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Kremlin denies talks to abandon Syria in exchange for Saudi arms

Where I wrote that you should do something? I answered the man's question. Apparently answered satisfactorily, since he did not specify.
To join or not to join - your own business.
When Western Roman Empire fall - the country's revered for happiness to mend relations with Byzantium.
No need to be very smart to see the degradation of the United States. You still have to have some kind of relationship with Russia, after the U.S. withdraw from the scene. What kind relationship - your choice.

I don't care which side we join as long as we can benefit from it. Just like every other country in this world. You don't have mutual relations if both parties don't cooperate.

Byzantium? Why are you talking about Greece? Most of Byzantium lied in what is Turkey today. That dream is long gone.

Degradation? We both know who is the most advanced country in the world in terms of military power, innovation, science etc.

Yes, we have relations with Russia like with nearly all countries of the world. The relations are just not as good as they could be.

Also I asked you a question that you did not answer. Why should we join your "club"? Can you give me a reason why that would be a good idea?

Why should we join your club when we could join the Chinese club and we have good relations with China already?
You still have to have some kind of relationship with Russia, after the U.S. withdraw from the scene. What kind relationship - your choice.

"Shoot to kill " seems like the perfect relations countries should have with the russkies.:pop:
Give and take much hah :laugh:

Well,they certainly gave much throughout their history,nothing wrong in beeing on the receiving end for a change.:cheers:

It's very funny though to see comrade vostok talking about the "evil anglo saxons",that's rich coming from somebody whose country has robbed,stolen lands from muslims in southern Ukraine,central Asia and christian finns,poles,lithuanians,romanians,czechs in Eastern Europe.It boggles the mind when you see such hypocrisy.
I don't care which side we join as long as we can benefit from it. Just like every other country in this world. You don't have mutual relations if both parties don't cooperate.

Byzantium? Why are you talking about Greece? Most of Byzantium lied in what is Turkey today. That dream is long gone.

Degradation? We both know who is the most advanced country in the world in terms of military power, innovation, science etc.

Yes, we have relations with Russia like with nearly all countries of the world. The relations are just not as good as they could be.

Also I asked you a question that you did not answer. Why should we join your "club"? Can you give me a reason why that would be a good idea?

Why should we join your club when we could join the Chinese club and we have good relations with China already?
Russia and China are united against the United States.
What a bargain? Are you in the market?
Want to live on principle of "profitable / non-profitable" - live. And we live on a "true / not true."
I would not dare to call the country with enormous debt "advanced and most powerful." U.S. moral decay - buggers, juvenile justice, and so on - are clear signs of degradation.
And you have the right to choose yours allies even Satan himself, it's your choice.
Russia and China are united against the United States.
What a bargain? Are you in the market?
Want to live on principle of "profitable / non-profitable" - live. And we live on a "true / not true."
I would not dare to call the country with enormous debt "advanced and most powerful." U.S. moral decay - buggers, juvenile justice, and so on - are clear signs of degradation.
And you have the right to choose yours allies even Satan himself, it's your choice.

Ok, but we are close to China so I guess we can have relations to both "poles".

I am an Arab/Semite. What do you expect? We bargain every time, LOL.

What? "true or not true". Explain that to me. Russia like all other countries are not any different. Looking for her interests like anybody else. Stop giving me some fairytales.

Was it also the true when your former communist regime killed millions of Russians and non-Russians or when your country when ruled by the German Tsar invaded North Caucasus and committed genocide there against Circassians, Chechens, Tatars etc.? Should we ask your neighbors about parts of your dark history?

Now you are overreacting. Would you rather live in Miami or Volgograd? San Francisco or Kaliningrad? New York City or Moscow? Los Angeles or Saint Petersburg? Dallas or Murmansk?

Everyone knows that USA is the most powerful, advanced and innovative country in terms of science etc. All the best heads from all over the world go to USA to establish themselves further. Including the brightest Russian heads.

I don't see much difference between you and USA. You both think that you can rule the world. I prefer USA though for the obvious reasons and those I mentioned. But I don't rule out a good relationship with Russia although you would have to change many things. For example your stance on Syria and support to Mullah land (Iran). But that ship sailed long ago.





Oh, my Eggy.:omghaha:


Let us not be that harsh. The Muslims in Russia are probably not all vodka addicts.

What's with the last picture, LOL. Some Western people have lost their mind. What is that dog doing there? HAHA.
Ok, but we are close to China so I guess we can have relations to both "poles".

I am an Arab/Semite. What do you expect? We bargain every time, LOL.

What? "true or not true". Explain that to me. Russia like all other countries are not any different. Looking for her interests like anybody else. Stop giving me some fairytales.

Was it also the true when your former communist regime killed millions of Russians and non-Russians or when your country when ruled by the German Tsar invaded North Caucasus and committed genocide there against Circassians, Chechens, Tatars etc.? Should we ask your neighbors about parts of your dark history?

Now you are overreacting. Would you rather live in Miami or Volgograd? San Francisco or Kaliningrad? New York City or Moscow? Los Angeles or Saint Petersburg? Dallas or Murmansk?

Everyone knows that USA is the most powerful, advanced and innovative country in terms of science etc. All the best heads from all over the world go to USA to establish themselves further. Including the brightest Russian heads.

I don't see much difference between you and USA. You both think that you can rule the world. I prefer USA though for the obvious reasons and those I mentioned. But I don't rule out a good relationship with Russia although you would have to change many things. For example your stance on Syria and support to Mullah land (Iran). But that ship sailed long ago.

