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Leaked photos show Chinese brutality in Tibet

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Everyone has some skeletons in their closet :P :devil:
here we go again.

Be it India or China or Pakistan, the State indulges in brutality.

No point comparing each other. there is no such thing as lesser evil. Evil is evil. Period

The idiocy of it all is, Indian thread starters who likes to propagate against China, Pakistan, Sri Lanka or Bangladesh often does not have a mirror in their homes. They probably grew up studying all the wrong materials and learn only to criticize and display its prejudice against others. The number one rule before criticizing anyone of alleged wrong doings is to, first, be squeaky clean and free from the problem put forth and raised by itself.
It is not abt guts mate it is all abt wht is wrong wht is right..Neither we are here to challenge them..Kashmir has been used politicians for their benefits..Both sides are not honest..Terrorist doing this digusting act for money and making fool of people in name of religion and govt is doing for votes and money
Dude India isnt gaining anything here politically its all about having our own land with ourself...I understand that Pakistanis morale is deep in the sands for the fact that they havent been able to bully us and get kashmir outta India in the past 50 years..Still they dream of getting that one day and am quite sure their dreams will stay the way it is and it wont happen for real....if they really think Kasmir can be liberated by talks with India then its mission impossible the only way they can drean of that is through military and these Internet fanboys instead of raging in the net if they really wanna taste somethin they must be pushing their Government in to something beyond talks...I would dearely like to see these fanboys who want Kashmir in real action against our Army if they real have something called guts...peace is possible in this region only if they start to stop claiming Kashmir....Its not going to hurt us that much if they keep on stressing the Kasmir issue because we have been able to achieve growth inspite of these raging games and i dont doubt that its going to hurt us badly in the long run too...Dreamers gonna dream and all i ask them is come to reality and breathe some air....

36(government estimates)-72(opposition estimates) people were killed by the government of Iran.

2008 Tibetan unrest - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

29 people were killed by Tibetan terrorists who unprovokedly attacked Han Chinese civilians and police.

The killing of opposition by the government of Iran serves a useful purpose: maintaining political stability in Iran. The senseless riots has no useful purpose, only destruction. That is the definition of terrorism.
Stil the same big lies.
In Iran it was all about protest against fake election results. Just get some education.
As well an important point is that the protesters were not there to kill people or even police or army. and the green movment is not anti Iranian. There were not violent but pacific people.
Again if it was fair election, then why refuse any reformist checking process and international checking organisation. Whatever i repeat this obvious, you always repeat your mishonnesty.

I don't know if all the guys arrested are terrorists in China since there is no real data posted here.
But your sense of justice is very strange.

I wonder why in Iran , internet most important communication websites are forbidden.
Maybe your sense of democracy.

Why in China there are filters?
because people are not trusted to understand the real truth, i mean the real truth written by some guys.

72 is for the next three months. there are much more after. protests during Achura? i guess you never heard.
you speak over things you have no education about.

Answer me this simple question:
why China is forbiding the communication from outside about Tibet?
people in your country are easily being manipulated or what?
this is your sense of freedom and justice to dictate what should be said?

waiting your smart answer...
why india is not resolve the Kashmir issue
when in 1951 their prime minister Nehru promise with them for voting
The idiocy of it all is, Indian thread starters who likes to propagate against China, Pakistan, Sri Lanka or Bangladesh often does not have a mirror in their homes. They probably grew up studying all the wrong materials and learn only to criticize and display its prejudice against others. The number one rule before criticizing anyone of alleged wrong doings is to, first, be squeaky clean and free from the problem put forth and raised by itself.
valid point brother, but at the same time were the rest of the country men so noble that they do not bring up alligations against INDIA every time.
The one thing i find here in most of the thread openers is the level of maturity that they have to provoke a needless fight with each other.
and when people accept the guilt of their country, they get branded traitors not in their country but here in PDF. and for the sole reason of preserving and proving their patriotism, they go into a fist fight with every other country men just to prove to the rest of the bloggers of ones country men "How Patriotic he/she is?"
and that goes for every blogger here, be it INDIAN, PAKISTANI, CHINESE.

To all members, Read my signature and learn from the words of Malcom X
why india is not resolve the Kashmir issue
when in 1951 their prime minister Nehru promise with them for voting

Because pakistan have not abide UN,pak army have not left Kashmir and pakitsan have not handed over kashmir to India for the voting to begin. :angel:As per UN.
Actually there were chinese members accusing india for not allowing a religious possession in kashmir....
They called us hypocrites...
Now what about these news and potos?
Someone wants to be a teacher here...giving silly reminders..free or do you charge for it?...loll
Bottom line no brutality seen, security has stepped up due to the wackos trying to kill themselves for no point. :coffee: or would you prefer us to let them kill themselves ? didn't their beloved lama second in command tell them to stop burning themselves ?
That make no sense. If a monk...errr...I mean...wacko...burned himself to death, how is he a 'security threat'? To who directly and immediately? Once the fire died, the only thing that needed to be done is the clean up of the remains. The local Chinese fire authority could be standing by waiting for the proper time to hose down the area. These fires are not high enough temperature to burn hard bones but so what? The fire is the most immediate danger to local housing investments. Hose down the area once the 'wacko' can no longer provide the fuel and soon enough the locals will take care of the rest of the remains. Compare this with the fact that now the 'wackos' must be monitored and if jailed they must be fed and watered. More manpower wasted. Logic, my man...!!!
those lamas are not that peaceful at all,check this photo. Chinese police obeyed the order not to use force against lamas until further notice,and hundreds of police had to hide behind the shields and waited to be beaten by lamas.

those lamas are not that peaceful at all,check this photo. Chinese police obeyed the order not to use force against lamas until further notice,and hundreds of police had to hide behind the shields and waited to be beaten by lamas.

The Chinese authority can accommodate all desires by using flamethrowers. The immediate response by a person when come into contact with a flame is to withdraw -- violently. What this mean is if the PLA uses flamethrowers against monks who are willing to violate their oaths of being non-violent, the PLA will force the violent acts to an immediate halt and grant them their wish of being burned to death. Everybody win. Logic, my man...!!!
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