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Kulbhushan Jadhav's wife, mother reach Islamabad for meeting with Indian spy

LOL..... are you in denial ? :lol:

His passport has been declared genuine by India multiple times. :lol:

Keep on adding more smileys, it shows your mental condition. Meanwhile we have the monkey in cage and this is how visitors are allowed to see monkeys in a civilized world. Your denial and lies do not change the facts.
Wait till they reach India..

I don't want to use the words.. but most of them are &%&#$@ of the highest level..

Remember what a woman did recently? When she was allowed to go back to India by a court after ditching her husband?
meanwhile kalboshan had again confessed that he was working for RAW.
he had said that he was kept in good condition and was treated respectfully.
he came to Pakistan from Iran.
he was working for raw.
he requested for this meeting.
he is thankful to Pakistan for such arrangements.
if india declares somehow Col Habib

To do that, India must declare that he is in Indian custody.. Nepal and Pakistan have already requested India to find him out inside Indian territory because Nepal's investigation concluded that abductors crossed the border, as evident in certain CCTV cameras..
if india declares somehow Col Habib as terrorist under some kangaroo trial in indian military courts. Will you accept him terrorist ?

First ask your Govt. to declare that Mr. Habib is in Indian custody, then let whole world see his confession video, show his fake Passport and names atleast then we can talk about Habib.
Messages were shown to the media by a husband.. He took the newly wed wife to Indian embassy, where she stated that the husband has married her forcefully.. If he was such a kind of person, he wouldn't have taken her to the embassy.. Then Pakistani court allowed her to leave respectfully, and you remember what she said about Pakistan and Pakistanis?

Don't we have enough experience to understand these vile creatures?

let them do their drama. They even think there army is hanuman and they were invisible during the so called surgical strike I wonder why KY has not escaped since KY also belongs to same Armed forces

see the camera we will use it if needed
What "a spy?" Kulbhushan has killed 4 thousand (4,000) Pakistanis... and this piece of $hit Journo has no sympathy with Pakistanis this terrorist killed?. "A Spy" ? This is a a serious insult to the victims of terrorism in Pakistan.
How can one man kill 4000 guys? Did he use a dirty bomb or are you just making up numbers?
LOL.... ... you guys are living in your own fools paradise.

The whole world is watching this drama and it showcases how low pakistan has fallen.

The whole world is now aware how unsafe pakistan is for their citizens, as any of them could be "arrested" and declared a "spy" by your govt. and will face a kangaroo court. :lol:

How stupid are you guys ...... seriously ?

why you are so obsessed with Pakistan, Its image and Pakistanis, Please go live happily in your lala land....
The whole world is now aware how unsafe pakistan is for their citizens, as any of them could be "arrested" and declared a "spy" by your govt. and will face a kangaroo court. :lol:

Yes, we will arrest if someone is caught in Pakistan without a visa.. and we will do a tight chhitrol if we later find out that the the passport is showing a different identity.. then we will kick his *** if he tells us that he is a ex-NAVY commander now working for RAW.. and then we will hang that bastard when he confesses that he was involved in 100s of Pakistanis deaths and he is coming from a country where spies confess of being spies when they cross the border and enter their home country (Harbjeet Singh).
How can one man kill 4000 guys? Did he use a dirty bomb or are you just making up numbers?

Provided support to terrorists in planning the attacks on innocent civilians in Balochestan and Sindh..
Don't you realize it ??

The whole world is watching how you are converting a foreign citizen into a "monkey" and making a laughing stock of your self. :lol:

Its like the Taliban stating how "generous" they are to allow the foreign media to watch the destruction of the Bahmian statues.

You think the world will watch in appreciation of pakistani act ? :cheesy:

Are you sure you are Indian??? you worry too much about Pakistan.
LOL.... ... you guys are living in your own fools paradise.

The whole world is watching this drama and it showcases how low pakistan has fallen.

The whole world is now aware how unsafe pakistan is for their citizens, as any of them could be "arrested" and declared a "spy" by your govt. and will face a kangaroo court. :lol:

How stupid are you guys ...... seriously ?

believe whatever propaganda is fed to you but we still have the KY and we will hang him by the balls on Wagha or Chakothi-URI crossing point :bunny::bunny:
Yes, we will arrest if someone is caught in Pakistan without a visa.. and we will do a tight chhitrol if we later find out that the the passport is showing a different identity.. then we will kick his *** if he tells us that he is a ex-NAVY commander now working for RAW.. and then we will hang that bastard when he confesses that he was involved in 100s of Pakistanis deaths and he is coming from a country where spy's confess of being a spy when they cross the border and enter their home country (Harbjeet Singh).

Only there is no evidence of him being caught in pakistan, and the whole world knows that.

His "confession" is worthless and meaningless to the whole world.

The world would laugh at you if you even mention his "confession".

Guess what ? the ICJ just did. LOL.
Found him yet ? :bunny::bunny:

We have another monkey of yours in our custody..

By the way, Pakistan raised the issue of his disappearance with Nepal and their authorities did full investigation of the matter and requested India to find him out because "he was abducted from Nepal".

Wonder why India hasn't raised any issue with Iran yet.. lolz..
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