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Kuwaiti parliament approves Typhoon procurement

But those f18s have more service life to go! Oh well oil money. I love the way Kuwaitis roll.

hehe if they dont sign for them before the 31st of this month i will assume they are not interested [taking too long]
on a side note i have been told they will get the jets beyond 2020
i love this color scheme

For some reason. I have always loved the UK fighters camo. They are fantastic.
This is the bribe that your Royals have to pay, now and then on top of oil related perks to stay in power.
I realize that the Gulf Arab rulers have to regularly pay the Western powers a certain fee in exchange for protection, but why does it always have to be military-related?

Kuwait should copy the Qatari model instead, in my opinion. The Qataris are paying American/Western institutions, think tanks, and universities heaps of money in order for them to open branches in their country. Economically speaking, it's actually benefiting both sides. It's a lot better than the traditional Saudi method of simply buying military toys.
I realize that the Gulf Arab rulers have to regularly pay the Western powers a certain fee in exchange for protection, but why does it always have to be military-related?

Kuwait should copy the Qatari model instead, in my opinion. The Qataris are paying American/Western institutions, think tanks, and universities heaps of money in order for them to open branches in their country. Economically speaking, it's actually benefiting both sides. It's a lot better than the traditional Saudi method of simply buying military toys.

That's not how the world operates. The reason why GCC states buy mostly US military hardware and Western European (UK and France mainly) is simply because it's the best that you can buy. Nor is the GCC located in the most peaceful and stable part of the world to put it mildly.

You should not forget that all Muslim countries, including all European countries, mostly buy American hardware. Either that or Russian. Is that protection money likewise? It's just the buyer buying the best available products on the market. Those who cannot afford the best product are forced to buy lesser products (Russian, Chinese etc.)

How many countries have an indigenous arms industry that they really earn sustainable sums of money from? They can be counted on no more than 1-2 hands. Out of 200 sovereign nations.

Look at the US and Russia. They are FAR ahead of everyone else, in particular the US.


KSA has close academic ties to the US. Saudi Arabian students at US universities are only outnumbered by Chinese, Indian and South Korean students.


That has been the case for quite some years. Saudi Arabian universities work increasingly closer with their American counterparts each year as well.

In fact for the past many decades the trade balance between KSA and the US has been in favor of KSA.

Official data from the US confirms this:


Let alone the enormous sums of money (we are talking about a few trillion dollars here) that KSA and the remaining GCC states have invested in, in the US and the West.

So the GCC-US relations are mutually beneficial. If they were not, they would not have existed let alone for this long.

However there will come a point in time when GCC states will buy fewer American hardware (foreign as a whole) simply due to a much more developed ingenious arms industry. KSA will lead that development and I am sure that the GCC as a whole will work together on this front as is already the case. That however will not mean that GCC-US/West ties will deteriorate. They will simply evolve. Already KSA's main trading partner for instance, is China.
GCC has been really smart when it comes to business (Arabs have always been good businessmen, merchants and traders) in the sense that we have always done trade with every country as long as it benefited us.

Nevertheless as the GCC evolves and grows on all fronts and becomes more powerful so will its independent policies. US might be the sole superpower but no country in the MENA region can rely solely on them and everyone knows this.

Qatar, being a tiny state, is in a entirely different position here. As are Kuwait and Bahrain with all due respect.

Yes, Kuwait cannot do much on their own in case of a conflict with Israel or Iran (the only realistic opponents but even this is far-streched) but luckily for Kuwait, the region and the GCC, the country is part of the Peninsula Shield Force. Which means that every purchase by any GCC country should be seen in not only a narrowed national light but that of the entire GCC.


A neutral police, especially considering Kuwait's recent history, does not really work in the ME and never did. This is not YET post WW2 Europe or post-Iron Curtain Europe. Such policy might work for tiny countries (in terms of population) and isolated ones (geographically) such as Sweden, Finland (only potential enemy being Russia next door which in case of a direct all-out war would always win) or mountainous, landlocked and small Switzerland whose history is very special in a European context.

But sure, Kuwait could have used that money on infrastructure, education etc. instead but it's the job of the Kuwaiti government to be able to balance between expenditure on such fields and the military.

However I do agree with one thing and that is that military spending in the region should decrease considerably (military spending is also partially fueling the unrest IMO) and that focus should be on establishing a real competitive indigenous arms industry. A project that you cannot create overnight. For that the GCC states should work closely together alongside other Arab states (preferably) and regional countries. For such a thing to truly become a valuable business it must be a Pan-Arab project. If the current stable Arab countries from the GCC in the East to Morocco in the West sat down and committed themselves to kickstart an indigenous arms industry, something promising would probably emerge on the long run.

Either that or large-scale involvement with current partners in the West or East but they are for obvious reasons less interested in such a thing unless they will benefit from it.

Anyway my future bet for a reliable long-term partner is China and the GCC and most of the Arab states have clearly understood that given the current booming trade activity, increasing ties on most fronts etc.

Lastly and most importantly the West knows that the current GCC-rulers are and will be more pro-West than any alternative so even if they wanted to remove them, that would be a bad investment. US might invest less and less time and energy in the MENA region in favor of China's sphere of influence but the MENA region, in particular the Arabian Peninsula, due to its natural riches, religious importance, strategic location between 3 continents etc. trade routes, potential, population size etc. will always remain a very important part of the world. Especially as it is next door to the heartland of the West (Europe). Whether both parties want this or not, that will not change, lol.

