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Kulbhushan Jadhav's wife, mother reach Islamabad for meeting with Indian spy

LOL.... pakistan is just following the Vienna convention.

They are acting as if doing this is a big deal :lol:

Next they will be claiming that providing him with food and water in jail is a great act of charity and goodwill. Disgusting.
we clearly had stated its not a counselor access.
Vienna convention don't apply on spies.
giving him good food is indeed a blessing for him. its still better than what you did to sipahee MAQBOOL Hussain.
killer of 1300 people, who attacked PNS mehran and kamra airbase and planned blowing of our consulate in Iran was allowed to meet his family. you should be thankful to us for giving him something he never deserved.
Especially sons and daughters of your generals and politicians.


we clearly had stated its not a counselor access.
Vienna convention don't apply on spies.
giving him good food is indeed a blessing for him. its still better than what you did to sipahee MAQBOOL Hussain.
killer of 1300 people, who attacked PNS mehran and kamra airbase and planned blowing of our consulate in Iran was allowed to meet his family. you should be thankful to us for giving him something he never deserved.

Don't argue with him he wont understand! Is ka demagh 10 Rs. walley Ariel key sath dhulla hain! Brainwashed!
He has been DENIED consular reps.

Mother and wife is a SUBSTITUTE. An attempt at emotional blackmail by pakistan. Shame on you.

One would rather have consular access, than such drama.

GOI agreed upon these terms and conditions, all details, process and conditions were discussed and agreed upon. It will be a better option for Indians to ask their Govt. why they did this. GOI could have requested Skype or if Pakistan does not allow meeting on their terms and conditions, they could have refused.

But we do not want to understand.

How do you decide somebody is a "spy" BEFORE trial in an open court as per the Vienna convention ? :lol:

RIP logic. :lol:

It will be fun if you ever travel abroad and you get arrested and is denied consular access too :azn:

THat way you can LOL twice.

Running out of arguments so now just parroting nonsense!?
we clearly had stated its not a counselor access.
Vienna convention don't apply on spies.
giving him good food is indeed a blessing for him. its still better than what you did to sipahee MAQBOOL Hussain.
killer of 1300 people, who attacked PNS mehran and kamra airbase and planned blowing of our consulate in Iran was allowed to meet his family. you should be thankful to us for giving him something he never deserved.

Nice try, lets hope it works. I doubt.
<blockquote class="twitter-video" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">terrorist <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/Kalbhushan?src=hash&amp;ref_src=twsrc^tfw">#Kalbhushan</a> is enjoying <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/HumanRights?src=hash&amp;ref_src=twsrc^tfw">#HumanRights</a> &amp; family of political prisoners in <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/Kashmir?src=hash&amp;ref_src=twsrc^tfw">#Kashmir</a> r suffering.&#13;<a href="https://twitter.com/UNHumanRights?ref_src=twsrc^tfw">@UNHumanRights</a> <a href="https://twitter.com/PDCMDOfficial?ref_src=twsrc^tfw">@PDCMDOfficial</a> <a href="https://t.co/bUkhqtPJyD">pic.twitter.com/bUkhqtPJyD</a></p>&mdash; Rida رباب (@IRidaRubabSayed) <a href=" ">December 25, 2017</a></blockquote>
<script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
1. Jadhav is a civilian. A business man.

2. There is no evidence of him being a spy, and even if he was, since he was a civilian, he has right to consular access.

3. Vienna convention supersedes domestic laws if there is a clash. Especially since you are a SIGNATORY to the Vienna convention.

4. Right to fair trial involves giving him access to consular reps. as per the existing laws and practices. Denial of such rights, automatically proves he did not get a fair trial.

This is what the ICJ is also going to rule and pakistan knows this.
1. a businessman using fake code names.why?
2. he was not a civilians and he confessed it.
you are no one to decide that he is not a spy. not without any evidences. we have many evidences and the only one we showed you is still unanswered by you. his fake passport?
3. Vienna convention can just give you a counselor access at most, if you win the case. ICJ don't have juristriction over our domestic laws. we have already signed that papers and suited it to UN that ICJ don't have such juristriction. remember Atlantique. such papers will work eventually.
4. all of your points are based on the assumption that he is not a spy.
Indian media black out. that's too much care for son of the soil.
what a shame Indian government.
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