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Kuwaiti parliament approves Typhoon procurement

LMAO...comingcoming from a Pakistani??:rofl:
Mate your country imports virtually EVERYTHING, and depends on foreign powers for almost all its military needs. If the U.S, U.K,FRANCE AND CHINA was to stop all aid, supplies to Pakistan then you wont even have a military. :lol:.

Just because pakistan is a poor country and doesnt have the amount of money gulf countries have shouldnt mean you should be bitter about how they spend their cash. :D

INDEED......Kuwait made a good choice. Our Typhoons are the best pre-fith generation fighter jet out there. Only the rafale can compete.
Here is looking forward to the Saudi close ally Bahraini order . :cheers:

Typhoon seems to be extending its lead over the Rafale @Blue Marlin , @Taygibay , @Vauban:p:


Thank you for your sarcastic note---poor that we are---we are still more advanced than any of these rich middle eastern countries in weapons manufacture---it has not stopped us from getting as much technology that we can afford.

Whatever we can---we try to manufacture in our country with the available resources---.
Waste of public money.

Who are we going to fight against anyway?

We're going to be in a budget deficit this year. It's not really a good time to waste billions of US dollars on military equipment that we don't even need.

Plus you are getting a new deal of Super Hornets worth $3B
Good for them...i mean, its a waste of money, but still, good for them.

Isn't it? Besides, Kuwait's only real enemy is Iran, and Iran doesn't even seem to even have Kuwait on its radar.

Really, they should have just bought second hand f-16 and had them upgraded. Cheaper and more than a match for literally everything in Iran's arsenal.
they are also buying a 10 billion dollar insurance .. if you are an arab monarch of a small state, you would like to have powerful friends. Somebody who will fight for you if things go bad. America fulfills that role now, but who knows what will happen in future.
lolol...Arabs subsidizing European weapon companies!


Who stops Arab countries from investing $10 billion in their local industry...ToT infrastructure..in house manufacturing..or any other developing in terms of industrial and scientific capabilities.

Kuwaiti pilots in Eurofighters vs Indian pilots in Mig-29SMTs...I'll pick Indian pilots to shoot down Eurofighters anyday!!!

Nice racist comment, prejudice and nonsense, any fighter pilot from any country is capable of reaching the maximum capacity of his aircraft, it mostly depends on the technology then the experience of the pilot, training, flying hours, etc.

Let's look for example at the Ethiopian-Eritrean air battle, the Ethiopian pilots and their air force generally were much more experienced and better trained than the Eritrean pilots.

The experienced Ethiopians in SU-27's shot down 2 Eritrean MiG-29's, and the less experienced Eritrean pilots with MiG-29's shot down five Ethiopian MiG-21's and three MiG-23's...

You see, the point is,... Not going to explain the point, but i hope you got the brains to understand it. meh
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Plus you are getting a new deal of Super Hornets worth $3B

Could be preparing for ISIS or some shit...or maybe because they see all countries around them, and i mean literally all countries in the region around Kuwait buying weapons, so the Kuwaiti's said, fuk that, let's buy some weapons too! they are not better than us!

Also, i believe Kuwait is participating in the unconscionable Saudi campaign in Yemen, amirite? Not sure how they are participating but some sources mention that Kuwait is part of the coalition.
Could be preparing for ISIS or some shit...or maybe because they see all countries around them, and i mean literally all countries in the region around Kuwait buying weapons, so the Kuwaiti's said, fuk that, let's buy some weapons too! they are not better than us!

Also, i believe Kuwait is participating in the unconscionable Saudi campaign in Yemen, amirite? Not sure how they are participating but some sources mention that Kuwait is part of the coalition.
Kuwait isn't really involved in the Yemen war, nor is it fighting directly against ISIS.

Buying these fighter jets won't really make a difference.
LMAO...comingcoming from a Pakistani??:rofl:
Mate your country imports virtually EVERYTHING, and depends on foreign powers for almost all its military needs. If the U.S, U.K,FRANCE AND CHINA was to stop all aid, supplies to Pakistan then you wont even have a military. :lol:.

Just because pakistan is a poor country and doesnt have the amount of money gulf countries have shouldnt mean you should be bitter about how they spend their cash. :D

INDEED......Kuwait made a good choice. Our Typhoons are the best pre-fith generation fighter jet out there. Only the rafale can compete.
Here is looking forward to the Saudi close ally Bahraini order . :cheers:

Typhoon seems to be extending its lead over the Rafale @Blue Marlin , @Taygibay , @Vauban:p:
Similarly can happen with you but we can make our own JF 17 no need any nation anymore

So use you brain it's not about buying a worlds fastest car make you win it is also a man who drives it which you lack

If it was a case why you let kafir USA fight with your Muslim country Iraq u had better equipment than Iraq in 1 st gulf war

Problem is your leaders are and our leaders are feared of usa assassination like king Faisal stop them making good decision for us
If the U.S, U.K,FRANCE AND CHINA was to stop all aid, supplies to Pakistan then you wont even have a military.
Let me refresh your memory mate. Pakistan end-up fighting a conflict with a country 5 time it's size, despite being under all sort of sanctions in 90s. I am afraid, your little Island wouldn't last long under such conditions. If it wasn't for the US, you guys would be speaking german right now.
Waste of public money.

Who are we going to fight against anyway?

