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LCA Navy's second fighter ready to take off

The current prototype has LEVCONS.

This will surpass the number of 29K/KUB's!
Well more or less but numbers will be same. Though only 40-50 will be based on carriers and rest 40-50 will be stationed on ground. Good for IAF as they will have to less worry about their share of maritime missions as then ground based naval aircrafts will do majority of these missions currently done by IAF.
Ultimately that is the plan. First 6 aircrafts will be of mk1 configuration while rest 40 will be of mk2 configuration.
PS: Seems even present prototypes have levcons.
But not the more powerful powerplant. In either case, these prototypes can carry out Carrier evaluations and testing before the rest follow.
They should wait on the Naval examples till they get the Tejas Mk-2 with the LEVCONs going. That will greatly improve low airspeed handling which is critical for carrier operations.
Its just for training n and as base...!! only mark 2 will be used on carrier!!!
From the nose gear i can say NO!

6 years! ?
Why not mak1 will takr another 2 years and mak2 will take another 4 years or even longer(they have to complete IAF Mak2 first)....im just hoping. ..
Why not mak1 will takr another 2 years and mak2 will take another 4 years or even longer(they have to complete IAF Mak2 first)....im just hoping. ..

So long...

How can you say that by looking at the nose gear ??

This should be a 1 seater craft. 2 seats on such a tiny jet is a ridiculous strategy for the IAF.More reliance on high tech cpu's and sensors to do th work of the 2nd pilot would help....

Still can't get it ??

But if your indicating the catapult fittings , LCA Navy will only be a STOBAR fighter .

This should be a 1 seater craft. 2 seats on such a tiny jet is a ridiculous strategy for the IAF.More reliance on high tech cpu's and sensors to do th work of the 2nd pilot would help....

Operational Naval ones will be single seater ...... Moreover this second prototype is also be a single seater .
naval mk1 has levcons & arrester hooks

will undergo Deck trials at SBTF in November and clear them by Dec both takeoff and landing

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