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KSA slams Iran, Hezbollah intervention in Syria


May 9, 2007
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Saudi Arabia on Tuesday said the involvement of Iran and the Lebanese militant group Hezbollah in Syria is “dangerous” because it threatens to destabilize the region.

“Syria can only be described now as an occupied country,” said Foreign Minister Prince Saud Al-Faisal at a news conference with US Secretary of State John Kerry in Jeddah.

Prince Saud said the Kingdom “cannot be silent” at the recent decision by Hezbollah to send fighters into Syria.

“The most dangerous development is the foreign participation, represented by Hezbollah and other militias supported by the forces of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard,” the prince said, repeating a call for the rebels to be armed.

“Syria is facing a double-edged attack. It is facing genocide by the government and an invasion from outside the government ... (It) is facing a massive flow of weapons to aid and abet that invasion and that genocide. This must end,” Prince Saud said.

“The Kingdom calls for an unequivocal international resolution to halt the provision of arms to the Syrian regime and to state the illegitimacy of the regime,” he said.

Kerry has returned to the Middle East after a two-day visit to India and, his aides say, will continue efforts to strengthen the Syrian opposition and revive peace talks between Israel and the Palestinians.

US President Barack Obama has said he will arm the rebels but has not disclosed what type of assistance he would provide.

Kerry is trying to ensure that the aid to the rebels is properly coordinated among the allies, in part out of concern that weapons could end up in the hands of extremist groups.

“Our goal is very clear, we cannot let this be a wider war. We cannot let this contribute to more bloodshed and prolongation of the agony of the people of Syria,” he said at the conference.
“I came to the Kingdom to meet with Prince Saud and understand the role of Saudi Arabia and other countries in the region in order to reach a solution we are looking for.”

The secretary of state emphasized the important role being played by Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Abdullah to establish a just and lasting peace in the region. In this respect, he referred to the Arab peace initiative originally proposed by King Abdullah.

A meeting between Kerry and his European and Arab counterparts in Doha last week agreed to increase support for Syria’s rebels although there was no consensus over providing arms, with Germany and Italy strongly opposed.

“The regime has lost its legitimacy and has no right to participate in determining the country’s present or future,” Prince Saud said while emphasizing the need for a strong international stand to end the Syrian crisis.

Prince Saud emphasized the need to change the balance of power in Syria in favor of the Syrian people to reach a peaceful solution.

He praised the US for its decision to send arms to the rebel forces.
Kerry spoke about the Geneva 2 conference, saying the US would exert efforts to reach suitable resolutions.

KSA slams Iran, Hezbollah intervention in Syria | Arab News
It is time KSA stops its sermon and punch at its weight. Provide all out support to the FSA and bring Asad down quickly and stabilise Syria. 100k people have died, further meets and talking shops solves nothing. KSA is unfortunately seen as a lackey of the zionists and the US. These type of toothless statements simply perpetuates this.
It is time KSA stops its sermon and punch at its weight. Provide all out support to the FSA and bring Asad down quickly and stabilise Syria. 100k people have died, further meets and talking shops solves nothing. KSA is unfortunately seen as a lackey of the zionists and the US. These type of toothless statements simply perpetuates this.

I get your point but it's easier said than done. It's not only about KSA and never was. The Syrian civil war is today a regional conflict and it even became a global conflict were different parties aim to fight their political proxy wars - the biggest players being USA and Russia.

KSA is not even a neighbor of Syria although only parts of Jordan needs to be crossed before reaching Syria. Still other countries also have a responsibility in the region.

No country has directly deployed troops inside Syria or bombed it apart from the two Israeli strikes. This should say it all really - about how complex the situation is.

This is not Libya that we are talking about.

Anyway if I had anything to say in the GCC, decision wise, I would have established a joint force and attacked the Child-Murderer or at least established a no-fly zone.
It is time KSA stops its sermon and punch at its weight. Provide all out support to the FSA and bring Asad down quickly and stabilise Syria. 100k people have died, further meets and talking shops solves nothing. KSA is unfortunately seen as a lackey of the zionists and the US. These type of toothless statements simply perpetuates this.

