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leader of muslim world : s Arabia or Turkey ?

Pakistan because it's the only Muslim Nuclear Power in the world. It's army is one of the best in the world in such hard times also.

Economic wise Turkey is best.

History wise Pakistan because till 2007 Pakistan was going good. In 1980-90 Pakistan was going very good in the entire muslim nation.
United states of Shia Iran, Shia Azerbaijan, Shia Yemen, Shia Iraq, Sunni Palestine and Sunni Syria will be leaders of Muslims.
United states of Shia Iran, Shia Azerbaijan, Shia Yemen, Shia Iraq, Sunni Palestine and Sunni Syria will be leaders of Muslims.

They can be leaders of only Sunnis and Shias but only Pakistan will be the leaders of Muslims.:pakistan:
There is not one and whilst Arabs think themselves above all other Muslims and the racism that most African muslims will experience in the middle east I doubt there ever would be a true centre. In terms of power projection and potential than definitely Turkey but Turkey has historically been of several minds so to speak and has alot of differing opinions so its impossible to pinpoint.
There is no real "leader" and I don't think there ever will be. There are Muslim countries that show great promise;

Turkey; economy, military, science and development.
Iran; science, development, military.
Indonesia; economy, military development and population.
UAE, economy and development.
Saudi, economy, spiritual home of Islam and development.
Pakistan, military and population. Needs a great deal of work.
Sure it is. At the same time, it gives Pakistan the capability to glass any threat within its regional of area of command.

Hence Pakistan will never be invaded. :)

Well we should not be to cocky on that front should we
Leader of Muslims world


and if you disagree, you don't know what Yemen is.

United states of Shia Iran, Shia Azerbaijan, Shia Yemen, Shia Iraq, Sunni Palestine and Sunni Syria will be leaders of Muslims.

The thread title is leader of muslim world.

what does your suggestion have to do with it ?
As huntington stated Islam does not have any core states. This enigma is that our states remain shadows of their former selves. They are fractured broken bits of what they once were. In the past Islamic nations were much larger though war was a constant feature.The rise of Europe and Britain and Russia most particularly ate up most of the Islamic states and they became their colonies. In 1914 there were only 4 independent Islamic states present and those also smaller than they once were. The Ghorid Ghaznavid Durrani, Hotaki empires became Afghanistan, the Safavids Safarids and Khwarezmians became Iranians. Each successor state was smaller than these original states and muslims continued to be divided in the name of ethnicity or other ideals.

Currently Islamic states-all Islamic states have weaknesses and most are heavily reliant on the west for their existence or protection. On the other hand the research and development spending in Islamic states is very low as well which results in compounding our weaknesses because we will be behind in terms of technology for a long time still. i believe serious introspection is required and severe self criticism should be done so that we can find the answers to questions like why we are in the position we are.

Neither Saudi Arabia nor Turkey are so powerful or have such a say in world affairs that they can say they are leaders of the muslim world. Pakistan has nukes and a strong army but its economy is weak as glass. It is also overshadowed by a hostile neighbor which will do everything to keep Pakistan behind.
Turkey has tons of problems to take care of in its own yard but on the other hand 90% of other muslim countrys have even more. o_O
Leadership of one country isnt possible since all have their own plans and agendas, and noone will accept a foreigner as his ''leader'', those days are gone, everybody has to take care of its own problems.
Turkey has tons of problems to take care of in its own yard but on the other hand 90% of other muslim countrys have even more. o_O
Leadership of one country isnt possible since all have their own plans and agendas, and noone will accept a foreigner as his ''leader'', those days are gone, everybody has to take care of its own problems.

Why not...? Look at how the West see USA as their leader. Not in a form of single country of course the unity will happen, it is also not effective and fool like the way ISIS think it can create one single Caliphate from Syria region just like what was always happening in the past :lol: (as in modern time like Today, it is so simple and easy to gather all the leader to make a decision so we dont need that kind of Caliphate anymore ), but the unity will rather be created in a form of a block, like NATO. So the leadership is not taken like in formal position, but only influence, just like the way USA control NATO.
Why not...? Look at how the West see USA as their leader. Not in a form of single country of course the unity will happen, it is also not effective and fool like the way ISIS think it can create one single Caliphate from Syria region just like what was always happening in the past :lol: (as in modern time like Today, it is so simple and easy to gather all the leader to make a decision so we dont need that kind of Caliphate anymore ), but the unity will rather be created in a form of a block, like NATO. So there is not formal position, but only influence, just like the way USA control NATO.
USA is Economical, Technological, Militarily leader of the world with allies at the climax of human civilisation, while most muslim states are a bunch of failed states fighting eachother and who cant even protect their citizen from rag-tag terrorists.
Add also that overwhelming majority of muslim are poorly educated and easy to manipulate by anyone who claims to be a mullah.
Should i go on?

Why not? Well i dont know, you tell me.
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