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Lawyers start long march !

Now it's getting ridiculous. We're rehashing everything that is known. But here are some reminders.

******READ THIS IF YOU CAN READ******* BBC NEWS | World | South Asia | Swiss judge convicts Bhutto

Swiss judge convicts Bhutto

A judge in Switzerland has found former Pakistani Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto and her husband, Asif Zardari, guilty of money laundering.

BBC NEWS | World | South Asia | Swiss judge convicts Bhutto

Carry on turning a blind eye to what every literate person in Pakistan knows (who probably voted for Musharraf).

Dear RR,

You are wrong. Mrs BB was freed when she appealed to a higher court.

Swiss police tribunal upholds Benazir’s appeal -DAWN - Top Stories; November 6, 2003

Read this too, if it's possible about the U-turn
Pakistan Times | Top Story: Zardari's surprise admission to Surrey Palace Ownership!

There is a reason they call him Mr10%, and Musharraf wasn't behind that either.

Now show one piece of evidence that proves Musharraf has been guilty of wrong doing. You won't find anything, except a lot of wind about what Zardari and NS are "going to do in the future".

Swiss police tribunal upholds Benazir’s appeal

ISLAMABAD, Nov 5: A Swiss police tribunal has upheld an appeal by former prime minister Benazir Bhutto and her spouse against a 12-million dollar money laundering conviction, her spokesman said here on Wednesday.

“The Geneva police tribunal has accepted her appeal and quashed the six-month suspended sentence ordered by Daniel Devaud,” PPP (People’s Party Parliamentarian) spokesman Senator Farhatullah Babar, told AFP.

Ms Benazir, her husband Asif Ali Zardari, and their Swiss lawyer were convicted by Geneva-based magistrate Daniel Devaud on July 30 of obtaining the money in illegal commissions from two Swiss companies for a 1994 customs inspection contract.

Senator Babar asked the government to accept the decision of the Swiss police tribunal and stop squandering public money on appeal against the decision, adds Dawn’s Staff Reporter.

He said here on Wednesday that the Geneva police tribunal’s decision would now go to the Swiss attorney-general who would decide whether or not to further proceed in the case.

Senator Babar said the government had carried out a thorough investigation into the alleged corruption of Ms Bhutto in the award of the contract to the SGS firm. However, he added, when it failed to produce any evidence, it stopped pursuing corruption charges against the SGS company but continued its “political vendetta against the PPP leadership”.

He further said that the regime had terminated its contracts with two detective agencies it had hired specifically for the purpose of unearthing ‘something’ against the PPP chairperson.

“The fact that these contracts were terminated after having doled out millions of dollars over the last seven years and on the eve of hearings before the Geneva police tribunal is a proof that the regime is involved in a politically-motivated drama,” he said.

The PPP senator said now that the matter “has been quashed”, the Musharraf regime would have to decide whether to accept the decision or to appeal against it before the Swiss authorities. He asked the regime to end its persecution and stop wasting public money on proving a “politically-motivated charge.”

AMIN FAHIM: Alliance for the Restoration of Democracy chairman and PPP president Makhdoom Amin Fahim has welcomed the tribunal’s decision, and said the “quashment has vindicated the party’s stand” that cases against its leadership “are false and based on perjured evidence.”

In a statement here, Mr Fahim said the PPP had all along maintained that Devaud’s verdict was “politically-motivated.”

Mr Devaud, he recalled, had given his order on the last day in the office, and communicated it to the Swiss government four days later.

He criticized the National Accountability Bureau (NAB) and the regime for using Mr Devaud’s findings for character assassination and media trial of Ms Bhutto in the country.

GOVT VERSION: Meanwhile, NAB said the judges of the Misdemeanour Court had remanded the case of Ms Bhutto and Mr Zardari to the attorney-general to be tried by a jury.

Giving their version on the proceedings of the Misdemeanour Court to whom Ms Bhutto and Mr Zardari had approached against the decision of Mr Devaud, NAB said: “It is likely that the offences committed by the accused would entail more severe penalty.”

