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High-Energy X-ray View of 'Hand of God'


Can you see the shape of a hand in this new X-ray image? The hand might look like an X-ray from the doctor's office, but it is actually a cloud of material ejected from a star that exploded. NASA's Nuclear Spectroscopic Telescope Array, or NuSTAR, has imaged the structure in high-energy X-rays for the first time, shown in blue. Lower-energy X-ray light previously detected by NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory is shown in green and red.

Nicknamed the "Hand of God," this object is called a pulsar wind nebula. It's powered by the leftover, dense core of a star that blew up in a supernova explosion. The stellar corpse, called PSR B1509-58, or B1509 for short, is a pulsar: it rapidly spins around, seven times per second, firing out a particle wind into the material around it -- material that was ejected in the star's explosion. These particles are interacting with magnetic fields around the material, causing it to glow with X-rays. The result is a cloud that, in previous images, looked like an open hand. The pulsar itself can't be seen in this picture, but is located near the bright white spot.

One of the big mysteries of this object is whether the pulsar particles are interacting with the material in a specific way to make it look like a hand, or if the material is in fact shaped like a hand.

NuSTAR's view is providing new clues to the puzzle. The hand actually shrinks in the NuSTAR image, looking more like a fist, as indicated by the blue color. The northern region, where the fingers are located, shrinks more than the southern part, where a jet lies, implying the two areas are physically different.

The red cloud at the end of the finger region is a different structure, called RCW 89. Astronomers think the pulsar's wind is heating the cloud, causing it to glow with lower-energy X-ray light.

In this image, X-ray light seen by Chandra with energy ranges of 0.5 to 2 kiloelectron volts (keV) and 2 to 4 keV is shown in red and green, respectively, while X-ray light detected by NuSTAR in the higher-energy range of 7 to 25 keV is blue.

This Weekend The Trillion-Star Andromeda Galaxy Will Be At Its Brilliant Best
Jamie Carter Contributor
I write about science and nature, stargazing and eclipses.


Andromeda Galaxy imaged from 12,500 feet in California's White Mountains

Go into your backyard about 20:30 p.m. EST or thereabouts this weekend and you can see the most incredible thing – the Andromeda Galaxy – one of the farthest objects visible to the naked eye. If you know where to look.

Locating the 'other ' major galaxy in our Local Group is an exercise in stargazing on a grand scale, and the beginning of fall is absolutely the best time to take a look at it.

You've probably seen the Andromeda Galaxy before in incredible pictures from NASA, but if you've never seen it with your own eyes, now is the time. After all, of the two trillion galaxies estimated to be out there in the Universe, it's the Andromeda Galaxy that is by far the easiest to see, and perhaps one of the most beautiful.

What is the Andromeda Galaxy?

The nearest major spiral galaxy to our own Milky Way galaxy, the Andromeda Galaxy (also called M31) is 2,538,000 light years from Earth. It's a pretty similar galaxy to our own, and astronomers have long used it as a reference point for studying the Milky Way. Since we are in the Milky Way, it's that much more difficult to study it, so the Andromeda Galaxy provides an easy way of looking at our own galaxy in its entirety.


The Andromeda Galaxy, or M31, taken from Spain using a Canon DSLR attached to a telescopeJAMIE CARTER

How long would it take to get to the Andromeda Galaxy?

Forget it! Although it may be one of the closest galaxies to our own, since the Andromeda Galaxy is 2.5 million light years distant it would take 2.5 million years to get there if (and it's a huge 'if') we could travel at the speed of light. In short, your best chance of seeing the Andromeda Galaxy in close-up is by using a backyard telescope, not a spacecraft. However, you can see also see M31 with both the naked eye and through any pair of cheap binoculars.

Where is the Andromeda galaxy in the night sky?

At this time of year, the Andromeda Galaxy is rising in the eastern sky after dusk, but it takes some practice to find it. So it's important to familiarize yourself with the two constellations either side of it, Pegasus and Cassiopeia. If you look to the east you'll see the Great Square of Pegasus, hanging above the horizon in a diamond shape (you can call it the Great Diamond of Pegasus if you want). Of its four bright stars, identify the one furthest left, called Alperatz (also called Sirrah), which is about 97 light years distant. Now turn to the north-east and find the W-shaped constellation of Cassiopeia, and more specifically, the V-shape on the right-hand side, closest to the Great Square.


