Noor-un-Ala-Noor is very sacred. It shouldn’t be used to describe the physical beauty of a heroine,” Maulana Abdul Quddus Kashmiri, general secretary of the All-India Ulema Council said in his statement.

Maulana Kashmiri, however, admitted that he did not see the movie.

Responding to the allegations, Husain’s son and associate producer of the movie, Owais, had said there was no intention to create a controversy. He added that the words Noor-un-Ala-Noor was meant to describe the divine beauty. Meenaxi — A Tale of Three Cities, featuring Tabu in three roles has been critically acclaimed but opened to poor response in theatres across the country. However, Husain had claimed that he had not made the movie to earn money.

The Tribune, Chandigarh, India - Nation

Here Maqbool Fida Husain didnt take more than few days to withdraw from public shows.Neither he nor any other fighters for socalled freedom of expression choose to raise their voice over it.why ??
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Ruag: "8 Christians were burned alive in Pakistan two months back for allegedly burning a Quran."

Yes, Gojra was a shameful incident for which there is no justification.
But are you offering that as defense for India's atrocious record of organized violence against women and minorities?

Let me give you some data of India's record:

1. According to statistics available, every 3rd minute a case of violence against woman is registered in India. Every day 50 cases of dowry related violence are reported and every 29th minute a woman is raped.

2. There is a full-scaled female infanticide going on in India. In several towns and cities, the ratio of female-male birth has gone down to 300 baby girls for every 1000 baby boys.

3. India has one of the widest gender gaps of 22% between male and female literacy.

4. According to All India Christian Council, the 2008 violence has affected 14 districts out of of 30 and 300 Villages in the Indian state of Orissa, 4,400 houses burnt, 50,000 homeless, 59 killed including at least 2 pastors, 10 priests/pastors/nuns injured, 18,000 men, women, children injured, 2 women gang-raped including a nun, 151 churches destroyed and 13 schools and colleges damaged. The violence targeted Christians in 310 villages, with 4,104 homes torched. More than 18,000 were injured and 50,000 displaced and homes continued to burn in many villages. Another report said that around 11,000 people are still living in refugee camps.

5. According to Pankaj Mishra, the author of Temptations of the West: How to Be Modern in India, Pakistan and Beyond, the names of the politicians, businessmen, officials and policemen who colluded in the anti-Muslim pogrom in Gujarat in 2002 are widely known. Some of them were caught on video, in a sting carried out last year by the weekly magazine Tehelka, proudly recalling how they murdered and raped Muslims. But, as Amnesty International pointed out in a recent report, justice continues to evade most victims and survivors of the violence. Tens of thousands still languish in refugee camps, too afraid to return to their homes.

6. SM Mushrif, the author of "Who Killed Karkare?" and former police chief of Maharashtra state, has raised some very serious questions about the role of the Indian intelligence in the increasing violence committed by Hindutva outfits against India's minorities, and how India's Intelligence Bureau diverts attention from it by falsely accusing Indian Muslims and Pakistan's ISI, as was done in Malegaon and Samjutha Express blasts.

Haq's Musings
Relevant questions should be:-

Does he like nudity?
Does he like nudity as a Muslim or as a human being?
Does he like only female nudity?
Does he like only Hindu nudes or any nudes?
Does he represent all Muslims when he likes to paint nude?
Does Islam allows you to enjoy nudity?
Does Islam allows you to enjoy only Hindu nudity or any nudity?
What attracts him towards nudity?
Are Muslims ok with nudity as long as it is non-Muslims who are nude?
Who are his target customers as far as nudity is concerned?
Will Muslims decorate their living room with a nude Hindu goddess?
What gives him more pleasure - nude Hindu goddess or the fact that he has managed to insult Hindus?
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Ruag: "8 Christians were burned alive in Pakistan two months back for allegedly burning a Quran."

Yes, Gojra was a shameful incident for which there is no justification.
But are you offering that as defense for India's atrocious record of organized violence against women and minorities?

Let me give you some data of India's record:

1. According to statistics available, every 3rd minute a case of violence against woman is registered in India. Every day 50 cases of dowry related violence are reported and every 29th minute a woman is raped.

2. There is a full-scaled female infanticide going on in India. In several towns and cities, the ratio of female-male birth has gone down to 300 baby girls for every 1000 baby boys.

3. India has one of the widest gender gaps of 22% between male and female literacy.

4. According to All India Christian Council, the 2008 violence has affected 14 districts out of of 30 and 300 Villages in the Indian state of Orissa, 4,400 houses burnt, 50,000 homeless, 59 killed including at least 2 pastors, 10 priests/pastors/nuns injured, 18,000 men, women, children injured, 2 women gang-raped including a nun, 151 churches destroyed and 13 schools and colleges damaged. The violence targeted Christians in 310 villages, with 4,104 homes torched. More than 18,000 were injured and 50,000 displaced and homes continued to burn in many villages. Another report said that around 11,000 people are still living in refugee camps.

5. According to Pankaj Mishra, the author of Temptations of the West: How to Be Modern in India, Pakistan and Beyond, the names of the politicians, businessmen, officials and policemen who colluded in the anti-Muslim pogrom in Gujarat in 2002 are widely known. Some of them were caught on video, in a sting carried out last year by the weekly magazine Tehelka, proudly recalling how they murdered and raped Muslims. But, as Amnesty International pointed out in a recent report, justice continues to evade most victims and survivors of the violence. Tens of thousands still languish in refugee camps, too afraid to return to their homes.

6. SM Mushrif, the author of "Who Killed Karkare?" and former police chief of Maharashtra state, has raised some very serious questions about the role of the Indian intelligence in the increasing violence committed by Hindutva outfits against India's minorities, and how India's Intelligence Bureau diverts attention from it by falsely accusing Indian Muslims and Pakistan's ISI, as was done in Malegaon and Samjutha Express blasts.

Haq's Musings

Hey, no proper response to my questions yet. And I have one more question for you people. Please come with some logic you can defend.

If India is such a hell for minorities, how dare a Muslim paint Hindu Goddess in nude? And how come he escaped the country?

If what you people yelling is true, I wouldn't have done that if I would have been in Mr Hussains shoes. Don't you agree?
Well, I think that's better than doing nothing. I mean, as a Hindu, it's my duty to have my doubts about Hinduism cleared and help others if they have any (and REALLY want to get them clear).

I'll keep your advice in mind and will try to stay away if the things get dirty. But I really think I should give it a try. The worst thing which can occur is already happening here. So, no harm, you see.

Dude, A defence forum is supposedly not the most approprite place to discuss religion or clear doubts regarding it... You can create your own blog if you are so inclined into demystifying Hinduism and helping others understand it better.. So that wehnever any need arises here, we can always refer it to your blog.. Wat say you??:taz::cheers:
Actually, I ma amazed when Pakistanis run yelling about freedom of expression in India.

Whenever Pakistan was under control of dictators, the newspapers...... wait! Do I really have to go on? :azn:

Freedom of expression???

Who is talking about freedom of expression here ???

The question is about hypocracy in your views when something is there already then why to make any hue and cry
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