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KSA: The Last 2 Typhoons Arrive

Did an Indian typed this message for you? because I've heard that you guy don't work & got a slave for every puny task. :lol:

Your cheap and child jealously is obvious. I don't want to keep insulting other Paksitans here as I don't think they share the same mentality with you and the rest of the haters and maniacs.
  • Your cheap and child jealously is obvious. I don't want to keep insulting other Paksitans here as I don't think they share the same mentality with you and the rest of the haters and maniacs.
    You just did in your previous 2 comments. That's why i responded you.

  • It is just unbelivable what jealousy can do. Look at the way Pakistan is being managed then have the audacity to speak negatvily about others.
    Look at the miseries around you in the next slum before opening your mouths against others (Arabs or whatever).

  • Talk sh!t. Get hit. Simple as that.
at least france develop alone the aircraft
Lol Do you know how many aircrafts we have developed alone dude?
We brought other European allies into our Typhoon project not because we couldn't do it alone, but mainly because of budget constraints and wanting to save costs. France was initially part of the Typhoon project, but they left later on because it didn't meet their needs(they wanted a naval version, but other partners didn't see the need for that) and few other reasons. So of they had remained, you will also be saying they couldn't developed a fighter alone?

I know you are just trolling though. Lol
Yes, our tranche 4 will be even more advanced/deathly. However, i'm not sure KSA will be ordering 48 more as previously planned, since the U.S seems to have eaten all our cake(which wasn't that big compared to theirs in the first place) :(

Has Kuwait started taking deliveries of their Typhoons?
KSA can order 48 more if they come with ToT this time and local production for spare parts..

For Kuwait, deliveries have not started yet..They want the AESA radar being developed in theirs..
With a large number of Typhoons, F15s, Tornados and E3 Sentrys :wub: the Saudis definitely have one of the best equipped airforces in the world.

I'm tempted to do a RSAF vs InAF thread :D
That just comes back down to F-15's vs Su-30's and Eurofighters vs Rafale's.
Lol Do you know how many aircrafts we have developed alone dude?
We brought other European allies into our Typhoon project not because we couldn't do it alone, but mainly because of budget constraints and wanting to save costs. France was initially part of the Typhoon project, but they left later on because it didn't meet their needs(they wanted a naval version, but other partners didn't see the need for that) and few other reasons. So of they had remained, you will also be saying they couldn't developed a fighter alone?

I know you are just trolling though. Lol
i know uk can develop alone but with big economy you could develop it alone like france did then you get alll benefits
That just comes back down to F-15's vs Su-30's and Eurofighters vs Rafale's.


The RSAF has 72 Typhoons. The IAF has 0 Rafale.

If you're going to count IAF Rafale's then you might as well count RSAF F35s and F15SAs.

It's actually F15s + Typhoons + Tornados vs Su30 + Mig29 + Mirage 2000. The Typhoons are superior to anything IAF has and the F15 are at least on par with the MKIs if not also superior.
Has Kuwait started taking deliveries of their Typhoons?
According to Eurofighter's website, not yet. Kuwait is to procure ~30 Tranch 3 aircraft with deliveries set to start from 2019.

it will not help them against iran
It's been around 30 years since Iran's air force saw combat. Most of their aircraft are outdated and their domestic upgrades and aircraft aren't proven in air-to-air combat. SAAF has a clear superiority. The only comparable fighters Iran has to put up are MiG-29's ; which won't be very effective since they're basic models (1983), and F-14's. The upgrades to there F-14's seem to be impressive but then again Iranian official statements aren't very reliable and the F-14's radar is also a disadvantage; it can be detected easily and it shouldn't be able to go against Typhoon's ECM. Also, they have around 20 of each type so it will be likely that a more numerous aircraft like the F-4 will be the backbone of their air arm in a combat situation, and well the F-4 in combat in the 21st century against one of the best trained air forces in the region seems like a joke. That being said, Iran shouldn't pose much of a threat to Israel either. Saudi Arabia on the other hand....
According to Eurofighter's website, not yet. Kuwait is to procure ~30 Tranch 3 aircraft with deliveries set to start from 2019.

It's been around 30 years since Iran's air force saw combat. Most of their aircraft are outdated and their domestic upgrades and aircraft aren't proven in air-to-air combat. SAAF has a clear superiority. The only comparable fighters Iran has to put up are MiG-29's ; which won't be very effective since they're basic models (1983), and F-14's. The upgrades to there F-14's seem to be impressive but then again Iranian official statements aren't very reliable and the F-14's radar is also a disadvantage; it can be detected easily and it shouldn't be able to go against Typhoon's ECM. Also, they have around 20 of each type so it will be likely that a more numerous aircraft like the F-4 will be the backbone of their air arm in a combat situation, and well the F-4 in combat in the 21st century against one of the best trained air forces in the region seems like a joke. That being said, Iran shouldn't pose much of a threat to Israel either. Saudi Arabia on the other hand....
they have misslels they fire on the oil area its inaugh
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