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Lal Masjid- Shifting Truth from Lies-Pervez Musharraf


Aug 3, 2008
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The Lal Masjid operation is a case study of how an appropriately timed, meticulously planned and boldly executed operation launched in the supreme national interest can be distorted by vested interests who want to present it as a disaster. I would like to elaborate/clarify various issues which have been distorted. “Hundreds of innocent people were killed which included scores of women and children.” This is an absolute lie. Firstly none of those killed were innocent. They were terrorists (including five foreigners) who took the law in their own hands and killed a number of policemen, kidnapped and physically tortured Chinese citizens (causing embarrassment to the government) and burnt down Ministry of Environment offices, property and vehicles.

They had stored arms and explosives in the mosque and were equipped/prepared for suicide bombings. Secondly the numbers killed were NINETY FOUR and not a single woman or child was killed. This can be ascertained by digging their graves and counting. “The operation was launched overriding efforts to end the occupation peacefully.” Nothing could be farther from the truth. The siege of Lal Masjid and Jamia Hafsa was started about six months before the operation. There were about two thousand five hundred girls in Jamia Hafsa and an equal number of men who had taken over Lal Masjid.


Despite all the pressure on the government in the media to act and evict the occupants who were challenging the writ of the government and causing immense embarrassment, the decision taken was to negotiate a peaceful settlement to avoid casualties. In the months that followed, representatives from Wafaqul Madaris and the Council of Islamic Ideology were sent to negotiate, Maulana Edhis’ wife was sent to pacify the girls and even Imam Kaaba was gracious enough to contribute towards an amicable end to the confrontation.

Besides this, a number of politicians and notables also tried their best to resolve the issue. All this was to no avail. The primary concern before launching the operation was how to avoid casualties. The operation was launched only after all efforts towards a negotiated settlement failed and maximum occupants including all women and children were drawn out. The individuals left were all hardened terrorists including five foreigners who refused to surrender and decided to fight it out.


We as Pakistanis must realise that we cannot be known internationally as a “Soft State” or a “Banana Republic” where there is no writ of the government. The government has to be strong enough to meet any challenge to its authority. Then only can we emerge as a stable, strong, respectable country in the comity of nations. We also have to make sure that religion is not misused to challenge the state and spread extremism in the society.

Lal Masjid operation stands as a tribute to the gallantry of all the soldiers, especially of SSG, rangers and policemen who participated in the operation. May all the Shaheeds rest in peace, Ameen.



Pervez Musharraf on his Facebook page
The Lal Masjid operation is a case study of how an appropriately timed, meticulously planned and boldly executed operation launched in the supreme national interest can be distorted by vested interests who want to present it as a disaster. I would like to elaborate/clarify various issues which have been distorted. “Hundreds of innocent people were killed which included scores of women and children.” This is an absolute lie. Firstly none of those killed were innocent. They were terrorists (including five foreigners) who took the law in their own hands and killed a number of policemen, kidnapped and physically tortured Chinese citizens (causing embarrassment to the government) and burnt down Ministry of Environment offices, property and vehicles.

They had stored arms and explosives in the mosque and were equipped/prepared for suicide bombings. Secondly the numbers killed were NINETY FOUR and not a single woman or child was killed. This can be ascertained by digging their graves and counting. “The operation was launched overriding efforts to end the occupation peacefully.” Nothing could be farther from the truth. The siege of Lal Masjid and Jamia Hafsa was started about six months before the operation. There were about two thousand five hundred girls in Jamia Hafsa and an equal number of men who had taken over Lal Masjid.


Despite all the pressure on the government in the media to act and evict the occupants who were challenging the writ of the government and causing immense embarrassment, the decision taken was to negotiate a peaceful settlement to avoid casualties. In the months that followed, representatives from Wafaqul Madaris and the Council of Islamic Ideology were sent to negotiate, Maulana Edhis’ wife was sent to pacify the girls and even Imam Kaaba was gracious enough to contribute towards an amicable end to the confrontation.


Besides this, a number of politicians and notables also tried their best to resolve the issue. All this was to no avail. The primary concern before launching the operation was how to avoid casualties. The operation was launched only after all efforts towards a negotiated settlement failed and maximum occupants including all women and children were drawn out. The individuals left were all hardened terrorists including five foreigners who refused to surrender and decided to fight it out.


