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Legend Indian Muslim artist doesnt trust India


Hindus have nothing to hide about sex, its neither taboo nor are there any inhibitions attached to it. Hinduism is a way of life, a very open, tolerant practice.
It believes in the efficacy of four paths to Moksha (Niravana) Dharma, Artha, Yoga, and Kama. Kama meaning sex.
dharma = meaning order, Artha = meaning understanding, yoga = meaning exercise. So these should be the main tenants of ones life. They are more profound then they seem, but if you tried to make sense of it practically or spiritually you will reach common ground some where. That is the beauty of it.
Coming to sex, there is nothing to hide, yes we see it as important part of life and just as I quoted above, all of these have to be experienced before you can call your life complete.

Having said all that it is also very important to understand history a little bit and not attach "religion" to it every time. When kingdoms built temples, they were always the most symbolic icon, something that their kingdom or they(the kings) would be famous for, thus came the first glimpses of artistic freedom in our historical architecture. If you research temples a little bit more, you will see everything from elephants, horses, battles, nature and human beings depicted. A woman dressing with all her ornaments, a man in war etc etc and not to mention carvings and what not which at some stage started to get stale, as the freedom for an artist grew they experimented with everything. A common example of this are the pyramids, where the grew taller and bigger, in this case it was diversity.
Infact most of the artists who have sculpted these have their names signed under them, which would only tell you it was purely artistic. It is not like watching "playboy" there is huge difference..Let me tell you people will see at as art and not get sexually excited when they see this.

As every thing else there is a very thin line in art as well. As many have explained the great Muslim legend was disrespectful. Period. And your other question of Indian Gods being depicted nude is not correct. In fact all this art is only on the outside and the inside is just like any other temple. You may show me any number of links you want, unless you can prove that with a picture or a video it fails.

All this was a splendid period of creativity but alas people twist it towards perverseness.
I'll be back soon: MF Husain

5 Nov 2009, 2001 hrs IST
From his home in exile painter M F Hussain says he will return to India as soon as he is through with his work in Dubai. He'e been in self-imposed exile for the last few years but the artist speaking exclusively with TIMES NOW from his exile home, told that he would be back in India in the next two years.

As the government plans to approach the Supreme Court for speedy disposal of all cases against him, renowned painter M F Husain earlier said he was ready to return to India at the earliest.

Home Ministry sources said cases filed against Husain across the country over his controversial paintings should be
brought to a logical end and that the Centre was contemplating to move the Supreme Court for their expeditious disposal to ensure his early return.

Husain, whose paintings depicting Hindu deities in the nude led to protests and threats by saffron outfits, has been living in Dubai and London for the past few years.

watch his exclusive interview posted on the link below:

I'll be back soon: Husain-News-Exclusives-TIMESNOW.tv - Latest Breaking News, Big News Stories, News Videos
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No body had insulted your religion here, rather we are talking about whatever your own Hindu writers are saying.

Your assumption that I am a Hindu is incorrect.

I dont have to be a Hindu to point out to you to respect others beliefs... something thats obviously missing in your curriculum!

Someday ... some Muslim writes an article/book that speaks in derision about Islam ... what would be your stand then? Coz as per you, if anything wrongs been written about a relegion by a person belonging to that relegion, then it is correct.

Maybe you might support that person. And you will find me opposing you even then! :)
You Decide!!!

If a person dresses like a Sikh Guru, thousands of Sikhs gather and destroy

their establishments , threaten to kill him, announce a bounty on his head
Sikhs are not criticized for being communal and intolerant,

If a Danish journalist depicts the Prophet of the Muslims , Muslims all

over the world rise in anger, there is violence, a booty on the head of
the Journalist - Muslims are not criticized for being communal and

If MF Hussain draws paintings depicting Hindu Gods and Goddesses
in sexual positions (which relations are not borne out by ancient
texts at all ) and Hindus merely protest , they are called communal,
intolerant and taught lessons in secularism by one and all.

The problem apparently is not with Sikhs and Muslims, it is with

Hindus , because we are not violent, we accept what ever is dished

out to us , we do not have the guts to say that this is wrong , we seek
acceptance from outsiders rather than from our conscience.
We worship the same Gods and Goddesses but don't stand up for
them when the time comes.
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