How to find the Andromeda GalaxySTELLARIUM/JAMIE CARTER

How to find the Andromeda Galaxy in the night sky

That V shape points straight towards the Andromeda Galaxy, but to find the exact location it's better to go from Alperatz. If you are under very dark skies you can do this with the naked eye, though most people will be much better off using any pair of binoculars. With Alperatz in the field of view, go two bright stars left and range your binoculars about the same distance up to find a milky patch – that's the Andromeda Galaxy. It's actually in the constellation of Andromeda; although Alperatz is the brightest star in the Great Square of Pegasus, it's also the head of Andromeda.

How to look at the Andromeda Galaxy

What does the Andromeda Galaxy look like? A fuzzy blob, that’s what. If it disappoints you, you're not looking at it properly. The human eye's peripheral vision is the most sensitive to brightness, whereas it's center is more sensitive to color, so when looking at a galaxy – an object with incredible brightness – look slightly to the left or right and you'll be surprised by how much more of it you see. That applies to both naked eyes observing and when using binoculars, though if you are looking at the Andromeda galaxy through a telescope, look slightly to the left or right of it, depending on which eye you're observing with.


Artwork of the Milky Way Galaxy colliding with the Andromeda Galaxy in 6 billion years time.

You're looking at the combined light of a trillion stars. If that's not bright enough for you, know that the Andromeda Galaxy is headed straight for us at 250,000 miles per hour and will eventually dominate the entire night sky. Sadly, that's not going to happen for around 3.75 billion years …

Wishing you clear skies and wide eyes

AstroSat Picture of the Month Aug, 2018
X-raying a supernova

This month, for the first time, we bring you an X-ray image from AstroSat. We feature the image of the Tycho Supernova remnant or SN 1572, imaged by the Soft X-ray Telescope (SXT). Located in the constellation Cassiopeia, at a distance of about 10000 light years, SN 1572 is a historic object. It is one of the 8 supernova explosions that were seen with the naked eye. This new star appeared in the sky during early November in 1572, and was observed by many astronomers across Europe and China. It is named after Tycho Brahe since he was the one who studied it in great detail till it faded away in 1574. He published his observations in his work 'Concerning the Star, new and never before seen in the life or memory of anyone', which included a star chart too. At its peak, it rivalled Venus at its brightest, confounded astronomers at that time, and changed their perspective of an unchanging sky.


X-ray image of the Tycho Supernova Remnant in the 0.8-2.0 nanometres (0.6-1.6 keV) range, made by the Soft X-ray Telescope on board AstroSat.

The supernova remnant is roughly 8 arcminutes big (3.7 times smaller than the full moon in the sky) and the emission is brighter near the edge of the expanding supernova remnant.

Pic Credit: Kulinder Pal Singh (IISER Mohali) and the entire SXT Instrument and POC teams at TIFR, University of Leicester, and IUCAA

We now know, from historic data, that this was a Type 1a supernova. Sometimes, a normal star and a white dwarf (which is a very compact object that is the end stage of stars like our Sun) orbit each other. Material from the normal star is pulled on to the white dwarf due to gravity, making it heavier. When the mass of the white dwarf exceeds the famous Chandrasekhar Limit, it explodes, leading to a Type 1a supernova, like our SN 1572. What we see today is what is left of this explosion. The debris is expanding outwards like a sphere, with an edge which is the shock front. This supernova remnant, discovered first in radio wavelengths, and then in optical and X-rays and infrared, is a beautiful object indeed.

X-rays can penetrate metal easily. Hence, the cleverly designed Soft X-ray Telescope uses 320 concentric gold coated mirrors and a very cold CCD to form images in the X-ray. The image of the Tycho Supernova remnant shown here is made from photons with wavelengths between 0.8 to 2.0 nanometres (0.6-1.6 keV). Most of this emission, coming from the limb of the expanding shell, is due to emission from Iron atoms where electrons jump from higher levels to the 2nd level.

The full article can be downloaded from SXT: early results
Astrosat Picture of the Month of Feb, 2019


New population of Ultraviolet stars in the Globular Cluster NGC 2808

The Sun is a constant presence in our lives and is about 5 billion years old. But will the Sun itself change in the millions of years to come? Any such change will occur so far into the future, that astronomers need to look to alternate places in the sky to understand this. Globular clustersare the best laboratories to study the fate of stars. This month, APOM brings forth a globular cluster called NGC 2808 located at a distance of about 47,000 light years in the constellation Carina. This is the third globular cluster in APOM, after NGC 1851 and NGC 288.

