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Kuwaiti parliament approves Typhoon procurement

they are also buying a 10 billion dollar insurance
Well said. No Gulf country including Saudia Arabia is able to defend itself from the only threat they face - Iran. That is with their F-15 Eagles, Typoons, Rafales or rest of the billion dollar shinny expensive toys they buy regularly. The simple fact is the population of these countries are too spoilt, too decadent, too lazy to put with anything like real combat where god forbid you might end up hurting yourself.

These Gulf countries buy influence and patronage with these defence deals. As you mention defence purchases are in fact insurance deposits. Should they (insuree) come under threat they will call US, Britain or France (insurers) to fight for them. The best example was invasion of Kuwait in 1990. Half of Kuwait male of fighting age ran to their London apartments and raced around in their Lambos, Porsches, Buggati's.

The real fighting was left to poor lads from UK council estates and American boys from non descript Mid Western towns. Whilst I am not going to get drawn into the UK/Pakistan tug of war but I would say UK defence industry produces array of weapon platforms which have global market. On the Pakistani side I would remind people that poor village boys fom the hills of Frontier and Punjab provided the single largest stock of manpower to the British Empire armies many of who won Victoria Cross for their gallent efforts. So let is not disparge either country. Why not find out which ethnic group the first Victoria Cross (won in Belguim 1914) winner from South Asia was from (clue his surname is Khan).

Link > http://www.dailymail.co.uk/wires/af...akistani-village-gave-sons-fight-Britain.html

neighbour 5x their size.
Factually incorrect. Nearly 7x their size. Please check the populations of India and Pakistan. I think the precise differantial is 6.5

lost all the wars
German Army lost every war in XX century. Defeat is sometimes inevitable. Just to clarify France, UK, Belguim had larger population base then the Germans in 1939 with differantial being probably 1.5x in favour of the 1939 Allied forces including BEF. The advantage would tilt even more as US, USSR entered the war. However I believe at no stage did the German's face 1:7 odds. But they still lost. Sometimes superior numbers cannot be stopped.
Well said. No Gulf country including Saudia Arabia is able to defend itself from the only threat they face - Iran. That is with their F-15 Eagles, Typoons, Rafales or rest of the billion dollar shinny expensive toys they buy regularly. The simple fact is the population of these countries are too spoilt, too decadent, too lazy to put with anything like real combat where god forbid you might end up hurting yourself.

These Gulf countries buy influence and patronage with these defence deals. As you mention defence purchases are in fact insurance deposits. Should they (insuree) come under threat they will call US, Britain or France (insurers) to fight for them. The best example was invasion of Kuwait in 1990. Half of Kuwait male of fighting age ran to their London apartments and raced around in their Lambos, Porsches, Buggati's.

The real fighting was left to poor lads from UK council estates and American boys from non descript Mid Western towns. Whilst I am not going to get drawn into the UK/Pakistan tug of war but I would say UK defence industry produces array of weapon platforms which have global market. On the Pakistani side I would remind people that poor village boys fom the hills of Frontier and Punjab provided the single largest stock of manpower to the British Empire armies many of who won Victoria Cross for their gallent efforts. So let is not disparge either country. Why not find out which ethnic group the first Victoria Cross (won in Belguim 1914) winner from South Asia was from (clue his surname is Khan).

Link > http://www.dailymail.co.uk/wires/af...akistani-village-gave-sons-fight-Britain.html

Factually incorrect. Nearly 7x their size. Please check the populations of India and Pakistan. I think the precise differantial is 6.5

German Army lost every war in XX century. Defeat is sometimes inevitable. Just to clarify France, UK, Belguim had larger population base then the Germans in 1939 with differantial being probably 1.5x in favour of the 1939 Allied forces including BEF. The advantage would tilt even more as US, USSR entered the war. However I believe at no stage did the German's face 1:7 odds. But they still lost. Sometimes superior numbers cannot be stopped.

Please do as all a favor and go pollute another thread or section with this kind of nonsense. KSA is perfectly capable of not only defending itself against Iran (lol) but any other immediate neighbor. Let alone the GCC as a whole and Arab and non-Arab partners.
pollute another thread
You need to refer to the meaning of the word "pollute". You can only pollute something if it is clean in the first place. This thread is anything but clean and I have merely fumigated it.

