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Lawyers attack/siege of Punjab Institute of Cardiology - Buzdar takes notice

ghunda gardi
syasat gardi
mullah gardi
and now...
wukla gardi (again)...

As I have always stated the worst of the worst in our country and society are not politicians or police..... it’s judiciary.... lawyers and judges are the root cause of our society’s ill. They need to be all jailed and starved ....
Terrorists attack on hospital.....



Black Shame on them.................:sniper::sniper::sniper::sniper:
Bro why lawyers only share the addresses of those hartaali "young " doctors also who don't care if the patients are dying but will not provide him medical treatment just Coz some peon dint fill their coffee mugs on time
This country needs a bloody revolution.
Here is Godfather of these CrowsTerrorists ... since the time this JumWhoriat of Maffiaz is imposed on Pakistan we have been going down the drain as Nation and as State...

And now these Maffiaz have become stronger than the State itself...

Cry the Beloved Country!!!


Yes. And now Zardari has also come out on bail. All the rascals are being freed one by one.
Judiciary (judges and lawyers) are the mother of all evils in Pakistan. If Punjab government does not arrest each and every single lawyer that was part of that mob and tries them under the terrorism act, then wait for the next round from these black coat terrorists.

Prime Minister Imran Khan and Punjab Chief Minister Usman Buzdar on Wednesday took notice of an attack by lawyers on the Punjab Institute of Cardiology (PIC) in Lahore.

The chief minister ordered an investigation into the attack and summoned a report from the Lahore Capital City Police Officer (CCPO) and provincial secretary of specialised health and medical education. The premier summoned a report from the provincial chief secretary and inspector general.

The lawyers were protesting against a video that went viral on social media yesterday, in which a doctor is seen narrating an encounter with some lawyers in front of a group. According to the doctor, a group of lawyers had gone to the inspector general and told him to charge "two doctors" under Section 7 of ATA. He narrated that the IG had refused while the lawyers had urged him to press charges, saying "they could save face" that way.

Broken glass inside PIC after protesting lawyers entered the premises. ─ DawnNewsTV

A large number of lawyers gathered outside PIC on Wednesday. The protest, however, turned violent as the lawyers initially closed off entry and exit points to the hospital. According to reports and footage, the protesters also damaged equipment inside, and broke windows of the hospital as well as cars parked outside. Protesters smashed doors of emergency theatres and staff had to run out to save themselves, according to reports.

Patients, some in ambulances, were unable to reach the hospital while those receiving treatment were left unattended due to the chaos.

The lawyers also attacked media personnel on the site with stones. A DawnNewsTV female reporter, Kinza Malik, was injured and her phone was snatched from her.

Punjab Information Minister Fayyazul Hasan Chauhan, who had arrived at the hospital, said that "lawyers had tried to kidnap" him. In a video, he is seen being manhandled by a group of protesting lawyers.

Police is using tear gas and baton charge in an attempt to disperse the lawyers.

Lahore DIG Operations also arrived at the hospital. He said that those who took the law into their own hands will be dealt with strongly.

Young Consultants Association announced a nationwide strike after the violent protest. President of the YCA Dr Hammad Butt said that tomorrow no consultant will be on duty all across Punjab.



1. Buzdar needs to resign. He seems unable to do anything other than take notice.

2. The police officers who stood by and watched and their senior officers who have created and sustained this culture of "don't take action against anyone powerful" need to be sacked.
Maffiaz have won...

NarcoLeague is another MQM ... it is not only an EconomicTerroristOrganisation it is also a SocialTerroristGang ...

Unless we take it out of its very roots we shall never get rid of this CrimeFamily!!!
Maybe a citizen amendment bill is needed, if you are a poojari of tooi, peepee, taki wearing clown, malaun diesel and that anp then you ate no longer allowed to live in Pakistan.

Need to implement Army act and military courts. A JUDGE WILL NEVER PROSECUTE A LAWYER!!!
We need Concentration Camps for these criminals!

They have attacked judges, police, local authorities, doctors and now they've killed innocent patients!
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