NGC 2808 is one of the most massive globular clusters that we know, with a stellar membership of more than a million stars. Being nearly 11 billion years old, stars like the Sun and heavier stars have evolved to later stages of evolution. Due to the large number of stars present in globular clusters, stars with different masses, and in different evolutionary stagescan be studied together. This is because it is believed that all stars in the cluster formed from the same material at approximately the same time. NGC 2808 is unique because very recent optical studies have shown that it houses many distinct populations of stars (five in this case) within it, the maximum found in any globular cluster till date. Stars at the same evolutionary stage but having similar masses in this cluster seem to have other properties (eg. brightness, material from which it is made) that are slightly different. These are then said to belong to different populations.

The stars that are bright in ultraviolet in this globular cluster have been studied using UVIT on-board AstroSat by a group of researchers from the Indian Institute of Space science and Technology (IIST), Trivandrum and Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai. Using ultraviolet light from different wavebands (filters), these authors have identified stars belonging to later stages of stellar evolution, eg. Horizontal Branch stars, hot stars that have passed through the Asymptotic Giant Branch phase. They have also established the presence of four different populations of stars that are seen in the UV, including a new population for the first time. These UV populations of stars are related to the five groups of optical stars mentioned above. Earlier studies had shown the presence of a certain group of UV stars called the Red Horizontal Branch stars in the cluster. The current study has utilized the capabilities of UVIT to report that it is not one group, but rather a mixture of two different populations. This study of the UV populations in the cluster would help in refining our understanding of the formation of multiple populations in globular clusters.

The paper describing the results is accepted for publication by the Monthly Notices of Royal Astronomical Society and can be found here.
A black hole and its shadow have been captured in an image for the first time, a historic feat by an international network of radio telescopes called the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT).

Using the Event Horizon Telescope, scientists obtained an image of the black hole at the center of galaxy M87, outlined by emission from hot gas swirling around it under the influence of strong gravity near its event horizon.
Credits: Event Horizon Telescope collaboration et al.

The Event Horizon Telescope Collaboration observed the supermassive black holes at the center of M87 and our Milky Way galaxy (SgrA*) finding the dark central shadow in accordance with General Relativity, further demonstrating the power of this 100 year-old theory.
The Universe’s First Type of Molecule Is Found at Last

Image of planetary nebula NGC 7027 with illustration of helium hydride molecules. In this planetary nebula, SOFIA detected helium hydride, a combination of helium (red) and hydrogen (blue), which was the first type of molecule to ever form in the early universe. This is the first time helium hydride has been found in the modern universe.
Credits: NASA/ESA/Hubble Processing: Judy Schmidt

The first type of molecule that ever formed in the universe has been detected in space for the first time, after decades of searching. Scientists discovered its signature in our own galaxy using the world’s largest airborne observatory, NASA’s Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy, or SOFIA, as the aircraft flew high above the Earth’s surface and pointed its sensitive instruments out into the cosmos.

When the universe was still very young, only a few kinds of atoms existed. Scientists believe that around 100,000 years after the big bang, helium and hydrogen combined to make a molecule called helium hydride for the first time. Helium hydride should be present in some parts of the modern universe, but it has never been detected in space — until now.

SOFIA found modern helium hydride in a planetary nebula, a remnant of what was once a Sun-like star. Located 3,000 light-years away near the constellation Cygnus, this planetary nebula, called NGC 7027, has conditions that allow this mystery molecule to form. The discovery serves as proof that helium hydride can, in fact, exist in space. This confirms a key part of our basic understanding of the chemistry of the early universe and how it evolved over billions of years into the complex chemistry of today. The results are published in this week’s issue of Nature.

“This molecule was lurking out there, but we needed the right instruments making observations in the right position — and SOFIA was able to do that perfectly,” said Harold Yorke, director of the SOFIA Science Center, in California’s Silicon Valley.

Today, the universe is filled with large, complex structures such as planets, stars and galaxies. But more than 13 billion years ago, following the big bang, the early universe was hot, and all that existed were a few types of atoms, mostly helium and hydrogen. As atoms combined to form the first molecules, the universe was finally able to cool and began to take shape. Scientists have inferred that helium hydride was this first, primordial molecule.