Without clarifying whether the findings of Mr Devaud were quashed or not, the NAB’s official statement said the court had decided to remand the case to the attorney-general as required under Swiss law for taking it up with a larger jury.

The NAB statement said it was just another step in the Swiss legal procedure meant for the trial of money laundering case in the Canton of Geneva.

NAB said in order to delay the proceedings and to gain advantage at the initial stage of the case, the attorneys of Ms Bhutto and Mr Zardari had raised the secondary issues like notification of the decision, summons for the hearing and the validity of the indictment order served to them. The Misdemeanour Court rejected all these secondary pleas, it said.
Pakistani corruption amnesty complicates Swiss Bhutto case. - swissinfo

October 9, 2007 - 9:39 PM Amnesty spells trouble for Swiss Bhutto case

Bhutto appeals against Swiss sentence 05.08.2003

Bhutto sentenced by Swiss magistrate The former Pakistani prime minister, Benazir Bhutto, may avoid a money-laundering trial in Switzerland thanks to a new corruption amnesty at home.

A "reconciliation ordinance" issued by the Pakistani government last week grants across-the-board immunity for politicians who were active between 1988 and 1999.

Daniel Zappelli, the general prosecutor of Geneva, is facing a quandary. Should the politician and her husband stand trial now that Bhutto has been granted an amnesty by her own country?

The couple were accused of receiving multi-million dollar kickbacks in exchange for handing out a contract to a Swiss firm during Bhutto's second term in office between 1993 and 1996.

The couple were first convicted of simple money laundering in 2003 by a Geneva investigating judge who handed down a six-month suspended sentence. The Bhuttos appealed against the magistrate's decision but were later accused of more serious money laundering offences.

Most observers agree the amnesty signed by Pakistan President Pervez Musharraf was part of pre-election horse-trading. It paves the way for a power-sharing deal between the two politicians, which could see long-exiled Bhutto move back into the prime minister's job next year.

Cases "withdrawn"
The Pakistani minister for law affairs, Zahid Hamid, said in Islamabad last week that five corruption cases were still pending against Benazir Bhutto abroad while six cases were pending against her husband Asif Zardari.

Hamid added that corruption cases against the couple pending in foreign courts would be dropped.

"Any case against any holder of the public office registered before October 1999 and still pending with the courts would be withdrawn under the ordinance," Hamid explained.

However Dominique Henchoz, the lawyer representing the Pakistani government in Geneva said it was still not clear whether legal action would be stopped.

"We'll have to wait to examine the exact wording used in the decree," he added. "Because surely to speak of an amnesty implies that there has been an act of corruption?"

An official at the Pakistani embassy in Bern declined to comment on the case when contacted by swissinfo, saying that it was being handled directly from Islamabad.

Frozen accounts
The case, opened in 1998, involved the Geneva-based Société Générale de Surveillance (SGS), the world's biggest verification, testing and certification services group.

The three investigating judges in Geneva who have dealt with the file for a decade found that Bhutto and her husband received $12 million (SFr14.25 million) in Swiss bank accounts belonging to companies registered in the Virgin Islands and Panama.

Assets belonging to the Bhuttos were frozen following an official Pakistani request in 1997. Following the amnesty, it is not clear who will claim these funds.

Vincent Fournier, one of the three judges, has confirmed his office is about to pass on the case to the prosecutor.

"It is surprising to note that for ten years Pakistan has constantly pushed us to see that justice be done. And now, in the light of a change of political allegiance, Madame Bhutto benefits from an amnesty," Fournier pointed out.

Bhutto's lawyer Alec Raymond believes the situation is now crystal clear. From the moment where there is no prior crime, "there cannot be money laundering. We are heading for the end of the Geneva procedure," he told swissinfo.

Meanwhile Bhutto is preparing for her homecoming after eight years of exile. She is scheduled to return to Pakistan on October 18. Her husband will remain in Dubai.