In politics, Pragmatism is the only pattern to differentiate between rational/irrational actors on world stage. We often hear loud voices here and there saying this and that.

Interestingly, Many Americans and Westerners accused their Gov'ts of being stoogs of the Saudis, in other word, they work for them. The very best example I've got in mind was from Governor Rep. Mike Huckabee, Pastor Huckabee stated that the US sold its soul to the Saudis, and that Obama worked for them. Similarly, In the UK, George Gallaway said something similar to PM. Cameron that the Saudis are hijacking his Gov't. Another example took place in Germany a few weeks ago when the Gov't approved the leopard deal.

In short, the Saudis won't give Hamas weapons to go and kill some Jews to earn respect in the Muslim World, nor will the Saudis do this and that to appease Governor Romeny or Mr. Galloway or whoever.

As for Syria, we tried to pass two resolutions in the UN and both were vetoed, therefore, KSA or any other country can't help it in the UN as long as the Russians are getting in our way.

Other than that, we just shipped up a 100 Russian-made tanks, and mark my word, Assad days are numbered.
Iran is waking a sleeping giant. KSA is absolutely unmatched in its influence over the region and the muslim world in general.

Maybe. But KSA isn't interested in the so-called sphere of influence. KSA has its views, the more we are isolated, the better.
I really don't know the purpose of "Slam" or "Slamming" when it relates to politics.

Journalists should come up with a better word. Its like how I slam my books on the floor when I'm pissed or I if I can't find an answer to the question or when I finish my semester, I usually "Slam" my books in the garbage.

Whats the purpose of telling Journalists "now" about Hizbullat or Iran when they had invaded Syria for 2 years already when everyone knew? I'm sorry but these Saudi rulers are suffering from Alzheimers.

well Hezbollah came that day and IRan is selling weapons they didnot have fighter for a long time

until recently (Iran still didnot send the 4k soilder )

FSA have foreign fighter since day one what about that then

Christians are even supporting Hezbollah what does that mean

well Hezbollah came that day and IRan is selling weapons they didnot have fighter for a long time

until recently (Iran still didnot send the 4k soilder )

FSA have foreign fighter since day one what about that then

Christians are even supporting Hezbollah what does that mean

We got only about 50,000 shia in Bangladesh I heard. Are you one of them? Ismaili perhaps?
Well iran also slam ksa and Qatar intervention in syria and arming the terrorists now what ?

I guess we can say they are equal in tjis field of condemnation contest .
Saudi Arabia on Tuesday said the involvement of Iran and the Lebanese militant group Hezbollah in Syria is “dangerous” because it threatens to destabilize the region.
Really? :woot: People in glass houses shouldn't be throwing stones. How about KSA stopping the funding of terrorist groups all over the world? Big chunks of the country’s huge oil earnings have been spent on spreading a violent and intolerant variety of Islam.

Over more than two decades, Saudi Arabia has lavished around $100 billion or more on the worldwide promotion of the violent, intolerant and crudely puritanical Wahhabist sect of Islam that the ruling royal family espouses to desperately hold on to power.

And they have the audacity to preach others? It's high time the royal family pipes down and stopped interfering in the affairs of other countries and sermonizing under the misplaced assumption that they, the Royal House of Saud, are the rulers of the Middle East/West Asia too. Jeeez!
are you out of your mind...? Syria is a dictatorship, your media is controled by Assad and you still posting the article **** from that....whom are you trying to fool ?..... all I can see is you're a Shia supporting the bloodpath of Assad
hey dumb one, the government only has its own media, the website I posted is not government, it is private you didn't even read it did you?

is NY times also controlled by Alasad? :coffee:

and it dosen't matter what my religion is, read my signature... if only Shia supported Alasad, he would have been gone long time ago...
@Yzd Khalifa what ever may be the case Bashar has to be destroyed and taken out along with his forces and Muslim world should use all of its Air forces to destroy Syrian Army and Air Force along with Bashar and his brother
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