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Legend Indian Muslim artist doesnt trust India

Since when did sculpting images or painting idols be a defining thing about being Muslim when infact this in itself is frowned upon.

Agreed! This guy is a pervert old hack. That all. No Islam in him....:tdown:
Agreed! This guy is a pervert old hack. That all. No Islam in him....:tdown:

And Islam is all about cross borer terrorism, killing innocent people huh?
Shame on you. Atleast EjazR's proved that he's an Indian and a true Muslim.
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And Islam is all about cross borer terrorism, killing innocent people huh?
Shame on you. Atleast EjazR's proved that he's an Indian and a true Muslim.

Islam is not all about across the other side terrorism. It's just that India is so annoying that it makes terrorists jump across the other side to commit an act of terror on India. Get it?
Islam is not all about across the other side terrorism. It's just that India is so annoying that it makes terrorists jump across the other side to commit an act of terror on India. Get it?

You do realist you have effectively endorsed terrorism against India.
i was almost killed by terrorists once, and i can say that is by far the most inconsiderate and unforgivable statement you have ever made.
you going to say stuff like this to family of those who lost people to terrorism
... It's just that India is so annoying that it makes terrorists jump across the other side to commit an act of terror on India. Get it?

Why would you insist on showcasing your own to match bile, I mean adrenalin's stupidity?

Gogbot was right - it's best to refrain from talking flippantly about "terrorism" - be it Hindutva, Liberation Tigers, or TTP versions.

I thought you were more mature than that.

Why would you insist on showcasing your own to match bile, I mean adrenalin's stupidity?

Gogbot was right - it's best to refrain from talking flippantly about "terrorism" - be it Hindutva, Liberation Tigers, or TTP versions.

I thought you were more mature than that.


We got the mature ones talking arrogant and the immature ones acting like idiots. Get used to it, that's how the world goes round. Name me 1 nation with 100% mature or intelligent people or 1 nation with 100% idiots. There are none. This is reality.
Won't be acceptable in 'any' society? I am not sure, I can agree with you there. Writings against Islam are acceptable in non-islamic society, writings against jewism are acceptable in non-jewish society, writings against christianity are acceptable in non-christian society and writings against hinduism are acceptable in non-hindu society. Does it mean, that one can have it in any way one wishes, just as long as one stays away from my sentiments?

We raise a toast for Rushdies, and Nasrins, and Theo van Gogs. But when the same pen and brush turn to us, suddenly all our pretense vanishes. Out comes the excuse of religious sentiments.

Why should I care for others irrational thoughts.

when i said any society ,I was taking about degree of tolerance for disrespect of the religion that society belongs to...not the unmindfulness or even encourgement witnessed for the same in unconcerned societies belonging to other sects.

We raise a toast for Rushdies, and Nasrins, and Theo van Gogs. But when the same pen and brush turn to us, suddenly all our pretense vanishes. Out comes the excuse of religious sentiments.

An Wrong assumption.

I'm sure Rushdies, and Nasrins and Theo van Gogs are celebrated not because they committed blasphemy,but for the quality of thier creativity.
BTW,Satanic verse was banned in india.we only sympathise with Writers like Rushdies, and Nasrins when they get Fatwas on their head rather than condone their seemingly anti islamic opinion, though both Rushdies, and Nasrins have tried to explain their position on numerous occasions.

Why should I care for others irrational thoughts

And why should other people tolerate ur rudeness if u insult their religion in the name of freedom of expression.

Like other things ,there is a limit to freedom of expression...in especailly in religious matters and one has to right to condemnn any attempt to insult ones religion.I'm not advocating fatwas to kill,but some form of censure is a natural outcome.We also have defametion laws to prevent any abuse to the freedom of expression for the same reasons.

Anyway,Rushdies would not have found a very safe refuge in UK,had he wrote erotic story involving Jesus and his family memebers...

MH Hussain's case is one such rude attempt...i may give him benefit of doubt due to the his ignorance of hindu religion.But he should've come clean on this on his own.An public apology would've been enough to put an end this controversy.Instead he willfully choose to remain insolent disregarding the sentiments of hindus who make majority religious group in his native land.

As long as MH Hussain doesnt care much for hindu sentiments ...I dont think he or his art would find a secure place in india which is unfortunate as this controversy aside he is a great artist.