Once cooling began, hydrogen atoms could interact with helium hydride, leading to the creation of molecular hydrogen — the molecule primarily responsible for the formation of the first stars. Stars went on to forge all the elements that make up our rich, chemical cosmos of today. The problem, though, is that scientists could not find helium hydride in space. This first step in the birth of chemistry was unproven, until now.

“The lack of evidence of the very existence of helium hydride in interstellar space was a dilemma for astronomy for decades,” said Rolf Guesten of the Max Planck Institute for Radio Astronomy, in Bonn, Germany, and lead author of the paper.

Helium hydride is a finicky molecule. Helium itself is a noble gas making it very unlikely to combine with any other kind of atom. But in 1925, scientists were able to create the molecule in a laboratory by coaxing the helium to share one of its electrons with a hydrogen ion.

Then, in the late 1970s, scientists studying the planetary nebula called NGC 7027 thought that this environment might be just right to form helium hydride. Ultraviolet radiation and heat from the aging star create conditions suitable for helium hydride to form. But their observations were inconclusive. Subsequent efforts hinted it could be there, but the mystery molecule continued to elude detection. The space telescopes used did not have the specific technology to pick out the signal of helium hydride from the medley of other molecules in the nebula.

In 2016, scientists turned to SOFIA for help. Flying up to 45,000 feet, SOFIA makes observations above the interfering layers of Earth’s atmosphere. But it has a benefit space telescopes don't— it returns after every flight.

“We’re able to change instruments and install the latest technology,” said Naseem Rangwala SOFIA deputy project scientist. “This flexibility allows us to improve observations and respond to the most pressing questions that scientists want answered.”

A recent upgrade to one of SOFIA’s instruments called the German Receiver at Terahertz Frequencies, or GREAT, added the specific channel for helium hydride that previous telescopes did not have. The instrument works like a radio receiver. Scientists tune to the frequency of the molecule they’re searching for, similar to tuning an FM radio to the right station. When SOFIA took to the night skies, eager scientists were onboard reading the data from the instrument in real time. Helium hydride’s signal finally came through loud and clear.

“It was so exciting to be there, seeing helium hydride for the first time in the data,” said Guesten. “This brings a long search to a happy ending and eliminates doubts about our understanding of the underlying chemistry of the early universe.

Scientists on the airborne observatory SOFIA detected the first type of molecule that ever formed in the universe. They found the combination of helium and hydrogen, called helium hydride, in a planetary nebula near the constellation Cygnus. This discovery confirms a key part of our basic understanding of the early universe and how it evolved over billions of years into the complex chemistry of today.
Credits: NASA/Ames Research Center

SOFIA, the Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy, is a Boeing 747SP jetliner modified to carry a 106-inch diameter telescope. It is a joint project of NASA and the German Aerospace Center, DLR. NASA’s Ames Research Center in California’s Silicon Valley manages the SOFIA program, science and mission operations in cooperation with the Universities Space Research Association headquartered in Columbia, Maryland, and the German SOFIA Institute (DSI) at the University of Stuttgart. The aircraft is maintained and operated from NASA’s Armstrong Flight Research Center Building 703, in Palmdale, California.
GMRT discovers a gigantic ring of hydrogen gas around a distant galaxy
January 2, 2020 , Tata Institute of Fundamental Research

The optical image from the CFHT telescope with the distribution of neutral hydrogen in the form of a large ring shown in red as observed by the GMRT. The other two red blobs show the distribution of neutral hydrogen around two other galaxies which are in the vicinity of the ring. Credit: O. Bait (NCRA-TIFR/GMRT), Duc (ObAS/CFHT)
A team of astronomers at the National Centre for Radio Astrophysics (NCRA) in Pune, India have discovered a mysterious ring of hydrogen gas around a distant galaxy, using the Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope (GMRT). The ring is much bigger than the galaxy it surrounds and has a diameter of about 380,000 light-years (about 4 times that of our Milky Way).

The galaxy (named AGC 203001), is located about 260 million light-years away from us. There is only one other such known system with such a large neutral hydrogen ring. The origin and formation of such rings is still a matter of debate among astrophysicists.

