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Leaked info about J20, AC and 055 destroyer of PLA!

Regarding a "mandatory duty" here I really don't agree with You. I don't think neither China's security nor integrity will be affected if an aviation enthusiast finds out like the question about a certain fighter's engine.

Hmmm :unsure: ... since in real live I'm a teacher for Chemistry I still believe more in the scientific research by close observation and logic to come to an conclusion. That does not mean I'm always correct, but usually it is a better way than listening to rumors and again I have my observations that tell me it is an AL-31FN while so far everything in regard to a WS-10 is plain rumor; honestly NONE of them is near close to a Gram of "counter arguments"; sorry.

At least - and that's indeed a pity :sad: since I can't understand Chinese (like in this video) - I would like to ask You to tell me what's these arguments !! Please. So far I only heard that this and that source is quite reliable, but no-one showed or explained me these counter-arguments even more in direct comparison to the other arguments. As such please do me that favor and explain.

Anyway if You think so and if You feel to have better sources then You might be correct and in the end time will tell.

Again ... I don't think so. If You simply compare all images we have, both engines are exactly the same at least externally. So maybe simply another AL-31FN-version.

I sadly can't understand what they say but even in CCTV several of these reporters do not know much more than an average forums-reader. IMO mostly they get their information from the same sources like we. Even more if there's a special guest like a "legendary pilot" they also do not tell the truth every time since they are not allowed to do. As such I would take this as an deliberately spread rumor to lead away from the facts.

Additionally that J-20 CG-model shown alone in the first seconds is even less reliable ... so not much more credibility for a "new engine" IMO.

But again only my opinion.

Why don't you just learn Hua Yi? The language is fun to learn, Deino. It's never to late to learn something new, aren't we? Even I just learn mandarin languange right now, and I'm almost near 40.
It seems that Chinese members are more interested in propogating their weapon abilty on the name of leaked information rather than official specification.
there is no official specification in China's military field``even for J-10, ZTZ-99G and 052C who were all in service for decade with high media profile`

we Chinese military fan know this culture for long```and enthusiasts like me over 2 decades China defence follower know where and how to pick up most reliable infos from various special channels````

as early as 2006 we 'propagate' the appearance of stealth fighter of J-20, J-15 and J-31```those 'experts' were laughing at us like some sort of deluded half-w1t, but now a happy slap in a face for them````

but I will use my decade of experience to filter the info I got from various sources according to my very own understanding of where we are at defence field, so I know what I am talking about

so if you want 'official source' to verify all the weapons we have, i'd reckon you to wait another 10-20 years so``
there is no official specification in China's military field``even for J-10, ZTZ-99G and 052C who were all in service for decade with high media profile`

we Chinese military fan know this culture for long```and enthusiasts like me over 2 decades China defence follower know where and how to pick up most reliable infos from various special channels````

as early as 2006 we 'propagate' the appearance of stealth fighter of J-20, J-15 and J-31```those 'experts' were laughing at us like some sort of deluded half-w1t, but now a happy slap in a face for them````

but I will use my decade of experience to filter the info I got from various sources according to my very own understanding of where we are at defence field, so I know what I am talking about

so if you want 'official source' to verify all the weapons we have, i'd reckon you to wait another 10-20 years so``

So far there are two option for the J-20 engine, WS-10X or WS-15.

So you believe it is WS-10X, right?

BTW, the Type 002 will be started by 2016, and perhaps being deployed by 2023.
WS-15 is not mounted or tested on J-20, this is for sure```it is still years before maturity

Is this the main reason why they pick WS-10B over WS-10G?

Since WS-10B has a lower bypass ratio.

It has been hinted many times as the domestic engine.

However, some people will only buy the official statement.
just your assumption and wishful thinking we don't nothing about engine of J-20 its officially classified:angel::angel::angel:
So far there are two option for the J-20 engine, WS-10X or WS-15.

So you believe it is WS-10X, right?

BTW, the Type 002 will be started by 2016, and perhaps being deployed by 2023.
just your assumption and wishful thinking we don't nothing about engine of J-20 its officially classified:angel::angel::angel:
Thank You all ... that really made my day. :ashamed:
here is another piece of info you might want to know, that 2D and 3D TVC engine tech is mature now, and will appear very soon on one of the latest PLAAF's 4th gen plane (5th gen in Russian standard)

and they have started laying down production line for a type of mid-thrust engine
So far there are two option for the J-20 engine, WS-10X or WS-15.

Sorry for again stepping in: even if we agre that we don't know for sure what engines in installed, why do You completely ignore the AL-31-option ?


type 052C's defense system can simultaneously engaging with 24 different targets (on per with Arleigh Burke flight II)

Liaoning is docking at the moment and will set off for more training in six months time```waiting for more than a dozen J-15 to be boarded``and a back up mission of a WS-10G mounted J-15 on board````(chance 50/50)

14 ton thrusts domestic engine is well, and testing in the air (not WS-15)

seaborne AWACs is having some troubles, some fundamental designs have to be changed


Sorry for again stepping in: even if we agre that we don't know for sure what engines in installed, why do You completely ignore the AL-31-option ?

for all we know, the engines used on 2011, 2012, 2013 and 2015 were not Russian made,

and the Su-35 talks went almost dead````as our initiatives were diplomatic and want to have a well track on Russian's latest aviation development, and their evaluation was that Su-35 is the best PLAAF can have and they desperately need money
If J-20 is installed with AL-31, it can't achieve supercruise. super cruise is one of the criteria to be operation. PLAAF top brass will not settle anything less than that.

AL-31 engine can be officially rule out.
If J-20 is installed with AL-31, it can't achieve supercruise. super cruise is one of the criteria to be operation. PLAAF top brass will not settle anything less than that.

AL-31 engine can be officially rule out.
I have a question about thrust to weight ratio of J-20, if J-20 engine is WS-10X what is the thrust to weight ratio with current engine? and what is the projected thrust to weight ratio with WS-15?, projected thrust of WS-15 are 18000 KGF, can somebody explain me?
I have a question about thrust to weight ratio of J-20, if J-20 engine is WS-10X what is the thrust to weight ratio with current engine? and what is the projected thrust to weight ratio with WS-15?, projected thrust of WS-15 are 18000 KGF, can somebody explain me?

there are different types of TTWR, but the combat ready TTWR is the most important one, which means the weight has to include 50% fuel plus 2 SAAMs and 4 AMRAAMs

the empty weight of J-20 is unkown, but can be worked out based on current F-22's known weight``and the variation can be 8% so it would be in the range from 19 tons to 21 tons, hence the combat ready weight would be around 29 tons to 31 tons````therefore with two 14.3 ton WS-10Gs, J-20 can merely achieve combat ready ratio to 0.9, but with WS-15 estimated 16 ton plus thrust J-20's TTWR can be well over 1.0
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