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LCA will not be able to penetrate enemy lines

Ever heard of cannisterized Babur LACM and Ra'ad ALCM who would nip IAF FOB's in the bud ?
Same can be Said for Nirbhay and Cannisterised Brahmos,shauraya who Can Create Even More Damage to PAF FoB's May be Annihilate All in its First Wave.Almost all PAF FoB's Are indian Radar due to Pakistan Reduced Size
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Ever heard of cannisterized Babur LACM and Ra'ad ALCM who would nip IAF FOB's in the bud ?
ever thougt the distance your " cannisterized Babur LACM and Ra'ad ALCM " have to cover to get to there targets and what lies between to stop them (indian air defnce network) and odds against them now tell me how far are all pakistani strategick targets from indo pak border (in range of 30-180KM) and the range and speed of Bhramos (and its just the spearhead of indian attack) do you have any idea about other surface to surface indian missiles there range and there CEP error well even a battery of Pinaka /Smerch /Grad or say 155mm arty guns or even something like Prahar missile system can more damage than you can ever imagine as all your prime targets are within owr range but you cant say the same

so bhai jaan LCA should be the last of your worries if ever things come to that (remember so called COLD STAR DOCTROINE ) is just an eye wash things are very diffrent & difficult trust me
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When the retards at IAF define ASR by looking at brochures from different aeroplanes and want higher STR than F 16 while having higher ITR than Mirage 2k then obviously those unrealiatic ASRs will have to be diluted at some time.
I love cannisterized Babur, i always seem to lose my can opener though but it's a great source or protein and very delicious :whistle:

Be aware, If our adversaries/enemies take it, it will cause diarrhea and constipation to them. So think before you take it if you are friend or enemy ;)
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Well it is a modified design so not exactly starting from scratch but of course they have to go through the process of re-certifiying and demonstrating performance criteria. ADA had started work on the MK.2 a few years ago and are saying the first flight will take place in 2018/19 which seems credible ad with the new DM/GoI in office I'm sure they will eb under tremendous pressure to deliver and stick to their deadlines.

If the time line you posted above is true, with LCA MKII start first flight in 2019, base on how long it takes MKI to go from tutors the flight to toda, we are looking at 2033. ar earliest for MKII to be ready. Then India will start AMCA at that time. Or maybe not as who knows what will India heed by then. IHO, I think India should scrap MKII if it's such a big redesign, induct more MKI and try upgrade on existing frame instead of redesign the whole plane. MKI to MKII should be more like block level changes like the f-16 instead of going from hornet to super hornet, which will take forever. Use the engineer resource in a 5th generation plane.
When the retards at IAF define ASR by looking at brochures from different aeroplanes and want higher STR than F 16 while having higher ITR than Mirage 2k then obviously those unrealiatic ASRs will have to be diluted at some time.
Thats why ASR Changed Three Times.Our PAk friends who are Gloating over it Don't Know the IF we Conclude there Loving JF-17 with IAF ASR it will termed as Tin Can.Even Most Sophisticated Fighters Like F-16 Block 60 and F-18 Sh rejected by IAF during MMrca.
If the time line you posted above is true, with LCA MKII start first flight in 2019, base on how long it takes MKI to go from tutors the flight to toda, we are looking at 2033. ar earliest for MKII to be ready. Then India will start AMCA at that time. Or maybe not as who knows what will India heed by then. IHO, I think India should scrap MKII if it's such a big redesign, induct more MKI and try upgrade on existing frame instead of redesign the whole plane. MKI to MKII should be more like block level changes like the f-16 instead of going from hornet to super hornet, which will take forever. Use the engineer resource in a 5th generation plane.
Change your flag oh mighty Han Chinese.
If the time line you posted above is true, with LCA MKII start first flight in 2019, base on how long it takes MKI to go from tutors the flight to toda, we are looking at 2033. ar earliest for MKII to be ready. Then India will start AMCA at that time. Or maybe not as who knows what will India heed by then. IHO, I think India should scrap MKII if it's such a big redesign, induct more MKI and try upgrade on existing frame instead of redesign the whole plane. MKI to MKII should be more like block level changes like the f-16 instead of going from hornet to super hornet, which will take forever. Use the engineer resource in a 5th generation plane.
no maam MK1 itself is poised to get a new cockpit and a AESA radar while MK2 will come sooner than expectedwhile owr main goal is russian FGFA MKIsd and owr very own AMCA so dont worry about us lady we know what we are doing