This was a long post, sorry.:-)
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Lmao.....Pakistan the world power fighting and defeating India indeed(never mind that they lost all the wars they fought against India despite U.S and British support in 1971 war). Lool

As for your claim about speaking German or whatever that means, go ask yourself why despite the fact that we fought both nazi Germany(we started fighting them way before uncle sam and your papa Russia even entered the war.lol) and imperial Japan at the same time(something even Russia avoided), yet no foreign power ever set foot in our soil through invasion in modern history. :)
You all speak English afterall for a reason you know.
Now you just talking irrelevant crap to cover up the the facts. 71 was internal civil conflict, not really a war, out number and out gunned 50 to1. Indian just took advantage of the situation. US and UK didn't do jackshit other than talking.

Who in their right mind would set foot on a useless Island that grows nothing, got nothing except bad weather. Germans had europe in their control and they were pounding london day and night.
I also speak 4 other languages, for a reason you wouldn't understand.

I realize that the Gulf Arab rulers have to regularly pay the Western powers a certain fee in exchange for protection, but why does it always have to be military-related?

Kuwait should copy the Qatari model instead, in my opinion. The Qataris are paying American/Western institutions, think tanks, and universities heaps of money in order for them to open branches in their country. Economically speaking, it's actually benefiting both sides. It's a lot better than the traditional Saudi method of simply buying military toys.

Military related is just one aspect, Saudis and some others countries do lot more to please their masters. Reason being, GCC Royal families didn't earned or fought their way to be Kings or Royals of their land. Real Kings are born after stepping over the skulls of their enemy not backstabbing your fellow men/muslims and sucking onto enemy in hope they will grant you some land. In Indo-Pak Sub continent, many of these royals who were granted such lands by British for their loyalty were confiscated after Independence by the govt. But in Arabian peninsula such traitors becomes Kings.

What GCC countries needs is to pay them to get advance technology school. i.e: doctorate level research institute. But I bet they would never open such institution or share their research. What Qatar is doing is paying lot of money to learn basic college level studies. Many institutes from Pakistan can even do that for GCC with 1/10 the cost.
Now you just talking irrelevant crap to cover up the the facts. 71 was internal civil conflict, not really a war, out number and out gunned 50 to1. Indian just took advantage of the situation. US and UK didn't do jackshit other than talking.

Who in their right mind would set foot on a useless Island that grows nothing, got nothing except bad weather. Germans had europe in their control and they were pounding london day and night.
I also speak 4 other languages, for a reason you wouldn't understand.

Numbers never really matter that much in war mate. Technology, strategy, discipline, skills and readiness that matters. If numbers were the only reason, then we will never have conquered your country, India, and half the world in the first place, Japan would never have conquered/invaded China, the Mongols couldnt have invaded china and even Russia , Israel would never have defeated combined arab armies etc.
So don't give number as an excuse you lost all your wars against India. Lmao. They were(and still are) simply better than you, full stop. :)

As for saying no foreign power set foot on our soil in modern history thos past century because we have nothing.lol, its an obvious crap. they didnt because they couldnt, tried and failed.lol
Everybody can see you are just trolling as you have nothing valuable to say. Lol. A Pakistani of all people saying Britain has nothing. LMAO.
Its like a Somalian making fun of the U.S:rofl:
As for your claim about language, well your country and all South Asian countries have our language as a national language for a reason mate. Every country needs our language if they want to be competitive in world market. Its not the worlds language for nothing. Afterall, we are the reason this forum even exists and is so popular, since our language brought all of oyu people together on here and brought the world closer.:)

I have nothing against Pakistan, but with all due respect, Pakistan is a poor third world country, many subsaharan African countries are even wealthier than Pakistan. This is a fact, not an insult.:agree:
What GCC countries needs is to pay them to get advance technology school. i.e: doctorate level research institute.
Qatar and the UAE are actually doing that right now.

Unfortunately, Kuwait is simply being wasteful. I mean, who exactly are we going to fight against anyway? We don't need an expensive air force. The Americans are more than happy to be our overlords lol. And should they ever leave us one day, another global power will happily fill their shoes.

We really have no reason to throw money around like this.

In the end, it's all about taking/charging commissions, when you think about it. God only knows how many corrupt Kuwaiti businessmen have secretly benefited from this stupid deal.
Qatar and the UAE are actually doing that right now.

Unfortunately, Kuwait is simply being wasteful. I mean, who exactly are we going to fight against anyway? We don't need an expensive air force. The Americans are more than happy to be our overlords lol. And should they ever leave us one day, another global power will happily fill their shoes.

We really have no reason to throw money around like this.

In the end, it's all about taking/charging commissions, when you think about it. God only knows how many corrupt Kuwaiti businessmen have secretly benefited from this stupid deal.

So you are the whores of the middle east? No honor no dignity, only money money? Money make people lazy...:-)Go try to fight for yourself.
So you are the whores of the middle east? No honor no dignity, only money money? Money make people lazy...:-)Go try to fight for yourself.
Those who have money don't whore themselves to others, genius. It's the other way around, which is why your dear leader (Erdowie) visits the Gulf Arab leaders very frequently. :D
Those who have money don't whore themselves to others, genius. It's the other way around, which is why your dear leader (Erdowie) visits the Gulf Arab leaders very frequently. :D

Thats bussines like kuwaiti going for millitairy hardware to europe, bu asking other country to fight for a country is low level:-). Even comparing is a faillure, i now this is a shame written on your forehead...

pussy of the middle east....
I guess that means you're never going to see it. :rofl:

I have enough pussy her in Europe, i don't now why i should see a kuwaiti:-), ohh menn how more i make you miserable more you want it. What the fak is your problem don't you fast?
I have enough pussy her in Europe, i don't now why i should see a kuwaiti:-), ohh menn how more i make you miserable more you want it. What the fak is your problem don't you fast?
Funny how you talk about honor and dignity while you shamelessly left your own country lol. :lol:
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