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Legend Indian Muslim artist doesnt trust India

We all agree with you that no one should be allowed to hurt the sentiment of any religion in the name of freedom of expression and i said it before too several times.

The only point here is when you have such nude sculptures then he was doing nothing new.

He has not apologized AFAIK. Where did you see nude pictures of goddess?

As far as MF Hussain's apology then my dear you need to check he did appologise for that already still many Hindu entities in India supported his bheading or chopping off his hands.

He is alive since he is Indian if he was in country wherein Blasphemy laws required so as not to hurt sentiments of majority he would have been killed.
Hello there.
I am new to this forum, though I'm reading it from ages.
Sorry to jump in without proper intro. But let me clear my intentions. I am a Hindu and I think I know a bit as I am trying to study Hinduism for few years now.
Jana looks honest in approach. So, I'm here to try and clear the picture, of I can make any difference.
He can not paint his God but because we do not have idols as our gods.

Anyway its such a hypocracy when hindus do have such sculptures and now making fuss of something because the painter is a Muslim.

Your post has proved it

As usual ur show ur ignorance and feel proud of it in typical jana style.

Hindus dont put nude sculptures of their god or godess or worshipp such nude idols anywhere.

Expect of for goddess Durga who in her Kali avatar appears somewhat bare(there is a mythological background to it) ,I've never seen or read a hindu god or godess being worshipped as nude idols in my whole life.

Those nude sculptures that appears on the walls ancient hindu temples are of dancers or courtesan and here also lies spritual reasoning why such erotic sculptures find place on walls of temples.

now making fuss of something because the painter is a Muslim

No hindu painter had ever depicted Goddess Saraswati or maa sita nude that too in a very vulgar manner like Mr Hussain.

MF Hussain should have been more conscious of the fact he was a muslim before taking time to draw the such nude drawings of hindu godess .

MF Hussain is lucky that he took his chances with hindu deity and a mature hindu religion .Had he tried to do the samething with anyother religion including islam ,by now he would've lost his life.
Hello there.
I am new to this forum, though I'm reading it from ages.
Sorry to jump in without proper intro. But let me clear my intentions. I am a Hindu and I think I know a bit as I am trying to study Hinduism for few years now.
Jana looks honest in approach. So, I'm here to try and clear the picture, of I can make any difference.

You are new you will learn soon.
@ Jana

What you are saying is true in very small reference. The pictures and sculptures you are referring to are believed to be made only for art and scientific study purpose. The "Kama" (sex) is suffixed with "Shastra" (science). I don't see it has to do anything with God's.

As far a "God / Goddess of Fertility / Love" is concerned, isn't it but natural to paint them nude? But the Goddess painted by M F Hussain is "Saraswati" - the Goddess of Knowledge and Wisdom. What is the logic in painting her nude? It's like a more vulgar form of dreaming to have sex with your teacher. That's obviously unacceptable.

I think I have cleared it up.
I see that there are many misconceptions/confusions about Hindus and Hinduism. So how about starting a separate thread?

All the members (including Hindus) can post their doubts and those who have logical answers can make the issues clear. I'm really looking forward if I can do something for my religion by participating here. :wave:
I see that there are many misconceptions/confusions about Hindus and Hinduism. So how about starting a separate thread?

All the members (including Hindus) can post their doubts and those who have logical answers can make the issues clear. I'm really looking forward if I can do something for my religion by participating here. :wave:

I would advise as to refrain to start such discussion. As you are playing with fire and probably you may get banned and others may get banned after heated exchanges when some peoples religious feelings get hurt.
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Hello there.
I am new to this forum, though I'm reading it from ages.
Sorry to jump in without proper intro. But let me clear my intentions. I am a Hindu and I think I know a bit as I am trying to study Hinduism for few years now.
Jana looks honest in approach. So, I'm here to try and clear the picture, of I can make any difference.

Thank you for taking my view with a clam head.

Indeed being Hindu/s you must be knowing more than i do .

All i am saying on the basis of my study of your own books and details written by your own Hindu Indians and not someone from my country or any other faith.

Besides my visit to some temples in South Indian where we have seen some stone sculptures defined by an Indian Hindu educated man who was having authority over explaining it :)
Problem in India is it cannot have Blasphemy laws for Majority religion, Hussain is taking advantages of it.
I would advise as to refrain to start such discussion. As you are playing with fire and probably you may get banned after heated exchanges and some peoples religious feelings get hurt.

Well, I think that's better than doing nothing. I mean, as a Hindu, it's my duty to have my doubts about Hinduism cleared and help others if they have any (and REALLY want to get them clear).

I'll keep your advice in mind and will try to stay away if the things get dirty. But I really think I should give it a try. The worst thing which can occur is already happening here. So, no harm, you see.
Thank you for taking my view with a clam head.

Indeed being Hindu/s you must be knowing more than i do .

All i am saying on the basis of my study of your own books and details written by your own Hindu Indians and not someone from my country or any other faith.

Besides my visit to some temples in South Indian where we have seen some stone sculptures defined by an Indian Hindu educated man who was having authority over explaining it :)

Well, I was expecting your reply on my second post. That's where I've tried to explain. So, should I consider that I could be of any help?
Well, I was expecting your reply on my second post. That's where I've tried to explain. So, should I consider that I could be of any help?

Hi Balance,

Good attempt! :-)

In the last 4 pages, Jana has been repeating herself inspite of all the explanations given.

To the mods of this forum,
I would never do something like this... but lets say if someone would keep repeating blasphemous things about Islam or any personality related to Islam ... continuously. ... inspite of being informed that their views donot have any standing in Islam... but they still continue to repeat their sickening rant on any religion.... what would your reaction be?
No one has right to hurt religious sentiments of others the name of freedom of expression...it wont be acceptable in any society.

This matter could've been solved had M.F.Hussain apologized for drawing these paintings...he choose to leave india only after cases were filed aganist him.

Won't be acceptable in 'any' society? I am not sure, I can agree with you there. Writings against Islam are acceptable in non-islamic society, writings against jewism are acceptable in non-jewish society, writings against christianity are acceptable in non-christian society and writings against hinduism are acceptable in non-hindu society. Does it mean, that one can have it in any way one wishes, just as long as one stays away from my sentiments?

We raise a toast for Rushdies, and Nasrins, and Theo van Gogs. But when the same pen and brush turn to us, suddenly all our pretense vanishes. Out comes the excuse of religious sentiments.

Why should I care for others irrational thoughts.
Hi Balance,

Good attempt! :-)

In the last 4 pages, Jana has been repeating herself inspite of all the explanations given.

To the mods of this forum,
I would never do something like this... but lets say if someone would keep repeating blasphemous things about Islam or any personality related to Islam ... continuously. ... inspite of being informed that their views donot have any standing in Islam... but they still continue to repeat their sickening rant on any religion.... what would your reaction be?

No body had insulted your religion here, rather we are talking about whatever your own Hindu writers are saying.
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