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i have some indian friends, when they speak word by word i realize some words and understand. one of them sent me his wedding card i understood all text in, because had a lot of Persian words.
Persian words in Urdu help to make easy communication

Thanks buddy. Just a question the text you read in wedding card was in Urdu (Arabic script), Hindi (Devnagari script) or in English.
Places and Travel

jah, gah = place (جا)
khiaban = street (خیابان)
ja'de = road (جاده)
rah = way/path (راه)
sakhteman = building (ساختمان)
khane = house/home (خانه)
istgah = station (ایستگاه)
dæftær, edare = office (دفتر) (اداره)
mædrese (Ar.), amuzeshgah = school (مدرسه) (اموزشگاه)
estadiom = stadium
værzeshgah = gym (ورزشگاه)
ketab khane = library (کتابخانه)
edare post, post khane = post office (اداره پست)
forudgah/vorudgah = airport (فرودگاه)
muze = museum (موزه)
borj = tower (Ar.) (برج)
pol = bridge (پل)
tæbæqe (Ar.), eshkube = floor/level (طبقه) (اشکوب)
park = park (پارک)
bagh, baghcheh, bustan = garden/farm (باغ)
mæqbære = monument/tomb (Ar.) (مقبره)
mojæsæme = statue (مجسمه)
moqaze = store (Ar.) (مغازه)
bazar = market/bazaar (بازار)
hotel = hotel (هتل)
daneshgah = university (دانشگاه)
daneshkæde = college (دانشکده)
resturan = restaurant (رستوران)
dæst-shuyi = bathroom (lit. "hand washer")
qasr (Ar.), kakh = castle/palace (قصر)
zendan = prison/jail (زندان)
kælantæri = police station (کلانتری)
bimarestan = hospital (بیمارستان)

shæhr = city (شهر)
deh = village (ده)
shæhrestan = county (شهرستان)
paitækht = capital (پایتخت)
ostan, estan, istan, stan = state (ستان-)

Religions and Religious Places
mazhab, deen = religion (مذهب) (دین)
mæsjed = mosque (مسجد)
kelisa = church (کلیسا)
kenise = synagogue (کنیسه)
atæsh kæde/atæsh gah = fire temple (آتشگاه)
pæræsteshgah = temple/worshiping place (پرستشگاه)
ziaraat-gah = shrine (زیارتگاه)
Eslam, Deen Eslam = Islam, Religion of Islam (اسلام) (دین اسلام)
Zarthusht = Zoroastrian (زرتشتی)
Maseehi = Christian (مسیحی)
Protestan = Protestant (پروتستان)
Catoleekh = Catholic (کاتولیک)
Boodei = Buddhist (بودایی)

Geographical Terms
rud, rudkhane = river (رودخانه) (رود)
dærya = sea (دریا) (note: In Urdu, the same means a "river")
dærya-cheh = lake (دریاچه)
oqianus = ocean (اقیانوس)
jæzire = island (Ar.) (جزیره)

dæsht = flat land/plain (دشت) (i.e. plains of Nineveh would be "dæsht e Nain-nav-ah" )
meidan = feild/plain (میدان)
sehrah = desert (صحرا)
jængæl = forest/jungle/woods (جنگل)
kuh = mountain (کوه)
tæpe = hill (تپه)

in-jah = here (اینجا)
an-jah = there (آنجا)
rast = right (راست)
chæp = left (چپ)
shomal = north (Ar.) (شمال)
junub = south (Ar.) (جنوب)
shærq (Ar.), khavær = east (شرق) (خاور)
qærb (Ar.), bakhtær = west (غرب) (باختر)
dæst-e .... = to your.... (lit. ".....hand side") (... دست)
tæræf (Ar.), su, vær = direction/way (سو) (طرف)
bala - up (بالا)
payin - down (پایین)

mashin = car
otobus = bus (اتوبوس)
hæva-peyma = airplane (هواپیما)
taksi = taxi (تاکسی)
ajhans = taxi (that you call to pick you up)
metro = metro (مترو)
qætar = train (Ar.) (قطار)
kamiun = truck (کامیون)
minibus = minibus/van
dochærkhe = bicycle (دوچرخه)
Many persian words are like in urdu also? or are so simple? like 2 charkha? 2 wheels.... farsi and urdu... people from both countries can benefit from it....
If u guys need translation into urdu....im more then happy ..
And shaba khair
Continuing from the above post on places and travel, these verbs are important.

to run - "doidæn" (دویدن)
mæn midoæm - I run (... من )
to midoi - you run (... تو)
shoma midoid - you run (formal) (... شما)
an midoæd - that runs (... آن)

to walk - "rah ræftæn" (راه رفتن)
mæn rah mirævæm - I walk (... من راه)
to rah mirævi - you walk (... تو)

to drive - "ranændegi kærdæn" (راندن کردن)
to fly - "pærvaz kærdæn" (پرواز کردن)
same format as above


che?/chi? = what? (چه؟)
ki? = who? (که؟)
ku?, kuja?/koja? = where? (کجا؟)
kodom? = which? (کدام )
chera? = why? (چرا؟)
chetor?/chejur? = how? (in what way?) (چگو)
chegune? = how (چگونه؟)
Mitoonam ke komaketoon konam? = can I help you? ( میتونم که کمکتون کنم؟)
Shoam mitooni ke komakam konid? = can you help me? ( شما میتونید کمکم کنید؟)
(dashtshooi/darookhaneh) kojast? = where is the (bathroom/ pharmacy)? (دستشویی/داروخانه) کجاست؟)
Gheymatesh chand ast? = How much is this? (قیمتش چند است ؟)
Bebakhshid = excuse me, ... (to ask for something or to pass by) ( ببخشی)
Continuing from the above post on places and travel, these verbs are important.

