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KPK: School books to have Quranic verses against corruption

Terrible idea.
School textbooks should be free of any kind of religious material.
If they want to teach Quranic verses they should teach it in Islamiat or Ethics class.
What we see today is because of the same seeds sown by Zia 4 decades ago.
Things like this are the reason why I am vehemently against this bullcrap PTI-JI coalition.

I think verses doesn't fit in any other book than Islamic studies or max. civic studies.
I already imagine atheist parents would be telling their kids, practice honesty in public and accept the teaching of Islam in school, but when no one is looking, do what serves you best :)
It appears to be another poster child of a bunch of Pakistani politicians and another proof that PTI is also a chip of the old block! About 40 years ago, Ziaul Haq made the subject of Pakistan Studies and Islamiyat mandatory at all levels and for all kinds of education but nothing constructive was ever achieved. It hasn't made Pakistanis more nimazi or more patriotic, if that was the objective to be achieved. Islamic tenets and commands are the foundations of Pakistani nation, but just by teaching such principles to posterity without real action would create further wedge between the budding generation and our religion, especially when youngsters are already being nurtured by those beard mongering parents in KPK to pray but do everything else wordly. Lets face it, KPK's institutions are most corrupt in the country despite the fact that disproportionately high number of religious Madrassahs, as compared to rest of the country, exist in KPK; and more per capita Mullah's operate in that province. KPK is the the only province where hard core religious Mullah's are elected in high numbers; whereas such phenomenon is non-existent in Sindh and Punjab where its almost impossible for a Mullah to be elected to the parliament. Yet, bearded politicians hailing from KPK appear to be known in the national polity by their corruption tendencies e.g. Molana Diesel!

Pervez Khattak and Imran Khan's this decision is nothing more than a show-case battle cry that belies the ground realities, and is bound not to produce any results; they know it and everyone else knows it. Since the inception of Pakistan, halls of National Assembly and Senate are always studded with various Quranic verses but our parliamentarians have grown more corrupt and characterless, morally and financially, with the passage of time. Not a single Quranic verse that is permanently hanged on the parliament's walls are being even remotely followed. So, Mr. Khattak and Mr. Khan, please do something practical if you really are sincere in eradicating corruption from the province; don't just become another Zia ul Haq! Godspeed Pakistan!
This entire wall of text was not needed. There is no way you can compare this small step to any of Zia ul Haq's mistakes. You are completely mistaken if you think that abandoning Islam and letting the terrorists use it for their purposes alone is a good idea, and the majority of Pakistan would never agree with that.

The terrorists and sectarian political mullahs have an advantage, one single advantage: A religious narrative. Why shouldn't we take that advantage from them? What is so wrong in using religion as the positive force it's meant to be? 90% of Pakistan is religious, deal with it. It is a really, really flawed policy to let people twist that religion by just sitting there instead of countering their narrative with our own.

You want Mr. Khan and Mr. Khattak to do something practical? What indication is there that they haven't done anything practical? One move people like you deem 'impractical' does not mean everything else is impractical.

This is not meant to have any 'earth shattering results'. It's a simple, economic and basically symbolic move and no one is counting on it to eliminate corruption. You're behaving as if this is the only move they've ever made against corruption (it isn't).

There is a limit to religious conservatism but there is also a limit to secular opposition of religion.
Apparently the other material was not based on religious texts. I presume it was quotes from famous thinkers etc, but I'm not sure. If that was the case, giving the students something they relate to more (Islamic texts and quotes) is a good idea.

how bout some anti terrorism and pro peace verses ? I am sure pakistan needs that too.
Yes, that is very needed and very Islamic. (which is why I also suggested it)
Now that will be blasphemous...
No, it won't. Not in Islam at least. That is so funny, people are now saying Quranic verses are 'blasphemous' :lol: The Mullahs would love to learn Islam from you :lol:
Corruption will not stopped by any Quranic verses. I have personally seen people that pray five times a day lie under oath taken on Quran. People in their minds find loopholes to commit fraud and lie under oath. One guy went to Haj after committing fraud and lying under oath since after Haj all his sins will be washed away !!!
Apparently the other material was not based on religious texts. I presume it was quotes from famous thinkers etc, but I'm not sure. If that was the case, giving the students something they relate to more (Islamic texts and quotes) is a good idea.

