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Leading Reformist Figure: Jewish Civilization Is Superior to Western Civilization, and Western Culture Is Superior to Iranian Culture

I assure you for each Bahai member in SAVAK there was more than 20 Shia member

And I assure you in turn, compared to their share of the total population, Haifan Baha'is (rather than Azalis) were massively over-represented not just in SAVAK but generally in positions of power (media, banks, politics) under the toppled shah regime. So were Jewish Iranians of zionist political orientation.

Another key difference is that Shia Moslems are not structurally loyal to a foreign government. There is no central organization claiming to represent Shias and placing itself at the service of some foreign political power. Elite activist members of the Haifan Baha'i organization however are loyal to the regime in Tel Aviv, in addition to adhering to a globalist ideology.

Issue is not members of a religious group being present in national institutions, but a political organization with foreign loyalties or a foreign government both claiming to represent a religious minority and placing their own assets at strategic decision making posts, as the Haifa-based Baha'i organization as well as the zionist regime did (via its Zeytun network, zionist oligarchs, Mossad middlemen etc). These elements will then act as lobbyists and agents of influence for foreign interests, undermining national sovereignty, independence and self-determination.

The Pahlavi regime's glaring subservience to Washington and Tel Aviv stemmed in large part from the described phenomenon, and this is essentially one of the main reasons for the 1979 Islamic Revolution. The Iranian people rose up to recover their self-determination and do away with a regime whose policy guidelines were being determined in Washington D.C. and Tel Aviv.

Opium, don't knew I believe that's not true
but he used to use a smoking pipe when he was younger.

So something said about Reza Khan warrants a response, but bogus libel repeated multiple times against Supreme Leader Khamenei (h.A.) doesn't? Lo and behold.
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So you'll enter the fray in favor of Reza Khan but would let go the bogus accusation against Supreme Leader Khamenei.
there is no one to defend one and there are more than enough to defend ones . by the way if you look at previous examples on the forum , there are more than one incidence that i saw someone made nonsense claim about Mr. Khamenei and i was the first one to refute those claims . the different is someone gave him the titles that only a despot expect to be called such and i just use Mr. before his name and skip those nonsense title that he never asked for


Beyond political smokescreens, we are now offered the opportunity to behold the true disgraceful face of the reformist and moderate factions. That these currents are perfectly aligned on each other when it comes to their treasonous agenda, is evidenced by Sadeq Zibakalam's staunch defence of Faeze Rafsanjani elsewhere in this same debate with Ali Alizadeh.

Zibakalam, who's held the chair of political science at the University of Tehran for numerous years and influenced generations of students with his systematic idealization of western regimes and whitewashing of zionist crimes, happens to be one of the foremost activists and public spokespersons for the coalition of reformist parties. What Zibakalam is uttering here is a direct translation of the deeper ideological convictions and political program pursued by the liberal factions (reformists and moderates alike). Unlike politicians running for office, the likes of Zibakalam feel free to forego the formal etiquette his counterparts usually stick to. Thus Zibakalam and his ilk will be granting an insight into the raw essence of liberal thinking in Iran, as well as in the liberal project for Iran.

As these latest antics unequivocally highlight, liberals adhere to and happily submit to extremist Jewish supremacism. Their views are thoroughly marked by inverted cultural racism, pathological contempt for their motherland and its civilization and an equally twisted magnification of the western imperialist order and even more so of zionism.

Incidentally, this shows how "little" political pluralism there is in the Islamic Republic, how "little" rival political camps differ from each other... not!

To put things into context, after a period of relative silence consecutive to their defeats at the 2021 presidential and 2020 legislative elections, liberals have now initiated a political offensive in hopes of grabbing power once again in the upcoming elections of 2024 and 2025. To this effect, they intend to bank on last year's riots and reap its political fruits by attracting voters who sympathized to varying degrees with the riots - or at least with the counter-revolutionary, westernized, secularist (if not borderline islamophobic), feminist, anti-traditionalist and in certain circles "ethnicist" themes under whose banner the unrest was conducted, subsumed as these themes were in a pathetic slogan originally coined by the PKK.

In this entire process, the very same hostile foreign powers which instigated riots last autumn are now mobilizing their colossal propaganda and psy-ops machinery to promote reformist and moderate candidates and to castigate revolutionary and principlist ones at the future elections, describing them as "oppressors", "religious fundamentalists bent on imposing restrictions on society" and so on and so forth. Tellingly, Reza Pahlavi, leader of one among arguably three poles of opposition in exile (monarchists, neo-liberal / leftist / separatist cluster, MKO), is on the record for striking an unprecedented conciliatory tone during a public speech few months prior to the riots, towards in-house liberals in the Islamic Republic. This was likely done on instructions from his backers in the west and/or Tel Aviv.