We as Pakistanis must realise that we cannot be known internationally as a “Soft State” or a “Banana Republic” where there is no writ of the government. The government has to be strong enough to meet any challenge to its authority. Then only can we emerge as a stable, strong, respectable country in the comity of nations. We also have to make sure that religion is not misused to challenge the state and spread extremism in the society.

Lal Masjid operation stands as a tribute to the gallantry of all the soldiers, especially of SSG, rangers and policemen who participated in the operation. May all the Shaheeds rest in peace, Ameen.



Pervez Musharraf on his Facebook page

pakistan has lal masjid india has blue star
No Matter what others call him dictator or whatever.My support is always with him.If he ever comes back to Pakistan and fight in elections i will advise my family to vote for him.This guy was too good.I don't give a crap how he came in to power and no i don't belong a army family.My family is 100% civilian except for my grandfather.
Hay who is reading his cowardice these days? He should thank God that he is alive after making 100s of crimes and killing/selling hundreds of people who without undergoing any trial became Terrorists and Criminals to him. Were there all Terrorists in Lal Masjid? What about students who were 10-12 years old there and who's skulls were found in the debris? Were those also terrorists? He is responsible for degrading Army to unprecedented levels. Even TTP came into existence because this wise man did Lal Masjid.

Read what Gen. Jamshid Gulzar Kayani revealed about this operation. He told Musharaf used Sulfur Bombs in Lal Masjid and burried 10s of dead in one grave to hide evidence. Beghairat baat karta hai and still thinks he was D@M right and others wrong. Laenat-Allah-Elaiah wa Ajmaeen. May he die outside Pakistan and wouldn't get an inch to be buried here.
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Graphican alot of those kids that you are talking about were locked inside by these jihadi terrorists. The fathers of the little girls waited for days outside the mosque with our military personnel and warned the people not once but multiple times to come out and let the kids go...

Terrorists inside deliberately locked everyone and they forcefully locked all the women inside as well.
Kise nay sahi kaha hye ye koom hey pagal hey jo sab say ziada dubata hey ye usee ko dubara vote deti hey GOOD WORK PAKISTANI phir na kehna kay kis kisam kay hukmaraan diye hain sali koom he pagal hey!!!
Hay who is reading his cowardice these days? He should thank God that he is alive after making 100s of crimes and killing/selling hundreds of people who without undergoing any trial became Terrorists and Criminals to him. Were there all Terrorists in Lal Masjid? What about students who were 10-12 years old there and who's skulls were found in the debris? Were those also terrorists? He is responsible for degrading Army to unprecedented levels. Even TTP came into existence because this wise man did Lal Masjid.

Read what Gen. Jamshid Gulzar Kayani revealed about this operation. He told Musharaf used Sulfur Bombs in Lal Masjid and burried 10s of dead in one grave to hide evidence. Beghairat baat karta hai and still thinks he was D@M right and others wrong. Laenat-Allah-Elaiah wa Ajmaeen. May he die outside Pakistan and wouldn't get an inch to be buried here.

Hon Sir,
Probably you and I live in totally different worlds. I have followed the Lal Masjid episode from the very beginning. All of what Musharraf says is absolute truth.

No civilian is a civilian when he picks up a gun. Here is a case where people from inside the mosque fired at Pakistan Army in front of the TV cameras. Despite several requests, many of these thugs refused to come out and continued fighting. Did you not see these scenes on the TV?

Was Mullah Adul Aziz elected by assembly or was he the receiver of a ‘Wahee’ that you are willing to condone his actions against the State of Pakistan?

I feel ashamed that so many people in Pakistan have so scant regard for the writ of the state. What did you want Musharraf to do, let Lal Masjid thugs have their way unchallenged? With friends like you who needs enemies?
Niaz Sir,
You are spot on!Imagine if something like this had happened in Saudi Arabia.They would have probably razed the whole damn building calling in air strikes or artillery shots or probably hiring some french/American commandos.(Hey; it's no longer a mosque when terrorists hijack it).Lal Masjid Thugs got what they deserved.Just because you don't like Pervez Musharraf does not mean you gotta view Lal Masjid Operation through the lense of hatred for Musharraf.Musharraf did an excellent job and i salute Pakistan Army for having so much patience.Had this been in any other country the military would have gone in on very first fire shot by thugs.
Graphican alot of those kids that you are talking about were locked inside by these jihadi terrorists. The fathers of the little girls waited for days outside the mosque with our military personnel and warned the people not once but multiple times to come out and let the kids go...

