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Imran Khan to Emerge Stronger & Wiser from Jail? Hamas Rockets destroyed Nawaz Sharif Plans?​


Imran Khan to Emerge Stronger & Wiser from Jail? Hamas Rockets destroyed Nawaz Sharif Plans?​

IK should really have his people focused on building up teams for each ministry (with multiple people to fill each role and require a signed pledge to put aside personal gain for the sake of the party and the nation) so they have a full bench ready to go when elections are called. Even if he isn’t “allowed” to contest elections himself, a vote for PTI should be set up so it’s a vote for people he can trust.

Then these people can start working like a shadow cabinet, and building up their skills to hit the ground running, because at best they will have 3 months to change things before expectations catch-up with them. That was a key failure of IK’s government, he wanted to have the novice pass.

His team should also be putting out the narrative that Pakistan needs foreign observers, such as from Indonesia (that has a similar sized population and has a well respected democracy once the military rule ended).
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Orya Maqbool Jan's Analysis on Practice & Procedure Act verdict​

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