Neutral hydrogen emits radio waves at a wavelength of about 21cm. This radiation from neutral hydrogen atoms has allowed radio astronomers to map the amount and distribution of neutral hydrogen gas in our Milky Way galaxy and in other galaxies in the Universe. Typically, large reservoirs of neutral hydrogen gas are found in galaxies which are actively forming new stars. However, despite showing no signs of active star formation the galaxy AGC 203001 was known to have large amounts of hydrogen, although its exact distribution was not known. The unusual nature of this galaxy motivated astronomers in NCRA to use the GMRT to conduct high-resolution radio observation of this galaxy to find out where in the galaxy this gas lies.

The GMRT observations revealed that the neutral hydrogen is distributed in the form of a large off-centered ring extending much beyond the optical extent of this galaxy. More puzzlingly, the astronomers found that the existing optical images of the ring showed no sign of it containing stars. In collaboration with two French astronomers, Pierre-Alain Duc and Jean-Charles Cuillandre, the NCRA team obtained a very sensitive optical image of this system using the Canada-France-Hawaii-Telescope (CFHT) in Hawaii, USA. However, even these images do not show any sign of starlight associated with the hydrogen ring.

There is no clear answer today as to what could lead to the formation of such large, starless rings of hydrogen. Conventionally, galaxy-galaxy collisions were thought to lead to the formation of such off-centered rings around galaxies. However, such rings also generally contain stars. This is contrary to what is found in this ring. Figuring out how this ring was formed remains a challenge to astronomers.

Encouraged by this discovery, the team is now conducting a large survey to map the neutral hydrogen around several more similar galaxies. If some of them also show rings like this, it should help us to better understand the formation mechanism behind such rare rings.

Full article:
GMRT discovers a gigantic ring of hydrogen gas around a distant galaxy
January 2, 2020 , Tata Institute of Fundamental Research

The optical image from the CFHT telescope with the distribution of neutral hydrogen in the form of a large ring shown in red as observed by the GMRT. The other two red blobs show the distribution of neutral hydrogen around two other galaxies which are in the vicinity of the ring. Credit: O. Bait (NCRA-TIFR/GMRT), Duc (ObAS/CFHT)
A team of astronomers at the National Centre for Radio Astrophysics (NCRA) in Pune, India have discovered a mysterious ring of hydrogen gas around a distant galaxy, using the Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope (GMRT). The ring is much bigger than the galaxy it surrounds and has a diameter of about 380,000 light-years (about 4 times that of our Milky Way).

The galaxy (named AGC 203001), is located about 260 million light-years away from us. There is only one other such known system with such a large neutral hydrogen ring. The origin and formation of such rings is still a matter of debate among astrophysicists.

Neutral hydrogen emits radio waves at a wavelength of about 21cm. This radiation from neutral hydrogen atoms has allowed radio astronomers to map the amount and distribution of neutral hydrogen gas in our Milky Way galaxy and in other galaxies in the Universe. Typically, large reservoirs of neutral hydrogen gas are found in galaxies which are actively forming new stars. However, despite showing no signs of active star formation the galaxy AGC 203001 was known to have large amounts of hydrogen, although its exact distribution was not known. The unusual nature of this galaxy motivated astronomers in NCRA to use the GMRT to conduct high-resolution radio observation of this galaxy to find out where in the galaxy this gas lies.

The GMRT observations revealed that the neutral hydrogen is distributed in the form of a large off-centered ring extending much beyond the optical extent of this galaxy. More puzzlingly, the astronomers found that the existing optical images of the ring showed no sign of it containing stars. In collaboration with two French astronomers, Pierre-Alain Duc and Jean-Charles Cuillandre, the NCRA team obtained a very sensitive optical image of this system using the Canada-France-Hawaii-Telescope (CFHT) in Hawaii, USA. However, even these images do not show any sign of starlight associated with the hydrogen ring.

There is no clear answer today as to what could lead to the formation of such large, starless rings of hydrogen. Conventionally, galaxy-galaxy collisions were thought to lead to the formation of such off-centered rings around galaxies. However, such rings also generally contain stars. This is contrary to what is found in this ring. Figuring out how this ring was formed remains a challenge to astronomers.

Encouraged by this discovery, the team is now conducting a large survey to map the neutral hydrogen around several more similar galaxies. If some of them also show rings like this, it should help us to better understand the formation mechanism behind such rare rings.

Full article:
Interesting discovery

Phobos imaged by MOM (ISRO) on 1st July

Mars Colour Camera (MCC) onboard Mars Orbiter Mission has imaged Phobos, the closest and biggest moon of Mars, on 1st July when MOM was about 7200 km from Mars and at 4200 km from Phobos. Spatial resolution of the image is 210 m. This is a composite image generated from 6 MCC frames and has been color corrected.

