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Lack of funds: Young Indian squash player forced to put kidney up for sale

Devil Soul

Jun 28, 2010
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Lack of funds: Young Indian squash player forced to put kidney up for sale
“I need at least Rs 1 lakh to participate in the South Asian Games but have not been able to find any sponsor,” says Ravi Dixit. — YouTube screengrab
MUMBAI: An Indian squash player has taken the unusual step of putting his kidney up for sale to raise funds ahead of next month's South Asian Games, according to local media reports.

Ravi Dixit, who will turn 23 this week, is part of the home squad for the event taking place in northeast India and has used social media to offer up an organ for an asking price of 800,000 Indian rupees ($11,952.79) due to a lack of sponsors.

His father's employer, the Dhampur Sugar Mill, has provided financial assistance in the past but according to Dixit, the funds were no longer enough to support him.

“I need at least Rs 1 lakh (Rs100,000) to participate in the South Asian Games but have not been able to find any sponsor,” Dixit was quoted as saying by the Hindustan Times newspaper on Tuesday.

“So, I have decided to sell my kidney for Rs 8 lakh (Rs800,000) so that I can participate in other tournaments as well for the rest of the year.”

Cricket is an obsession for many Indians and around 90 per cent of advertising revenue targeted at sports goes to the country's most popular game, analysts say.

When contacted, the governing Squash Rackets Federation of India did not immediately respond for comment.

Dixit's attempts to sell the kidney, forbidden by law in India, is also a cause of concern for his parents.

“I have spoken to Ravi. He is in Chennai right now but I spoke to him on the phone. His mother and I are imploring him not to take the step,” Ravi's father, Ramkailash, told the Times of India newspaper.

“Together, we will figure out a way to deal with this crisis. This way, he will ruin both his life and career.

“I funded my daughter's wedding with Ravi's winnings. Since he has to support the family as well, he cannot use much of what he gets for himself.”
A very sad news sportsmen should be awarded due funds to continue healthy activities and also an encouragement for the youth but unfortunately many times these sports neglected in favor of much popular sports like cricket. Situation is equally worse in Pakistan too once we are champions in squash but Govt negligence brought end to this legacy.
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And yet india would import all those weapons .. which they cannot produce locally ... while the poor suffer more ... where are all the taxes going ...
With one kidney he can kiss his agility and stamina good bye !
And yet india would import all those weapons .. which they cannot produce locally ... while the poor suffer more ... where are all the taxes going ...

Why do you bring defence into everything? Are you so insecured with India's defence spending? or are you so very concerned about our citizens?
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Sad state of affair for sportsmen throughout the whole region. I mean you know the situation is embarrassing when you realize that Jamaica with its population of less than 3 million, has won more gold medals at the olympics than all SAARC nations combined.
Sad state of player.... Everything should be dealt with equally. Hope the player will win and prove to all those who didn't want to support him that he was worth it

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