We're going to be in a budget deficit this year. It's not really a good time to waste billions of US dollars on military equipment that we don't even need.
not its not waste. its going to be used to fight the wa on terror!!! you need them :enjoy:

Let me refresh your memory mate. Pakistan end-up fighting a conflict with a country 5 time it's size, despite being under all sort of sanctions in 90s. I am afraid, your little Island wouldn't last long under such conditions. If it wasn't for the US, you guys would be speaking german right now.
listen kiddo you know nothing its best to stay silent and drink your starbucks. our type 45 are the world most advanced air defence destroyers our typhoons will take nealry all of whats thrown at it our attack nuclear subs are one of the most adavnced in the world if not the most advanced. no one is stupid enough no mess with us! remember who had the largest empire
Just because pakistan is a poor country and doesnt have the amount of money gulf countries have shouldnt mean you should be bitter about how they spend their cash.

It is indeed a stupid decision, GCC countries don't have security situation like Pakistan, They are not in a never ending conflicts with a neighbour 5x their size. Their possible adversaries, Israel has it's security guaranteed by the US. Iran on the other hand is still flying 1970 F-14s. Pakistan has to maintain a minimum military balance due to the fluidity of regional situation. GCC countries on the other hand can easily use their funds to build industries and do some R&D.

not its not waste. its going to be used to fight the wa on terror!!! you need them :enjoy:

listen kiddo you know nothing its best to stay silent and drink your starbucks. our type 45 are the world most advanced air defence destroyers our typhoons will take nealry all of whats thrown at it our attack nuclear subs are one of the most adavnced in the world if not the most advanced. no one is stupid enough no mess with us! remember who had the largest empire

All this is possible due to the technology sharing/provided by the US and other european countries. France is the only european country can build everything of it's own for the most part.

Waste of public money.

Who are we going to fight against anyway?

We're going to be in a budget deficit this year. It's not really a good time to waste billions of US dollars on military equipment that we don't even need.
This is the bribe that your Royals have to pay, now and then on top of oil related perks to stay in power.
It is indeed a stupid decision, GCC countries don't have security situation like Pakistan, They are not in a never ending conflicts with a neighbour 5x their size. Their possible adversaries, Israel has it's security guaranteed by the US. Iran on the other hand is still flying 1970 F-14s. Pakistan has to maintain a minimum military balance due to the fluidity of regional situation. GCC countries on the other hand can easily use their funds to build industries and do some R&D.

All this is possible due to the technology sharing/provided by the US and other european countries. France is the only european country can build everything of it's own for the most part.
you need to get out more and live outside your bubble
you need to get out more and live outside your bubble

Dont mind some of these sour losers. They dont know that outside of the U.S we have the world's largest defence Industry as we are the worlds secound largest defence exporter with our companies having a global reach.
Only a fool will think or say we cant build defence equipment ourselves. we have been doing that wayyyyy before many of them even became independent. Lmao.:rofl: haters gonna hate:pop:

This from their own Russian patron mouthpiece. Lol

'Thriving off conflict' : U.K is world's second largest arms seller.
Published time: 16 Dec, 2015 17:13
Edited time: 17 Dec, 2015 01:30

© Neil Hall / Reuters

Britain continues to sell arms to countries that commit human rights abuses and is now ranked second in the world for weapons sales, a report shows.
READ MORE: Mission creep? UK troops may deploy with Muslim ground army against ISIS – reports

The Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) found the UK was second only to the United States in selling weapons in 2014.

Britain’s biggest arms company, BAE Systems, is the world’s third largest seller of weapons with over $25.7 billion in sales last year.

UK weapons sales made up 10.4 percent of the total $401 billion worth of arms sold around the world.

Other UK arms firms in the top 100 include Babcock (25), Serco (49), Cobham (53), QuinetiQ (72), GKN (70), and Meggitt (87).

Figures from SIPRI indicate the arms industry continues to profit from billions of pounds worth of sales to countries with poor human rights records, such as Saudi Arabia, Libya, Egypt, Bahrain, Syria, and Israel.

The Ministry of Defence (MoD) confirmed to RT in June that it has sold weapons to Saudi Arabia that are being used in the country’s ongoing war in Yemen.

Observers including Amnesty International have accused the Gulf kingdom of committing possible war crimes in the conflict.

Campaign Against Arms Trade (CAAT) spokesperson Andrew Smith told the CommonSpace news website that these British companies rely on government “compliance” to make money.

“The fact that the UK arms trade comes second only to the United States is a sign of the support it gets from the UK government,” he said.

“These companies thrive off conflict and rely on compliant governments in order to do so. BAE Systems, for example, does a huge amount of business in the Middle East, and its fighter jets are central to the destruction that has been unleashed on the people of Yemen.”


They should focus their attention on the many troubles the middle East and muslim world is facing. Instead of getting involved in world powers issues they have no knowledge about.let's keep milking the world defence market while they keep claiming we don't make anything. Lol
JUST because we are not fond of boasting around about everything we make doesn't mean these naive people should fall for it. :)

Ignorance is a crime indeed.:lol:

Let me refresh your memory mate. Pakistan end-up fighting a conflict with a country 5 time it's size, despite being under all sort of sanctions in 90s. I am afraid, your little Island wouldn't last long under such conditions. If it wasn't for the US, you guys would be speaking german right now.

Lmao.....Pakistan the world power fighting and defeating India indeed(never mind that they lost all the wars they fought against India despite U.S and British support in 1971 war). Lool

As for your claim about speaking German or whatever that means, go ask yourself why despite the fact that we fought both nazi Germany(we started fighting them way before uncle sam and your papa Russia even entered the war.lol) and imperial Japan at the same time(something even Russia avoided), yet no foreign power ever set foot in our soil through invasion in modern history. :)
You all speak English afterall for a reason you know.:enjoy:
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