And KSA defending itself? Give me break. Without USA you would be eaten alive by Iran or hell even by the Houthi's in Yeman. The more I think of it I am repulsed by Saudia. The whole stone age laws despite all the money.
You need to refer to the meaning of the word "pollute". You can only pollute something if it is clean in the first place. This thread is anything but clean and I have merely fumigated it.

And KSA defending itself? Give me break. Without USA you would be eaten alive by Iran or hell even by the Houthi's in Yeman. The more I think of it I am repulsed by Saudia. The whole stone age laws despite all the money.

An ignorant's opinion is worthless and I could not care less about what you think or believe in. Now go troll in another thread or section. Whatever Kuwait does is none of your business either.
499 Million USD for 1 plane ????? :o::o::o::o::o::o::o:

i didn't know Typhoon was that Expensive
Well said. No Gulf country including Saudia Arabia is able to defend itself from the only threat they face - Iran. That is with their F-15 Eagles, Typoons, Rafales or rest of the billion dollar shinny expensive toys they buy regularly. The simple fact is the population of these countries are too spoilt, too decadent, too lazy to put with anything like real combat where god forbid you might end up hurting yourself.

These Gulf countries buy influence and patronage with these defence deals. As you mention defence purchases are in fact insurance deposits. Should they (insuree) come under threat they will call US, Britain or France (insurers) to fight for them. The best example was invasion of Kuwait in 1990. Half of Kuwait male of fighting age ran to their London apartments and raced around in their Lambos, Porsches, Buggati's.

The real fighting was left to poor lads from UK council estates and American boys from non descript Mid Western towns. Whilst I am not going to get drawn into the UK/Pakistan tug of war but I would say UK defence industry produces array of weapon platforms which have global market. On the Pakistani side I would remind people that poor village boys fom the hills of Frontier and Punjab provided the single largest stock of manpower to the British Empire armies many of who won Victoria Cross for their gallent efforts. So let is not disparge either country. Why not find out which ethnic group the first Victoria Cross (won in Belguim 1914) winner from South Asia was from (clue his surname is Khan).

Link > http://www.dailymail.co.uk/wires/af...akistani-village-gave-sons-fight-Britain.html
Iran doesn't pose a real threat to the GCC states -- and never will, for that matter.

Speaking of the GCC, the Omanis are very tough fighters and are incredibly underestimated. They share almost the same fighting spirit as the Yemeni people. Also, the UAE has a competent military, albeit short of manpower. The UAE has a well-managed and highly-disciplined military, even by the admission of some American generals. In fact, the American soldiers deployed to the region refer to the UAE as "Little Sparta" because of how disciplined its military is. And truth be told, the UAE has had relative success in Yemen.

As for Kuwait, our military was caught off guard in 1990 because the rulers naively thought that Saddam would never invade another Arab country. During the Iraqi occupation of Kuwait, the city dwellers formed local resistance groups and killed a number of Iraqi soldiers. Some of them were caught by the Iraqis and publicly executed in return. In fact, videos of their execution can be found on YouTube. I personally come from an area in Kuwait (Kaifan) that was famous for being one of the main headquarters of the Kuwaiti resistance.

Iran doesn't pose a real threat to the GCC states -- and never will, for that matter.

Speaking of the GCC, the Omanis are very tough fighters and are incredibly underestimated. They share almost the same fighting spirit as the Yemeni people. Also, the UAE has a competent military, albeit short of manpower. The UAE has a well-managed and highly-disciplined military, even by the admission of some American generals. In fact, the American soldiers deployed to the region refer to the UAE as "Little Sparta" because of how disciplined its military is. And truth be told, the UAE has had relative success in Yemen.

As for Kuwait, our military was caught off guard in 1990 because the rulers naively thought that Saddam would never invade another Arab country. During the Iraqi occupation of Kuwait, the city dwellers formed local resistance groups and killed a number of Iraqi soldiers. Some of them were caught by the Iraqis and publicly executed in return. In fact, videos of their execution can be found on YouTube. I personally come from an area in Kuwait (Kaifan) that was famous for being one of the main headquarters of the Kuwaiti resistance.

That guy was trying to make excuses for why Pakistan has lost every single war against its bigger neighbor India while in the same post he was badmouthing Kuwait who faced even bigger odds against Iraq. Yet he has the audacity to talk about fumigation. A perfect example of a PDF "think tank analyst" who thinks that he has discovered the Holy Grail while being very eager to proclaim this in spite of the ridicule this will entail.

