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KSA slams Iran, Hezbollah intervention in Syria

@Yzd Khalifa what ever may be the case Bashar has to be destroyed and taken out along with his forces and Muslim world should use all of its Air forces to destroy Syrian Army and Air Force along with Bashar and his brother

I dare you to say Muslim world should use all of its Air forces to destroy Israel.. you are joke, you want to destroy Syria ? is that what you call democracy? is that freedom? you cowards can't raise your voice when it comes to Israel or the west... bunch of puppets...
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I dare you to say Muslim world should use all of its Air forces to destroy Israel.. you are joke, you want to destroy Syria ? is that what you call democracy? is that freedom? you cowards can't raise your voice when it comes to Israel or the west... bunch of puppets...

We will destroy Israel but first safe our Muslim brothers from Syria who are being killed in thousands by the Bashar the scum he would be killed soon along with his brother than Israel would be wiped out
We will destroy Israel but first safe our Muslim brothers from Syria who are being killed in thousands by the Bashar the scum he would be killed soon along with his brother than Israel would be wiped out
yeah because in Palestine no one is getting killed? Palestine has been occupied since 1948, and no recent action from the puppets of GCC... in some "Arab" countries, they closed the Syrian embassy but left the Israeli embassy open... enough with you BS, Syria many times in the Arab League meeting proposed to boycott Israel however "Arabs" refused, BECAUSE THEY CAN NOT DARE OR THEIR MASTER WILL BE ANGRY WITH THEM... I never even heard of Jihad calls for Palestine...

ENOUGH WITH YOU BS, wake up to reality, the west will destroy you by using you
I dare you to say Muslim world should use all of its Air forces to destroy Israel.. you are joke, you want to destroy Syria ? is that what you call democracy? is that freedom? you cowards can't raise your voice when it comes to Israel or the west... bunch of puppets...

yeah because in Palestine no one is getting killed? Palestine has been occupied since 1948, and no recent action from the puppets of GCC... in some "Arab" countries, they closed the Syrian embassy but left the Israeli embassy open... enough with you BS, Syria many times in the Arab League meeting proposed to boycott Israel however "Arabs" refused, BECAUSE THEY CAN NOT DARE OR THEIR MASTER WILL BE ANGRY WITH THEM... I never even heard of Jihad calls for Palestine...

ENOUGH WITH YOU BS, wake up to reality, the west will destroy you by using you

Talking about Palestine blood sucker while Al-Gloan Heights is still under occupation for more than 40 years now and Assad is keeping his mouth shut. Free your land first and then talk about others. Disgusting when you have nothing to say except playing the Palestine card every once in awhile like your frantic mullas do. And even more disgusting when defending a child murderers, that monster who has killed around 100k of his own people, raped and tortured only god knows how many.

So yeah Keep whining about that, Armament will keep pouring into syria and now Lebanon, don't know about Maliki if chooses to misbehave then be it.

Btw, The topic is about KSA slamming the turbans of Iran and HizboAlshytan for poking their noses in Syria, Israel has nothing to do with this. If you want to discuss Israel-Palestine conflict open a new thread and you will hear from us. Another thing, stop acting like if you are a Muslim pls thats disgusts me also.
Talking about Palestine blood sucker while Al-Gloan Heights is still under occupation for more than 40 years now and Assad is keeping his mouth shut. Free your land first and then talk about others. Disgusting when you have nothing to say except playing the Palestine card every once in awhile like your frantic mullas do. And even more disgusting when defending a child murderers, that monster who has killed around 100k of his own people, raped and tortured only god knows how many.

So yeah Keep whining about that, Armament will keep pouring into syria and now Lebanon, don't know about Maliki if chooses to misbehave then be it.

Btw, The topic is about KSA slamming the turbans of Iran and HizboAlshytan for poking their noses in Syria, Israel has nothing to do with this. If you want to discuss Israel-Palestine conflict open a new thread and you will hear from us. Another thing, stop acting like if you are a Muslim pls thats disgusts me also.

yeah get Golan, how ? with KSA help? If Syria goes to war with Israel the whole world will be against Syria, and first it will be "Arabs" they will side with Israel, thus Syria is wise enough to not go to war with Israel, and you want a prove? look at the current situation where the puppet "Arabs" sided with the west and Israel against Syria and the Syrian people... so stop playing the Golan card, because F$A terrorists themselves made it clear they will not be enemies with their masters Israel, there are many interviews of F$A and "Opposition" leader admitting it...

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@Syiran Lion, Tell what your wrote to your Iranians buddies, they take it. 40 years of wisdom huh? funny..

Second, Saudi Arabia has nothing to do with Israel and will not stand by Israel in any case of war and there was no FSA during the past 40 years. So Failed again..
@Syiran Lion, Tell what your wrote to your Iranians buddies, they take it. 40 years of wisdom huh? funny..