The mechanism through which reformists and moderates in Iran tacitly cooperate with the exiled opposition while capitalizing on the anti-IR propaganda aired by foreign-based Persian language broadcasters and online media, is nothing new. It has, however, been cemented over the past year under the auspices of the USA, EU and zionist entity.

A noteworthy and hazardous development is the aforementioned establishment of increasingly overt bridges between the exiled opposition and domestic liberals opposed to the basic tenets of the 1979 Islamic Revolution, including and especially its staunch insistence on emancipating Iran from imperial vassalage, its focus on independence and self-determination, principles which reformists and moderates have no attachment to and openly deride as symptoms of a supposedly retrograde worldview. Exiled oppositionists and domestic liberals have consistently been pursuing identical goals, largely echoing Pompeo's infamous twelve point conditions for "normalization" of ties with Washington as well as the political programs of all major opposition grouplets.

Namely: subjugation of Iran to zionist and American imperialism and cession of Iranian sovereignty to these regimes, disarmament, dismantling of Iran's peaceful nuclear program, de-industrialization and return to a mono-sectorial economy living off crude oil exports, tendential depopulation through measures bound to worsen the demographic crisis, and last but not least federalization of the Iranian government structure along "ethno"-linguistic lines as a prelude to Iran's balkanization and territorial disintegration.

What caused a rift between exiled oppositionists and local reformists / moderates despite the shared objective, is the question which one of them would have the "privilege" of implementing this sinister agenda at the behest of the imperial powers-to-be. Now however, instructions from Washington, Brussels and Tel Aviv seem to encourage harmonization of these two actors' respective efforts. Hence Faeze Rafsanjani's recently "leaked" statements inviting every group that "seeks change" to set aside their differences and constitute a united front, with the inclusion of the exiled opposition - which, by definition, would comprise monarchists, the MKO and "ethno"-separatists acting side by side with reformists and moderates back home.

The impact of this mobilization can be felt across the counter-revolutionary media landscape in and outside Iran. If you suddenly notice an uptick in reformist / moderate activism on so-called "social media" you frequent, or if you come across increased noise against the principles of the 1979 Revolution, you will know why that is.

Back to Zibakalam's outrageous declarations: it is by no means a coincidence that this character would proceed to formulate such over the top provocations at this particular juncture. For one, the enemy seems to be plotting renewed riots and social disturbances come summer in order to pressure the Islamic Republic. Therefore, the enemy is doubling down on its promotion of the most vehement types of discourse, of talking points most conflicting with the founding principles of Iran's legitimate political order so as to radicalize those receptive to its propaganda.

Secondly, Zibakalam's tactic in the debate in question was designed to break taboos, to instill doubt in the listener's mind about some of the most obvious and firmly held beliefs such as love for the motherland and the desirability of freedom from imperial yoke. In this frontal way, liberals intend to gradually trivialize poisonous subversion and make it gain social acceptance, step by step.

It goes without saying that anyone jumping on the reformist / moderate bandwagon at this point, anyone casting their vote for representatives of these factions or calling on their compatriots to do so, will be playing willingly or not into the agenda of a cabal which officially views Iranians as subordinates to NATO regimes and zionists; which demonstrably loathes Iranian history, culture and civilization with an irrational passion; which lacks any ounce of patriotism and self-esteem; and which ultimately would offer the keys to the country's destiny to zio-American imperialists on a silver platter, if given the chance.

You may have issues with the Islamic dress code (hejab law) or other policies of the Islamic Republic. Granted. But if you believe this warrants helping back to power a current whose foremost representatives denigrate Iran in such an ignominious, barefaced manner, and who no longer have any qualms about revealing their alignment on exiled oppositionists handled by Iran's foreign enemies, then might I suggest you're getting your priorities awfully wrong. Every person to whom Iran means something cannot but keep the necessary distance from these imposters.
Zibakalam is repulsive character, a loudmouth, and a Zionist apologist moron who would be shot on the spot if he were to utter such nonsense in any western country against any given nation in Europe. He is lucky to live in Iran which allows him to spew his nonsense without consequence. The Jewish culture or even the Western so-called culture, if there were any, are savage sadistic sets of codes that equates to barbarism and hate. Ironically, even the actual Western intellectuals admit that the West has no culture. What they have are bits and pieces derived from eastern civilizations, Islam, and oriental traditions.
How can Jewish civilization be superior to Islamic, Western, and Chinese civilizations.