What genocide? What millions?
Are you believe in God? I do.
Russia do not want to rule the world. If we would - we'll do it easily, but we don't.
Tell me please - in your churches gays can be married? In ours - no. But in the U.S. - yes.
After a few years they will marry pedophiles, necrophilies, bestiality, and Satan knows who else.
Not all things are measured by money. There are things that can not be bought. In Russia, everyone knows it.
U.S. suck all the resources from around the world - as soon as the flow of immigrants will stop, they will sink to the level that can be achieved by themselves, without robbing the world.
What genocide? What millions?
Are you believe in God? I do.
Russia do not want to rule the world. If we would - we'll do it easily, but we don't.
Tell me please - in your churches gays can be married? In ours - no. But in the U.S. - yes.
After a few years they will marry pedophiles, necrophilies, bestiality, and Satan knows who else.
Not all things are measured by money. There are things that can not be bought. In Russia, everyone knows it.
U.S. suck all the resources from around the world - as soon as the flow of immigrants will stop, they will sink to the level that can be achieved by themselves, without robbing the world.

Soviet war crimes - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Ethnic cleansing of Circassians - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Read those two links above to learn about PARTS of your history.

What kind of question is that? Yes, of course, I believe in Allah (SWT). But not your God.

Yes, "easily". Right.

Oh, first of all I am not a Christian like you. We don't have churches. We have mosques. Gays is punishable in Islam and Muslim countries. No marriage between gays. You must be mad.

All those sick people get death penalty in KSA. Beheading by sword.

We are not talking about money but the well being of your country and MUTUAL cooperation. If you take advantage of somebody is that MUTUAL cooperation? No it is taking advantage of a weaker part.

We will have to see about that. I am not that interested in the USA. I have studied there for one year (California) and I did like it. But I am not a citizen and have no ties to it. Our alliance with them is solely business/security/mutual cooperation. Nothing more.
Soviet war crimes - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Ethnic cleansing of Circassians - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Read those two links above to learn about PARTS of your history.

What kind of question is that? Yes, of course, I believe in Allah (SWT). But not your God.

Yes, "easily". Right.

Oh, first of all I am not a Christian like you. We don't have churches. We have mosques. Gays is punishable in Islam and Muslim countries. No marriage between gays. You must be mad.

All those sick people get death penalty in KSA. Beheading by sword.

We are not talking about money but the well being of your country and MUTUAL cooperation. If you take advantage of somebody is that MUTUAL cooperation? No it is taking advantage of a weaker part.

We will have to see about that. I am not that interested in the USA. I have studied there for one year (California) and I did like it. But I am not a citizen and have no ties to it. Our alliance with them is solely business/security/mutual cooperation. Nothing more.
I know my history and the first thing I saw on the link - Katyn. This crime was committed by the Germans, not the Soviet Union. During the war, Goebbels invented a story that did Russian in propaganda purposes.
You know the difference between genocide and conquest? The Arabs conquered Spain - but they're not committed genocide, right?
Europeans conquered America - and here it is a genocide, because on the map of America did not exist "Republic of the Cherokee", "Republic of the Mohicans" and so on. 99% of Indians were killed. That is genocide. They just destroyed like animals.
I will explain to you the difference between Russian and American. In California, were Russian colonies once. So, the local Indians told our settlers - British raped us, the Spaniards burned at the stake, and you trade with us.
I have and you have a clear idea of ​​sin. The Apostle Paul said - "9 Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived; neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor homosexuals..."
For Americans, there is no sin - all that profitable is acceptable. Here's their religion.
I guess it spends :lol:
Well,they certainly gave much throughout their history,nothing wrong in beeing on the receiving end for a change.:cheers:

It's very funny though to see comrade vostok talking about the "evil anglo saxons",that's rich coming from somebody whose country has robbed,stolen lands from muslims in southern Ukraine,central Asia and christian finns,poles,lithuanians,romanians,czechs in Eastern Europe.It boggles the mind when you see such hypocrisy.

I don't put fith into this, but all countries to some extent committed crimes against humanity throughout their history, maybe Iran and Russia aren't that awful.

But I'm very sorry for what happened to you guys in the mid, and the end of the 20th century :(

haha big difference betwee Muslim countries and the West. :lol:

What I you expect then :lol:?
I guess it spends :lol:

I don't put fith into this, but all countries to some extent committed crimes against humanity throughout their history, maybe Iran and Russia aren't that awful.

But I'm very sorry for what happened to you guys in the mid, and the end of the 20th century :(

It's ok man ,sh&t happens,the past is the past but that's not the real problem,the problem is that many russians are like this piece of ugly trash vostok(sry can't hold it anymore!) who don't even want to recognise past crimes and try to portray themselves as angels.Look at his statement:

I know my history and the first thing I saw on the link - Katyn. This crime was committed by the Germans, not the Soviet Union. During the war, Goebbels invented a story that did Russian in propaganda purposes.

How da fudge can you say that when even the russian parliament(duma) recognised the Katyn massacre:

"In November 2010, the State Duma (lower house of the Russian parliament) passed a resolution declaring that long-classified documents "showed that the Katyn crime was carried out on direct orders of Stalin and other Soviet officials". The declaration also called for the massacre to be investigated further in order to confirm the list of victims"

"In June 2008, Russian courts consented to hear a case about the declassification of documents about Katyn and the judicial rehabilitation of the victims. In an interview with a Polish newspaper, Vladimir Putin called Katyn a "political crime"

And the Katyn massacre is just one example of many but you still have many "vostoks" running around talking about how good christians they are,lol.This is the most upsetting part not the past.

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