This guy, considering his homeland and ethnicity, should not even comment on Arab military history considering the fact that Arab military history dwarfs that of his people tenfold if not more. Let alone ridicule it. Arabs (from modern-day KSA moreover) created 3 of the 11 largest empires (more than any other ethnicity in the top 15) and ruled the MENA region and Caliphate for almost 1000 years and much of the Muslim world. From the borders of France in the West to Western China in the East. On 3 continents. No non-European people (except for the very short-lived Mongol Empire) can compete with the military history of Arabs when it comes to empires and their size, legacy, lifetime etc.

Next time we will see Papuans or Bangladeshis doing the same thing. The butthurt is real. So is the comedy. I expect another troll post in return but I won't waste my time. This and the two previous posts should be sufficient enough on their own.

Nor will Arabs or Iran even go to war with each other. Last time that happened (Iraq-Iran war) a 3.5 times smaller Iraq (geographically) and 2.5 times smaller in terms of population, did more harm to Iran than vice versa. Yet this deluded guy supposedly thinks that Iran's, with all due respect in many ways stone age army (in terms of tech, their missile tech excluded) will invade KSA and the GCC. A country and region that they share no land border with. All while the Arab world, Egypt alone would be sufficient to defeat Iran, would just sit back and look. Sorry, such kind of "discussions" are too moronic for me. Neither KSA nor Iran can invade each other.

Anyway back to topic. You know my opinion based on my previous post in this thread. Post 48.
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Ya and in return of reversing the Iraqi occupation it turned to an American occupation of the region.
Numbers never really matter that much in war mate. Technology, strategy, discipline, skills and readiness that matters.

Really, than by your logic german should have won WW-II. Last time I checked, Germans were far far superior in "Technology, strategy, discipline, skills and readiness" than both US and Soviets. Soviets who we all know were the weakest in all these traits took the Berlin. British doesn't really count because they were just ducking till the US arrived.

So don't give number as an excuse you lost all your wars against India. Lmao.

Idk mate, what is your definition of lost but defending against 5 to 7x larger enemy, not only defending but also taking war into enemy territory sounds to you a loss than you need to get your head checked. :cuckoo:

Last time British fought a war with someone of their own size... well, you know the history.... I heard they still find unexploded ordnance in london, now and then..:haha:

As for saying no foreign power set foot on our soil in modern history thos past century because we have nothing.lol, its an obvious crap. they didnt because they couldnt, tried and failed.lol

Just because it never worth the cost, even if it's a little bit. Just like in Afghanistan, Neither persian empire, nor Mughals Empire considered it of any value. Most conquerors use it, as a cross road. Soviets had the same plan. Unlike other who at least conquered for a while, Britishers with east India army totally failed to even conquer it, and for the right reason, those dry mountains and deserted didn't worth the cost back then. Similarly, UK doesn't have or had any long term tangible resources that make it of any value to fight for.

Its like a Somalian making fun of the U.S
Ya, except, over hear somalia has a fastest growing nuclear weapons program which most probably already overtaken presumed US, 4x the population, 7x the land mass, extensive natural resources. One of the world's largest active military and the list goes on. I mean one on one, if UK were to be situated next to Pakistan, Pakistani police is capable enough to take over your tiny Island.... :sarcastic:

As for your claim about language, well your country and all South Asian countries have our language as a national language for a reason mate. Every country needs our language if they want to be competitive in world market. Its not the worlds language for nothing. Afterall, we are the reason this forum even exists and is so popular, since our language brought all of oyu people together on here and brought the world closer.
You claim is wrong, Pakistan national language is Urdu not English. My ancestors came to India, took over it, rules for hundreds of years and left with introducing a new language Urdu that everybody can understand and speak, introducing religion, now 600 million are muslim in Indo- Pak subcontinent. Changing cuisine of either area. Building architect that is on UNSCO world heritage site. Even your Royal families comes over and gladly take picture with it. Now compare this with what britishers left when they were forced out of here. Just English language, which unlike Urdu vast majority still don't speaks or understand. Infact french, were better in this regard, atleast average person can speaks french in their former colonies. English survived because of the US lead global geopolitics after WW-2.

poor third world country,
There is no such thing as 3rd world country anymore, it's either a developing or developed country in international lingo.
then we will never have conquered your country, India, and half the world in the first place,

Your logic is total flawed. You are comparing tiny WW-2 theater with one nation against other with land mass 20x size, many different nations, speaking different languages, living under King that is also an invader and conqueror which also is of different religion. Dude, it like comparing Apple to a dried raisins.