When Jews make less than 1% of humanity?
Zibakalam is repulsive character, a loudmouth, and a Zionist apologist moron who would be shot on the spot if he were to utter such nonsense in any western country against any given nation in Europe. He is lucky to live in Iran which allows him to spew his nonsense without consequence.
How can Jewish civilization be superior to Islamic, Western, and Chinese civilizations.

When Jews make less than 1% of humanity?

This is why liberals (reformists / moderates) must be prevented from returning in charge of governmental affairs in Iran. They are zionist- and NATO-footmen whose aim is to restore the zionist and American yoke over Iran like under the ousted Pahlavi monarchy, whose so-called "crown prince" visits Occupied Palestine to bow at the Wailing Wall and hold a meeting with an enemy of Iran such as Netanyahu.



Recently Faeze Rafsanjani, daughter of former moderate President Hashemi Rafsanjani and an influential liberal agitator, went on the record openly advocating the formation of what would amount to an all-encompassing opposition front to the Islamic Republic and its Leadership, in other terms an alliance between in-house liberals with the exiled, NATO- and zionist-backed opposition - which includes monarchists, the MKO terrorist cult, "ethno"-separatists, liberals and secularist republicans. This was echoed at a conference in France at which reformists and exiled oppositionists jointly participated, and where the slogan "az Tājzāde ta shāhāde" was coined ("from Tajzadeh (reformist mastermind) to the "crown prince"").

See: https://www.shahidnews.com/news/article/25945/single

Anyone supporting or casting their vote for the reformist and moderate camp at elections, is therefore playing into the hostile agenda of zionist and western imperialists against the Iranian nation, knowingly or unknowingly.
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This is why liberals (reformists / moderates) must not be allowed to be back in charge in Iran. They are zionist- and NATO-footmen whose aim is to restore the zionist and American yoke in Iran like under the ousted Pahlavi monarchy, whose so-called "crown prince" visits Occupied Palestine to bow at the Wailing Wall and meet with an enemy of the Iranian nation such as Netanyahu.



Recently, Faeze Rafsanjani went on the record advocating the formation of what would amount to an all-encompassing opposition front to the Islamic Republic and its Leadership, in other terms an alliance between moderates, reformists in Iran with the exiled, NATO- and zionist-backed opposition - including monarchists, MKO, "ethno"-separatists, liberals and secularist republicans. This was echoed at a conference in Paris, France that saw the joint participation of reformists and exiled oppositionists, where the slogan "az Tājzāde ta shāhāde" was coined ("from Tajzadeh (reformist mastermind) to the crown prince"").

See: https://www.shahidnews.com/news/article/25945/single

Anyone supporting or casting their vote for the reformist and moderate camp at elections is therefore complicit in the hostile agenda of zionist and western imperialists against Iran.
Crossfire them and label em as assassination by mosad.

This is why liberals (reformists / moderates) must be prevented from returning in charge of governmental affairs in Iran. They are zionist- and NATO-footmen whose aim is to restore the zionist and American yoke over Iran like under the ousted Pahlavi monarchy, whose so-called "crown prince" visits Occupied Palestine to bow at the Wailing Wall and hold a meeting with an enemy of Iran such as Netanyahu.



Recently Faeze Rafsanjani, daughter of former moderate President Hashemi Rafsanjani and an influential liberal agitator, went on the record openly advocating the formation of what would amount to an all-encompassing opposition front to the Islamic Republic and its Leadership, in other terms an alliance between in-house liberals with the exiled, NATO- and zionist-backed opposition - which includes monarchists, the MKO terrorist cult, "ethno"-separatists, liberals and secularist republicans. This was echoed at a conference in France at which reformists and exiled oppositionists jointly participated, and where the slogan "az Tājzāde ta shāhāde" was coined ("from Tajzadeh (reformist mastermind) to the "crown prince"").

See: https://www.shahidnews.com/news/article/25945/single

Anyone supporting or casting their vote for the reformist and moderate camp at elections, is therefore playing into the hostile agenda of zionist and western imperialists against the Iranian nation, knowingly or unknowingly.
oh so the new agenda is not to let them participate in election ?
then why call it election what's wrong with good old fashioned and tried Selection
oh so the new agenda is not to let them participate in election ?
then why call it election what's wrong with good old fashioned and tried Selection

1) There's no "agenda". I am an individual person expressing my views. Ideally state authorities would act to block attempts at subversion. However at our level the method of choice will reside in encouraging patriotic citizens to mobilize, both in the informational realm and at the voting booths.