Even if the material is not based on religious text ---- (which i don't think so is the case as material in books of Islamic studies are mostly based on religious texts not of thinkers) --- why KPK govt. have to replace such critical things required today? Going by the track record of IK and ally JI regarding talepigs, i have all the reasons to be suspicious on this move rather than giving thumbs up.

how bout some anti terrorism and pro peace verses ? I am sure pakistan needs that too.

If you have cared to read the news instead of just posting usual rants, you would knew that these were already incorporated, Infect the thing worrying me is that KPK govt. is going to replace those.
which i don't think so is the case as material in books of Islamic studies are mostly based on religious texts not of thinkers
It wasn't just Islamic studies books.
why KPK govt. have to replace such critical things required today?
Because they are shifting towards countering the religious narrative using religion itself, which is a very good thing.
Going by the track record of IK and ally JI regarding talepigs, i have all the reasons to be suspicious on this move rather than giving thumbs up.
Your suspicions are misguided - as long as they're writing quotes from Islamic texts and not twisting them to give them wrong meanings, nothing can go wrong. Besides, the media would go batshit if anything wrong was put on the books, and PTI knows better than to give its ever-vocal opposition any ammo.
Infect the thing worrying me is that KPK govt. is going to replace those.
You are misunderstanding the article, they're not going to remove anti-extremism content: They're going to replace previous content that they believe is less effective with religious content, which I agree is better because the narrative we are countering is religious and thus it should be countered with religion itself.
Also teach them the non-religious morality that can be applied to corruption.
Yes, that exists too. Teach them the socio-economic impacts, their legality, occurrence and history.
I'm not usually for using religious texts by schools on issues like this, I reckon teachings on religion and other subjects should be strictly separate.

Mixing and combining them is the corruption of said subjects themselves. For example, mixing science and religion, arguing the two as if they cannot exist. Teaching religion in it's purest form alongside applied world politics, it's a corruption of said subjects. And it is very difficult to manage, even with the best of intents, if I were to teach a class of children about my religion and it's place in the world and politics, I would not be able to stop myself from corrupting one or the other or both for no good reason.

Corruption will not stopped by any Quranic verses. I have personally seen people that pray five times a day lie under oath taken on Quran. People in their minds find loopholes to commit fraud and lie under oath. One guy went to Haj after committing fraud and lying under oath since after Haj all his sins will be washed away !!!

This is a normal occurrence. Hypocrites and fraudulent Muslims are everywhere, even if they are not aware of it.
Excellent idea, I have always been of the view that our Islamiat course are no education at all. It misses out all the good teachings of Quran.
The other chapter will be how to sleep with 1000 woman's n still have HIV free by the great imran khan:) on a serious note Plz be sure to provide the real statistics by every provinces kpk since last 10 years will be on top of the corruption list:toast_sign::p:
Yara life mast jee hay us nay
It wasn't just Islamic studies books.

Because they are shifting towards countering the religious narrative using religion itself, which is a very good thing.

Your suspicions are misguided - as long as they're writing quotes from Islamic texts and not twisting them to give them wrong meanings, nothing can go wrong. Besides, the media would go batshit if anything wrong was put on the books, and PTI knows better than to give its ever-vocal opposition any ammo.

You are misunderstanding the article, they're not going to remove anti-extremism content: They're going to replace previous content that they believe is less effective with religious content, which I agree is better because the narrative we are countering is religious and thus it should be countered with religion itself.