thread is about LCA but the writer forgets LCA is a point defnce fighter for internal security not offence or strike roles and thats it
LCA meant for defence not offence bla bla.. Are you guys even serious? Even an f-7 would chase down the enemy if needed be butvyour lca will fall dead once it left the homeland. The lamest excuse ever and I haven't touched other difficiencies yet
salaam jammerbhaija ji

thing is LCA is "POINT DEFENCE"(to secure indian airspace from enemy attack inside indian teritorry) Fighter which will do home land security not SEAD,DEAD or carpet bombing beyond enemy lines ... case closed
Exactly! It's not designed to penetrate enemy air space but defend our own! 8-)

I don't know why our friends are smirking! :cheesy:
LCA will not be able to penetrate enemy lines

The indigenous Tejas light combat aircraft (LCA) will experience a major handicap in defeating the enemy due to non-availability and poor performance of three electronic warfare instruments, developed by Indian agencies.

During the trial, the all-important counter measure dispensing system that protects the aircraft against radar and heat-seeking missiles, could not do its job properly, leaving the jet with poor defence. The system was developed by , Hyderabad-based Bharat Dynamics Limited.

It was not the only faltering system on-board the LCA. The self protection jammer that blocks the enemy radar was too big to be fitted into the Mark-I version of the LCA and the radar warning receiver, which alerts the pilots on hostile enemy signals, perform poorly. Both were developed by Bangaluru-based Defence Avionics Research Establishment.

“LCA Mark-I remains deficient in full electronic warfare capabilities as specified in the Air Staff Requirement (ASR),” the Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG) says in a review report that was tabled in Parliament on Friday.

The aircraft, which achieved initial operational clearances on December 2013, has as many as 53 shortfalls from the specifications drawn in the ASR.

Some of the shortcomings like increased weight, reduced internal fuel capacity, pilot protection from the front and reduced speed are to be addressed in the Mark-II version that was taken up by the Aeronautical Development Agency in 2009 and scheduled for completion in 2018.

Even after 30 years, the LCA could get only the initial operational clearance (IOC) in December 2013. The full operational clearance (FOC) is now targeted in December, 2015.

The cost is also rising all these years. What began as a Rs 560 crore programme in 1983 has now gone up by almost twenty times. The financial package for LCA now stands at Rs 8294 crore.

The auditor also criticised the Defence Ministry for awarding two commercial contracts to Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL) in 2006 and 2010 for delivering 20 fighter planes in each contract in the IOC and FOC configurations respectively to the IAF.

Both were termed premature because in 2006 LCA design was nowhere near finalisation, whereas in 2010 HAL was yet to supply any aircraft to the force as per the previous contract. Even now, the IAF is not in a position to operationalise the LCA squadron in the absence of a trainer aircraft. Moreover, HAL’s production capacity – four aircraft per year – is only half of what the government wants.

Government Auditor Faults Tejas Light Combat Aircraft Project, Says it Fails to Meet Air Force's Needs
Windy what have you done buddy, you have revealed another secret about their 6th gen junk.
For those vocal fellows supporting LCA. Yes the LCA is meant as air defence but what you are forgetting that in its role the LCA will have to go up against the likes of PAF F-16 Blk 52 and PLAAF J-11 which is Sukhoi-27 in chinese paint.

What chance will the LCA have against such aircraft? Instead of wasting money on LCA it would make more sense to buy more of MKI and Rafale. Jettison the LCA, that plane is history now.
Exactly! It's not designed to penetrate enemy air space but defend our own! 8-)

I don't know why our friends are smirking! :cheesy:

Is it also meant to carry a faulty swadeshi EW? Missiles r merciless
Is it also meant to carry a faulty swadeshi EW? Missiles r merciless
EW can be outsourced In the interim, the Indian Ministry of Defence has revealed that an unspecified number of EW suites had been purchased from Israel's Elisra for the LCA prototypes.All Listed Short Falls Can be Corrected . the LCA Serial production will delivered to IAF have RWR and MAWS and Many Problem Addressed.

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