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Kremlin denies talks to abandon Syria in exchange for Saudi arms

I think the major improvement will not be long until you will have such a close relationship with the United States.
Until then, are possible only certain types of weapons transactions.

Wait a second, what can you (Russia) give to us that USA/NATO/EU cannot or others in terms of military equipment or business?

Why should we join your club and become another member among the world's most failed states such as Iran, North Korea, Belarus, Syria (or rather the Child-Murderer and Pagan's family firm), Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and other such countries?

Are you joking or just drunk?

Just give me one reason.

EDIT: Oh, I have seen you lurking in the "Pictures of Saudi Arabia" thread and you always write in KSA or Arab threads and proposes some kind of unity.

Ok, fair enough. But that must be mutual and in order for us to leave our trade partners for you we need better deals. Which I really doubt would ever happen.

Hence it is not only about what Putin and his mafia thinks but what KSA thinks too.

Oh, and Russia does not have the best record in terms of Muslims. At least the Americans are not as bad. Another reason to prefer them.
Wait a second, what can you (Russia) give to us that USA/NATO/EU cannot or others in terms of military equipment or business?

Who gives whom? They don't give us a thing. We sign an agreement with them and they have to comply with it as much as we do. In other word, we don't receive donations or charities, we exercise our very own rights.

Why should we join your club and become another member among the world's most failed states such as Iran, North Korea, Belarus, Syria (or rather the Child-Murderer and Pagan's family firm), Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and other such countries?

We won't join any club with no clear reasons. :what:
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Who gives whom? They don't give us a thing. We sign an agreement with them and they have to comply with it as much as we do. In other word, we don't receive donations or charities, we exercise our very own rights.

We won't join any club with no clear reasons. :what:

You misunderstood me 7abibi. Please read my post again. I edited it and wrote more.

This user, Vostok, has constantly been telling us Arabs how bad the "Anglo-Saxons" are and how better we would have it if we joined the "Russian camp" instead.

I am then asking him why we should do that and abandon our trade ties to more developed, rich and powerful countries.
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Alright :bounce: thanks for the clarification :yay:

You misunderstood me 7abibi. Please read my post again. I edited it and wrote more.

This user, Vostok, has constantly been telling us Arabs how bad the "Anglo-Saxons" are and how better we would have it if we joined the "Russian camp" instead.

I am then asking him why we should do that and abandon our trade ties to more developed, rich and powerful countries.
Why buying T-90s when we are going to get the AlTays and the Leopards soon :coffee:
Not to mention the Augusta Helicopter of Turkey :)


Like I said the news that claimed ksa was making a agreement with Russia over Syria in loss of their own interests was just stupid.
It was funny though how some Russians and Iranians got an inner orgasm . :)

By the way t-129 atak ? I never heard of such a news of ksa interest in that chopper.

Like I said the news that claimed ksa was making a agreement with Russia over Syria in loss of their own interests was just stupid.
It was funny though how some Russians and Iranians got an inner orgasm . :)

By the way t-129 atak ? I never heard of such a news of ksa interest in that chopper.


That's the only thing that they can do in this age and time to feel better, my Turkish friend.

Arab-Turkish brotherhood is growing stronger and stronger for each week. I was looking at the foreign trips of Erdogan and I figured out that he has visited KSA 12 times since 2003. He has only visited USA (due to FN, NATO) Belgium (due to EU) and Azerbaijan more.

Also I am visiting Istanbul for the first time this autumn. Seeing the birthplace of one of my paternal ancestors. After all quite a few of the Makkawi (Meccan) Hashemites were born in Istanbul when the Sultan/Caliph was still around.

Should have happened much earlier but I guess its better late than never!

That's the only thing that they can do in this age and time to feel better, my Turkish friend.

Arab-Turkish brotherhood is growing stronger and stronger for each week. I was looking at the foreign trips of Erdogan and I figured out that he has visited KSA 12 times since 2003. He has only visited USA (due to FN, NATO) Belgium (due to EU) and Azerbaijan more.