to run - "doidæn" (دویدن)
mæn midoæm - I run (... من )
to midoi - you run (... تو)
shoma midoid - you run (formal) (... شما)
an midoæd - that runs (... آن)

to walk - "rah ræftæn" (راه رفتن)
mæn rah mirævæm - I walk (... من راه)
to rah mirævi - you walk (... تو)

to drive - "ranændegi kærdæn" (راندن کردن)
to fly - "pærvaz kærdæn" (پرواز کردن)
same format as above


che?/chi? = what? (چه؟)
ki? = who? (که؟)
ku?, kuja?/koja? = where? (کجا؟)
kodom? = which? (کدام )
chera? = why? (چرا؟)
chetor?/chejur? = how? (in what way?) (چگو)
chegune? = how (چگونه؟)
Mitoonam ke komaketoon konam? = can I help you? ( میتونم که کمکتون کنم؟)
Shoam mitooni ke komakam konid? = can you help me? ( شما میتونید کمکم کنید؟)
(dashtshooi/darookhaneh) kojast? = where is the (bathroom/ pharmacy)? (دستشویی/داروخانه) کجاست؟)
Gheymatesh chand ast? = How much is this? (قیمتش چند است ؟)
Bebakhshid = excuse me, ... (to ask for something or to pass by) ( ببخشی)

Thanks again for your effort, i have seen in "Gorgan" e-city website you can learn Persian as second language (multimedia). check it out, maybe useful to use here sometimes to show how pronounce words.
Verb structure ("negative"):

You already know that "no" is "næ" or "nakheyr" (نخیر)
and you already know that "æst" is "to be" or "is" ( است)

So, the negative of "is" is "is not" which is "nist" (نیست) in Persian. Hence "not" is "nist" as well.

Now when conjugating an action verb to negative verb, it is usually the same word except now you also add a "ne-" or "næ-" before the conjugated verb.

So, "mæn mitævanæm" = I can/ am able to, but if you add "ne-" it becomes "mæn nemitævanæm" = I cannot/ am not able to. (من نمی توانم )

mæn mikonæm = I do (I will) and thus, mæn nemikonæm = I do not (I won't/ am not doing)
mæn miguyæm = I say and thus, mæn nemiguyæm = I do not say
mæn daræm = I have and thus, mæn nædaræm = I do not have (note: this does not translate to "I am not doing")

to mikhabi = you sleep and thus, to nemikhabi = you do not sleep
mæn æstam = I am and thus, mæn nistæm = I am not
an æst = that is and thus, an nist = that is not (این نیست)
Colors (colours) - "Ræng" (رنگ)

ghermez/sorkh = red (قرمز, سرخ)
sæbz = green (سبز)
abi = blue (آبی)
zærd = yellow (زرد)
narænji = orange (نارنجی)
bænæfsh = purple (بنفش)
suræti = pink (صورتی)
qahvei = brown (قهوه ای)
khaki = khaki (خاکی )
khakestæri = grey (خاکستری)
siah/meshki = black (مشکی, سیاه)
sefid/sepid = white (سفید)
tæla/zær = gold (زر, طلا)
noqre = silver (نقره)

tireh/tarik = dark (تیره, تاریک)
roshæn/tabnak = light (روشن)
Many persian words are like in urdu also? or are so simple? like 2 charkha? 2 wheels.... farsi and urdu... people from both countries can benefit from it....
If u guys need translation into urdu....im more then happy ..
And shaba khair

how good your balouchi is? i have got many balouch friends, when they speak i can fully(or should i say to a great deal) understand them. many many same vocabulary, and even gramatical structures look the same.
Everyone... I'd be away for sometime so there would be a gap until the next lesson is posted. Meanwhile, for those who are interested, there is enough material to cover alreadx. Bye
New and Old

no, nau, nav, novin = new (نو, نوین)
jædid = new (Ar.) (جدید)
qædimi (Ar.); kohæn = old (کهنه, قدیمی)

jævan; borna = young (برنا, جوان)
pir, mosen = old (age wise)
(Sufi masters can also be called "pir")

tazeh = fresh, new (تازه)
On Love... :smitten:

eshgh, asheghi, mohabat = love (محبت, عشق)
yar, dusti = love (friendship) (دوستی)

ashegh e to æstæm = I love you/ I am in love with you
asheghet æstæm = I love you
asheghet shodæm / asheghe to shodæm = I have fallen in love with you
ey yar = oh love/friend
yaræm = my love/friend
yar e mæn, eshgh e mæn = love of mine
dustet daræm = I love/like you (I have a liking of you)
to ra dust daræm = I love/like you (I have a liking of you)
qælb (Ar.), del = heart/soul (دل, قلب)
del e mæn bæraye to mitapæd = my heart pounds for you
del e mæn bæraye to tæng shod æst = I miss you (lit. my heart has grown tight for you)
mah e mæn = my moon (said in reference to a female only) (ماه من)
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