Anyway he probably more happy to stay in Dubai and draw more such stupid painting of hindu godess rather than realise his mistake.
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No one has right to hurt religious sentiments of others the name of freedom of expression...it wont be acceptable in any society.

This matter could've been solved had M.F.Hussain apologized for drawing these paintings...he choose to leave india only after cases were filed aganist him.

Actually you do have the right to that freedom of expression. Just because it isn't acceptable in your society, it doesn't mean it is right. Sanity is not based on numbers.

This is the problem when you put religion on a pedastal. Freedom of expression shall not be limited just because some pious people are offended. If people are offended, they can disagree and protest, not start threatening people with death. This is the difference between an open and civilized country, and one that is insecure and restricts people for pleasing religion.

Why should M.F. Hussain apologize? Because some people disagree with him? Next you will say that religion shall not be criticized even if it is the problem (as it is in so many cases).
Actually you do have the right to that freedom of expression. Just because it isn't acceptable in your society, it doesn't mean it is right. Sanity is not based on numbers.

This is the problem when you put religion on a pedastal. Freedom of expression shall not be limited just because some pious people are offended. If people are offended, they can disagree and protest, not start threatening people with death. This is the difference between an open and civilized country, and one that is insecure and restricts people for pleasing religion.

Why should M.F. Hussain apologize? Because some people disagree with him? Next you will say that religion shall not be criticized even if it is the problem (as it is in so many cases).

Well, Please read this.

Jyllands-Posten Muhammad cartoons controversy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

If entire Muslim community can go against this kind of freedom(As posetre in Wiki link).

Why should Hindu Gods be allowed to be painted nude by some old "Tharki Buddha".

Are Muslim Sentiments holier and bigger than Hindu Sentiments.
Well, Please read this.

Jyllands-Posten Muhammad cartoons controversy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

If entire Muslim community can go against this kind of freedom(As posetre in Wiki link).

Why should Hindu Gods be allowed to be painted nude by some old "Tharki Buddha".

Are Muslim Sentiments holier and bigger than Hindu Sentiments.

You assumed I held a different position on the Muhammad cartoons. I hold the same position for any religion, whether it is Islam, Christianity, Judaism :cheers:
Why should M.F. Hussain apologize? Because some people disagree with him? Next you will say that religion shall not be criticized even if it is the problem (as it is in so many cases).

No, I am not saying he should appologise. But he should not have painted a Hindu goddess in an inappropriate manner. It is not a question of some people disagreeing with him. For an elderly man, and a respected senior citizen, he should have known that there are limits to the so called 'freedom of artistic expressions' of even the most exalted of artists.

I dont subscribe to the threats meted out to him. But he should realise that the reaction would not have been different had he portrayed the Prophet or Christ or the Sikh gurus or Lord Buddha or others of similar divine stature in inappropriate manner in any nation in the world.

It is more an issue of insensitivity and inappropriate behaviour on the part of a talented and revered public personality than that of intolerance on the part of an aggreived group. I am not condoning the nefarious activities of the agitating groups and their manner of showing dissent. But MFH should not have done what he did.

Actually you do have the right to that freedom of expression. Just because it isn't acceptable in your society, it doesn't mean it is right. Sanity is not based on numbers.

This is the problem when you put religion on a pedastal. Freedom of expression shall not be limited just because some pious people are offended. If people are offended, they can disagree and protest, not start threatening people with death. This is the difference between an open and civilized country, and one that is insecure and restricts people for pleasing religion.

Why should M.F. Hussain apologize? Because some people disagree with him? Next you will say that religion shall not be criticized even if it is the problem (as it is in so many cases).

Nobody india is asking for M.F. Hussain's head...hindu community is too mature to do that.

yaa,hindus are offended and they protest aganist any exhibition of such paintings.Thats it...no more public exhibitions of his paintings as long as he doesnt realise his mistake and refrain from such attempts in future.whats so unfair or unreasonable about it??

Why is he holding on his huge ego to come in terms with the fact that his vulgar painting of hindu god and goddess hurt the sentiments of miliions of hindus??

We had many great artists before ...both hindu and muslims ,none found any desire to draw nude(vulgar) paints of hindu deties as they had more aesthetic sense than Hussain.
We do not allow nudity in any form. Whereas you can see such sculptures in Khajuraho, Konark Sun Temple in India etc

Hey come on man , Do you have any law restricting pornography contents in internet ? hehe... Feeling better for being born in India :rofl:

No religion will ban nudity , then how come our human race would survive :azn:
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