Also I am visiting Istanbul for the first time this autumn. Seeing the birthplace of one of my paternal ancestors. After all quite a few of the Makkawi (Meccan) Hashemites were born in Istanbul when the Sultan/Caliph was still around.

Should have happened much earlier but I guess its better late than never!

Totally agree mate,

We neglected each other too much (especially Turkey). İn our quest to make relations and cooperation with the west better, we (turkey) totally neglected our backdoor neighbours.
Erdoğan laid great foundations to improve this. He made many visits to many Arab countries to improve relations and one of the most important things "he made the Arab peoples love him".

İ hope these relations continues in the future and that it will lead to bigger things.

İ hope you'll enjoy İstanbul, which would be no problem. What's your reason of visiting? School, job, vacation?
Totally agree mate,

We neglected each other too much (especially Turkey). İn our quest to make relations and cooperation with the west better, we (turkey) totally neglected our backdoor neighbours.
Erdoğan laid great foundations to improve this. He made many visits to many Arab countries to improve relations and one of the most important things "he made the Arab peoples love him".

İ hope these relations continues in the future and that it will lead to bigger things.

İ hope you'll enjoy İstanbul, which would be no problem. What's your reason of visiting? School, job, vacation?

It went both ways. No need to apologize. Both of us had nothing to do with it. Turkey was also struggling with internal conflicts, political conflicts, military coups. You first became a real regional player once Erdogan became prime minister. Whether or not this is all his fault (probably a combination of the developments in the era, a booming world economy, Turkey having a lot of unused potential etc.) but credit must be given. Likewise our Arab world is going through a lot of turmoil but our region, GCC at least, have had some kind of stability and both of our countries/regions have used that in a good way.

Well I believe that Arabs and Turks have no problems with each other and share many things together. I have lived in France (as you know since we talked about the "Berber problem of France" being used against Arabs while we have nothing to do with it) and now I live in Denmark (Copenhagen) due to studies and most of the Muslims here are either Arabs or Turks and both groups have close ties.

Sure, the Arab world has a enormous potential. We might not be one body or fully united but the Sunni Arabs states that form 90% of the Arab world and all Arabs are closely united and if Turkey just continued to expand relations with them then the relations will reach new heights in the future once again. Be sure about that. Or just the GCC alone.

No, just a simple tourist visit with a few siblings and my father.:yay:
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I don't think Saudi Arabia will make a proposal like this especially when 100k Syrians, 3 Jordianan soldiers, and ~ 50 Turkish civilians perished at the hand of Assad's death squads. Those people aren't hookers somone can buy, those are innocent lives, wasted at the hand of the most ruthless dictator of the 21st century.

In 2011, Saudi Arabia asked Turkey to enter a tender to produce attack helicopters for the Saudi Air Force.[31] In July 2012, it was report that the Philippines received an offer from Italy for AgustaWestland attack helicopters (either A129 or T129).[32] In January 2013, a media report stated that South Korea's attack helicopter competition had the T129 in the final three bidders with the Bell AH-1Z Viper and the Boeing AH-64 Apache.[33] However, the AH-64E Apache was chosen in April 2013.[34] Media reports in February 2013 indicated Azerbaijan had ordered 60 T-129 helicopters.[35] However, TAI has said they have no contract with Azerbaijan, and that the unofficial news sources "do not reflect reality."[36]


Like I said the news that claimed ksa was making a agreement with Russia over Syria in loss of their own interests was just stupid.
It was funny though how some Russians and Iranians got an inner orgasm . :)

By the way t-129 atak ? I never heard of such a news of ksa interest in that chopper.
The Kremlin denied on Friday that President Vladimir Putin had discussed a deal with the visiting Saudi intelligence chief for Moscow to sell arms to Riyadh in exchange for changing its position on Syria.

Mr Putin held talks in Moscow with Prince Bandar bin Sultan, Saudi Arabia's influential intelligence chief, on July 31 in a meeting which was not announced in advance and has intrigued observers ever since.

