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Las Vegas : American White man masacared 58 people, more than 500 injured.

I have worked in Boston at several software and financial firms and I have only run across one gun lover/nut in 30 years. Oddly he's now a good friend of mine. I'm sure he would happily give me a whole arsenal if I wanted it. Of course I'm not going to volunteer to go over to his acres of property to pick it up and end up in some kind of "the most dangerous game" scenario..lol!
Oh, absolutely! I'm not saying they're bad people but their obsession for guns and lots of guns is just crazy. I just dont get it. What kind of high do they get by owning so many assault rifles.
Oh, absolutely! I'm not saying they're bad people but their obsession for guns and lots of guns is just crazy. I just dont get it. What kind of high do they get by owning so many assault rifles.

He's not a local. I think he's originally from the Midwest or something. It's just some mindset out there that we can't identify with. Sort of like why people enjoy country music.
Fully automatic weapons are already strongly regulated though. This could happen anywhere in the world.

With the information released today, modified AR15s with bump stocks makes a lot more sense now going back and listening to that rate of fire. Not sure if one can say that luckily he didn't use (or wasn't able to get) fully automatic M4s or AK-47s since he unfortunately killed one too many people, but he might've taken out a lot more had he actually been able to and used fully automatic rifles, especially at that range.
So, was this guy a veteran or not ?
He was a gambler and loved country music which makes him twice as cool as a veteran and everybody should focus on that and that only because t...err...local killers who are into gambling and country music are the rarest of the rare and dearest of the dear.
But what really matters is he was not a terrorist and those 60 people died a privileged death. How lucky of them indeed!

what was the motive behind this mass killings?
Lulz. The motive was Teh Lulz.



Here's photos from the room. Looks like there is a note on the desk. An wow, look at the number of magazines next to the pillar.
RIP I dont understand how can people kill someone they dont even know and without reason.
Here's photos from the room. Looks like there is a note on the desk. An wow, look at the number of magazines next to the pillar.

That pic of the 'last thing that went through his mind' is pretty insane.
If that got out so quick then we should see the footage of the camera he set up in the hall to warn himself of the incoming tactical team at some point. Not sure if the footage he filmed inside the room will ever be released and probably shouldn't, but you never know.
That pic of the 'last thing that went through his mind' is pretty insane.
If that got out so quick then we should see the footage of the camera he set up in the hall to warn himself of the incoming tactical team at some point. Not sure if the footage he filmed inside the room will ever be released and probably shouldn't, but you never know.

Saw where his father was formerly on the FBI's most wanted listed back in the 70's. Apparently he was a psychopath and suicidal. He probably passed these genes/traits down to his son.
Saw where his father was formerly on the FBI's most wanted listed back in the 70's. Apparently he was a psychopath and suicidal. He probably passed these genes/traits down to his son.

I honestly felt bad for the brother. The guy just talked too much to all the reporters even though he ended up sounding pretty devastated about it, he still should've kept his mouth shut and lawyered up. If he had done that, you know his lawyer would've told him not to say a word or even show his face and have a sympathetic message read to the media by his council. He probably didn't do himself much favor by speaking to the media despite what he said. I can't imagine what the mother must be going through after enduring Irma and not having power for 5 days and then she finds out this? Ooof.

Some great heroic stories from many of the victims, though. Strangers jumping on others to protect them and people loading up their trucks with bleeding bodies and taking them to the hospital. One girl is in the hospital all shot up looking for the stranger who jumped on her and saved her life.
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