ISLAMABAD: C’wealth apprised of Asif’s ‘illegal’ detention

By Our Reporter

ISLAMABAD, Nov 8: The PPP Human Rights Cell central coordinator, MNA Fauzia Wahab, has apprised the Commonwealth secretary-general, Don Mckinnon, of the injustices meted out to Asif Ali Zardari, who has been incarcerated for the last seven years without any conviction.

The central coordinator, in a letter addressed to Commonwealth secretary-general, stated that Mr Zardari was arrested on the night of November 4, 1996, from Lahore.

The reason for his arrest was unknown and party leaders spent the next 10 days in finding out his whereabouts. No government agency was ready to divulge any information about him, she added.

The MNA said Mr Zardari’s family and his wife, the PPP chairperson Benazir Bhutto, had to endure a tormenting period of waiting, until Ms Bhutto threatened to file a case of abduction against Farooq Leghari, the then president of the country.

It was then confirmed that the PPP leader was with a government agency. A Habeas Corpus case was filed in the Sindh High Court and, in December, Chief Justice Mamoon Qazi ordered for Mr Zardari’s release, declaring his detention as illegal.

The PPP leader had not stepped out of the court, when he was again arrested. This time he was booked in a non-bailable offence and was charged for murdering his own brother-in-law Mir Murtaza Bhutto.

Ms Wahab said, since then, freedom remained a dream for Mr Zardari whose incarceration continued on one pretext or the other.

Regarding political vendetta against Mr Zardari, the MNA stated that cases after cases were filed against him.

In total as many as 13 cases, including six references, are pending against the PPP leader in various courts of the country. Allegations against him range from murder to corruption and smuggling.

The central coordinator said: “Mr Zardari is painted as the worst kind of a human being and all kinds of efforts are made to nail him down.”

Ms Wahab said accountability laws were changed seven times retrospectively to tailor the requirements of the NAB investigators. Judges were generously rewarded to give adverse judgments in cases against the PPP leader, she added.
The central coordinator said: “The official electronic media worked overtime in spewing out venom against him.

The print media would not let a day go by without mentioning his name in some misdeed.”

She said public opinion was deliberately manipulated against Mr Zardari and his public image was deliberately maligned.

Ms Wahab stated in the letter that the PPP leader was refused medical treatment, though he was very sick. His spinal condition, known as spondolytis, remains untreated. The weakening of spinal bones and pressures on his nerves had affected his height. Mr Zardari has a growth in his nose, which needs operation. High blood pressure and diabetes have become a part of his life, she added.

The central coordinator said the PPP leader had been on remand for 27 times, during which he was also physically assaulted and tortured.

She said Mr Zardari was denied the right to see his dying mother, though numerous appeals were made by his sisters. Parole was granted to the PPP leader, who was his mother’s only son, when she had gone into coma.

Ms Wahab said the PPP leader’s children were small when he was arrested.

“They were robbed of the love and affection of a caring father, and were deprived a normal childhood,” she added.

The central coordinator said all these emotional and physical tribulations could not deter Mr Zardari from standing on his principles. The seven-year long solitary confinement could not break his nerves and resolve, she added.

ISLAMABAD: C’wealth apprised of Asif’s ‘illegal’ detention -DAWN - Local; November 9, 2003
HMMM so he wasn't convicted at all.

Well Musharraf broke the constitution I was witness along with entire world and under article 6 he is a traitor.
HMMM so he wasn't convicted at all.

Well Musharraf broke the constitution I was witness along with entire world and under article 6 he is a traitor.

Didn't the courts validate his actions, and swear on the PCO, including the CJ Ifti?
Didn't the courts validate his actions, and swear on the PCO, including the CJ Ifti?

Yes they did, this is a fact, that I too have stated in a earlier post, but under the constitution he has commited treason, the constitution is the final verdict and it all ways be supreme regardless of what PCO judge claimed was just for musharraf.
Yes they did, this is a fact, that I too have stated in a earlier post, but under the constitution he has commited treason, the constitution is the final verdict and it all ways be supreme regardless of what PCO judge claimed was just for musharraf.