Phobos is largely believed to be made up of carbonaceous chondrites. The violent phase that Phobos has encountered is seen in the large section gouged out from a past collision (Stickney crater) and bouncing ejecta. Stickney, the largest crater on Phobos along with the other craters (Shklovsky, Roche & Grildrig) are also seen in this image.
The Most Detailed Image Yet of The Carina Nebula Will Blow Your Mind
6 OCTOBER 2020
Astronomers have obtained the highest resolution near-infrared images yet of the Carina Nebula, a thick cloud of dust and gas in which stars are actively forming.
The newly obtained images, sourced with the Gemini South telescope in Chile, are incredible to look at. They are also useful for understanding stellar nurseries and stellar birth, and are somewhat of a preview of the kinds of images we can expect when the whiz-bang James Webb Space Telescope finally takes to the skies.

"The results are stunning," said physicist and astronomer Patrick Hartigan of Rice University.
"We see a wealth of detail never observed before along the edge of the cloud, including a long series of parallel ridges that may be produced by a magnetic field, a remarkable almost perfectly smooth sine wave and fragments at the top that appear to be in the process of being sheared off the cloud by a strong wind."

Stellar birth is a fascinating process, but it can't take place just anywhere. You need a thick cloud of gas and dust, rich in molecular hydrogen and so dense, it contains regions that gravitationally collapse under their own mass.
As those knots collapse, any rotation thereof becomes amplified under the conservation of angular momentum. This creates a rotating disc of material feeding into the protostar (and which eventually may go on to form planets after the star formation process is complete).
So, the best sites of star formation are the densest and dustiest. These interstellar clouds appear opaque, like dark voids against the shimmering backdrop of stars in optical wavelengths. Which makes them a bit of an Achilles heel for the Hubble Space Telescope.

"Hubble operates at optical and ultraviolet wavelengths that are blocked by dust in star-forming regions like these," Hartigan said.
But light in infrared and near-infrared wavelengths can penetrate the thick dust, letting astronomers peer inside these enigmatic clouds. That's where instruments like Gemini South have an advantage over Hubble. But they also have a disadvantage. Hubble is in space. Gemini South is on Earth, within the bubble of our planet's atmosphere.
Atmospheric turbulence distorts and splits light from far away - it's why stars appear to twinkle when you look up at the night sky. That's a problem for ground-based astronomy, and over the years, different techniques have been applied to correct for it.
It used to be that the distortion effects had to be removed when the images were being processed, after the observations had already been taken. Advances in technology, however, have allowed for what we call adaptive optics, which corrects for atmospheric turbulence as the observations are underway.
The Gemini South Adaptive Optics Imager consists of five lasers; these are beamed at the sky to project artificial "guide stars" that are measured to correct the effect of atmospheric turbulence.

Using this technology, Hartigan and his team were able to obtain images of the Carina Nebula in a resolution 10 times higher than images taken without adaptive optics, and about twice as sharp as Hubble images at this wavelength. And the images revealed new details of the interaction between a cloud of dust and gas, and a cluster of young massive stars nearby.
The section of cloud is known as the Western Wall, and the radiation blasting off the hot young stars is ionising the hydrogen, causing it to glow with infrared light. The ultraviolet radiation from the stars is also causing the outer layer of hydrogen to evaporate.

Using different filters, the team were able to obtain separate images of the hydrogen at the cloud's surface and the evaporating hydrogen.
"This region is probably the best example in the sky of an irradiated interface," Hartigan said. "The new images of it are so much sharper than anything we've previously seen. They provide the clearest view to date of how massive young stars affect their surroundings and influence star and planet formation."
The James Webb Space Telescope, when it launches in about a year's time (touch wood), will primarily observe in the infrared and near-infrared; so this image, the researchers said, is a bit of a sneak peek into what we can expect to see in the future.
But it also reveals the power of adaptive optics as a complement to round out or observing capabilities.
"Structures like the Western Wall are going to be rich hunting grounds for both Webb and ground-based telescopes with adaptive optics like Gemini South," Hartigan said. "Each will pierce the dust shrouds and reveal new information about the birth of stars."
You can download a high-resolution version of the image here. The research has been published in The Astrophysical Journal Letters.



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