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Lahoris Embarrassing Pakistan Once Again

^^ That's a gross understatement..

Lahore has often been referred to as "Paris of the Orient/East"

At the time when Karachi didn't even exist (or at best was just some insignificant Baloch fishermen hamlet), Lahore was among the most splendid cities of the east..

In 1611, the East India Company agent William Flinch described Lahore as "One of the greatest cities of the East"

And to quote Thomas Coryat (d. 1617):

"Lahore is one of the greatest cities of the East that exceeds Constantinople itself in greatness"

Karachiwalas trying to compare their rootless city (or megaslum as some might argue) with Lahore; the cultural, historical, literary and artistic learning epicenter of the region for centuries, is beyond hilarious !!

The British were smoking the Afghan kush harder than we initially thought, or the flavor of Lahori Londay's overtook their eyesight.
Do you even realize that you are talking about a highly diverse megacity ??
Yeah, but I think with the above solution being done it will significantly decrease it. You don't think so?

In my opinion, a cultural research and development centre where Punjabi Muslim identity is distinguished and developed, books are produced, history is propogated, literature, poems, music and books would do wonders. It can also be taught in schools in Punjab.

And a Punjabi-centric group that can regularly counter the spread of "liberalism" in the political space would also help a lot.

I'm not suggesting it will disappear but at least there will be a counter force. Right now there is nothing in the political space or cultural space to tackle it, which allows it to spread freely. With the above we can expect a positive change.
Yeah, but I think with the above solution being done it will significantly decrease it. You don't think so?

In my opinion, a cultural research and development centre where Punjabi Muslim identity is distinguished and developed, books are produced, history is propogated, literature, poems, music and books would do wonders. It can also be taught in schools in Punjab.

And a Punjabi-centric group that can regularly counter the spread of "liberalism" in the political space would also help a lot.

I'm not suggesting it will disappear but at least there will be a counter force. Right now there is nothing in the political space or cultural space to tackle it, which allows it to spread freely. With the above we can expect a positive change.

So, you are basically advocating for "state-sponsored religious-chauvinistic indoctrination via distortion" for a megacity of over 12 million people!!

It hasn't worked in the past, and it's really naive of you to believe that this can even be a possibility in this digital age
Paindus is not an insult, don't compliment these liberal self-hating scum like that.

Peindus have self-respect and gheirat, good people. It's the city dwelling liberals that find validation in worshipping and imitating the west/India even if it means degrading themselves
For me Paindoo is someone who see mountains for the first time and starts staring at women in Islamabad and Mureee as if they have never seen before. For me Paindoos is someone who litters on Margala tracks. For me Paindos is someone who is loud when other families are around.
For me Paindoo is someone who comes to Seaview Karachi for the first time, dips in water and asks, why is water salty here?
There are paindus everywhere in the world. You will find them among all races. But many Pakistani paindus are the types who don't seem improvement generations after generations and all I can say is you can take the paindu out of pind but you can't take the paindu out of them.

These are paindus in a religious country like Iran as well. But unlike Pakistan, women are not shamed to be on camera and generally note how simple they are i.e no show offs and check their clothing and hygiene level and eating etiquettes compared to our people.

So, you are basically advocating for "state-sponsored religious-chauvinistic indoctrination via distortion" for a megacity of over 12 million people!!

It hasn't worked in the past, and it's really naive to believe that this can even be a possibility in this digital age
I'm not advocating for it to be state-sponsored although it could be. It doesn't really matter if the attraction and participation it gains is organic. How is that indoctrination? Also I'm not suggesting religious-chauvinism either but just taking into account our cultural tenants of religion and modesty.

Like I said: At least there will be a counter force. Right now there is nothing in the political space or cultural space to tackle the degeneracy disguised as liberalism, which allows it to spread freely. With the above we can expect a positive change.

Also what's wrong with a cultural research and development centre in Punjab? It can produce books, poems, literature, propogate history, develop the language and overall develop the identity. It can also be taught in schools in Punjab.

