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Lawyers attack/siege of Punjab Institute of Cardiology - Buzdar takes notice

Here below is the overview of complete carnage of this TerrorAttack .. ICUs destroyed... I assure you Showbaaz/Noora are behind this...

We need a complete IBO to arrest all these CrowTerrorists and those women GuluButtniz who were with these TerrorMob...

Have you ever seen women doing these things?
@RIWWIR @Verve

Honestly, if the classic mitti pao is done by Buzdar/PMIK combine.. I shall stop supporting this GoP!!!

And I am sure Khosa is NOT going to take any Suo Motto ... what a useless judge!!!

This is the fruits of the LAWYERS MOVEMENTS that reinstated that dajjal!! Musharraf said these are NOT LAWYERS BUT HOOLIGANS AND THUGS.
This whole rampage was orchestrated and organized by PML. This shows their mentality.... they will attack even hospitals to put pressure on the government for Maryam release..... kanjar tabbar and supporters
Acha is this what's happening? Doctors are refusing to give fake diagnosis to Maryam, resulting in pmln throwing their toys out the pram? Can you clarify this is the situation as I have no clue. Only speculating.
Here below is the overview of complete carnage of this TerrorAttack .. ICUs destroyed... I assure you Showbaaz/Noora are behind this...

We need a complete IBO to arrest all these CrowTerrorists and those women GuluButtniz who were with these TerrorMob...

Have you ever seen women doing these things?
@RIWWIR @Verve

Honestly, if the classic mitti pao is done by Buzdar/PMIK combine.. I shall stop supporting this GoP!!!

And I am sure Khosa is NOT going to take any Suo Motto ... what a useless judge!!!

Whores they are
Maybe a citizen amendment bill is needed, if you are a poojari of tooi, peepee, taki wearing clown, malaun diesel and that anp then you ate no longer allowed to live in Pakistan.

Need to implement Army act and military courts. A JUDGE WILL NEVER PROSECUTE A LAWYER!!!
Here's the fkd up thing. This whole conspiracy is designed to force martial law or even a coup. As soon as that happens, the glorious western media machine will swing into gear and damn Imran Khan to hellfire. They won't mention the rioting scum who force Imran's hand but instead will support these rioters against him.

PML-N will return within a year. Nawaz will be pardoned. The west will have restored their man to power and only then will they declare Pakistan "democratic, free and stable under the rule of law".

I suggest to Imran that under NO CIRCUMSTANCES SHOULD HE TAKE THIS BAIT. Deal with the situation calmly without enabling any martial law. Use the military and police to arrest the perpetrators but no more.

This shows how desperate and outnumbered Pakistan's internal enemies are. Imran and the true Pakistani state actually holds the upper hand.
Remarkable. Truly remarkable. Maulana Diesel was dealt with tactfully - he has been blunted along with his fake mullahs. Now these fake lawyers are trying their luck? Already we know certain doctors are willing to compromise their values to provide their sponsors with get out of jail free cards.

Khasee impotent and incompetent state. Khasee Judiciary lead by Justice Khosra, Khasee establishment and Khasee GHQ....

Khasee-istan should be the new name. UnIslamic Republic of Khasee-istan, where the doctors, the lawyers, the police, the teachers, the elites, the ministers, the generals, the waderas...all kill and leech of the powerless...where fake milk, rotten meat, and fake medicines are fed to the general populace, where the maulvis are actually shayateen....where people worship the rich and the powerful....where there is no humanity and no law....

PS. No electricity, gas, and water as well.

Rick you for calling my country khasistan.

as for the calling out the institutions for what they actually are iam cool about it.

And the evils you mentioned above are a way of life in all countries and among all people only the mode of committing these is different.

Now vent your personal life frustrations out else where you piece of shittt
Please lets all thank that one eyed asshole Iftikhar who started this trend
Lawyer threatened doctors before attack on Lahore hospital

LAHORE: Before lawyers stormed the Punjab Institute of Cardiology (PIC) on Wednesday, a lawyer shared a live video in which he threatened doctors, Geo News reported.

"Look at the sea of lawyers. Today, doctors will have to undergo bypass and have stents inserted in them," a lawyer can be heard saying in the video. "We will enter the hospital and beat them [doctors] up."

A group of lawyers stormed the emergency ward of the PIC, vandalised public property, set a police vehicle on fire and attacked provincial minister Fayyaz ul Hasan Chohan.

Videos of the incident shared on Twitter showed police officials, clad in riot gear, were rendered helpless as a swarm of lawyers, outnumbering the law enforcement personnel, broke the entrance of the hospital.

One woman died and several patients were alarmed at the emergency ward of the hospital as a result of the confusion and fear that spread inside the facility as the lawyers barged into the building. It was not clear why the group of lawyers stormed the cardiology hospital.

Media is just settling previous scores for they know that lawyers are the only segment of society which they cant black mail into submission.

Only after the minister got manhandled!

This country needs a bloody revolution.

Shah g are you just done playing call of duty o_O





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