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Las Vegas : American White man masacared 58 people, more than 500 injured.

Looks can be deceiving! The shooter looks like a normal white guy. Who would have thought?

America is very dangerous, why so many guns are available to the public?
America has a gun culture
You need guns for safety in America
The gun lobby is pretty strong in America

RIP to the dead Indians or their dead dreams
These piece of shit indians are still trying to connect the attack to muslims even after the identity of the perp is revealed. Such sadists shouldn't be allowed to post on our forums.
These piece of shit indians are still trying to connect the attack to muslims even after the identity of the perp is revealed. Such sadists shouldn't be allowed to post on our forums.

There are some decent Indians on this forum but the majority are anti-Muslim bigots. No idea why these ones are not permanently banned.
The RIP by Indian just a drama
Actually their re action " F he wasn't a Muslim "

It's an interesting thought and they mentioned the same thing yesterday on a couple talk shows. But it begs the question why would he care about gun violence enough to give up his life, not to mention kill and wound so many others? Unless there's some history that shows he or someone close to him was affected by gun violence at some point in their lives, then it might make sense. Without any victimization of himself or members of his family, there's not enough for this theory IMO.
65+ years old drunkard, killed and injured so many!!!
I guess he was using automatic weapon, and may have fired thousands of bullets in the process.
Was the old man carrying all magazines by him self or was he hiring some poor man of LV!

I'm 200% sure some innocent is framed using 'gun culture' crack.

One thing is sure, who so ever did it wanted to hide his id and was after the old man from long time.

My doubts, old man had a profile and suddenly became a liability.
It's an interesting thought and they mentioned the same thing yesterday on a couple talk shows. But it begs the question why would he care about gun violence enough to give up his life, not to mention kill and wound so many others? Unless there's some history that shows he or someone close to him was affected by gun violence at some point in their lives, then it might make sense. Without any victimization of himself or members of his family, there's not enough for this theory IMO.

Unless he has some serious gripe with Mandalay Bay. Maybe he lost a ton of money there once so he rented a room and shot at people to give it a lot of bad press. He may hope it turns into the new "Psycho" Bates Hotel.

Remember back in 1980 one guy was so mad he wheeled in an elaborate boobytrapped 1000lb dynamite bomb into a casino.

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65+ years old drunkard, killed and injured so many!!!
I guess he was using automatic weapon, and may have fired thousands of bullets in the process.
Was the old man carrying all magazines by him self or was he hiring some poor man of LV!

I'm 200% sure some innocent is framed using 'gun culture' crack.

One thing is sure, who so ever did it wanted to hide his id and was after the old man from long time.

My doubts, old man had a profile and suddenly became a liability.

There are already amateur videos like below going about clearly showing that there was a second gunman, or perhaps the only gunman on fourth floor.

Lets see how CIA gives a twist to this story when they "debrief" his girlfriend. How he was recent convert to Islam, his name of Abdul Rehman bin Mohammad, he spend 4 month training in Pakistani tribal area for terrorism training. blah blah blah.


He had done some government work during his career, as a letter carrier for the Postal Service, an agent for the Internal Revenue Service and an auditor for the federal government’s Defense Contract Audit Agency in the late 1970s and 1980s

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^^ My count guess is above 2 shooters.
I'm not going to waste time in seeing videos, as I know what's going on in this world.
Well, the world's #1 Conspiracy Theorist Mr. Alex Jones hates America media so much that he's saying that the police found a lot of Jihadi material in the guy's hotel room but the MSM is hiding it. Sigh!

I think, with the girlfriend back from PH. and with the money trail to PH. (large amount sent by Paddock recently), and with some potential huge gambling losses recently--a better picture might emerge soon about the motives.
Unless he has some serious gripe with Mandalay Bay. Maybe he lost a ton of money there once so he rented a room and shot at people to give it a lot of bad press. He may hope it turns into the new "Psycho" Bates Hotel.

Remember back in 1980 one guy was so mad he wheeled in an elaborate boobytrapped 1000lb dynamite bomb into a casino.


How funny is it that this is eerily conspiratorially similar to JFK, when you take the building and a shooter and the window location and now possible multiple shooter conspiracies? This was bound to come out sooner or later! :lol:

At least Oswald had plenty of understandable motive, but this guy? Hard to think of anything besides being angry and suicidal from being financially in debt, but we don't even have any information that points to that either. If he had major debt problems, those would've come out by now, unless he was involved with Vegas loan sharks. That might take a while.
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How funny is it that this is eerily conspiratorially similar to JFK, when you take the building and a shooter and the window location and now possible multiple shooter conspiracies? This was bound to come out sooner or later! :lol:

At least Oswald had plenty of understandable motive, but this guy? Hard to think of anything besides being angry and suicidal from being financially in debt, but we don't even have any information that points to that either. If he had major debt problems, those would've come out by now, unless he was involved with Vegas lone sharks. That might take a while.

IMHO Americans are no less believers in conspiracy theories than Pakistanis are blamed to be on this forum.

Bolded part. This is a probable angle. Also, a newspaper in Las Vegas is saying that this loser was on anti-anxiety meds since June--which can bring out aggressive behavior. Maybe the guy executed some kind of his own Samson Option!?
IMHO Americans are no less believers in conspiracy theories than Pakistanis are blamed to be on this forum.

Bolded part. This is a probable angle. Also, a newspaper in Las Vegas is saying that this loser was on anti-anxiety meds since June--which can bring out aggressive behavior. Maybe the guy executed some kind of his own Samson Option!?

"Samson Option?" I see what you did there, lol. :lol:

Medication altering his state of mind is very possible. Not sure if anti anxiety medication promotes violence as much as anti-depression medications does, like Prozak, Zoloft, Lexapro etc. From what I hear, those are some heavy duty drugs that mess up a lot of people's minds, even though many others benefit as well.
It was probably the Mossad, CIA, FBI, ATF, FDA and the Illuminati.

Oh.. and can't forget about the reptilians. I'm sure they have their own involvement in this as well.
And this tweet is a prime example of who real racist and hate mongering idiots are


Found it! @Spring Onion

That is how they train their soldiers when they send them to bring peace in Muslim countries, forgetting that one day majority of them will come back with a guilty conscience and twisted mind. that is why a big number of such crimes are committed by veterans

RIP I dont understand how can people kill someone they dont even know and without reason.
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