As a matter of fact, my ancestors also came and conquered India, but I am still here and you got kicked out. Unlike others. Britishers didn't came and fought their way to glory. in 1800 many european nation were trading in than Indian Sub-continent, Now Britishers had centuries of experience in cunning politics, unfair practices, backstabbing and buying loyalists of traitors in european theater. I mean against French, scots, Irish and so on. They played the same game in mideast against ottomans and in India by establishing east India company. British took advantage of their host. Long story short, local Indian warlord fought for british against already fractured remnant of Mughal empire. Just like arab fought against ottomans. So your logic that Britishers were raining down high tech Raiden thunder is not true. 80% population were Hindu in India and rulers were muslims. So it wasn't hard to find local warlord to switch sides for some land favours and so on.... If old India were to be the united country like Turkey or UK, where everybody is more and less one nation, one language and religion, than story would be diff. Than UK would needed their own men to come and fight like a man.

@mike2000 is back Even tho you tried trolling me, I still tried responding to your somewhat retarded reply. Your pissing contest is derailing the thread, therefore I will now refrain from responding to any offtopic comment. :tup:
It is indeed a stupid decision, GCC countries don't have security situation like Pakistan, They are not in a never ending conflicts with a neighbour 5x their size. Their possible adversaries, Israel has it's security guaranteed by the US. Iran on the other hand is still flying 1970 F-14s. Pakistan has to maintain a minimum military balance due to the fluidity of regional situation. GCC countries on the other hand can easily use their funds to build industries and do some R&D.

All this is possible due to the technology sharing/provided by the US and other european countries. France is the only european country can build everything of it's own for the most part.

This is the bribe that your Royals have to pay, now and then on top of oil related perks to stay in power.

Think of all the money that these guys can put in R&D in everything if they pooled their resources together like the European Union does. What a pity....

Please do as all a favor and go pollute another thread or section with this kind of nonsense. KSA is perfectly capable of not only defending itself against Iran (lol) but any other immediate neighbor. Let alone the GCC as a whole and Arab and non-Arab partners.

If you seriously believe that SA can defend itself against an all out war with Iran, absent outside assistance, then you are blinded insane by patriotism. Iran would run over SA in a matter of weeks, if not days.

Infact, sometimes the thought that ISIS might overrun SA scares me.
Think of all the money that these guys can put in R&D in everything if they pooled their resources together like the European Union does. What a pity....
True, then again it's hard to criticize someone else when we ourselves are ruled by twats despite having all the potential in the world.
True, then again it's hard to criticize someone else when we ourselves are ruled by twats despite having all the potential in the world.
I don't agree with this kind of thinking, to be honest.

Just because you're ruled by clowns doesn't mean you can't criticize clowns from other countries. Of course, in order not to come across as hypocritical, you should also criticize your own clowns from time to time lol. :p:
If you seriously believe that SA can defend itself against an all out war with Iran, absent outside assistance, then you are blinded insane by patriotism. Iran would run over SA in a matter of weeks, if not days.

Infact, sometimes the thought that ISIS might overrun SA scares me
I doubt ISIS taking over SA, the only way would be if they get mass sympathy from the local population. Meanwhile, Iran taking over is quite possible. SA is already encircled from all side by pro Iran shia regimes and no wonder SA is in panic mode. Ayatollah blessed Shia militant are very determined and ready to do and die to avenge the blood of Hussain (R.A) from "wahabis" (as per their narrative). That's exactly what they say when they raid Sunni areas in Al-Anbar province in Iraq. They check IDs, they rape women whose name is Aisha and kill anyone name Omer, Usman or Abu baker, even a 2 year old child. There are video proof all over the internet. Now all the saudis I have met in US and SA are pretty laid back and physically unfit. I really doubt they will be able to fight much determined enemy that has already encircled them. Rest of GCC countries are too small to real matter.

Of course, in order not to come across as hypocritical, you should also criticize your own clowns from time to time lol. :p:
That's the favorite Pakistani pass time. Previous govt ordered telecommunication companies to block sms making fun of President. Current govt introduce a bill to criminalize and ban social media website making fun of PM or prime minister. But still nobody cares. Media is independent in Pakistan, so people love hearing and sharing about how corrupt their politicians are even tho they themselves voted for them for whatever selfish reason.
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