Terrorists inside deliberately locked everyone and they forcefully locked all the women inside as well.

That means 5 terrorists and 100 students with sticks made Musharaf go out of his mind and kill every innocent one too? What does that say about his ability to mange and handle problems? Look at Gen. Ashfaq Perviz Kyani and look what kind of stature this guy has. We needed People like Gen. Kyani then, this dwarf Musharaf wasn't worth to be a Core-Commander, let Chief of the Army alone. He was wrongly promoted by Nawaz-Sharif and whole Nation suffered.

We don't even talk about 100s of other people who were sold to America to fill Guantanamo Jails. Here people are outcrying because 2 innocent kids were killed by a MOB. Holy GOD there were hundreds of them that were killed by fully-functional National Institute headed by Musharaf. Why is death of 2 students on the street hurting and death of 200 of those by Musahraf and clan not hurting? We are all demanding of public prosecution of those people who killed Students in Sialkot.. why is there no demand to hang Musharaf and the clan for doing the same? Is crime made by Musharaf not a crime anymore?
Hon Sir,
Probably you and I live in totally different worlds. I have followed the Lal Masjid episode from the very beginning. All of what Musharraf says is absolute truth.

No civilian is a civilian when he picks up a gun. Here is a case where people from inside the mosque fired at Pakistan Army in front of the TV cameras. Despite several requests, many of these thugs refused to come out and continued fighting. Did you not see these scenes on the TV?

Was Mullah Adul Aziz elected by assembly or was he the receiver of a ‘Wahee’ that you are willing to condone his actions against the State of Pakistan?

I feel ashamed that so many people in Pakistan have so scant regard for the writ of the state. What did you want Musharraf to do, let Lal Masjid thugs have their way unchallenged? With friends like you who needs enemies?


You are putting two things in one bowl and talking about one while forgetting about the other altogether. Anybody who fired at Militry was terrorist and deserved to be treated the way a terrorist MUST be treated.. agreed! BUT What about kids there? what about women who were holding sticks? Would army kill them for they holding sticks against them? What about young boys who didn't even know which side was right and which wrong. And for GOD sake what %age of terrorists was there and what %age was that of women and children in that mosque? Yes Collateral Damage is there and unavoidable but Collateral Damage is never 6000% or is it?. What on ground made Musharaf attack them everybody when the actual terrorists where only 10-15 and remaining hundreds were women, kids and girls. Musharaf failed to handle this situation that is a fact. And he not only mishandled that matter, but he became reason of 1000s of sucidal attacks which TTP launched making Lal Masjid as its basis. Do we forget all that?

And who you want to believe, the one guy, the one alleged of mass-killidngs in Lal Masjid and the one who didn't let anybody investigate Lal Masjid or 12th May Incident? Is his stance Justified and believable and every other person, observer, the journalist, the politician, the citizen wrong? What? Is that Idol Worshiping?
What Musharaf did was the best treatment for such terrorists.

We have all seen this whole episode covered on tv. It wasn't our security force who was firing on kids, we have all seen interviews of parents of children inside, they were all crying in front of camera, all of them said that they have by force locked their children to be used as human sheilds and even their children want to leave. And when these parents tried to take theirs kids, the so called Mullah brothers misbehaved with them and told them [ye to ab shaheed ho kar hi ayeinge --Now they will return only as martyrs].

Also, how did the younger Mullah (Abdul Aziz) i guess managed to get so many fighters, weapsons & ammunitions prior to the incident and so politely in our federal capital. He had direct contacts with terrorists. It shows he had planned it all long before, which involved lots of bribery, undue influence.(A recipe of Jihad made by the ingredients of haram!!)

And it was those terrorists who were firing blindly and their bullets even went and hit Towers in Blue Area.

And last but not the least, when they could be so strict to not let those innocent girls go back, then how the f*** on earth they could ask for a safe exist just for only three of them 2 brothers and their mother !!! where was their jihad and bravery then !!