Most nations have this.
No hate against Punjabis or Lahore, but this problem is quite prominent in Lahore and requires a counter-ideology to actually get rid of. How does mentioning other cities fix the problem?


Calm down its not that serious. These folk are harmless.

Violent anti state suicide bombers from a certain part of the country are a bigger problem.
There are paindus everywhere in the world. You will find them among all races. But many Pakistani paindus are the types who don't seem improvement generations after generations and all I can say is you can take the paindu out of pind but you can't take the paindu out of them.

These are paindus in a religious country like Iran as well. But unlike Pakistan, women are not shamed to be on camera and generally note how simple they are i.e no show offs and check their clothing and hygiene level and eating etiquettes compared to our people.

Colonial outcome in my opinion

Calm down its not that serious. These folk harmless.
They aren't harmless, their harm is much deeper and indirect. Destroys a nation's cultural identity due to an inferiority complex, they validate themselves by blindly imitating foreigners even if it means degrading themselves or disregarding their own interests.

They literally sat there and watched a man from their primary adversarial county malign their nation, and smiled, couldn't even an utter a response about what India does.
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Violent anti state suicide bombers from a certain part of the country are a bigger problem.
I agree but the comparison is between apples and oranges.

An inferiority complex to the point of degrading yourself and disregarding your own interests to achieve someone else's is essentially a slave mentality.

It's how you colonise a nation, mentally is the first step.
I agree but the comparison is between apples and oranges.

An inferiority complex to the point of degrading yourself and disregarding your own interests to achieve someone else's is essentially a slave mentality.

It's how you colonise a nation, mentally is the first step.

This is what makes Lahore so hospitable otherwise it will just become another extremist backwater town burning people alive TLP zombies
This is what makes Lahore so hospitable otherwise it will just become another extremist backwater town burning people alive TLP zombies
Inferiority complex doesn't make you hospitable, it makes you a slave. Was British colonialism in the subcontinent just you being hospitable?

Grow a backbone bro, "hospitality" that comes at the cost of your own humility and interests is slavery.
calling Pakistan a terrorist nation.
Are they just being polite or agreeing with the statement? If they are just being polite, that is a minor behavioral trait. If they are in agreement, that matters more.
Lahore was center of Mughal Empire and it attracted people from entire region, craftsman, tradesman, architects, musician, singers, and prostitutes. As times passed, some of these people changed their profession from their ancestral trades and found new hobbies and activities. Some born in the prostitution did not enjoy the stigma attached to their ancestral profession sought new profession and new trades....some moved to politics, some joined armed forces, and some in bureaucracy and industry. spread throughout Lahore, united by their ancestral profession and still using the knowledge of "that" profession to advance in society ...you know where I am going with this??
Well, it is actually vice versa. The Lahorans droll over the fair complexion of northern Punjabis from Rawalpindi. :)
Gene pool all over Pakistan is very very mixed from my experience. But generally Pakistanis tend to be fairer than Indians. Sadly lifestyle and social status also plays a role.

Lahore was center of Mughal Empire and it attracted people from entire region, craftsman, tradesman, architects, musician, singers, and prostitutes. As times passed, some of these people changed their profession from their ancestral trades and found new hobbies and activities. Some born in the prostitution did not enjoy the stigma attached to their ancestral profession sought new profession and new trades....some moved to politics, some joined armed forces, and some in bureaucracy and industry. spread throughout Lahore, united by their ancestral profession and still using the knowledge of "that" profession to advance in society ...you know where I am going with this??
Woow as if we're all children of prostitutes. And your prostitutes in Karachi don't do prostitution. Instead they sell mangoes.

Some big brain logic right there lol.

@waz and other moderators

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Are they just being polite or agreeing with the statement? If they are just being polite, that is a minor behavioral trait. If they are in agreement, that matters more.
Hugging his knee caps, crying and clapping.
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