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Last Christian left Mosul: Sunnis' ethnic cleansing far worse than Israel


I thought Muslims in Israel support finishing off the Muslim terrorist. Colonel Ghassan Alian, a Muslims is the commander of the most elite Golani Brigade of IDF, who was in Gaza to kill naughty Muslims.

He himself is seriously wounded now. He is a brave man.


He told you this terrorist was a Muslim? And what does religious affiliation have anything to do with ones personal decisions? Apparently you don't know the difference between right and wrong. All you have is blind hatred.

Just proves once again you disregard God.
I thought Lux de Veritas is a Christian?

Pseudo-Muslims, Christians, Jews, all the same thing. They don't emulate their prophets in any way and they disregard what God ordained upon them.

If I didn't observe my tenets I would refuse to call myself Muslim even if I was born one. In our religion, dying a Muslim has nothing to do with what you born to be.

Dying a Muslim is dying a pious person according to abrahamic religious principles. By name you could be anybody.
He told you this terrorist was a Muslim? And what does religious affiliation have anything to do with ones personal decisions? Apparently you don't know the difference between right and wrong. All you have is blind hatred.

Just proves once again you disregard God.
I thought Lux de Veritas is a Christian?
Pseudo-Muslims, Christians, Jews, all the same thing. They don't emulate their prophets in any way and they disregard what God ordained upon them.

If I didn't observe my tenets I would refuse to call myself Muslim even if I was born one. In our religion, dying a Muslim has nothing to do with what you born to be.

Dying a Muslim is dying a pious person according to abrahamic religious principles. By name you could be anybody.

Worse than IDF.

'They are savages,' say Christians forced to flee Mosul by Isis | World news | The Guardian
Iraqi Christians who were forced to flee the northern city of Mosul under threat of forced conversion or execution by jihadists have spoken of their terror as churches were turned into mosques and their homes and property confiscated.

The expulsion of one of the world's oldest Christian communities provoked condemnation and anguish from figures as diverse as the pope and Iraq's prime minister, Nouri al-Maliki, who lambasted the Islamic State (Isis) for its "criminality and terrorism".

Last weekend Isis gave the city's Christians a stark choice: convert to Islam, pay a religious tax, or face death. "They said there is no place for Christians in the Islamic state," one distraught refugee said from the safety of Bashiqa, 16 miles from Mosul. "Either you become Muslim or you leave." Mosul's last 1,500 Christian families were reportedly robbed at Isis checkpoints as they fled.


Welcome your new Caliph, A BRAVE MAN
Again you're lying. I was speaking of Iraqi rebels in Iraq and it was in direct relation to Syria. Unrelated to non-Muslims. Was about the Syrian regime which all of you right wing racists support strongly in that forum. Which is fine, just stop parading yourselves as humane civilized people.

And then you ask yourself something you should know about Iraq. After the EU/US war on Iraq everything became a mess.

Many people got banned inthat forum for calling Islam "evil","sect",etc.The problem for you is that most of the people there are objective and civilised and behaviour like yours + shameless lies (i am still amased of how easily you can lie about facts andpeople just to begg simpathy-amazing!) aren't tolerated.

Worse than IDF.

'They are savages,' say Christians forced to flee Mosul by Isis | World news | The Guardian
Iraqi Christians who were forced to flee the northern city of Mosul under threat of forced conversion or execution by jihadists have spoken of their terror as churches were turned into mosques and their homes and property confiscated.

The expulsion of one of the world's oldest Christian communities provoked condemnation and anguish from figures as diverse as the pope and Iraq's prime minister, Nouri al-Maliki, who lambasted the Islamic State (Isis) for its "criminality and terrorism".

Last weekend Isis gave the city's Christians a stark choice: convert to Islam, pay a religious tax, or face death. "They said there is no place for Christians in the Islamic state," one distraught refugee said from the safety of Bashiqa, 16 miles from Mosul. "Either you become Muslim or you leave." Mosul's last 1,500 Christian families were reportedly robbed at Isis checkpoints as they fled.


Welcome your new Caliph, A BRAVE MAN

He is Hazzy's caliph,he loves him.
ethnic cleansing? Wtf is this retarded op trying to say?
Ethnic cleansing! That's WTF the 'retarded OP' is trying to say. :P

I'll simplify it for you since your power of comprehension is near rock bottom...

Ethnic cleansing: the mass expulsion or killing of members of one ethnic or religious group in an area by those of another.

So here, the ISIS have driven out the last of the Christians from the so called Caliphate. Now have you understood WTF the 'retarded OP' was trying to say?
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Hypocrisy at its best. Pakistanis were fuming over Gaza while no one is concerned by the killings of Shia/Chirstian in Iraq.

If a Muslim kills Muslim all is good.

If A,B,C kills Muslim it is WAR.
Hypocrisy at its best. Pakistanis were fuming over Gaza while no one is concerned by the killings of Shia/Chirstian in Iraq.

If a Muslim kills Muslim all is good.

If A,B,C kills Muslim it is WAR.

The real reason is that people buy what the media sells. Media won't touch Sunni-Shite conflict topics for fear of backlash from either party. Israel can be bashed without repercussions. Regardless, it doesn't really matter what we in the subcontinent think, there's nothing we can do about any of these wars, other than rant on the internet.
only one thread on this topic and still on page two....:confused:

ohh wait... its not against Israel ... so no pakistanii will ever speak anything abt it... happy people...:-)
The real reason is that people buy what the media sells. Media won't touch Sunni-Shite conflict topics for fear of backlash from either party. Israel can be bashed without repercussions. Regardless, it doesn't really matter what we in the subcontinent think, there's nothing we can do about any of these wars, other than rant on the internet.

I agree. In India it did receive sufficient coverage as Indians got abducted. But I am surprised how the world has not reacted the same as they did in the Palestine case?

You see there had been protests in India over the Palestine issue wherein non Muslim also protested.

But in the case of Iraq, it was only the Shia that made some noise and that too at a very small scale in Lucknow.

What about Pakistan? Was the reaction same in case of iraq?
The ISIS terrorists are doing what they were trained to do. They were trained to commit every possible crime in the name of Islam and 'Jihad'. It's not too difficult to understand why their Mossad and CIA trainers trained them to do so.

don't say it abut jihad you will go to hell

You're loosing your shit again you terrorist liar.Typical you when people don't entertain your ramblings,sweet today foaming like a wild dog tommorrow,yesterday you were cheering ISIS,now they're extremists.....lowlife.
its all abut suit if jihad suit them its ok

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