Judge's apply and interpret the constitution because they are qualified and appointed to do so.

You cannot merely pick up the constitution and say "I believe it says XYZ and therefore my view is correct and so and so has committed XYZ" - at that point you sound very similar to those you criticize for accusing the Bhuttos for being corrupt.

Your argument is that certain politicians have not been convicted in court, the same stands for Musharraf. His actions were validated by the court, and one of the judges was the individual everyone is saying is the "most honest judge in Pakistan"!

Until he is convicted, he has not committed any crime.
Always Neutral, your claim of being a white english lad interested in subcontinent affairs is laughable.

HMMM so he wasn't convicted at all.

Well Musharraf broke the constitution I was witness along with entire world and under article 6 he is a traitor.

Actually, Zardari was convicted. He did spend jailtime. He's even admitted to owning Rockwood Estate, trying to equip it with a helicopter pad, an 18 Hole Golf course, bar and so on. Then he claimed to be too mentally ill to have remembered what he said in court. A great leader surely! Democratic accountability at its finest!!

The Surrey mansion, Rockwood House, was bought in 1995, apparently owned through a chain of firms and trusts, involving addresses in the Isle of Man, Jersey and Liechtenstein. Zardari denied, for eight years, that he was the owner despite instructing a builder with plans for a helipad, nine-hole golf course and polo pony paddock. Crates of valuable artefacts were shipped from Karachi. In 2004, when creditors forced the property into a liquidation sale, the Pakistani government claimed the proceeds. Lawyers for Zardari then appeared, claiming he was the beneficial owner.

The money from the sale is still in the liquidators' bank account, though a high court judge said the Pakistani government had a reasonable case, stating the money came via corruption. The case continues through the courts with Zardari repeatedly claiming to be too ill to mount a rebuttal

Trail of corruption and kickback charges still in wings for opposition leader | World news | The Guardian

And here's a quote from a western judge on Zardari's guilt

Among the charges in Pakistan are allegations that the Bhuttos skimmed $2m in commissions from a 1990s deal to buy thousands of duty-free Ursus tractors from Poland. The money went into a Swiss bank account. Christine Junod, a Geneva magistrate, says documentary evidence "establishes beyond doubt that these commissions, under the cover of alleged consultancy fees, were meant to remunerate the illicit advantages obtained by Ursus from the Pakistani administration, thanks to the interventions of Asif Zardari".
Trail of corruption and kickback charges still in wings for opposition leader | World news | The Guardian

Show some evidence of Musharraf's corruption. i doubt you can., Article 6 says this

"6. High treason.
(1) Any person who abrogates or attempts or conspires to abrogate, subverts or attempts or conspires to subvert the Constitution by use of force or show of force or by other unconstitutional means shall be guilty of high treason.
(2) Any person aiding or abetting the acts mentioned in clause (1) shall likewise be guilty of high treason.
(3) [5] [Majlis-e-Shoora (Parliament)] shall by law provide for the punishment of persons found guilty of high treason.

Then what part did Musharraf not follow. He returned the Constitution in Amended form. This is neither abrogation nor subversion. So he has not deviated from Article 6 as you're suggesting.
u took the words right out of my mouth - i was talking to someone over lunch on this topic - how are the lawyers sustaining this crusade which is more than 1-yr long now.

I mean I could understand the big shots protesting and not going to work, but how can an ordinary lawyer. They claim they are the middle class, but from what I hear with the increasing price of living how can the afford not to go to work. They are probably making the same as before, because for protesting they get the same amount of money.
Yes they did, this is a fact, that I too have stated in a earlier post, but under the constitution he has commited treason, the constitution is the final verdict and it all ways be supreme regardless of what PCO judge claimed was just for musharraf.