Article is clearly saying that it will replace the exiting material against militancy, and material calling for unity of Muslims can not be replacement of material against militancy. I don't know current situation but education department was given to JI in KPK who are always been apologists of terrorists and radicals - IK until recently was also use to sing tune of peace with terrorists, i am not sure he has realized his mistake or it's bamboo of Gen. Raheel & Public that he has made temporary adjustment in his stance - And it's quite amusing that forking NAB who is either giving clean chits to politicians or delaying the cases is giving consultation over anti-corruption. I will take your stories with pinch of salt unless you give me details of what actually they have replaced and what they have placed.
This is very good. Very good move by KPK government :tup:. They should also add some of the anti-terrorism verses, i.e non-violence, coexistence and unity. There's plenty of them.

This is a step towards disassociating religion from criminals and terrorists and using it as the positive force it is supposed to be.

This part about unity would also lead to effective destruction of the extremist narratives. Unity does not equal uniformity and Islam allows for difference of opinion on most things. If this concept is taught to schoolchildren, we will have a generation immune to Mullah nonsense In sha Allah.
In our School (Tameer-e-Nau Public School, Quetta), there were Quarnic verses (with Urdu translation) and couplets from Allama Iqbal displayed in the lobbies and the class rooms. Sub-consciously we learned a great deal about the importance of cleanliness, always speaking the truth, respecting elders and be kind to youngsters etc. I think there should be huge billboards in the public places that talk about the social ills (corruption, theft, terrorism etc) in the light of Islam.
Thats a nice move. They should include the ones against violence too, and ideally make Arabic mandatory to learn.

From the constitution of Pakistan

Part II: Fundamental Rights and Principles of Policy

Chapter 2: Principles of Policy

31: Islamic way of life.
(1) Steps shall be taken to enable the Muslims of Pakistan, individually and collectively, to order their lives in accordance with the fundamental principles and basic concepts of Islam and to provide facilities whereby they may be enabled to understand the meaning of life according to the Holy Quran and Sunnah.

(2) The state shall endeavour, as respects the Muslims of Pakistan :-
(a) to make the teaching of the Holy Quran and Islamiat compulsory, to encourage and facilitate the learning of Arabic language and to secure correct and exact printing and publishing of the Holy Quran;
(b) to promote unity and the observance of the Islamic moral standards; and
(c) to secure the proper organisation of zakat, [ushr, ] auqaf and mosques.

Stupid journo at his best, these were pro militancy material added into book by previous govt which is going to be removed and replaced with pro peace material now.

how bout some anti terrorism and pro peace verses ? I am sure pakistan needs that too.

Read it again, its mentioned in the article that pro peace and anti extremism material will be added in the books. Not only that, the Quranic verses to improve unity among Muslims will also be included, hence less sectarian BS.

Article is clearly saying that it will replace the exiting material against militancy, and material calling for unity of Muslims can not be replacement of material against militancy. I don't know current situation but education department was given to JI in KPK who are always been apologists of terrorists and radicals - IK until recently was also use to sing tune of peace with terrorists, i am not sure he has realized his mistake or it's bamboo of Gen. Raheel & Public that he has made temporary adjustment in his stance - And it's quite amusing that forking NAB who is either giving clean chits to politicians or delaying the cases is giving consultation over anti-corruption. I will take your stories with pinch of salt unless you give me details of what actually they have replaced and what they have placed.

Education Ministry is with PTI, not JI, it never was given to JI despite their valiant efforts. They have local bodies and finance ministry. Education Ministry in KPK is with PTI from day one.

PS: Given the religious background of majority of KPK people and their attachment towards religion, it is a brilliant move. We are using our most sacred book for noble cause, what is harm in it?
I think verses doesn't fit in any other book than Islamic studies or max. civic studies.
I already imagine atheist parents would be telling their kids, practice honesty in public and accept the teaching of Islam in school, but when no one is looking, do what serves you best :)
You have all the makings of someone who will blow others up.

Being Atheist does not mean being immoral. Thats Islamist logic for you.

I got my username changed. Use my new username if you want to tagg me in any of your post.

My previous username was razahassan1997
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