If they were such Jihadi's then why was the elder brother trying to flee wearing a woman's burkha !!! Bloody Coward!! Leaving all the hostages in his self created mess. What was the reason which would justify such a Hijra act.!!

AND what an excuse he gave, We were told from Outside to come out like this!! funny, why was he called outside !! Because Mushy wanted to buy him an ice cream !!!

Even if he was fooled by security forces, then it clearly shows that all he was looking for was an escape route!!

Funny Isn't it!! :lol:
I do like musharaf and i think that Pakistan made a lot of progress during his tenure and he is a way better option than shareef's or Bhuttos/zardari's.
But his handling of lal mosque issue was utterly mismanaged, they had several other option to avoid the blood shed, especially of children. This entire lal masjid issue has blotted his image beyond his expectations.
Niaz Sir,
You are spot on!Imagine if something like this had happened in Saudi Arabia.They would have probably razed the whole damn building calling in air strikes or artillery shots or probably hiring some french/American commandos.(Hey; it's no longer a mosque when terrorists hijack it).Lal Masjid Thugs got what they deserved.Just because you don't like Pervez Musharraf does not mean you gotta view Lal Masjid Operation through the lense of hatred for Musharraf.Musharraf did an excellent job and i salute Pakistan Army for having so much patience.Had this been in any other country the military would have gone in on very first fire shot by thugs.

Sir Patriot,

There was one General, Gen. Ayub who handeled 1971 and handled so well that we lost a part of our country. Then there was another great Gen. Musharaf who handled the Baluchistan so well that insurgency errupted and is still there. The same great Gen. did Lal Masjid after which whole country had to undergo a limited war in Fata and rest of tribal areas. It needs mind to handle situations like Lal Masjid and NO sir I disiagree, Musharaf failed and spoiled its image and image of Army to an unprecedented levels. We cannot think of any benifits that Lal-Masjid give to this country. That incident only increased extremism and rather pushed many to hold arm against its own Army which is the most unfortunate aspect.

What is measure of considering some action "Successful" here? Army was in power, it was sure to kill even if there were 2000 terrorists. What "Success" do you see in that operation in isolation? Can we overlook that fact that all the insurgency that Pakistan faced in the past few years was direct reaction of that incident? Pakistan lost 100s of soldiers in this war and situation is still critical in those areas. How many more successful operations can this country afford? Can you do just another Lal-Masjid now if needed?.

Musharaf won the battle of Lal-Masjid but lots the war producing 10000s of those terrorists that he was originally trying to kill. If this is a success to you then I respect your opinion.
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Please could you provide proves that those soldiers killed Children deliberately?Collateral Damage happens and Pakistan Army is not exactly trained for such operations.Many of the Shaheed Soldiers were actually very religious with full beards.Pakistan Army did more then an excellent job considering that this is something they were never trained for.What do you suggest?Should we have called in Swat Team from US?There were casualties in Army HQ Siege too so does it mean The soldiers deliberately killed their own men? CAPT SALMAN SHAHEED was also a very good man and he died in the line of duty - Do you think he would have killed children deliberately?Please go through youtube and you can find a video in which Operation Commander clearly states that we tried over best to save the max number of children.Also Jihadi supporters in media and other parts exaggerates the casualties.All people who hated Musharraf supported jihadi supporters just for the sake of politics.You asked why we don't criticize Musharraf for Lal Masjid Operation like we criticized Sialkoti Thugs for beating 2 students.Well You can compare Lal Masjid thugs with Sialkoti Crowd who were beating the students.Musharraf as a president had full authority to give executive order.Lal Masjid Thugs were doing exactly what Sialkoti coward crowd did.Trying to establish their on writ/law.You have no proof whatsoever that 100 of people gone to Guantanamo were not active combatants.By all accounts they were involved in shady jiadhi stuff.While I do agree with you that they should have be tried and put into jail in Pakistan i disagree that Musharraf did it for money.Remember the money went into state funds not his personal pocket unless you can prove otherwise.Graphican my friend Musharraf faced very tough problems remember that a lot of Arabs/uzbeks etc Infiltrated into SW/NW and they made a huge jihadi base there.Musharraf ordered the operation and do you think he specially instructed to kill kids?Of course not.Sir, You are making it sound like as if Musharraf went into Masjid himself with Ak-47 and shot down children.
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