2) Anti-constitutional elements, groups whose objective is to overthrow the system have no inherent right to run at elections. Same goes for formations collaborating with hostile foreign powers against national security. This is a perfectly democratic principle. Maybe you would welcome it if terrorist leaders like Maryam Rajavi or separatist grouplets were allowed to participate in elections, but don't try to equate that with democracy.
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1) There's no "agenda". I am an individual person expressing my views. Ideally state authorities would act to block attempts at subversion. However at our level the method of choice will reside in encouraging patriotic citizens to mobilize, both in the informational realm and at the voting booths.

2) Anti-constitutional elements, groups whose objective is to overthrow the system have no inherent right to run at elections. Same goes for formations collaborating with hostile foreign powers against national security. This is a perfectly democratic principle. Maybe you would welcome it if terrorist leaders like Maryam Rajavi or separatist grouplets were allowed to participate in elections, but don't try to equate that with democracy.
do they have criminal records or not , based on that you can be answered
do they have criminal records or not , based on that you can be answered

One does not need to have a criminal record to be prevented from winning at elections.

In any western so-called "democracy", if someone sings praises of the Iran government all day long and advocates the formation of a common political front with HezbOllah, AnsarAllah and the Iraqi PMU to bring down the existing constitutional order then they will either:

1) be subjected to prosecution, if not disappear at Guantanamo Bay.
2) be refused entry into any of the dominant political parties well funded enough to actually stand a chance of being elected.
3) get socially ostracized and demonized by mainstream media to the point of being guaranteed to repulse voters.

In short, one will be prevented from gaining power.

This said, I don't need to highlight the criminal record of exiled opposition grouplets, which reformists and moderates are looking to cooperate with. This makes them complicit and liable for criminal charges in turn.
In any western so-called "democracy", if someone sings praises of the Iran government all day long and advocates the formation of a common political front with HezbOllah, AnsarAllah and the Iraqi PMU to bring down the existing constitutional order then they will either:

1) be subjected to prosecution, if not disappear at Guantanamo Bay.
2) be refused entry into any of the dominant political parties well funded enough to actually stand a chance of being elected.
3) get socially ostracized and demonized by mainstream media to the point of being guaranteed to repulse voters.

prove that please
In short, one will be prevented from gaining power.
you mean they don't get vote
I'm not here to spoon feed a troll. You're perfectly aware of these facts.
here is the master of asking for proofs , and he himself refuse to provide one for his claims
I mean what's written, and that is factual.
so they don't get voted seem to me they can't penetrate the mases probably they are not suited for the role they apply for
here is the master of asking for proofs , and he himself refuse to provide one for his claims

I don't need to prove anything of the sort because it's a diversion on your part, even though you know full well how accurate those points are.

It's enough to note that exiled opposition grouplets have criminal records in Iran, therefore those who aid and abet them or collaborate with them are liable for prosecution in turn.

Cooperate with a foreign enemy, you will be tried for treason not invited to run at elections in the west.

so they don't get voted seem to me they can't penetrate the mases probably they are not suited for the role they apply for

Votes are garnered through PR. PR requires funding and media coverage. Both these factors are a function of the goodwill of private interests in control of said resources. Private interests organically linked to the political power structures, at least in western so-called "democracies" where elections are engineered through such mechanisms.

But you know what, keep this up by all means. Your insistence that politicians and parties should be allowed to take part in elections and be placed in charge of the county's affairs even though their most influential supporters insult the Iranian civilization, write books in defence of Iran's major foreign enemy, and even though they're working on the establishment of a joint front with the likes of Reza Pahlavi, Maryam Rajavi and assorted separatist terrorists, is something readers will duly note as an illustration of the liberal vision for Iran.
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I don't need to prove anything of the sort because it's a diversion on your part, even though you know full well how accurate those points are.

It's enough to note that exiled opposition grouplets have criminal records in Iran, therefore those who aid and abet them or collaborate with them are liable for prosecution in turn.

Cooperate with a foreign enemy, you will be tried for treason not invited to run at elections in the west.
rajavi yes she have criminal record , but many others don't have such records .
Votes are garnered through PR. PR requires funding and media coverage. Both these factors are a function of the goodwill of private interests in control of said resources. Private interests organically linked to the political power structures, at least in western so-called "democracies" where elections are engineered through such mechanisms.
or the guy charisma.
for election in parliament you only need a limited amount of money for advertisement in local and now a days internet made many things easy
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