Second, Saudi Arabia has nothing to do with Israel and will not stand by Israel in any case of war and there was no FSA during the past 40 years. So Failed again..

watch this video, and you will have your answers, and the guy at the end will answer you, he brings up the 1974 UN treaty

and you want Syria and Iran Vs. the whole world? KSA is the puppet of the west and Israel.. thus it will fight for their masters...

no F$A 40 years, but F$A says that Alasad is with Israel that is one of the reasons why they are fighting him??
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house of saud = hypocrites

watch this video, and you will have your answers, and the guy at the end will answer you, he brings up the 1974 UN treaty

and you want Syria and Iran Vs. the whole world? KSA is the puppet of the west and Israel.. thus it will fight for their masters...

no F$A 40 years, but F$A says that Alasad is with Israel that is one of the reasons why they are fighting him??
what are you talking about how they can fight their masters
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Really? :woot: People in glass houses shouldn't be throwing stones. How about KSA stopping the funding of terrorist groups all over the world? Big chunks of the country’s huge oil earnings have been spent on spreading a violent and intolerant variety of Islam.

Over more than two decades, Saudi Arabia has lavished around $100 billion or more on the worldwide promotion of the violent, intolerant and crudely puritanical Wahhabist sect of Islam that the ruling royal family espouses to desperately hold on to power.

And they have the audacity to preach others? It's high time the royal family pipes down and stopped . Jeeez!

Hi there,

How's it going?

Do you have any concrete proof you could rely on to defend your claim?

As far as my knowledge is concerned we extradited people your country was putting a price on their heads, which leaves us at two points :-

1 - The Indian gov't is under occupation by the Saudis.

2- Or India works for KSA.

None of these two look reasonable to myself, I'm not quite sure about you though.

I'm also struck by some comments you've made such as the $100 billion spending on this and that. Could you please tell us where did you get these bits of information from? or is that some sort of pure imagination?

the worldwide promotion of the violent, intolerant and crudely puritanical Wahhabist sect of Islam that the ruling royal family espouses to desperately hold on to power.

Tbqh, I can't find any logical connection between spreading an ideology all over the world and the desperation of holding power by someone else. If someone spreads his violent ideology all over the World, I'd assume that the whole world will be outraged, vowing to go after such people.

Even your own country does business with us, which means that your country is quite pleased with KSA. Therefore, your argument is null and void. However, if you don't feel comfortable about that, then I suppose that India is a democratic country, you may contact your congressman/woman expressing your concerns about us doing business with your country.

The situation in Syria has nothing to do with religion or sects, We have been feeding the Assad's regime for more 35 years, never had any issue with them.

KSA waited for 7-6 month at the beginning of uprising, and I'm not going to lie to, We surly can stop the flood of the weapons to the FSA, but we can't withdraw Assad's tanks which are mobilized in the middle of the streets to crush the skulls of the Syrian people.

interfering in the affairs of other countries and sermonizing under the misplaced assumption that they, the Royal House of Saud, are the rulers of the Middle East/West Asia too

We never interfered in other countries' affairs out of the blue, nor did we go to war with any nation. KSA managed to zip up it lips in Lyiba, Egypt, Tunisia, and Yemen. The situation in Syria is different though and KSA happens to be a member of the Arab league, and I will be frank white with you and say that we aren't going to remain silents while Iran Hezbollah are fighting against the Syrian people. At any rate both will pay a dare price.

It's either to be or not to be now.

We never interfered in other countries' affairs out of the blue, nor did we go to war with any nation

Hi there,

How's it going? Do you have any concrete proof you could rely on to defend your claim?

As far as my knowledge is concerned we extradited people your country was putting a price on their heads, which leaves us at two points :-

1 - The Indian gov't is under occupation by the Saudis.

2- Or India works for KSA.

None of these two look reasonable to myself, I'm not quite sure about you though.

I'm also struck by some comments you've made such as the $100 billion spending on this and that. Could you please tell us where did you get these bits of information from? or is that some sort of pure imagination?

Tbqh, I can't find any logical connection between spreading an ideology all over the world and the desperation of holding power by someone else. If someone spreads his violent ideology all over the World, I'd assume that the whole world will be outraged, vowing to go after such people.

Even your own country does business with us, which means that your country is quite pleased with KSA. Therefore, your argument is null and void. However, if you don't feel comfortable about that, then I suppose that India is a democratic country, you may contact your congressman/woman expressing your concerns about us doing business with your country.

The situation in Syria has nothing to do with religion or sects, We have been feeding the Assad's regime for more 35 years, never had any issue with them.

KSA waited for 7-6 month at the beginning of uprising, and I'm not going to lie to, We surly can stop the flood of the weapons to the FSA, but we can't withdraw Assad's tanks which are mobilized in the middle of the streets to crush the skulls of the Syrian people.

We never interfered in other countries' affairs out of the blue, nor did we go to war with any nation. KSA managed to zip up it lips in Lyiba, Egypt, Tunisia, and Yemen. The situation in Syria is different though and KSA happens to be a member of the Arab league, and I will be frank white with you and say that we aren't going to remain silents while Iran Hezbollah are fighting against the Syrian people. At any rate both will pay a dare price.

It's either to be or not to be now.


Ok, let me quote Hillary Clinton who knew her beans pretty well. She was not known to spout rubbish. She had the best intel inputs at her disposal from which to base her statements.