"Concrete questions about military co-operation were not discussed," said Yury Ushakov, Mr Putin's top foreign policy aide, quoted by Russian news agencies.
"Putin did not discuss deals."

Saudi Arabia has been strongly supportive of the rebels battling the regime of President Bashar al-Assad. But Russia, to the fury of Riyadh and its Western allies, has refused to cut its cooperation with the Damascus regime.

Diplomats in the Middle East have said that Putin rejected a proposal from Prince Bandar for Moscow to abandon its support for Assad in exchange for a huge arms deal.

Bandar proposed that Saudi Arabia buy $15 billion (£10 billion) of weapons from Russia, diplomatic sources told AFP in Beirut earlier this week.

Ushakov gave few details on the content of the talks but said the two sides "made clear the positions which our countries have on the Syrian question".

"There was a shared concern about the situation which is being created in the region and the worrying tendencies that are being observed," said Ushakov.

"It was a very substantive conversation, and had a philosophical character," he added.
Prince Bandar, who was formerly ambassador to the United States, also serves as secretary general of Saudi Arabia's National Security Council.

Widely regarded as among the most influential powerbrokers in the entire Middle East, Prince Bandar is the son of the late crown prince Sultan bin Abdul Aziz, who died in 2011.

An Arab diplomat with contacts in Moscow said: "President Putin listened politely to his interlocutor and let him know that his country would not change its strategy."

Quite a humiliation for quite many... :tongue:

We neglected each other too much (especially Turkey). İn our quest to make relations and cooperation with the west better, we (turkey) totally neglected our backdoor neighbours.

Regardless of Turkey's growing influence in the ME, KSA enjoyed had a great relations with you before Erdogan days. But, I agree that Turkey is now working harder than ever to develop good relations with every state in the ME, there are reasons for such move, perhaps, the most notable one is due Turkey's heavy industrialization, and growing economy, not to mention the goodwill.

Regarding the West, I would encourage, recommend that Turkey shouldn't go after the EU anymore, their economies are shaking on daily basis, and Turkey won't be bothered much for paying more taxes for exported goods to the EU much.

Erdoğan laid great foundations to improve this. He made many visits to many Arab countries to improve relations and one of the most important things "he made the Arab peoples love him".

İ hope these relations continues in the future and that it will lead to bigger things.

I don't think Erdogan deserves too much of a credit on this all, maybe he tried to develop Turkey's relations with the Arab World on economic levels, and beyond. But hey, Erdogan tried to develop Turkey's relations with the Muslim world as well, which is great.

I think the Turkish people, regardless of their view about Arabs, are the ones who should be rewarded for their tireless efforts to develop their own country, KSA, and the UAE is taking the same path as well.
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Wait a second, what can you (Russia) give to us that USA/NATO/EU cannot or others in terms of military equipment or business?

Why should we join your club and become another member among the world's most failed states such as Iran, North Korea, Belarus, Syria (or rather the Child-Murderer and Pagan's family firm), Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and other such countries?

Are you joking or just drunk?

Just give me one reason.

EDIT: Oh, I have seen you lurking in the "Pictures of Saudi Arabia" thread and you always write in KSA or Arab threads and proposes some kind of unity.

Ok, fair enough. But that must be mutual and in order for us to leave our trade partners for you we need better deals. Which I really doubt would ever happen.

Hence it is not only about what Putin and his mafia thinks but what KSA thinks too.

Oh, and Russia does not have the best record in terms of Muslims. At least the Americans are not as bad. Another reason to prefer them.

Where I wrote that you should do something? I answered the man's question. Apparently answered satisfactorily, since he did not specify.
To join or not to join - your own business.
When Western Roman Empire fall - the country's revered for happiness to mend relations with Byzantium.
No need to be very smart to see the degradation of the United States. You still have to have some kind of relationship with Russia, after the U.S. withdraw from the scene. What kind relationship - your choice.

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