If the highest court in the land claimed he was right and parliament claimed he was right then whatever he did was right and legal. Now you can call it a rubber stamp parliament or corrupt judges, whatever he did was to the book. I mean we have worst offenders in our government then him.
Interceptor, the illusion of knowledge based on deception created by people claiming to be savior's of our society are generated to deceive people like you.

Unfortunately, yesterday I was watching GEO news in the morning; as usual they were braging about the ongoing long march and the first images that I saw were of Nissan Murano, Toyota Camry (2008) followed by several other huge cars and several rental buses. Where do you think that money is coming from?? while they innocently deceive the people by claiming we're out of work. (The Taklay's N League is funding it)

To further enlighten your knowledge base heres a recently published article from New York Times.

Aitzaz Ahsan says most corruption cases dropped against Zardari were "justified"

Monday 2nd June, 2008

New York, June 2 : Senior PPP leader and president of Pakistan's Supreme Court Bar Association, Aitzaz Ahsan, who was interior minister in Benazir Bhutto's first government, has said that most of the corruption and criminal cases against PPP Co-Chairman Asif Ali Zardari which were dropped recently were justified, and that the PPP was a feudal political party led by a figure (read Zardari) accused of corruption and violence.

Ahsan is currently leading a campaign for the restoration of deposed judiciary in Pakistan, and in the process has attracted Zardari's ire, as the latter appears not so willing in restoring the deposed judiciary, as he does not want to see the PML-N's promises fulfilled. Ahead of the February 18 general elections, the PML-N had contained a promise in its manifesto that it would work for restoration of judiciary to the pre-Nov 3 situation.

In an interview with the New York Times, Ahsan severely criticised Zardari for dragging his feet on restoration of the judiciary because, he said, he "doesn't want independent judges".

"I asked him (Mr Ahsan) how many of the allegations of corruption he believed were justified and he answered "Most of them"", said the NYT staffer who conducted the interview.

Ahsan further said: "The type of expenses that she had and he has are not from sources of income that can be lawfully explained and accounted for."

Ahsan, who earlier defended both Benazir Bhutto and Zardari in 14 cases before the Pakistan Supreme Court, said the charges of "corruption against both" and in Zardari's case also of "kidnapping, ransom and murder", were justified.

The interviewer said: "Ahsan is almost recklessly outspoken about PPP leaders, even though they are his own political patrons. He speaks admiringly of Benazir Bhutto's courage and steadfastness but also points out with disdain that she viewed herself as the PPP's 'life chairperson'. And he does not bother to conceal his dim view of Zardari."
Further more, throughout President Musharraf's tenure he served Pakistan well. I, myself being witness to improvements he made to the economic well being, infrastructure, employment, media and many other aspects of way of life are highly commendable.

I will continue to support him as the country is in dire need of his leadership skills.
Pakistan govt was not able to stop bombings in it's own capital -- but just watch on this multi mile trek, there will not be any bombings -- will the Pakistani authorities suddenly have become efficient and vigilant or... what?
Then what part did Musharraf not follow. He returned the Constitution in Amended form. This is neither abrogation nor subversion. So he has not deviated from Article 6 as you're suggesting.

No matter how much you try to defend him President Musharraf did brake the law of the land, but you dont seem to get that. Even he himself said he broke the Constitution when he declared his state of emergency. Now being a supporter of President Musharraf you might think every thing he does is right, even if he goes against god he is right. I too support him but at the same time critize him for his mistakes. What my point are President Musharraf has commited small mistakes, their are people in our political system who can be charged for treason on several accounts.
No matter how much you try to defend him President Musharraf did brake the law of the land, but you dont seem to get that. Even he himself said he broke the Constitution when he declared his state of emergency. Now being a supporter of President Musharraf you might think every thing he does is right, even if he goes against god he is right. I too support him but at the same time critize him for his mistakes. What my point are President Musharraf has commited small mistakes, their are people in our political system who can be charged for treason on several accounts.

And Chudhary Iftikhar was one of those judegs who took oath under first PCO So pleasssssssssssssssssssssss

dont defend the black turncoats

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