Saudi Arabia is said to be the world's largest source of funds for Salafi jihadist terrorist militant groups, such as al-Qaeda, the Afghan Taliban, and Lashkar-e-Taiba in South Asia, and donors in Saudi Arabia constitute the most significant source of funding to Sunni terrorist groups worldwide, according to Hillary Clinton. According to a secret December 2009 paper signed by the US secretary of state, "Saudi Arabia remains a critical financial support base for al-Qaida, the Taliban, LeT and other terrorist groups."

Nothing has changed so far except that the SA govt has reduced its funding to the LeT under Indian pressure but has shifted its focus to funding the Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan instead.

Rubbish? Read related intel reports from various international intel organizations that corroborate what is already known.

Ok, let me quote Hillary Clinton who knew her beans pretty well. She was not known to spout rubbish. She had the best intel inputs at her disposal from which to base her statements.


Nothing has changed so far except that the SA govt has reduced its funding to the LeT under Indian pressure but has shifted its focus to funding the Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan instead.


The US itself was accused of being a state-sponsored terror.

I'm aware of what Mrs. Clinton had said. However, these information came out of Wikileaks, their documents are still questionable. Additionally, Mrs. Clinton stated that the Saudi Gov't wasn't the one behind the funding, but its citizens. In short, people deposit some cash to an X or Y person overseas and that person could have been related to radical elements. Nowadays, KSA monitored every penny that comes in and out.

As for India, we've signed more than 40 agreements of which were only 4 of them were related to counterterrorism.

Rubbish? Read related intel reports from various international intel organizations that corroborate what is already known.

I never said that your posts or claims are rubbish. What I was trying to say that your claims are quite inaccurate.

I don't know what you do for living, but thanks, I don't need to read the reports, I'm quite well-aware of what's in them already :).

in this whole situation Iran and hezbollah are the obvious losers . hezbollah went from the peoples hero to the junior member of the axis of evil in no time . long gone are the days where they were seen at the foremost defense in the struggle against israel. Iran has shown that unlike the gulf monarchies they are totally willing to spill the innocent blood of the undeserving masses . saudi arabia on the world stage is at best a middle power and MUST adhere to the rulings of higher powers from around the world . what happens in syria is not an arab issue its a spanish onion where removing one layer reveals more and more layers and more problems . Assad must be removed but can the arab world really deal with another Iraq ? Saddam hussien was a monster but he served his purpose of controlling the masses and once they have finally felt democracy and freedom for the first time in millenia it was a disaster .

Saudi Arabia on Tuesday said the involvement of Iran and the Lebanese militant group Hezbollah in Syria is “dangerous” because it threatens to destabilize the region.

“Syria can only be described now as an occupied country,” said Foreign Minister Prince Saud Al-Faisal at a news conference with US Secretary of State John Kerry in Jeddah.

Prince Saud said the Kingdom “cannot be silent” at the recent decision by Hezbollah to send fighters into Syria.

“The most dangerous development is the foreign participation, represented by Hezbollah and other militias supported by the forces of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard,” the prince said, repeating a call for the rebels to be armed.

“Syria is facing a double-edged attack. It is facing genocide by the government and an invasion from outside the government ... (It) is facing a massive flow of weapons to aid and abet that invasion and that genocide. This must end,” Prince Saud said.

“The Kingdom calls for an unequivocal international resolution to halt the provision of arms to the Syrian regime and to state the illegitimacy of the regime,” he said.

Kerry has returned to the Middle East after a two-day visit to India and, his aides say, will continue efforts to strengthen the Syrian opposition and revive peace talks between Israel and the Palestinians.

US President Barack Obama has said he will arm the rebels but has not disclosed what type of assistance he would provide.

Kerry is trying to ensure that the aid to the rebels is properly coordinated among the allies, in part out of concern that weapons could end up in the hands of extremist groups.

“Our goal is very clear, we cannot let this be a wider war. We cannot let this contribute to more bloodshed and prolongation of the agony of the people of Syria,” he said at the conference.
“I came to the Kingdom to meet with Prince Saud and understand the role of Saudi Arabia and other countries in the region in order to reach a solution we are looking for.”

The secretary of state emphasized the important role being played by Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Abdullah to establish a just and lasting peace in the region. In this respect, he referred to the Arab peace initiative originally proposed by King Abdullah.

A meeting between Kerry and his European and Arab counterparts in Doha last week agreed to increase support for Syria’s rebels although there was no consensus over providing arms, with Germany and Italy strongly opposed.

“The regime has lost its legitimacy and has no right to participate in determining the country’s present or future,” Prince Saud said while emphasizing the need for a strong international stand to end the Syrian crisis.

Prince Saud emphasized the need to change the balance of power in Syria in favor of the Syrian people to reach a peaceful solution.

He praised the US for its decision to send arms to the rebel forces.
Kerry spoke about the Geneva 2 conference, saying the US would exert efforts to reach suitable resolutions.

KSA slams Iran, Hezbollah intervention in Syria | Arab News

KSA acting tough with USA around them, nothing new. I doubt hezbollah or Iran gives a damn.
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