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Last Christian left Mosul: Sunnis' ethnic cleansing far worse than Israel

I agree. In India it did receive sufficient coverage as Indians got abducted. But I am surprised how the world has not reacted the same as they did in the Palestine case?

Compassion fatigue. There's only so much people want to hear about people dying in Iraq. It's a hard pill to swallow, but it's the truth.
In 1990 there were 2 million christians in iraq obviously there weren't any issues back then. Instability is what caused this tragedy to occur. People used to live in peace.
don't say it abut jihad you will go to hell

ISIS has been trained by the Mossad and CIA to commit every type of crime against humanity in the name of Islam and jihad. We can see how uncomfortable the zionazi pets are with this fact.
ISIS has been trained by the Mossad and CIA to commit every type of crime against humanity in the name of Islam and jihad. We can see how uncomfortable the zionazi pets are with this fact.

The Jihadist is really stupid and moronic to work for USA and Jews. They are shitbag of Islam. They are big disgrace to Muslim. They have turn their back on Allah and Prophet Mohamad.

Every Muslims should curse these idiots and hope that they get their due retribution from Allah because of their wickedness.

c'mmon, Sunni, speak up against these morons.
ISIS has been trained by the Mossad and CIA to commit every type of crime against humanity in the name of Islam and jihad. We can see how uncomfortable the zionazi pets are with this fact.
Ridiculous. The heights of hypocrisy and denial.
It is shameful acts of such men that bring a bad name to Islam.

Islam has always protected the Peoples of the Books ( Christians and Jews ) and other minorities in their domain.

This clown does not represent Islam and their is nothing Islamic about this low life.
It is shameful acts of such men that bring a bad name to Islam.

Islam has always protected the Peoples of the Books ( Christians and Jews ) and other minorities in their domain.

This clown does not represent Islam and their is nothing Islamic about this low life.

These peace sermons are not because of some sort of realization, but because of the bad press. Once you realize that you are on the winning side and you control the media your tone will change I bet.
These peace sermons are not because of some sort of realization, but because of the bad press. Once you realize that you are on the winning side and you control the media your tone will change I bet.

Stop Trolling.....
The entire Muslims world hate Israel for her aparthied and human right abuses. Yet under Islam, minorities suffered even more than Jews.

Unlike the Muslims, the Christian world does not hate Muslims simply because Christians are being cleanse.

Has Last Christian Left Iraqi City of Mosul After 2,000 Years? - NBC News

Samer Kamil Yacub was alone when four Islamist militants carrying AK-47s arrived at his front door and ordered him to leave the city.

The 70-year-old Christian had failed to comply with a decree issued by the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS). Yacub's hometown of Mosul had boasted a Christian community for almost 2,000 years. But then the al Qaeda-inspired fighters who overran the city last month gave Christians an ultimatum. They could stay and pay a tax or convert to Islam -- or be killed.

Yacub, 70, was one of the few Christians remaining beyond last Saturday's noon deadline. He may have even been the last to leave alive.

"[A] fighter said, ‘I have orders to kill you now',” Yacub said just hours after the Sunni extremists tried to force their way into his home at 11 a.m. on Monday. “All of the people in my neighborhood were Muslim. They came to help me —about 20 people — at the door in front of my house. They tried to convince ISIS not to kill me.”

The rebels spared Yacub but threw him out of the city where he had spent his entire life. They also took his Iraqi ID card before informing him that elderly women would be given his house.

In June, ISIS declared a caliphate covering parts of Syria and Iraq, decreed that all of the world's Muslims must pledge allegiance to their leader and said it wanted to be known as just "Islamic State." In Syria, ISIS brought back seventh-century laws to govern Christians after seizing the city of Raqqa. "They have no mercy," one Christian living there told NBC News in March. In Mosul, ISIS this week ordered shopkeepers to cover the faces of mannequins and blew up a mosque that was said to be the tomb of the Prophet Jonah, who was swallowed by a whale in a biblical story.

While an estimated 2 million Christians called Iraq home in the 1990s, church leaders say that figure plunged to around 200,000 by last year. The sudden rise of ISIS has sent many other Christians fleeing in terror.

They are not sunnis. They are ISIS TTP salafis.

how can u blame people when religion is clearly at fault.

Islam existed in Mosul for 1350 years.

Christians and Muslims have been living there together in huge numbers for that amount of time. How can it be that religion is at fault? It is the timing coinciding with this alien group called ISIS, which has nothing to do with Islam

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